Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Monday, June 27, 2011

Blagojevich Slated For River Tour

As in going up the river.

Blago just got butt slammed and convicted of 17 out twenty corruption charges.
He is going away for the foreseeable future, as in ten to twenty, at least.


Skeevy motherfucker.

A federal jury today convicted former Gov. Rod Blagojevich on 17 of 20 counts, finding he brazenly abused the powers of his office in a series of attempted shakedowns captured on undercover government recordings.

This marks the second time in less than a year that the 54-year-old Blagojevich, the only Illinois chief executive ever impeached and ousted from office, had been convicted of a crime. The jury at his first trial last summer found him guilty of lying to theFBI, though that panel deadlocked on all the other counts. That impasse set the stage for a retrial.
This time the verdict was unequivocal, with the jury of 11 women and one man finding Blagojevich guilty on 17 criminal counts he faced, including charges of wire fraud, attempted extortion, bribery and conspiracy. The marquee charge in the case involved an attempt by Blagojevich in late 2008 to cash in on his power to name a replacement in theU.S. Senate for newly electedPresident Barack Obama.

Testifying in his own defense, Blagojevich claimed prosecutors had twisted his words recorded on secret government wiretaps and insisted he was guilty of nothing more than thinking out loud. What’s more, Blagojevich’s lawyers emphasized, none of the illegal plots he was accused of hatching ever came to fruition.

Yeah, that's it, just thinking out loud and Look!, Nothing happened!

Fucking scumbag.

We all know  most politicians are fucking weasel scumbags who would sell their own mother into slavery to hold on to power but this fucknut was a big time Democrat who thought he had a tiger by the tail and could get away with anything he wanted.

Let this be an example for you back room dealing fuckers.

I would have liked to have seen a raft of charges  drawn up against a whole bunch of other skeevy fuckers that were involved with this but apparently they are content with Blagojevich.

Another thing I would like to see is Blago being thrown in with the general population down in Joliette instead of the relative safety and comfort that they seem to reserve for white collar and political inmates.

Either way, he is all done now.

Who's next?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Taking A Break

I'm at Nasty Girls, watching movies.

I have been kind of keeping an eye on the shit storm going on in the Middle East but not real close.

That is some fucked up shit and that nasty little trick of shutting off the internet pissed off a whole lot of people who had nothing to do with the protests.

Smooth move, fuck heads, now ya pissed off everyone.

Pay attention to what is going on over there and remember, they don't even have a Second Amendment. Of course, they don't really need it.
They can buy everything from an AK 47 to a fucking rocket launcher if they have the dough.

Entire governments are getting their asses handed to them.
It is not without blood shed and violence but it is not anything near what it could be.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Rat Bastard Ruled Ineligible To Run


This made my fucking day!

That skeezeball Rahm Emmanuel has been found to be ineligible to run for Mayor of Chicago because he hasn't lived there for at least a year.,


Fucking bastard.

The people of Chicago have one less crooked politician to choose from.

Hey Rahm?

Fuck you very much, from a member of the Professional Left.


Monday, November 01, 2010

Brace For Impact

Tomorrow is the big day when people go vote in the Mid terms for Congress and the House of Representatives.

I have been staying away from politics for quite a while now because I got burned out on it.

After tomorrow the political landscape could change dramatically.

The Party Of No claims they are going to take over the House and then the REAL obstructionism is going to start when they get sworn in.
They plan on trying to Impeach Obama, repeal the healthcare bill and completely tie up the peoples business with endless investigations, all the while wanting yet more tax cuts for the rich and Fuck You if you make less than a million a year.

If Bohener actually gets to be Speaker, all Hell is going to break loose.

If we wind up with Whack Jobs like Sharon Anglle and Christine O'Donnell in office, it is going to go down hill fast.

If the Dems wind up retaining the Majority, it is STILL going to go down hill fast.

My point?

It is going to continue to decline no matter what.

The Economy is still trying to find bottom while those treacherous mother fucking Banksters and Lobbyists keep trying to find ways to squeeze the last nickel out of our pockets, no matter who is in charge.

There isn't Jack Shit for anything I feel the need to run home and fill out a ballot for.

I was supposed to drive home from the Girl Freinds today but slept all damn day and it was getting dark when I finally got up.

