Showing posts with label Beatings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beatings. Show all posts

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Fuck You Big Daddy Google

Recently, Google decided what was best for us and enabled some weird fucking word verification that no one can fucking read without even as much as a would  ya'?

I know it pissed me off and I went and checked their questions about it page and it is obvious  most every one there is of the same opinion.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it, yet again.
Head, desk, repeat.

Apparently it is their solution to curbing spammers.

What I do know from personal experience, is that it frustrates the living shit out of someone like me who has marginal eyesight.


Jesus H Fucking Christ.

I know for a fact that I am not the only one.

The end result being that after someone takes the time and effort to leave a comment, even if it is only to tell me to go fuck myself, and gets frustrated with the comment publishing process, they will just say fuck it and NOT SAY ANYTHING!

SOOOOOO, I have two choices here at my own little rant hole, I can either allow spammers free reign and have to go in and manually delete their verbal diarrhea,or, turn off the fucking word verification, which I just did, you are welcome.

For the love of all that is Holy, please, tell me that shit is gone in the now wide open comment section.

Oh, and GOOGLE?

Get your heads out of your collective asses and fix that shit yesterday.

Back to the drawing board boys and girls.

Friday, February 03, 2012

The Definition Of A Complete Dumb Fuck

Some body needs a good clubbing with a large piece of anchor chain.

The marine mechanic was reportedly working on an anchor aboard the 52ft Nilaya in Auckland harbour, when the yacht hurriedly cast off as immigration officials tried to serve deportation papers on the skipper, Jarle Andhoy, 34.
Mr Andhoy and three crew members have embarked on an unpermitted voyage to Antarctica's Ross Sea, in defiance of both the Norwegian and New Zealand governments.
A previous trip he made to Antarctica almost a year ago ended in disaster when his yacht Berserk sank in a fierce storm and three men died.

It gets better too,

Mr Andhoy told the Norwegian public broadcasting service NRK that the presence on board of the unnamed New Zealander was not part of his plan, but was the result of "a hectic departure" from Auckland last week.


The best part,

The broadcaster reported him as saying that the Nilaya was not carrying a locator beacon so it would not put rescue services at risk.

Where to start with this story.

Let me begin with the fact that a fifty two foot boat is a child's toy when you are talking about where this fucking clown is talking about going.
Fer fucks sake, really?

You couldn't put enough provisions on a little fucking boat like that to last a month, I have been on one.
Another little fact, where they are headed sees some of the worst weather and ocean conditions you can imagine.

Three days out on a fifty one foot fishing boat had us in swells that dwarfed the cockpit and we were riding up and down waves so steep the prop was coming out of the water and running the engine up against its' red line.
Thankfully it was a little diesel so it had  a governor to keep it from blowing up.
Two days of that, tacking diagonally across the back of the waves to  get back to port and this guy is headed directly into that.

This guy is a fucking idiot.

A proven fucking idiot.
Let me repeat,

A previous trip he made to Antarctica almost a year ago ended in disaster when his yacht Berserk sank in a fierce storm and three men died.

Personally, I would be desperately looking for a flare gun and listening for chopper blades.
That and a cast iron skillet to smack that fucking moron in the head with.

When it comes to life and death and you have a complete fucking idiot in charge, mutiny is the order of the day.

Aye matey.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

This Is Why You Can't Have A Fucking Job

AP)  PANAMA CITY, Panama — A company expanding the Panama Canal has settled a strike by 6,000 workers that had paralyzed work for six days.

The multinational consortium Grupo Unidos por el Canal says in a news release that the workers have agreed to a 13 percent wage increase and will return to work on Monday.

Union representative Saul Mendez says workers are not completely happy with the deal raising hourly pay to about $3.34 an hour, but still made important advances. The workers had been seeking a pay raise to as much as $10 an hour.

The company already had agreed to meet worker demands to cover delayed overtime and weekend pay. It blamed bookkeeping errors for the delay.

What this article doesn't mention, is that this project is a FIVE POINT TWO BILLION Dollar project, that will divert shipping from West Coast ports like L.A. and these fucking scumbags were paying some workers as little as two fucking fifty an hour for serious labor and had not even bothered to do that because of "book keeping errors".

