Showing posts with label Right Wing Talking Points. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Right Wing Talking Points. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Count Me In

Poor Mittster, he is already playing the victim card, as we all know just how quick these Republican fucks are in doing .

Now it's "The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy" in the media who is out to terminate his run for President like an unwanted pregnancy.

Just for shits and grins, I am going to quote the formidable Suzie Madrak and swipe her graphic on just who dominates the fucking air waves day in and day out, as if you weren't already quite aware.
In case you live in a vacuum, Driftglass is the Go To guy who eviscerates the "Mouse Circus" on a regular schedule.

Back to Suzie, nice opening salvo, I must say;
Ah yes, the infamous left-wing conspiracy, and that librul media! I don't blame Mittens for getting upset.Think of all those damned media socialists like Sean Hannity, Joe Scarborough, Bill O'Reilly, Pat Buchanan, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Mike Huckabee, G. Gordon Liddy, Laura Ingraham, Fred Hiatt, Matt Drudge, Charles Krauthammer, Michelle Malkin, William Kristol, Phyllis Schlafly, Brit Hume, S.E. Cupp, Howard Kurtz, David Brooks, Peggy Noonan, George Will, Kathleen Parker, Neil Cavuto, Michael Medved, Dana Loesch, Dennis Miller, Michael Savage, Michael Reagan, the recently deceased Andrew Breitbart, Erick Erickson, Mike Allen, Tom Donahue, Ann Coulter, Paul Gigot, and John Stossel - oh, I can't go on.

Every single time you turn on the TV or radio, it's just another damned communist hippie.

Damn, how could she forget that ever present douchebag KKKarl Rove or their maniacal sisters from different mothers Michelle Bachmann and my personal favorite, Sarah Palin?

It must be the PTSD.

Now get a load of who is backing this horde of misinformation specialists,

And all those extreme librul organizations that fund their subversive propaganda: the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Koch Family foundations, the John M. Olin Foundation, the Scaife Family foundations, the American Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation, Adolph Coors Foundation, the Cato Institute, the Hudson Institute, the Hoover Institution, the Heartland Institute, or the Manhattan Institute.

Now it just gets pathetic.

Romney was making an appearance on Breitbart TV and was asked by host Larry O'Connor whether he was ready to take on "the media and these nonprofits groups that are working together."

Breitbart TV?

"There will be an effort by the quote vast left wing conspiracy to work together to put out their message and to attack me," Romney said in response. "They're going to do everything they can to divert from the message people care about, which is a growing economy that creates more jobs and rising incomes. That's what people care about."
Romney said dealing with journalists, many of whom he said were biased, was a perpetual problem for Republicans.

"Many in the media are inclined to do the president's bidding and I know that's an uphill battle we fight with the media generally," Romney said, before praising O'Connor for offering a conservative voice.

Cry me a fucking river you whiny bitch.

Jesus Christ, the Republicans have their own dedicated propaganda wing in Fox News alone.
If you think us "libruls" have anything approximating a vast Left wing conspiracy in the media, I would very much like for you to take a moment, after re reading the list of right wingers who are on television and dominate the radio airwaves every week up above, to take a long hard look at what we are up against.

Click to embiggen as my pal Gord says;

They pour millions and millions of dollars,EVERY WEEK, into trying to brainwash us.

The Left wing has nothing to counter this effectively.
Yet, we do manage to get our shots in and when we do, they tend to leave a mark.

So, like I said, count me in.
If my little spit wad shooter of a Blog happens to put one down the gullet of one of these fuckers and chokes them up for a minute, I will consider it a minor miracle but hey, every little conspirator counts in this game.

Major props to Suzie, she is one of our better players.

Friday, March 16, 2012


As anyone who has ever stopped by here knows, I can be a bit of a dick.
In real life, I am a nice fucking guy, you would be amazed, seriously.

This is my outlet for what goes through my head while I am some times gritting my teeth while being such a nice guy.

On this particular subject, the Republicans concerted effort to use their political power to turn back the clock back before the turn of the century concerning women's rights and especially women's reproductive rights, has caused me to blow a fuse for the language filter and I will start with a huge neon sign, FUCK YOU!!

That being said, I would like to say that if it weren't for women, none of these crazy fucks would be here.

Ya can't help it.

I do believe in evolution and if Frothy Mixture had been born on the West Coast, I can assure you, he would have a different outlook on life.

It seems there are some backwards motherfuckers back East and y'all need to get out the butterfly nets.
Thank goodness, The Mormon decided he has no use for Oregon and cancelled an appearance at a debate here.

Good, fuck head.

This fucking bullshit about Republicans passing laws that declare any woman wanting an abortion having to have an invasive procedure is so off the fucking charts I am wondering if the contrails in the sky might have fucked them up up big time.