I have been here since a week ago Friday.

I am hitting the road tomorrow and I WILL NOT turn on the radio to listen to this political Kabuki while I am driving, there might be some road rage involved if I did.

Nope, I am going to wait until all the results are in in a day or so and then figure out what my game plan is going to be.

Most likely just doing what I have been like nothing happened.

Neither party has done Jack Shit for the working man or woman and quite a few of us have been watching them for years.

We have simply come to the conclusion that we have to take care of our selves and our loved ones with what we have.

We watch and we wait.

Take my word for it, it isn't going to get better any time soon so watch your six and try and look ahead as much as possible for your own well being.

They don't give a shit about you and they are lying through their teeth when they say they do.

Remember that.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Here It Is.

Harry Reid is a fucking pussy.

There, I said it, again.

Sharron Angle is a fucking whack job.

Take yer pick.

This is  a perfect example of what We, The People, are supposed to decide about who of these two fucking idiots is going to represent, We, The People, if we even decide to fucking vote.

Pick a state.

Whack jobs or fucking corporate pussies.

Rich mother fuckers trying to buy the vote, or rich mother fuckers trying to buy the vote.

Can you say Diebold?

The single most corrupt cock sucking way that  our, We, The Peoples, votes have  ever been cleverly stolen.

I saw somewhere today that some lady's vote was cast for a fucking Democrat before she even cast it.
I am not even going to bother to find the link.
BradBlog is all over this shit.

Why fucking bother?

Either fucking way, We, The People, lose.

Suck. My. Dick.

They are used to gargling corporate dick, why not mine?

Because I don't have a few million bucks to throw at these corporate whores?

Damn right. We are all too fucking aware of  this fact.

We all know that if I had millions or billions to throw at the   narcisstic fucking whore who was running for official office, I could out right buy that certain sonofabitch a nice, cushy seat, in what ever office I wanted to  see that certain cock sucker to sit in?

While soon after  they signed checks to some other grifter mother fucker that was on my pay roll worth even more billions?

Who the hell wouldn't drop a check worth what ever the fuck it takes?

Welcome to America.

Would you like to donate one dollar of your hard earned money to donate to the Presidential Election Fund?

Yeah, right.

There are more , certifiable, crazy mother fuckers running for public office in this election season than even I can point a stick at.

One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest ,run amok.

At his point, I would vote for Nurse Ratchet.

Fuck 'em all, Democrat or Republican, Libertarian, Green Party, what have ya.
Once they are in office, the graft starts kicking in.
Us little peons are fucked from the get go.

I could give a rat's ass who the fuck get's voted in, it will be the same 'old same old.

We The People, are going to get bent over untill our asses bleed, again.

I, for one, am tired of being a bitch for these rich cock suckers.

I ain't dropping the soap in the shower again.

Have a nice day and don't bother telling me I can't bitch if I don't vote .

I am going to bitch untill they either shut me down or I fall down dead.

I have been voting since 1978 and this is what I get?

Go fuck yerself.

Better yet,

Go fuck each other, I am tired of this sick fucking three way.
I am tired of the jizz dripping out of my ass come  every other November.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Circus is in Town, Every Where, America.

Jesus fucking Christ am I glad I don't own a television anymore.

Every where I look , all I see are stupid people who should be wearing size seventeen shoes and have round red noses.
Fucking clowns running for elected office that can't even spell, Elected Office.
On one hand, we have this silly little dolt named Christine O'Donnell who's claim to fame is that she is not a witch.
If this was the Gong Show she would be out on her little ass looking to find bus fair.

She claims she has that douchebag Hannity "in her back pocket" so she can do battle with the fuck wads in her own party, has no fucking clue what the first amendment is about and steals money from the  donations for her campaign to pay for pizza deliveries. I have to agree with my buddy Gordon on this one.

Then we have the ,Oh , So Lovable Meg Whitman, who has so far spent over a Hundred and Fifty Million Dollars, of her own personal money, to run for the position of Governer of Kalifornia.
 That pays what, 200 grand a year? Just a guess.
Some return on your investment there honey.
That poor undocumented maid she was paying 23 bucks an hour should have went on strike for better wages

Something stinks like a barge full of dead cat fish there.