Yeah, right.

This project would cost fifty times as much if they had to pay a living wage in this country,
which is why they pay these busting ass  men and women shit wages, because they can and they do.

How much you want to bet the safety and well being of these hard working people is least and last on their agenda?

It is to laugh and cry real tears that this bullshit is allowed to happen.

I am still thankful and have days when I hate getting up to a job that I am daily learning about and there is no doubt I am going to die broke but at least I make enough of a wage that I don't have to eat
rice and beans and every little varmint pieces I can get my hands on.

People in this country have been programmed by the oh, so, compliant media to distrust unions.

It goes against the old saying ,"strength in numbers"

So, take heart my fellow wage slaves, at least we don't have to worry about contracting Malaria for three fucking bucks an hour.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

32 Screws

I shit you not, I found 32 motherfucking screws trying to get my heater core out and they were all under the hood.

The best part is, after I spent two fucking hours finding all those hidden sonsabitches, the fucking lid still wouldn't come off the heater core.

At least the fucking thing wasn't under the dash.

It was under the hood and I now have thirty two new reasons to kill every fucking automobile engineer on this planet.

Out of those 32 fucking screws that were hidden all over on a piece of plastic the size of a large pizza pan, there were ten fucking different sockets involved,.

Want to see just how much I want to eat the gizzard out of said asshole engineers?

Half were metric and the other half were a combination of what the fuck standard sockets.

Now, the best part.

While I was finding and cursing and taking out these screws, I was gently prying on said plastic part, that's how I kept finding these fucking screws.
After careful observation that there were no more screws, the fucking still wouldn't come loose with gentle persuation.

Oh, fuck, no.
The fucker came out in little pieces because the glue they used must be some awesome shit.

Now it is going to be back to a wrecking yard to the tune of a couple hundred bucks because they won't want to sell me just the lid that wouldn't come off.
Oh, fuck no.

This damn thing had A/C and they are going to want serious money for the whole heater/ A/C box and I will be lucky to find one.

Ahh well, shit happens.

I still have to yank the radiator , the fan and the crank pulley to fuck with that seal yet also.

Not bitching, just, wait, yes, I am bitching, you stupid fucking idiots that used 32 fucking screws with different head sizes and the same diameter thread size to hold down a piece of plastic that weighs five fucking ounces.

Hidden under shit I had to take off to find yet another useless fucking screw.

Y'all just line up over here and bend over so I can take three steps and kick you right in the nuts, until yer lips turn blue.

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Ready, Fire, Aim.

Holy shit, Dick Morris really is a Dick and not the good kind.

I can't believe what I just saw over at Crooks and Liars about that low life sonovabitch .

He is talking about THE FOURTH woman to point the finger at Presidential hopeful Herman Cain for inappropriate sexual advances/ harassment.

You tell me if this guy shouldn't be long fucking gone from any public media exposure;
"Gloria Allred is in search of headlines and this woman is in search of money," Morris opined. "This woman has been unemployed for 13 years and this is apparently pay day. She's not accusing him of harassment, she accusing him of assault. He should go to jail if he did that."

"Certainly if it was true, it would be inappropriate," Hannity admitted.

"I look forward to her spread in Playboy,"
Morris declared while chuckling.

"Do you think this is really about money?" Hannity asked.

"Yeah, sure it is," Morris explained. "She's been unemployed for 13 years. She's been sued a million times. Of course, it's about money. ... I mean, come on. Anybody who knows Herman Cain, anybody who knows anything about Herman Cain, knows that this is not the kind of conduct -- his religious convictions, his persona, his style. And also, if he was to do this, do you think the other women would be accusing him of inappropriate jokes or of inappropriate gestures? If his M.O. is he damn near raped somebody, they would say that."

"Yeah, rape is a harsh term," Hannity noted. "I didn't take that out of what she said. I think that he made very inappropriate advances."

"I don't think he did," Morris disagreed. "The only advance she wants is a cash advance."

My bold.

What a fucking asshole and that fucking Hannity is just as bad for not slamming that fucking jerk.

Looks like if that is what she is after, she just might go after that fucking prick for defamation.


