Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Count Me In

Poor Mittster, he is already playing the victim card, as we all know just how quick these Republican fucks are in doing .

Now it's "The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy" in the media who is out to terminate his run for President like an unwanted pregnancy.

Just for shits and grins, I am going to quote the formidable Suzie Madrak and swipe her graphic on just who dominates the fucking air waves day in and day out, as if you weren't already quite aware.
In case you live in a vacuum, Driftglass is the Go To guy who eviscerates the "Mouse Circus" on a regular schedule.

Back to Suzie, nice opening salvo, I must say;
Ah yes, the infamous left-wing conspiracy, and that librul media! I don't blame Mittens for getting upset.Think of all those damned media socialists like Sean Hannity, Joe Scarborough, Bill O'Reilly, Pat Buchanan, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Mike Huckabee, G. Gordon Liddy, Laura Ingraham, Fred Hiatt, Matt Drudge, Charles Krauthammer, Michelle Malkin, William Kristol, Phyllis Schlafly, Brit Hume, S.E. Cupp, Howard Kurtz, David Brooks, Peggy Noonan, George Will, Kathleen Parker, Neil Cavuto, Michael Medved, Dana Loesch, Dennis Miller, Michael Savage, Michael Reagan, the recently deceased Andrew Breitbart, Erick Erickson, Mike Allen, Tom Donahue, Ann Coulter, Paul Gigot, and John Stossel - oh, I can't go on.

Every single time you turn on the TV or radio, it's just another damned communist hippie.

Damn, how could she forget that ever present douchebag KKKarl Rove or their maniacal sisters from different mothers Michelle Bachmann and my personal favorite, Sarah Palin?

It must be the PTSD.

Now get a load of who is backing this horde of misinformation specialists,

And all those extreme librul organizations that fund their subversive propaganda: the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Koch Family foundations, the John M. Olin Foundation, the Scaife Family foundations, the American Enterprise Institute, the Heritage Foundation, Adolph Coors Foundation, the Cato Institute, the Hudson Institute, the Hoover Institution, the Heartland Institute, or the Manhattan Institute.

Now it just gets pathetic.

Romney was making an appearance on Breitbart TV and was asked by host Larry O'Connor whether he was ready to take on "the media and these nonprofits groups that are working together."

Breitbart TV?

"There will be an effort by the quote vast left wing conspiracy to work together to put out their message and to attack me," Romney said in response. "They're going to do everything they can to divert from the message people care about, which is a growing economy that creates more jobs and rising incomes. That's what people care about."
Romney said dealing with journalists, many of whom he said were biased, was a perpetual problem for Republicans.

"Many in the media are inclined to do the president's bidding and I know that's an uphill battle we fight with the media generally," Romney said, before praising O'Connor for offering a conservative voice.

Cry me a fucking river you whiny bitch.

Jesus Christ, the Republicans have their own dedicated propaganda wing in Fox News alone.
If you think us "libruls" have anything approximating a vast Left wing conspiracy in the media, I would very much like for you to take a moment, after re reading the list of right wingers who are on television and dominate the radio airwaves every week up above, to take a long hard look at what we are up against.

Click to embiggen as my pal Gord says;

They pour millions and millions of dollars,EVERY WEEK, into trying to brainwash us.

The Left wing has nothing to counter this effectively.
Yet, we do manage to get our shots in and when we do, they tend to leave a mark.

So, like I said, count me in.
If my little spit wad shooter of a Blog happens to put one down the gullet of one of these fuckers and chokes them up for a minute, I will consider it a minor miracle but hey, every little conspirator counts in this game.

Major props to Suzie, she is one of our better players.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I Predicted This Last Year

Frothy Mixture is reportedley "suspending" his campaign, leaving The Mittster as the clear leader in the race for the Republican nomination.

It has been painfully obvious to anyone paying attention this was inevitable months ago.

Now it gets serious.

We are about to be blanket wrapped with negative campaign ads for the forseeable future.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

There is Beer Running Out Of My Nose. Thank You, Local Republicans

I am serious when I say I am laughing my ass off.

The local republican delegate convention went into a self feeding frenzy.
Not only could they not come to agreement on who to designate as delegates, they couldn't come to agreement on who to designate as alternates, as in ZERO.

From the Local Rag;
What began with a sense of unity to defeat President Barack Obama dissolved, over 12 hours, into infighting Saturday at the Clark County GOP convention.

Delegates elected at party caucuses in March were unable to finish the assigned task of electing 94 delegates and 94 alternates to the state convention in Tacoma.

Instead, even after the convention was extended by two hours, they ended up with 75 delegates and no alternates.

The blame was placed on Ron Paul supporters.

“You have to applaud their organization,” said Mike Gaston, executive director of the Clark County GOP.

The 49th and 15th Legislative Districts agreed on their allotted delegates (28 and 2 of them, respectively) while the 18th Legislative District will have 30 delegates instead of 32 and the 17th Legislative District will have 15 instead of 32.