Then we have little Miss Carly Fiorino, who has raised 5.9 MILLION dollars, to run against Senator Barbara Boxer, again, in Kalifornia, for a job that pays $110,00 dollars a year, plus 138.00 dollars a day PER DIEM FOR EVERY DAY THEY ARE IN SESSION.

Now explain to me how 5 million goes into a hundred grand.
, OK, 6 million into a hundred and twenty five grand, my math ain't so good.

Either way, you should get my point.

The GOP and the Dumbocrats are both spending millions of fucking dollars for a job that pays one tenth of what they are spending on advertising to win.

What are we missing here folks?

Contracts, kick backs. That's what

Pay as you play.

California has one of the top ten largest economies in the entire fucking world.
Top Ten.
A hundred grand won't even get you a cheap seat in that economy.
That shit is just gravy.
Remember, Meg has ALREADY spent a hundred and fifty mother fucking MILLION dollars of her OWN money, trying to buy this election.

Ya wonder why us peons don't see the need to vote for any of these people?
Some are bat shit fucking crazy, I need not go any farther down this vein, others are so outright fucking power hungry and greedy, they are spending more than fifteen years worth of potential wages in one election season, just to get their hands on the levers of power.
Those levers must be some powerful mother fuckers is all I can say.
Might I add, none of the above give a rat fucking shit about you.
It's all about the power and they would kick you in the ribs if you had the audacity to fall over from starvation right in front of them while on their way to a corporate  fund raiser.

Better yet, they would have some hired goon do it for them. hey, those shoes are expensive, don't ya know.

Think about it, 5.9 million fucking dollars in advertising to get a job that pays a hundred grand a year.

Like I said, barge load of dead cat fish, something stinks to high heaven.
That's our political process these days.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Let The Beatings Commence

Welcome to the Mid terms .

Vote out every mother fucking incumbent you can, down to the dog catcher.

Three is two, two is one and one is none.
That would be our political choices these days.

Hasta La Vista you rotten mother fuckers.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Pound It Again

Fuckin' A. I'd like to have a beer with this guy.

Damn good analysis of the current fuckery.

Of course, you do know, it's all fuckery.

Even my cat gives me the brown eye when I go all politics, bitch.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

So, What The Fuck?

Everybody is bitching about Obama and that little fuck Rahm Emanuel being from Chicago.

Chicago politics, I keep hearing.
Kiss my ass.
Pussy motherfuckers are Kowtowing to the monied interests of the right wing every time I turn around, follow the fucking money.

Jesus Fucking Christ, Newt Gingrich?
Give me a fucking break, Shut.The.Fuck.Up.


"Scuze me while I go puke.
What else do they have, Inhofe?
There are less than fifty fucked up individuals who are completely fucking derailing the Health Care Reform that is so desperately needed in this country because you fucking morons won't get your head out of your asses and stand up for yerselves. WTF?
Big Money gonna blackmail ya Teddy Bears?
Apparently so. It's the fucking money you are afraid of.

President, Of The United States Of America, don't make me repeat myself.

Say No, and dare them.


Y'all pussy motherfuckers are pissing me off for the simple reason that you don't seem to understand that you can control the fucking media, even if ya don't own a single share of stock in Rupert Murdoch's fucking empire.

President of the United Motherfucking States of America?
Say what?
You should hire Driftglass, he knows how that shit works, after all, he has been dealing with the Daley's as long as you have.

I heard yous guy's was from Chicago.
Ya don't remember how that is supposed to work?

Quit fucking around with these socially retarded cocksuckers and play some hardball.

Ya have what is called a Majority.

Basic Fucking Math.
Get the Stick and start swinging, you are wasting OUR time talking to these idiots.
What the fuck?

If I hear the phrase BiPartisan come out of your mouth one more fucking time,I am going to come unglued.

Get a fucking clue.
These people would run over yer fucking dog to keep you from passing anything, even if you wanted to give them a million dollars each just to go away.

They don't care.
All they want to do is stop anything except their agenda.


I am sick and fucking tired of this Kabuki.

Step up to the fucking plate and swing away Goddammit.

Swing for the fences and be done with it.

Fuck them.