I would just go down to an on ramp and beg for money with a sign that said, I need money for a plane ticket so I can go punch Dick Morris in the fucking face.

I would imagine first class wouldn't be out of the question, both ways.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Check Yer Six

As in look behind you.
B of A 's decision to transfer fifty five TRILLION dollars of toxic debt from it's Merrill Lynch division to it's own depositors to dodge millions in collateral is stinking up Wall Street.

At issue is BofA’s decision to shift what sources say is some $55 trillion in derivatives at Merrill Lynch to the retail bank unit, which houses trillions in deposits insured by the FDIC.
Critics say the move potentially imperils everyday depositors by placing their money and savings at risk should BofA run into trouble.
Sources say that the derivative transfers from Merrill to BofA’s bank subsidiary were sparked by credit-rating downgrades to the bank holding company and are meant to help BofA avoid having to fork over more money to post as collateral to its derivative counterparties.

Start sharpening those pitch forks.
Ya knew they were going to try and fuck us again.
Too big to fail my ass, they need to be in fucking jail.
Seriously, when is our government going to do it's fucking job?


Monday, October 10, 2011

Attention FaceBook Users.

Get the FUCK off my lawn, RIGHT THE FUCK NOW!!!

Jesus H. Fucking Christ!

OK, you people that I have never met that keep "Answering Questions" about me,

Fuck off and die.

Seriously, it is clogging up my Email and pissing me the fuck off.

I don't know you, you have never sucked my dick that I know of and I wouldn't admit it if I met ya.

Piss off.

This Facebook thing is completely out of control now and I think it just might go the way of my last meal, swirling around the bowl.

What the fuck is Farmville and why should I give a rats ass?

Quit fucking around and get a fucking life, leave me the fuck alone.


Problem solved.
This is the second time I deleted these sonsabitches and I see they made it a bit more difficult.

I will add you to the list of cocksuckers I won't acknowledge in public.

Old Habits Die Hard

Heh, I had to laugh.

Ten years ago I had a house that was built in the twenties and the only fucking bathroom in the joint was at the top of the stairs on the second floor.

The place had a wood fence and I would get lazy and take a piss off the back porch to save time and energy.

The G/F at the time used to throw fits about it buck fuck it, that is why God blessed me with outdoor plumbing.

Well now, the Wife and my Mother are both going have complete conniption fits but I have been miraculously been blessed with the same situation while neither one of them are here.

I was just in the kitchen trying to figure out what to make so my stomach quits growling like a tigers after a few missed hunts when I spotted their two dogs and put two and two together.

The dogs go out back to do their business, it is all fenced in, why not?

Yeah yeah, I know I am a crude sonofabitch but who the fuck will know, until I Blog
about it?

Now ya do and my bacon is cooking.
It ain't like I do it every day fer Chrissakes.

Oh,I need to wash my hands now because I will be handling food, an old habit from when I was a fry cook right out of High School.

Many, many, years ago.

Short order cook actually.


See ya's.

Saturday, October 01, 2011

And So It Begins

You know, that marriage thing.

It's been over a month now and we are having our first real disagreement.
Right off the bat, let me tell you she is absolutely right.

That, however, does not deter me

I can be a stubborn sonofabitch.

As you who stop by already know, I have been putting serious miles on my old Ford F-150, about 1500 miles a month the past few months and the damn thing only gets 15 miles a gallon.
I have a great friend who occasionally goes to car auctions and gets vehicles pretty damn reasonable so I told him I wanted some little beater with a four banger and a five speed so I wasn't getting killed on gas.

Months go by and lo and behold he calls me yesterday and tells me he has a 1990 ford Ranger that qualifies.
It ain't pretty, one door has a big dent in it and he has an early 80;s El Camino too.

Both are painted flat black primer.
I drove the Ford and it has some issues but it is a runner.

Me and him go back a long ways and cash usually isn't an issue, shit, I owed him eighty bucks for seven months and never heard a word.
I had a riding mower given to me, I gave him that and a Moped and all is good.

Anyways, we are at the folks today, helping them pack up and move a bunch of stuff into the garage before they leave and we move in and my Pal shows up with the El Camino.

It ain't real pretty but it runs good and it ain't completely beat to shit.