Let me be clear here.
No one, and I mean NO ONE, has the fucking authority to legislate personal body invasions for any medical procedure, PERIOD.

In case you don't quite understand what I mean, if you try and pass a law that says I have to have some state sanctioned asshole stick his finger up my ass so I can get condoms, said state sanctioned asshole is going to be in need of some serious dental work, I could give a fuck what law you pass.

I break the fucking law every Goddamned day, watch me.

This wedge issue that has absolutely nothing to do with the current run for President has gotten so fucking far out of hand, I want to get my hands around someones throat.

I have had enough of you ignorant cocksuckers.

You are so adamant about your religion being such an integral part of your publicly political message and doing your damndest to shove it down the throats of everyone in this country because you happen to have a majority of your crazy motherfucking idiot, backwards assed, stupid sonsabitch,creationist Bible Thumping jack ass porn watching fellows yanking the levers of power , you are about to find out what the word Backlash means.

That's right, morons, backlash.

I Highly doubt that any of you are good at Math.

You know,that two plus two thing.

Knowingly pissing off half the population of this country, besides the rest of the world watching you do it, is precisely like the old saying of cutting off your nose to spite your face.

You people are so fucking stupid I would feel sorry for you and donate my pocket change to help someone figure out just what the fuck is wrong with you so we could fund a medical cure for your sorry asses, if it were possible.

Alas, it seems to be out of reach of current medical science, other than euthanasia.

The sun does not orbit a flat earth and yes, the reason there are so many people like you are on the planet is a physical condition involving chemical sequences called hormones, you are not exclusive to this club and your mother is no exception either.

You are, however, exclusive to having been blessed without a few key chemical sequences that involving the development of the human brain, especially the ones crucial to something called abstract thinking.

I actually feel sorry for you because you have no sense of adventure, need rigid guidelines to rule your everyday lives, have to have the same routine every fucking day and it makes me wonder if there is not yet some clinically undiagnosed relation to your thought process and autism.

Before anyone jumps my ass about that last comment, I have a 28 year old autistic boy now and I can certainly see the similarities.

In short, get your fucking Holier than thou, women are subject to my whims bullshit out of our public discourse, get the fuck with the program that we, the people, need to get back to work, quit obstructing every Goddamn thing to prove how "pure" you are and while you are at it, grow the fuck up and when ever you crazy fucks decide this is a great wedge issue in the future, stay the fuck out of my wife's pussy, the guy two states away's daughters pussy, her friends pussy and everyone else who happens to be of the gentler sexes reproductive parts, forever.
Else you will soon see a huge void in your voting results.
Those being not in your favor.

You might also experience some side effects, such as burnt toast for breakfast, no fucking breakfast or dinner and a sudden surge of that dreaded Hawaiian disease, commonly known as "LackAnookie".

Of course, that will just be the one thing to push you over the edge, again.
Burnt toast is just beyond the pale from your female indentured servant.

You will have to get a bigger wrench to super tighten her chastity belt and show her who is boss.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pot Calls Kettle Black

Er, wait, that didn't come out right.

Speaking of Right, the current Greek Tragedy of the Republican nomination process just took a turn I would never, ever expect to see.

After all, Newt is a master of the racist dogwhistle.

Desperate, are we?

Myself, I am a lily white fella from Irish descent and if I were to meet Newt face to face, one of us would walk away with a slight discoloration under one or both eyes.

The fact that Cain had to suck it up so far as to have to endorse this fucking scumbag only highlites the obvious fact that the Republican party makes the San Andreas fault look like a straight edge.

Face it, the Republicans have done nothing lately except shoot themselves in the foot and I am all about buying another box of rounds to help them on their way.

I don't know about Herman Cain but I still have a shred of dignity.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Where Have I Seen This Shit Before?

Let's see, President Stupie McFuckwit?

Just so ya know, even with Obama in office for three years now, the Federal government is still chock full of their appointtees.

Vice President Darth Cheney went way out of his way to stuff his little acolytes into every fucking layer of government position he could, then went back through and transferred them into permanent positions right before they got tossed out on their asses.

True fact, look it up.

Now, we have Stupie Junior, that stupid fucking bastard Rick fucking Perry,is threatening to reassign civil workers who do not share his ideas of governing to
"some really God-awful place" if they didn't go along with his ideas, like turning over the Medicaid program to the states".

My emphasis.

At this point so early in this political cycle, he needs a swift kick in the nuts.

At least Stupie and Darth went stealth and did in secret after they stole the election, this fucking idiot is saying it out loud, before he even has a half assed chance of winning any kind of election in the first place,

A snippet from our good friends at Crooks and Liars, who are all over this dickhead,
They have quite the write up with bonus video.