Death Panels, Jesus Fucking Christ, you let them run that through the media assholes?

Who the FUCK is in charge of your P.R.?

Someone needs to get their head out of their ass and start "Catapulting The Propaganda".

Did none of ya pay attention the last eight fucking years?

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bye Bye Blago

The now Ex Governor of Illinois was successfully impeached and banned for life from holding public office today.
The next thing he gets to look forward to is finding a place to live and moving out of the Governors digs.
After that, I see criminal indictments in that guys future.
Patrick Fitzgerald is going to nail his hide to the wall.

One less crooked politician is always a good thing.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Blago Is A Fucking Idiot

I can't believe this guy.
He has been getting his face on every fucking television show who will put him on the air trying to run a counter information program.
Dude, yer gone.

All he is doing is digging a deeper hole.

It seems that the Illinois Prison is going to have it's very own , Governors Wing.

Wake the fuck up over there.
Chicago Politics is fucking legendary, for all the wrong reasons.

Sorry Drifty, you know how it is better than the rest of us.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Geithner Confirmed Secretary Of Treasury

Tim Geithner was confirmed as Treasury secretary moments ago by the Senate by a vote of 60 to 34, making him the successor to Hank Paulson and the man charged with leading the United States out of a global recession.

H/T The Ticker.

The news is coming fast this afternoon.

Monday, January 19, 2009


Ya might as well turn the fucking television off, ya aren't going to get any fucking kind of news, it is all Obama, all the time, 24/7.
It has been since yesterday.

They went to the trouble of tracking down George Washingtons descendant to point out if we had been a monarchy instead of a democracy, he would have been King.
It was George's brothers descendant, to be exact, he and Martha never had children.

That is the kind of shit they are blathering about.

By this time tomorrow, who knows what they will be rattling on about.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Executive Authority, Reversing Bush Policy

Oh, the irony. In a direct slap to the face, It is being reported that Barack Obama's transition team has already identified several Bush policies that were implemented by going around Congress by using that pesky Unitary Executive Authority that can be immediately reversed using the same trick.

CHICAGO: President-elect Barack Obama is poised to move swiftly to reverse actions that President George W. Bush took using executive authority, and his transition team is reviewing limits on stem cell research and the expansion of oil and gas drilling, among other issues, members of the team said Sunday.

As Obama prepared to make his first post-election visit to the White House on Monday, his advisers were compiling a list of policies that could be reversed by the executive powers of the new president. The assessment is under way, aides said, but a full list of policies to be overturned will not be announced by Obama until he confers with new members of his cabinet.

"There's a lot that the president can do using his executive authority without waiting for congressional action, and I think we'll see the president do that," John Podesta, a top transition leader, said Sunday. "He feels like he has a real mandate for change. We need to get off the course that the Bush administration has set."

Snippet of an article from the International Herald Tribune.

This just cracks me up. Take that, ya bastards.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Relax Tony

Sorry, youse guys in da Supreme Court don't gotta have to get up this time.

Barack Obama is the President elect of the United States of America.
It wasn't even close.

They called it ONE MINUTE after the polls closed on the West Coast.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Because No One Could Have Forseen....

After eight years of the lawless Bush administration, everything from torture to shredding the Constitution to the current economic meltdown, on top of how many of us felt the last election was stolen, you would think that election officials just might have anticipated a very large turnout of voters this year.
You would be mistaken;

Millions of voters will encounter an unfamiliar low-tech landscape at the polls on Tuesday. About half of all voters will vote in a way that is different from what they did in the last presidential election, and most will use paper ballots rather than the touch-screen machines that have caused concern among voting experts.

But the change does not guarantee a smooth election day, as the nation’s voting system remains untested for what is expected to be an unprecedented turnout. Six years after the largest federal overhaul in how elections are run, voting experts are still predicting machine and ballot shortages in several swing states and late tallies on election night.

snipped from the NYT times article here.

We have already seen votes getting flipped, purges of voter rolls and every other dirty trick the Republicans can think of to skew the results of this election in their favor.

This shit needs to stop.
Voting is the duty of every American citizen and when you have unreliable voting machines and political parties bent on denying the basic right to vote to the citizens of this country, then the problem needs to be addressed through the courts and ultimately through Congress.