Disclaimer, I have been a Ford guy for many years now but I have also owned two El Camino's back in the day and loved both of 'em. A 71 and a 67, the 67 was my favorite but it had a straight six and three on the tree, something a kid under forty wouldn't have a fucking clue how to drive.

Anaway's, again, back to the current dilema, I want that Chevy now, after bitching about fuel mileage for months.
My commute is only ten fucking minutes now but the wife is throwing a fit about the gas mileage on it.

Yes, it has a four barrel carb, I made sure of that on the test drive down a residential street before I even opened the hood.

It also has a hard top over the bed and a built in water leak better known as a Sun Roof.

There are a bunch of wires hanging under the dash and no stereo but I was an automotive electrical specialist for ten years and that doesn't phase me.

My pal Steve will throw in a radio, I will trade him the old F-150 and we will make a deal.

Unfortunately, the wife seems to think this is a bad idea and she is just as fucking stubborn as I am, if not worse.

I might not get any nookie for a while but I am going to get that El Camino.

A guy has to do what he has to do.
I am keeping The Beast, my 67 Ford Highboy 4 wheel drive.
It's ugly too, paint doesn't make something like that run better or get better mileage.
9 MPG, uphill, downhill, loaded or empty, I keep it around for the nasty winters we get around here.

Do ya know anyone with too much money and not enough sense?
I have a 1964 Austin Healey Sprite for sale now. Apparently I am currently limited to two toys at this time.

2 door convertible 1275 engine bored out .040 over with less than 2000 miles , rebuilt trans, all steel tilt front end, not stock, as a matter of fact, I can think of only one bolt that I haven't taken off this car.

No interior, has a roll bar and is turn key.

She is going to pitch a fit but there is a reason I call myself the Ornery Bastard.

Any prayers for my continued safety would be greatly appreciated.

I can see sleeping with one eye open for a while is in my future.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011

Stay Outta Kickin' Distance If Ya Know What's Good For Ya.

It's been two fucking days since I had a cigarette and two fucking days since I had any alchohol.

Get just a little closer, I dare ya....

Christ I had forgotten how bad it was to quit smoking.

Drinkin' ain't that bad but the smokes,


I laid around yesterday going through withdrawals, looking at that pack of smokes sitting on the night stand.

I swear I never looked at Farah Fawcett with such longing, I would have kicked Cindy Crawford out of bed and onto her ass if she had blocked my view.

Today, of course, is worse yet.

I was working on a buddies truck and I always had a butt hanging out of my mouth when I was wrenching on my own time, AND a cold beer within reach.

I have been wanting to quit for a while but between the cheapest smokes and the cheapest beer I could find it was 13 bucks for one six pack and a pack of nasty tasting smokes so I bit the bullet.

All I can tell you is a mother moose with PMS would come out limping right now.
I have zero sense of humor.

Temporary Reprieve Update;

The Wife called me worried that I was suffering unduly and told me to go have a smoke, so I did.
It's amazing how the sky went from blood red to sunny so fast.

Be warned, I give it an hour and I am going to be like this again;

H/T to Carolyn in comments.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Nanny Remembers You.

I ain't talking about that lousy gift you gave her on her last birthday, either.

Wanna go out and tear some shit up in Brittain?

How about burning a bunch of stuff while yer at it?

Police use facial recognition technology to nab rioters .

Don't think for a minute that isn't being used here, either.

It's just one more way we have been ass fucked by the Patriot Act.

Get a load of this,
Chief Constable Andy Trotter, who is helping London police in the wake of the riots, said the department's sophisticated software was being used to help find those suspected of being involved in the worst unrest London has seen in a generation.

But he cautioned that facial recognition makes up only a fraction of the police force's efforts, saying tips have mostly come from traditional sources, such as still images captured from closed circuit cameras, pictures gathered by officers, footage shot by police helicopters or images snapped by members of the public.

"There's a mass of evidence out there," Trotter said in a telephone interview. "The public are so enraged that people who wouldn't normally come forward are helping us — especially when they see their neighbors are coming back with brand new TVs."

Now, go back and reread that.

Remember, this is England, the Crown Prince of the Surveillance States.