"Having men and women who share my philosophy, and then giving that clear instruction to those agencies, and if the bureaucrats in those agencies try to block -- for Health and Human Services is a great example," he continued. "If you have Health and Human Service bureaucrats that try to block our being able to block grant dollars back to the states so you all can decide how best to handle health care in New Hampshire -- I don't think you can fire federal bureaucrats, but you can reassign them -- so reassign them to some really God-awful place."

Really, he said that.

If you had any doubts about this fucking bastard, go read that again.

I can't say it enough,

This guy is dangerous stupid.

He want's to completely disrupt how our government works by displacing people with years of experience doing jobs they actually know how to do by just sending them to places like a virtual Siberia, just because they do not agree with his completely fucked up Republican Conservative ideas of just how he can break another one off in our asses if he miraculously manages to get elected.

It's hard for me to take these fucking idiots seriously but apparently there are some seriously brain dead motherfuckers out there who don't have to worry about voter suppression or those fucking cocksuckers at Diebold.

I swore I wasn't going to vote this next election because I am still so fucking pissed off at those spineless sonsabitch Democrats but this is just a wee bit over the top.

I can't wait for the next year of these fuckheads and their wild assed ideas of how to fuck this country up even more.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Cutting Off Your Nose To Spite Your Face

Exactly who the fuck does this complete fucking jack ass think is going to be around to take care of the business of the State?

Playing some Russian Roulette are we?

Just wait until there isn't some lackey there to hand him his fucking latte in the morning.

The numbers do not lie, this stupid fucking asshole is going down eventually.There are already over a million people wanting to sign a recall petition.

The lawsuits are already starting to fly about denying the people access to the capitol building, the cops tackled a Representative to the ground trying to get into his own office and even before that, the cops gave him the middle finger for being an asshat.

Keep pushing the buttons asshole, you are going to be the bug on the windshield of Democracy.

Speaking of complete motherfucking assholes. I am pretty much speechless over this one.

If you didn't think Boehner was  complete fucking anal wart before, here ya go.
The last living vet from WW1 and Boner won't allow his body to be laid in State inside the Capitol.

Somebody needs to bitch slap that sonofabitch.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

My Sides Hurt

This is a Win Win situation for me.

Neither one of these assholes have a snowballs chance in Hell of winning and now they have one less avenue for spewing their crazy assed bullshit.

Best yet, it is costing them money.

Two down.

Update, via TPM and my pals at Alternate Brain,

Fox news showing footage supposedly of union thugs in Wisconsin.

Like they said, since when is the last time you saw a Palm Tree in Wisconsin?

John Amato from Crooks and Liars is all over this and has filed a complaint ;

This is what's known as perpetrating a News Distortion on viewers and is strictly forbidden by the FCC. Fox News has done this type of distortion previously and I filed a complaint with the FCC and documented what they had done here.
Where to go to file a complaint:
News Distortion. The Commission often receives complaints concerning broadcast journalism, such as allegations that stations have aired inaccurate or one-sided news reports or comments, covered stories inadequately, or overly dramatized the events that they cover. For the reasons noted above, the Commission generally will not intervene in such cases because it would be inconsistent with the First Amendment to replace the journalistic judgment of licensees with our own. However, as public trustees, broadcast licensees may not intentionally distort the news: the FCC has stated that “rigging or slanting the news is a most heinous act against the public interest.”
The Commission will investigate a station for news distortion if it receives documented evidence of such rigging or slanting, such as testimony or other documentation, from individuals with direct personal knowledge that a licensee or its management engaged in the intentional falsification of the news. Of particular concern would be evidence of the direction to employees from station management to falsify the news. However, absent such a compelling showing, the Commission will not intervene.
For additional information about news distortion, see
Please submit a complaint against FOX News and The O'Reilly Factor
I'd also call into FOX News and ask them to stop distorting the news.
Address: News Corporation
1211 Avenue of the Americas
New York, NY 10036
Phone: (212) 852-7017
Fax: (212) 852-7145


On top of this? 

Oh Hell Yeah!

I love it!

Monday, February 21, 2011

School Is Open For You Right Wingers Who Hate Unions.

Ever really paid any attention to what Collective Bargaining is?

Do you work an eight hour day, get time and a half for working more than eight hours a day?

Do you get paid Holidays off?

Vacation time?
Sick days?

If you said yes to any one of these questions and proclaim to hate unions, you can take a giant suck out of my ass.
Ever heard of Prevailing Wage jobs?
That would be because of the Davis Bacon Act.