Whenever illegal activities are discovered in this area there should be severe penalties and lengthy jail terms handed out to send the message that this type of behavior will not be tolerated.

I don't have the answers but it is serious enough that it should be thoroughly investigated and permanent fixes applied so that the right to register and vote becomes sacrosanct, again, like it should be.

Then the voting process needs to be Nationalized to ensure conformity.
No more willy nilly ,every county picks a method of voting, one system that is tamper proof for everyone.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Gordon Smith (R) (OR) Has Trouble

I live in Washington state but I am right on the border of Oregon and the only television stations I get come out of Portland.
I use my little television for an alarm clock, it has a built in feature,every morning, I wake up to the local news so I can catch the weather and the traffic report.
Every morning I am bombarded with Oregons political campaign ads.
Jeff Merkely has been taking it to Gordon Smith lately and has actually squeezed ahead slightly.

Gordon Smith is a rich Republican who paid a Million dollars for a set of fucking golf clubs.
That should tell you all you need to know about that guy.
He has repeatedly voted with Bush and now he is desperately trying to pass himself off as a reasonable guy who constantly reaches across party lines by using the likes of Ted Kennedy and Barack Obama in his ads.

I think maybe the man is going to have a hard time selling that shit now.

Found at Chris Cilliza's column in the Washington Post.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Popcorn Anyone?

I don't know about anyone else but I am thoroughly enjoying the spectacle of the Right Wing coming apart like an Indy car shedding parts after hitting the wall in turn 4 at 200 miles an hour.
There is shit flying everywhere.
They are attacking each other and the Base doesn't know which way to turn or who to go after next, the Dems or one of their own who dares criticize the Republicans choice of Caribou Barbie for VP.

It is highly entertaining to watch and it is only going to get better the closer the election gets.

Lots of finger pointing and the best part is watching them realize they are about to be sent to the wilderness with a sore ass for an undetermined amount of time, however long that will be is not going to be long enough for me.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

"I've Been thinking And I Think I don't Want To Be Together Anymore"

How many times have I heard that one?
There must be an issue of Cosmopolitan that I missed at the dentist's office.

This time it ain't me, it's that treasonous , two timing weasel, Lieberman, FINALLY!

Step off , we just ain't into you no more.

I was a big cheerleader when Jane Hamsher took up the cause to get rid of Lieberman and it took the Democratic Big Wigs to bring to bear their displeasure after Ned Lamont KICKED Short Rides ASS in the Primary and now we see thathat weasel motherfucker had to give money to the Democrats while at the same time stumping for McCain.
Lieberman has been fucking the Democrats ever since he got his ass handed to him in the primary and has been slowly but surely exacting his revenge until it got to the point that he is a Republican in everything but name.

Better get used to being the Rodney Dangerfield of politics ya treacherous fucking bastard.

This treasonous ass licker has been siding with the Republicans ever since he got his ass kicked by an unknown in his bid for reelection as the Senator from Connecticut. He even mentored a freshman Senator from Illinois, Mr. Barack Obama, whom he is currently back stabbing at a furious pace.
Finally, finally, after being warned that if he stood up and made a speech at the Republican National Convention, the Democrats have had enough.
Personally, I would have dropped him off in the middle of Philly at midnight with a dollar and a dead cell phone.
Joseph Lieberman is the worst sort of traitor to any political party, he is only out for Joseph Lieberman.
And if one single person paying any attention to what is going on thinks Sarah Palin is a bad choice for Vice President, let me put this into perspective for you, even that Republican strategist and Treasonous fucking bastard Karl Rove couldn't make Joseph Lieberman palatable enough for the Base, it seems thirty pieces of silver is just a parting gift.
They might be racist ignorant sonsabitches, even they don't tolerate those who betray their own party.

Lieberman is going to go down in history as the only self centered quisling bastard to be defeated as the candidate for the Vice Presidency of both major parties, even though he didn't get the official nomination from the Republicans, he was close enough.
Have an asterisk ya sonofabitch.
Get the fuck out, Wrong Way Joe.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Sarah WHO?

Biden is going to clean her clock.

H/T to the beautiful and talented Watertiger!

A very Dependable Renegade.