This is payday for Ron Paul, he showed up in this little suburb of Portland TWICE and Mittster fucked off Portland.
A composite of over thirty different outlying small cities wrapped into one, of over a million potential idiots.

Smooth move Mormon Dude.

Smart move Ron Paul political adviser, whatever your fucking name is.

Mittster fucked off the West Coast because he damn well knows he is going to find a thumb to the nose out here but even the local Republican base imploding is just Viagra Laced Vanilla Cinnamon icing on a German Chocolate cake with a two drink minimum.

Go ahead and write off the ENTIRE WEST COAST.

Anyone else notice how close Filthy Rich Mormon is to Filthy Rich Moron?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I have to tell ya, this guy is on my Blogroll because I think the man has some critical thinking skills, even though we are worlds apart politically.
I sometimes stop by and yank his chain but he has his points.

I think he struck a nerve here and I will let you all see what he has to say and digest it at your leisure.

Ya gotta give me credit for having an open mind.

The following is copied verbatim,
Obama And "Flexibility" After The Election

Some of you may have missed this exchange between the Russian President and our President Feckless:

President Obama: On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.

President Medvedev: Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you…

President Obama: This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.

President Medvedev: I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.

Nice. What else is Obama planning for after the election? Massive gun control? Higher Taxes? More environmental regulation? After all, he will have more flexibility.

If Obama is re-elected by the dumb masses the gloves will come off and he will go full totalitarian Marxist on the USA, along with his willing accomplices in the press and congress.

Gotta love those "open mikes".

If you are the author of this opinion piece and do not wish to be quoted, please let me know by email at Bustednuckles AT GMAIL, Dot Com.

I, however, have no problem printing my reply;

My ultra liberal brother predicted that train of thought last year.
If Obama gets re elected, it is game on, and the Conservative republicans are going to get a long list of Presidential signing orders and recess appointments that would make a McDonalds menu look like a four year old scribbling on the wall with a new box of crayons.

Good luck Romney.

Thank you G.W., for doing it so many times that everyone just got complacent about it.

I see The Kenyan has already figured this out.

What comes around goes around.

I mean nothing personal, just stating the facts.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Y'all need to speak English

Santorum has to be the most tone deaf motherfucker I have ever seen.

That is what he said out loud to the people of Puerto Rico.
Ninety percent of whom speak Spanish exclusively.

He was trying to dangle the carrot of them becoming the 51'st state and stuck his foot in his mouth clear to the knee. His campaign manager there up and walked away and had to be replaced with an aging, retired, Baseball player.

No surprise then that the other fucking tone deaf motherfucker walked away with all their delegates, even though they can't vote in the primary in November.

I am telling ya, this is turning into a Tee Vee series that rivals I love Lucy .

Romney skated away with all twenty delegate votes and now Frothy is getting seriously close to him being impossible to win the nomination and Newticles might as well go back to Georgia and get back to charging way too much money for speaking engagements.
Like I would waste a perfectly good dime and throw a pop bottle at his fat ass.

I told you last year that the Mormon was going to be the nominee and I am right.
He doesn't have a chance come November because the South isn't going to back him and as much fucking money that he has is already pretty much gone.
Super PACs, Koch Brothers, those notorious Corporate " people" not withstanding, the guy is fucking toast.

Kudos for stimulating the economy though.


Oh, by the way Frothy?

Nice try with the strident speeches about how porno is going to kill this country, all I can say is you are getting wound so fucking tight your eyes are starting to bulge.

Now that the republican nomination process has to move out of the South and into places where there are actually folks that can think for themselves, you might as well walk into a brick wall.

I noticed Romney declined to appear at a scheduled debate across the river in Portland.

He might actually have someone on his staff that isn't completely stupid.

The West Coast is Blue from Mexico to Canada.

No need to waste your campaign funds around here.

I don't have to deal with fucked up traffic either.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Take Your Crazy And Shove Off

I don't know about you but I am sick and tired of these crazy fucking bastard Republican candidates.
I don't hear a Goddamn thing come out of their mouths except wedge issues and outright insanity.

Womens birth control,anti immigration, Big Government, Tax breaks for the already obscenely rich, anti union, on and on and on.

What I am NOT hearing is just what the fuck they plan to do about putting millions of people back to work at a decent wage with decent benefits, what the fuck their foreign policies are, what the fuck they plan on doing about getting our troops home and just exactly how they plan on putting THOSE people to work or how they plan to take care of the thousands of our veterans with war trauma the rest of their lives.

I also don't see any forethought on what to do about the crooked banking industry or the crooked mortgage industry, the war on drugs, the rotting infrastructure of our country , climate change,the money losing Post office or basically any real pressing issue facing this country.
Nope, it's all about vaginas and dragging everyone back to the eleventh fucking century.
They want anyone who isn't already obscenely rich to serve as vassals to those who are and bow down to their vision of Almighty God, which by the way, isn't quite exactly on par with the teachings of a certain guy named Jesus that I had drilled into me at a tender age.
These clowns are more Old Testament the way I see it and even then, twist the message sideways.