The Davis–Bacon Act of 1931 is a United States federal law which established the requirement for paying prevailing wages on public works projects. All federal government construction contracts, and most contracts for federally assisted construction over $2,000, must include provisions for paying workers on-site no less than the locally prevailing wages and benefits paid on similar projects.
The act is named after its sponsors, James J. Davis, a Senator from Pennsylvania and a former Secretary of Labor under three presidents, and Representative Robert L. Bacon of Long Island, New York. The Davis-Bacon act was passed by Congress and signed into law by President Herbert Hoover on March 3, 1931.[1]

Google it.

This Bullshit in Wisconsin is nothing more than Class warfare and they want you working peons to bend your knees and take whatever they want to give you for wages and give up all the benefits that our Forefathers fought and bled for, trying to make a fucking living in shit hole factories.

I have lived in a Union Household my entire life. I have walked picket lines in freezing rain and stopped to give a box of donuts to strikers doing the same damn thing.

If you think unions are bad for this country then I would ask you to go to work for minimum wage, with no benefits and kiss my motherfucking ass.

You have absolutely no fucking idea what Union people have fought and died for so you can have a three day weekend called Labor Day.

Choke on a hot dog you ignorant fuck.

For you of the Tea Bagger  persuasion, notice this crowd is in Wisconsin and it is really cold there this time of year. Notice also, some folks from New Jersey decided to stop by and offer their support.

By the way, that 365 billion dollar shortfall he keeps crying about is actually 165 million and if he wasn't such a fucking Republican cunt, he could raise the taxes by  0.05 % and have a surplus.

Class warfare babies.
This is what you get when you vote for any God Damn Republican these days. If you haven't been paying attention, they have already won the Class war and you are now collateral damage.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Still kicking

It's going to be a bit before I get up to speed.

The one thing I saw  made me proud as fuck, that stupid sonofabitch jackass motherfucker in Wisconsin just shit down his leg, made a bet his ass can't cover and woke up a whole lot of working people.
 When thirty thousand people come to protest some governor in the middle of winter?

Ya done fucked up pal.

Thirty thousand people coming out to protest in Wisconsin in the middle of winter would make a rock band jealous.

Good on ya folks.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Guess Who Blinked First

Thay's right, smooth talker, you be playing with fire at this point in history if you think fucking with Social Security is a good thing.

Someone finally convinced you to quit listening to those country raping bastards long enough to see what would be coming down the pike if you had.

We all know SS has absolutely nothing to do with the budget and in fact, would have a giant surplus if the politicians hadn't been able to steal buttloads of money from it in the past.

Look elsewhere young man, for your magic unicorn feed to fix the fucked up economy, this place be full of danger for you.

Monday, January 10, 2011

See It With Your Own Eyes

So, I touched a nerve yesterday.
Mine have been getting stomped on for quite some time now. For all of you who want to deny my claims of the elimininationist narrative that has been spewing forth from our Right Wing friends for the last few years, go read it yourself, every last word of it.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Get Yer Ass In School. Stupid

And ya wonder why yer kid is as dumb as a rock.

That is because their teachers are dumber than a  fucking truck load of them.
I ain't no wizard but I can speak clearly when I want to, I can even spell sometimes too.

File this under the stupid shit that their parents can't even get straight.

We are fucking doomed. Go read this and ask yourself just What, The, Fuck.

Good fucking God.

They used to have these things called newspapers, there were also these people who made a living getting these things called facts. A fact ain't like a fucking trout, you can't eat them. A trout will go bad and start stinking after a while.

A fact will stink the minute it has been exposed and continue to do so forever.

Unfortunately, forever seems to have an expiration date these days and some ignorant cocksucker will put the revised history into a fucking school book, that you pay for and have your kid tested on and ingrained into his/her head forever and ever, Amen.

Jaysus rode a Brontosaurous and the world is flat and six thousand years old.

All that and being taught to our children in school as Gospel.

I am banging my fucking head on the desk.

If this is the legacy we are leaving our children, we are beyond fucked.
No fucking wonder the Chinese and the Japanese are kicking our fucking asses when it comes to education  and career performance.

For fucks sake, I had a conversation in the early nineties with a relative in Nebraska who has a few thousand acres of Corn about Plate tectonics. Hard core Right Wing but he was at least open to the conversation and I finally convinced him it was real.

Now we are going back to the mid thirteenth century and it is being propagated to our fucking children by ignorant fucking bastards that can't even be bothered to pay attention to RECENT FUCKING HISTORY!!

I thought those idiots in Texas were bad and they are but this is just getting ridiculous.

Get your political bullshit out of our school systems and teach our kids the fucking basics.

I absolutely hated school but that's because I was smarter than some of my right wing teachers.

I once got into an argument with a Bible thumping old bastard football coach who was also a teacher who told me there was no such word as procreate. This was a full fledged Bible Thumping rascist motherfucker too, way back in 1978!
He had some little cheerleader bitch back him up just to try and humiliate me in front of the class.
I swore then and there that no one in that school would ever know the extent of my vocabulary or just how smart I was.

