Showing posts with label Lying SonsaBitches. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lying SonsaBitches. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Dammit Newt, Ya Broke it!

I want a new one ,it seems, every damned day lately.

I almost choked when I read this one

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich insisted on Tuesday that that fellow candidate Mitt Romney was a "liar," but could support him over Barack Obama if the former Massachusetts governor became the eventual Republican nominee.

At a Monday campaign event, Gingrich had complained about Romney refusing to speak out against attack ads being aired by a pro-Romney Super PAC.

"Here is my simple tag line: Somebody who will lie to you to get to be president will lie to you when they are president," Gingrich told supporters.

In an interview Tuesday morning, CBS correspondent Norah O'Donnell asked Gingrich if he was calling Romney a "liar."

"Yes," Gingrich replied.

My Bold and his too.
He is a bold, I mean Bald Faced fucking liar.
Newt has stuck his forked tongue out so many times over the years it takes a career lying assed politician with the attention span of a flea and the mentality of a Bull in a China shop to make a statement like that on National television..

What he don't break, he shits on.

Thanks for the inspiration, Squatlo.

The beauty of it all is that he is breaking Ronny Rayguns ultimate rule, Republicans don't attack fellow Republicans.

Excuse me while I have a shot and laugh until my sides hurt.

I haven't looked at any results from the Iowa primary yet but I will stick my little pecker neck out and predict Newtie just went down in flames.


Go have a nice "Santorum Salad" and don't forget to wipe your face, asshole.

Brush your fucking teeth too, everything that comes out of your mouth smells like Bullshit.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Herman Cain? Really?HAHAHAHA!

Are you fucking kidding me?

Holy shit, the more I hear about this ignorant fuck, the more I laugh hysterically.

The last poll says he is a head of Willard, which just cracks my ass up.

I bet ya five bucks this ignorant fuck is out of the race by January.

Thank you Jesus, now let's find us a real candidate.

Let the most hard core out of touch and crazy motherfucking Republican bring the next craziest motherfucking Republican to the election next year and hope they stimulate the economy by spending their personal millions trying to get nominated, let alone elected to office.

The current incumbent can kiss my fucking ass too.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Newt Gingritch Can Suck MY Dick!

What a hypocritical fucking piece of shit.

Fuck you, ya rotten sonofabitch.

I can't believe that other piece of shit Chris Wallace actually reached down and grabbed his atrophied nut sack and asked this question;

What a transparent mother fucker. Glass House, indeed  Fuck You,Asshole.

Get the fuck off any idea you are ever, ever, ever going to be the President,ain't gonna happen.

On the other side of this, please feel free to spend every fucking dime you own and every dumb sonofabitch who is stupid enough to donate to your campaign in the mean time.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Shiny Object

Oh give me a fucking break.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – White House Chief of Staff William Daley said on Sunday the Obama administration was considering tapping into the U.S. strategic oil reserve as a way to help ease soaring oil prices.

Let's play fucky fuck again.
Holy Christ.
Is there anyone out there that hasn't been paying attention to this fuckery?
Good Lord, they are running out of tricks if they think I am going to swallow a hook stinking like shit the way this one is.

Where the fuck was this when oil was over a hundred and fifty fucking dollars a barrel?
Just now it is some kind of emergency?

Kiss my ass.

Within thirty fucking miles between towns, I saw gas go from $3.75 to $3.49 yesterday.

Diesel is over $4.10.

Is someone trying to shift the focus on the news again or is it just me?

Friday, December 03, 2010

He Didn't Say, Im Going To Disneyland!

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Go read it while I sit back and scratch myself inappropriately in the privacy of my own piece of heaven in a White Trash Trailer Park.

Fucking bastards.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pay Attention To Kyrgyzstan.

Yeah, I can't spell it either but mark my word, it is coming here.
After their political coup a few months ago that brought rioting in the streets and their president to flee for his life, things have gone downhill and now there is complete anarchy.
The second largest city is being burned to the ground, insurgents are raiding armories for weapons and when they can't find those, are using metal pipes and anything else they can get their hands on and , Oh yeah, once again, the ethnic cleansing has begun.
Reports of women and children trying to flee the horror being gunned down have surfaced.
That tells me there are other atrocities being committed that haven't been reported yet.

Anyone over fifty should remember the fiery Watts riots in California and the riots after Rodney Kings beating at the hands of the police.
Think that shit can't happen here and I have a big bridge to sell ya.
We have just not seen that level of violence on a national scale.
My advice is to fucking get ready for just that.

Harden up your doors, get some food , water, ammo and band aids put away and quit watching the fucking idiots on Tee Vee for your news.

Bad shit is coming down the pike, a lot of people have been telling you that.
Greece just went nuts, so did Spain, now this. It is contagious and we are not immune.
The Gulf is dead and they are still playing fuckity fuck with the information they will allow you to have.
Get a FUCKING clue, they are lying to you.
They will not even allow a reporter to get near the gulf, even though the First amendment guarantees a free press.
They won't even allow anyone to fly over it to take a picture of this disaster.
Can you not fucking put two and two together?
It is out of control and is MASSIVE.

I predicted two months ago that when a hurricane hits that mess, it was going to be raining oil in Ohio, now the PTB are saying the same damn thing.
I ain't no genius but I can damn well tell ya when it starts raining oil, which it will, it is going to poison thousands of square miles of farm land and all the earth and people who live there too.

Wake the fuck up.

When that happens, TSHTF.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

When Did Sarah Palin Take Over BP?