You can't wear a hat in a bar, they replaced all the glasses in bars with plastic, you can't own a gun without an extremely byzantine reason, like hunting for rabbits, and you had better have a rabbit problem too.
You can't have a knife, etc., etc,.

The number one seller on Amazon over there has been Aluminum Bats.

No fucking shit, sales are up 6,000 percent. I am surprised that Ye Olde Slings and Arrows aren't far behind.

Now, we all know the shit our country has been pulling, they can track your location by your cell phone, and do.

The all of a sudden legal hijinks that violate our Fourth Amendment rights has lost count.

They are after the First one and several more are now completely defunct, ask a cop, he will tell ya to your face, you have no rights.
Habeus Corpus, Miranda warnings, you name it serf, you have NO fucking rights.

Witness for yourself in case you have been living under a rock since 1967,

Wasn't that pleasant?
If you watch the TV show Cops, you ain't seen nothing yet.

I know, I am kind of veering off the origins of this post, but then again, I'm not.
The violence happening in London is coming here, mark my fucking words.
The difference is going to be that the violence and blood letting that happens here is going to be Biblical in it's proportions compared to this little Picaddilly in England.

Stay away from it at all costs.

They have surveillance cameras the size of a pin head these days and they are every where.
They will use the same technology to hunt you down and disappear your ass.

Been into a bank lately?
The government can find you.

I am not saying this country doesn't need a revolution, it does on a serious scale.
What I am saying is if you think you can just go ape shit wild and still sleep at night, those days are over.

Monday, October 25, 2010

A Twelve Year Old Tells Me To Shut Up?


Two fucking days I have been warning this kid.
I had to work Nasty Girls kid over finally.
A smart mouthed twelve year old just got a lesson in respect.
Two days he has been running his mouth and I kept telling him it was coming.
Telling me to shut up and when his mother would tell him to do something, that petulant little NO would be his answer.
Bided my time until the little shit mouthed off once too often after I told him to do what his mother said and waited until he went in the kitchen where he couldn't escape after a killer spaghetti dinner. My baseball cap got a pretty good work out and the noogie was for dessert.

He is currently sulking in his room,doing what his mother told him to do, for once, without running his fucking mouth. For a twelve year old, this kid is pretty good sized. I only out weigh the little shit by twenty five pounds and his feet are bigger than mine. I wear a size ten boot, too.

A little respect goes a long ways, even if you have to instill a little fear in them to do it.
I suspect I won't have any more problems for a while and if I do, It's called escalation.
I can do that.

Surprise, surprise, we can have a conversation now.
Talking to him about school work and such.

The sulking is still under the surface but I ain't hearing any smart mouth.
I talk to him in an understanding tone of voice and we can discuss things with out smart mouth.

It's a work in progress. He doesn't really have a daddy in his life so I can understand where the little dude is coming from, I am interfering in his life but take my word for it, I am not a vicious , mean bastard, I  just am trying to teach the little guy some respect.

I can be patient.

He is actually a pretty good kid, he just needs some boundaries and I can certainly do that for the little guy.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Someone Is Watching

Got a call from my little girl, what is she, 19?
Wants me to drive thirty miles to go look at a car she wants, on a dealer lot. 4200 hundred bucks for this POS.

Can you say NOT!!!?
I finally agreed, told her she ain't buying this fucking car and the guilt trip started.
Hey, I don't need the guilt, I will go look at the sonofabitch, I used to make a decent living picking apart used cars when I worked at a dealership.

Praise be, she called me right as I went to put gas in the truck to go over there.
Someone was going to be late and she had to stay over to cover for them.
I just went through this shit for my niece and my buddy came through for us and found her a nice damn little Plymouth with good paint, good tires, his partner did a head gasket job on it and fixed some stuff like a broken tail light and some other minor shit, took it through emsissions and fixed something else, all for 700 fucking dollars.

Let's do the math.
4200 bucks for a Ford Focus that she " has" to have, or 700 bucks for a decent runner.

Someone needs a dose of reality here AND a good beating., it looks like I am going to be busy.
Damn, I am getting too old to hold them down anymore.
Fucking kids.
I'm calling in the heavy guns, her mother.
I ain't stupid.