I graduated with a 1.2 grade point average* just to get the fuck away from all the fucking ignorance that they called a High School Education. I was markedly dumber after I finished than I was before I went in, they have the test scores to prove it.

It seems some things will never change in this country.

If there was ever a mortal sin that could be committed purposely, keeping your children ignorant is it.

That is what we are supposedly fighting against in the Near East, when we aren't just killing the poor fuckers outright in the mean time.

Shit, ninety percent of our chilren couldn't even begin to tell you what the Near East is, let alone compete against them in a head to head Q and A.

Goat roping 1.0, coming your way kiddies.

Ya might as well start banging that stupid cousin of yours with the big tits and help speed the process along.

* I graduated from a two year college with a 3.7 grade point average and honors, showed up half drunk most of the time too. A 4.0 was just showing off.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Hey, Asshole, It's On.

Why one , single , person, listens to that fucking inflammitory dirt bag Rush Limbaugh has always mystified me but this is waaaay over the top.

"If the Christmas shopping season can start before Thanksgiving, so can "bah humbug" season."

Rush Limbaugh tried to rain on Barack Obama's Thanksgiving Day parade, lashing out against a proclamation issued by the president to honor the national holiday and the story behind it.

He also went on the war path against Native Americans, calling for a look at the "scoreboard" of number of people killed since European settlers arrived, and insisting that "a bunch of Native Americans scammed us" in the deal to purchase Manhattan.

You piece of fucking shit.

Even lower than that, you are a fucking maelovent virus.

Suck my ass you fucking cunt lipped rotten dirty little boy fucking asshole.

Seriously, if you like sucking dick, make an appointment.

Let me start out with Small Pox infected blankets that killed hundreds of thousands of Native Americans.

Then go right down through the actual history of how we Americans treated them.

Better yet, how we still treat them.

Fuck you.

Your stupid assed ignorant racist blow hole just opened a Can Of Whoop Ass that is going to come back and bite you right on that cyst scar on your ass that you used to get out of serving in the military.

You have no fucking idea what your Alligator mouth just did to your Humming bird ass.

Fuck you and die in the back of your Limo , better yet, die slowly choking on an illegal hard on pill, that was stuck up your ass first.

Double fuck you on behalf of my ancestors.

It's a good thing you are as bald as I am motherfucker.

I don't have a couple of million fucking morons stopping by here every day but I can bet each and every one  of the folks who do stop by here, every damn of them, has an IQ equal to half your audience by themselves, otherwise I would tell them to hit the fucking bricks.

I actually appreciate the folks that swing by here on occasion and would not hesitate to run over your fucking morons in a parking lot while they scrambled to go buy one of your items at the clearance table at Wally World.

That ignorant shit is so fucking over the top I really can't equate it with all the other racist fucking shit that I have been hearing because this one is a fucking naked statement.

At first they came for the Negroes, then the Irish, then the Chinese,The Polish, the Italians then the Mexicans and now all you have left is the Arabs, Muslims, Turks, (who are our allies) , Iranians, Russians, Palestinians,  A bunch of South Americans, of course , the Cubans, maybe even your mother fucking neighbors.

Fuck, I almost forgot the North Koreans. Busy little war mongering mother fuckers, ain't ya?

Asshole, you are running out of enemies.

But no, Let's go back to Manhatten. You are so fucking ignorant I want to throw up my dinner.

Damn, the French are all pussies, Spaniards talk funny, let's not even mention Portugal.

 Britrain, Ireland, Portugal, France, Germany and all of the Europene states are all getting ready to go belly up because of the theiving sonsabitches here on Wall Street, who are going to haul in record bonuses while the rest of us can suck hind tit, China, Russia, are dumping the dollars they bought to keep our econonomy afloat in their self interest and the last I heard, the unemployment rate is still 20 fucking percenet and Big Biusiness is sitting on 185  TRILLION dollars of cash fucking money they won't get off of to hire one fucking janitor.

I bet ya kinda like those Greeks, I'll just let that alone, bitch.( See the Turks above)

For Rush Limbaugh to go all revisionist on what actually happened in the founding days of this country is so far from what is actually happening in our current world is enough for me to go all College Girl from London on his ass.

That this is some imaginary horse shit revisionist out right lie, about what happened here when the Ignorant savage was fucked out of his entire economic and  geographic area by some fucking shysters that came around and couldn't even feed themselves and I am supposed to call Glenn Beck to order some fucking Gold pieces because, hey, it's all related?

The Native Indians were here thousands of years before you Snake Oil cocksuckers showed up and started killing them for sport.