What The Fuck?
Sorry dudes, we'll be back sometime in three fucking months.
In the mean time, have a few million barrels of oil, on the house, every fucking day.
Oh, just to get your nipples hard, the teasing cocksuckers at the DOJ, are going to look into any possible criminal acts concerning this giant, fucking, disaster, that we already know was directly caused by malfeasance and cost cutting, just like they did with the war crimes of the Bush administration.


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

How's That For Family Values?

What happened to the sanctity of marriage Karl?

Hypocritic, treasonous , serial liar, Karl Rove just got divorced, again.
If I hear about the sanctity of marriage out of one more winger asshole within kicking distance, someone is going to be walking with a limp for a long time.

No mention of a restraining order.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

She Canna Take Anymore, Captain!

As the year winds down and I take a gander at all the shit we have been through, it is less than heartening to look forward to the gathering shit storm that is in our future.
Basically, the entire world is completely out of control.

On one hand, we have financial system that is rotten to the core and keeps rewarding criminal behavior handsomely.
Must be a nice gig if you can get it.
On another front, we have entire cities that are flat out dying, look no farther than Detroit as a prime example.

Unemployment is at a generational high, millions of people are getting foreclosed on and losing their homes.
One in eight people are on food stamps, forty states are projected to run out of unemployment money.

California, who has an annual budget larger than many countries, is flat assed broke and in the middle of an even larger water crisis.
The list goes on and on.

I started watching this perfect storm in November of 2007 and it just keeps getting worse.

Now, on top of it all, there is reportedly going to be an emerging food crisis with expected triple digit price increases and world wide shortages.

The USDA is talking out both sides of it's mouth, saying it is expecting bumper crops this year while at the same time it has declared the bread basket of the country to be a fucking disaster area.
Draw your own conclusions there, after all, it is a Federal agency and they are here to help.

Cough, cough.

Rice, again, is supposed to be in short supply again this next year.
On top of all that, I see where some crazy sonofabitch tried to blow up a plane and now the TSA is going to treat every passenger like an errant four year old and nobody can have any kind of electronic device on and must sit facing forward with their hands in their lap for the last hour of a flight.

If that wasn't so God Damn pathetic, it would be hysterical.

All I can say to that is take a fucking train, they have yet to fuck that completely up but rest assured that they are trying as hard as they can.

Commercial real estate continues to tank and Timmy the Great says we can expect to see an ease in unemployment come spring.
There is one dude who needs to experience unemployment for an extended period, asshole.

So, gentle readers and trolls alike, we are in for more of the same in the coming year, I actually expect it to get worse by next summer.

All I can do is try to hang on by my finger nails like everyone else, except I have been slowly building up enough grub and supplies so I can at least eat, whatever the fuck comes down the pipe.

I don't like what I am not seeing, what they are not saying, but I am watching and every two to three weeks the PTB try to slip a little something past us.
Pay attention and keep your wits about ya, there is a Bad Moon Rising.

Actually, the whole enchilada is on a fast track into a brick wall.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

One More Thing Before Night Night

Fuck Newt Gingrich.
On a scale of One to Ten, the guy is a fucking FIFTEEN when it comes to being a sanctimonious fucking asshole.
Rush Limbaugh is a twenty five.

Glenn Beck is off the charts and Sarah Palin couldn't suck my dick if I was passed out with my pants around my ankles.

Limbaugh might try, from what I hear.Good luck with your FOURTH marriage, asshole.

Karl Rove wants to be the Maid of Dis Honor.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Karl Rove's Memoir Due Out Next Year

It's going to be called "Courage And Consequence".

Should be more like "Nightmare Fairy Tales".

The weasel motherfucker has zero courage and I haven't seen any consequences on his lying, smearing, cheating, worthless ass.

That sonofabitch should be in jail and even HE basically admitted it.

I can guarantee I ain't reading his fucking memoir, what, "I don't recall" on every page?


I wouldn't piss on him if he was on fire.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sixty Nine Thousand Dollars For A Six Bedroom House On The Beach In Ireland?

I would start with the neighbor.
69 grand for a six bedroom house right on the beach?

I don't fucking think so.

Justifiable homicide in my book.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We Are All In This Together

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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's A Great Day To Be Alive

Because that Traitorous SonofaBitch Bob Novak ain't anymore.

Good riddance, ya piece of shit.


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Rush Limbaugh Is The New Leader Of The Republican Party?

Bring that shit on right the fuck now!

I have to stop watching the television.
BTW, Dick Armey is a fucking idiot and Chris Mathews makes me want to put a push bumper on my truck.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cheney, Gonzales Indicted In Texas

It's short and Oh My God Is It Sweet!!

Taken from Think Progress En Toto;

Vice President Cheney and former Attorney General Gonzales indicted.»

A South Texas grand jury has returned multi-count indictments against Vice President Dick Cheney and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales on charges related to the alleged abuse of prisoners in Willacy County’s federal detention centers:

The indictment accuses Cheney and Gonzales of engaging in organized criminal activity. It criticizes Cheney’s investment in the Vanguard Group, which holds interests in the private prison companies running the federal detention centers. It accuses Cheney of a conflict of interest and “at least misdemeanor assaults” on detainees by working through the prison companies.

Gonzales is accused of using his position while in office to stop an investigation into abuses at the federal detention centers.

Finally, someone with the fucking balls to go after these thug bastards.
My hat is off to you.

So far, nothing at the NYT, LAT or WAPO, they must be saving it for a back story tomorrow.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Colin Powell Endorses Obama

This is the same Colin Powell who knowingly made the case that Saddam Hussein had portable biological weapons laboratories to the world the whole time he knew he was lying out his ass.
He is directly responsible for selling the invasion of a sovereign nation using false information.

Never forget that.

Fuck him.

H/T to PhysioProf for reminding me.