Happy Thanksgiving, you putrid water bearing slug trail of a dying fucking revisionist, genocidal , race war and an economical war mongering bunch of priveledged intellecticall midgets.

Like I saw recently, another forty years and you are going to be saying hello to all the fucking species that your omniscient fucking ancestors roasted over an open fire. Shot, killed, drowned, passed numerous laws against, separated mother, fathers and their children from while letting the exploiting fucking buddies of yours who employed them to get off Scott Free.  Kill the Brown people!. I can only hope we have chili powder this time.

Think you are going to just run off and hide, so did the Dodo.

The Indians could be vacationing in Morrocco with some fat little bald headed bastard serving them drinks.

Fuck you Limbaugh.

Friday, November 05, 2010

This Post Deleted by Author

Sorry, I started to get really, really nasty, seriously, like NSFW ,like you can't believe.

Such is the power of the internets to find the very thing that you are thinking of and put it in picture form.

Just for example, here are my thoughts on Mitch McConnell;
For those who aren't so quick on the uptake, it's called a Man Hole.
It is too small to represent where all the corporate money gets pumped into 24/7.

See? I had to stop before I got out of hand.

No, I can't help myself.
Let me introduce you to the next speaker of the house, Mr. Bohner.

HEY! It's pronounced BAY NOR, and he has a REAL tan! Ha Ha Ha Ha ha!

These people are deadly poison and I am going to spend some of my time skewering them and kicking their asses for being corporate whores and obstructionist mother fuckers.

Might as well start out on a lighter note.

Before it gets serious.

Deadly, serious.

Monday, September 20, 2010

When Is The last Time Ya Cut yer Finger?

Fuck me. I tried to show a kid how to peel a fucking cuckumber after I just sharpened all the knives in the place.
Showed him how to stand it up and peel it down and walked away. My mistake.
I went back in two minutes later and noticed some red assed cuckumber laying on the  drain board.

I gotta give the little guy credit, I never even heard a yelp.
I am working on the boy.

It was a little teeny cut but he got one, my bad. I should have been watching his little ass because he isn't familiar with sharp shit. Never even been fishing and he is a big twelve year old, fer chrissakes, his feet are as big as mine.

No worries, I figure as being the last of the old school, you learn the hard way like the rest of us did.

Then again.
At least he had the opportunity.

Update, I am surrounded by conservative  wenches who talk shit out of their own god damn conservative bullshit narratives and have no grasp of facts. Facts have no affect on them.
I am going to be quite busy beating some cute little asses here for a bit.
Then I am going to have another shot of whiskey and  get back down to their level, suck my dick and tell me we need to open all the oil wells in this country because they are there and they are ours.

Hello, the reason we are in Iraq and are flirtling with other oil rich countries is a long term strategy. We use up their oil and THEN, open our own wells.
I can't say I agree with this but it is sure as shit what our national strategy is, even if you can't see it for what it is.
Either way, I get to beat some cute little conservative asses.
I won't go where what happens after that.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Second Extincion Event In The Gulf

That was the first one, sixty five meeeelion years ago, according to the experts, when a giant meteor came blazing through the atmosphere and pretty much atomized everything between Minnesota and Belize.
That's how we have a Gulf of Mexico.
Pretty much killed everything for a thousand miles instantly and then fucked up that climate thing for another thousand years or so.
Lucky us, there were not any fucking Republicans to deny it at the time.
Now we have another global kill event going on in the gulf.
Unfortunately, some asshole invented Republicans while we were still trying to figure out how to use the opposable thumb thingies.
Putting those thumbs to the neck of our current crop of asshole Republican representatives could result in some serious hilarity and the culling of some rotten cocksuckers at the same time.
Their policy of "no", just threw another few million American workers into abject poverty.

Because these corporate fucking whores do not seem to understand what comes next, let me explain this to ya.
The fucking Republicans block unemployment benefit extentions because they think they are going to win votes this coming November campaining that the Democrats have fucked up the economy

Just for shits and grins, let's forget about the entire Bush administration, OK?

Back to the iron clad Republican strategy of just saying no to anything, trying their damndest to kill off a Democratic majority, Tell me why in the fuck would any sane person vote for a fucking Republican?

This Depression can be laid right at their feet and they could give a rat fuck whether or not your children eat tomorrow morning, or ever again.

They are enemies of the state and are actively trying to kill the economy of this country for political gain at your expense.

Vote Republican so we can start the fuck over, after we have a serious chat.

When this oil gusher stops is any one's guess but I damn well know how to blame for this extinction event and that would be those same Republican cunt's who screamed for DeRegulation for thirty fucking years and said that private business could police it's self.

All I have to say to you cunt lick motherfuckers is to get your asses down to the gulf, bring yerself a "Freedom Bucket" and start scraping up all that free market crude oil you can carry. Sorry, no respirators or protective gear allowed,you will have to go head to head with the fucking real people who are trying to get their lives back and have not run out of Unemployment yet or got a fucking check from BP.

The entire Gulf of Mexico is a fucking Dead Zone and now, just like I said it would, there is going to be Hurricanes dumping hydrocarbons clear into Ohio.

There are already bullshit conspiracy theories going around about the entire Gulf region having to be evacuated.

My take? It's too fucking late now, there is going to be several extinctions happen simultaneously.
I am not just talking about the Wildlife, a whole lot of humans are going to find themselves extinct soon.
I didn't even mention the Methane .

Monday, May 17, 2010


And he is just as fucking stupid as ever.
Who would that be you ask?

Why my favorite idiot, Governor Bobby Jindal,(R)etarded) (LA).

I swear, this guy likes abuse.

Louisiana governor Jindal takes active role in dealing with spill.

By David A. Fahrenthold
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

OVER THE GULF OF MEXICO -- Strapped into a National Guard Black Hawk, peering down at green water mottled with oil sheen, the most serious man in Louisiana is starting to sound ridiculous.

He said it, in print, so I didn't have too.
Thanks for pointing out the obvious, Dave.
Wait, it gets better.

Over the helicopter's intercom, Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) is explaining to the mayor of New Orleans two of the state's efforts to keep back the oil slick. One is named for a Mexican entree. The other is named for a Cajun sausage.

The "burrito levee" and the "boudin bag" are part of a vast effort, overseen by Jindal, to hold back a slick that is already spitting tar balls onto the state's coast. He also has a plan to create more Louisiana, building new barrier islands in the oil's path.

"It makes so much sense. It's so obvious. We gotta do it," Jindal said into his headphones. His call for a major government response stands in apparent contrast to his previous calls for small government.

Oh my fucking God, this guy never ceases to amaze me with his idiocy.
Build new islands?
Build new islands.

Oh my, here we go.
For those new to this joint, I tore Jindal a new asshole last year when he did the rebuttal to the then new Presidents speech. In that rebuttal, he was whining about the money spent for monitoring volcano's. I won't go into it much, you can read my ass blistering comments on that here.
I do have to say it was one of my best posts.
Anyway, in that, I was ranting about all of the ash from the eruption of Mt.Saint Helens in 1980 that is still all over the fucking place, miles and miles of it, complete. artificial. islands of it. miles long..

That should give ya an idea of how much raw material I am talking about, 230 square miles.

So, here's the deal ya little moron.
You want new islands?They can get pretty spendy.

I will GIVE you new islands, just send a couple THOUSAND barges and the equipment and crews and you can have as many as ya want.


It will only take , oh, maybe ten years but hey, they are free!

My God, the stupid, it hurts to get down to that level of ignorance for more than a few seconds.

Where the fuck does he think he is just going to "get" some islands, Ebay?

You poor fuckers in Louisiana voted this cretin into office, you deal with his stupid ass while I slam another shot of whiskey and laugh my guts out.

What a maroon.

Bonus, today is the thirtieth anniversary of that sucker blowing it's top.
What a koinky dink.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Somebody Call The WAHMBULANCE!

Greedy fuckers, corporate welfare is taking a major hit because of the recent health care overhaul and the GOP and several large companies are crying their eyes out over it.
I have two words,
Fuck. Them..

Big Business, GOP Complain That Health Reform Slashes Corporate Welfare

The Republican Party and major corporations have joined forces in the first major rearguard attack on health care reform, charging that the cost of complying with "Obamacare" is resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars in added business expenses.

The crime that reform is guilty of: Slashing corporate welfare.


Under the previous system, major corporations were subsidized by the government to provide prescription drug coverage to their retired employees. At the same time, corporations could claim on their tax returns that it was they -- not the taxpayers -- who paid for the drug coverage, and could write the expense off as a tax deduction.

Health care reform cuts out that fat. The corporations still get taxpayer money to help pay for their drug coverage, but they can no longer continue the fiction that they're using their own money to do it.

Eat shit you greedy fucking assholes.
That shit came about via the Bush administration and of course, they are hyping the numbers.

UPDATE: The welfare in question originated with the 2003 prescription drug bill signed into law by President Bush after it passed a GOP-controlled Congress in the early morning, following a three-hour vote that was held open while leaders hunted down vote-switchers.

The program entitled corporations to a government subsidy covering 28 percent of the prescription drug benefit for their retirees. The companies were not required to count the taxpayer money as income. (Unemployment benefits, meanwhile, are taxed as income.) Companies were also allowed to claim the entire cost of the benefit as a write-off, even the part paid for by the government.

It's an unusually generous entitlement. When corporations get subsidies for research or for hiring new workers, for instance, they can't write-off the subsidy as if they were spending their own money.

The entitlement isn't removed until 2013.


The size of the accounting reductions being announced is so large, analysts said, because they project out the benefit from the current subsidy for 30 years, rising with health care's current inflation rate, and then crams it all back into a one-quarter loss. First quarter profits will be reduced, but there will be no long-term impact on the companies' financial health, the AP reported.

AT&T's charge-off was reported as a billion dollars, but the actual cost of revoking the subsidy for one year will be $40 million, according to background information provided by the White House

Cry me a river you fucking bastards.

Now you know why the GOP and Big Business were so dead against it.
Follow the fucking money.

Read the whole thing over at HuffPo.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sarah Doesn't Disappoint

Stupid Fucking Bint.
Jesus, this is why Fox News is so fucking dangerous, some people actually believe their propaganda, apparently Caribou Barbie relies on them extensively for her information. In her Fux You's debut, she readily admits to that world famous lying motherfucker Bill O'Reilly that she thought that Iraq was behind the attacks on the Twin Towers on 9/11, SEVEN FUCKING YEARS LATER!

Interviewed by Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly on his show “The O’Reilly Factor,” Palin trashed many of the critical accounts of her candidacy in the new book “Game Change.” But one story from the book that Palin did not say was “made up” or “a lie” was the description of her uncertainty as to whether Iraq had a hand in the planning of the September 11 attacks.

“I did talk a lot to [campaign strategist] Steve Schmidt about the history of the war and where the attackers could have come from,” Palin said of her debate prep during the fall of 2008 – more than five years after the start of the war in Iraq and seven years after the terrorist attacks that hit New York and Washington

Please notice where I just got that quote, from the notoriously Right Wing Talking Points Spewing Politico.

Seven years?

The following is a list of the hijackers that has been available to the general public long since 2001;

American Airlines Flight 11
Waleed Alshehri, 22, from Saudi Arabia *
Wail Alshehri, 28, from Saudi Arabia, brother of Waleed Alshehri, had psychological problems *
Abdulaziz Alomari, 22, from Saudi Arabia *
Satam Al Suqami, 25, from Saudi Arabia
Mohamed Atta, 33, from Egypt (the likely pilot) *
United Airlines Flight 93
Saeed Alghamdi, 21, from Saudi Arabia (had flight training) *
Ahmed Alhaznawi, 20, from Saudi Arabia *
Ahmed Alnami, 23, from Saudi Arabia *
Ziad Jarrah, 26, from Lebanon (the likely pilot) *
United Airlines Flight 175
Ahmed Alghamdi, 22, from Saudi Arabia
Hamza Alghamdi, 20, from Saudi Arabia, brother of Ahmed Alghamdi *
Marwan Alshehhi, 23, from United Arab Emirates (the likely pilot) *
Mohand Alshehri, 22, from Saudi Arabia, possible cousin of Marwan Alshehhi and/or from the same extended family as Wail and Waleed Alshehri
Fayez Ahmed Banihammad (Alshehri), 24, from United Arab Emirates (had flight training)
American Airlines Flight 77
Khalid Almihdhar, 26, from Saudi Arabia (originally from Yemen, changed citizenship in 1996) *
Nawaf Alhazmi, 25, from Saudi Arabia
Salem Alhazmi, 20, from Saudi Arabia, brother of Nawaf Alhazmi *
Hani Hanjour, 29, from Saudi Arabia (the likely pilot)
Majed Moqed, 24, from Saudi Arabia *

Sourced from "The Complete 9/11 Time Line".

Which, may I add, took me less than two fucking minutes to find on Google.
Is it just me, or do I NOT see one fucking name on that list with the word, IRAQ behind it?

Fair and Balanced my achin' ass, more like Twisted and extremely unbalanced if ya ask me.

In this day and age, where I just proved to you that being misinformed is an actual choice, where information is literally available at the speed of light from multiple sources and GOVERNOR Sarah Palin still believed, seven years after the fact, that Iraq still somehow had something to do with the attacks on the Twin Towers, I ASK YOU, TO YOUR FACE,
You still believe this woman is qualified to be The President of The United States of America?

Cross posted at The Seminal

at Firedoglake.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

One More Thing Before Night Night

Fuck Newt Gingrich.
On a scale of One to Ten, the guy is a fucking FIFTEEN when it comes to being a sanctimonious fucking asshole.
Rush Limbaugh is a twenty five.

Glenn Beck is off the charts and Sarah Palin couldn't suck my dick if I was passed out with my pants around my ankles.

Limbaugh might try, from what I hear.Good luck with your FOURTH marriage, asshole.

Karl Rove wants to be the Maid of Dis Honor.