The current crop of Republican candidates are so far out of touch with the average American as to be laughable and the blatant pandering I have seen is indeed comical to the point of parody.

I wouldn't vote for any one of these people to be in charge of putting scotch tape in the dispenser.

Get your fucking religion out of the business of this country, get your head out of your asses and out of the ladies reproductive parts and educate yourselves on actually governing in a sane manner or get the fuck off the stage forever.

Preferably the latter.


Saturday, February 18, 2012

What We Need Is Another Good GodDamned War

Fuck me if it ain't coming too.
Us, Israel and Iran are strutting around like Peacocks in heat.
If, you haven't been paying attention, Israel and Iran have been knocking off each others citizens, "unofficially" for a few months now.
A nuclear scientist here and there and a couple of  Israeli diplomats over there, coupled with the U.S. strong arming the UN  and the International banking industry to freeze the ability for Iran to transfer money from it's oil sales spells big money for the American  War Industrial Complex yet again.

Fuck Iraq, Fuck Afghanistan, We lost those war fronts long ago to the tune of thousands of  lives and billions of dollars, now we are staring into the face of the most disastrous  socio-political-economic mistake of the entire history of this nation.

Good idea to go stick your nose around yet another Middle Eastern Country, thousands of miles away.

We have been fucking around with Iran since before I was born 52 years ago.

Remember the Shaw?

The CIA was tripping over their dicks back when I was in High School.

Now, Iran has threatened to close the Hormuz straights, where over sixty percent of the international supply of the worlds oil passes through.
We responded with a task force of Air Craft carriers, with their requisite support ships and now Iran just upped the ante.

Granted, it's just a Frigate class, and we probably have enough fire power to send the damn thing to Davy Jones's locker three days ago but who the fuck profits from this?

It certainly ain't you, it ain't me and there will certainly be " Collateral Damage" if it comes to  the moment of point blank confrontation.

It's bad enough that we have a carrier group there now, when Iran sends little speed boats around to harass them  with the potential to sink a battle ship, this is political brinkmanship with potentially deadly  results.

I do mean deadly.
As my Dad always  told me, ya fuck with the bull and ya get the horn.
If Israel decides to go a head and  attack Iran through a bombing campaign like they have been threatening to do, there is going to be shit splattered from the Middle East to the Mid West.

Somebody needs to wise the fuck up.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Ron Paul Is a Big Hit In The Couv'

Presidential longshot Ron Paul stopped here yesterday to a packed house with hundreds being turned away because of a standing room only venue.

I know there are a lot of Republicans around here but was really surprised at two things.
One, that there are that many Ron Paul supporters in this area and two, why he picked Vancouver when Portland is right across the river and is ten times as big as Vancouver..

It's a mystery to me.

I'll be the first to admit I have some libertarian leanings and out of all the crazy motherfuckers running with an R behind their name, he is the only one I would ever consider holding my nose for, even he is too far out there for my tastes on too many subjects though..

Still, it was interesting to see such a turn out for him in this neck of the woods.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pot Calls Kettle Black

Er, wait, that didn't come out right.

Speaking of Right, the current Greek Tragedy of the Republican nomination process just took a turn I would never, ever expect to see.

After all, Newt is a master of the racist dogwhistle.

Desperate, are we?

Myself, I am a lily white fella from Irish descent and if I were to meet Newt face to face, one of us would walk away with a slight discoloration under one or both eyes.

The fact that Cain had to suck it up so far as to have to endorse this fucking scumbag only highlites the obvious fact that the Republican party makes the San Andreas fault look like a straight edge.

Face it, the Republicans have done nothing lately except shoot themselves in the foot and I am all about buying another box of rounds to help them on their way.

I don't know about Herman Cain but I still have a shred of dignity.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

That Was A Complete Waste Of Electrons.

See the previous post, I fell alseep about ten minutes in.

So much for great oratory.


Maybe Later.

I need a shower and a shave in the worst way and I sure as shit hope that ain't my feet I smell, I think the cat has been rolling in something in the back yard.
Been working, been busy, been tired.

I asked the beauty to tune in the State of The Union on an alternate television because I am a nice fucking guy but I want to see it after all the goat fucking I have been exposed to lately, a jack ass would be a nice change.

We shall see if I have anything coherent to say later or if I call Bullshit after an Ass fucking and the requisite Pig Fuckers who can never quit running their mouths and kissing and telling.

Friday, January 20, 2012

If Ya Can't Stand The Heat, Get Out Of the Kitchen Newt

Sorry, my Irony meter started spinning like a gyroscope when I saw this one.

Newt rips into the media for questioning him about allegations by his second wife that he asked for an open marriage because he was dicking Calista while he was married and howling like a wolf at the moon about Bill Clinton's affair with the famous blue dress at the same time..


The hubris burns.

What do you say to something like that on National television?

Fuck you?

I would.
Fuck you Newt, ya lying, cheating whore hound sonofabitch would be accurate.

The balls of this guy, really?
It has been widely reported that he asked for a divorce from his then wife while she lay in a hospital bed trying to fight cancer, this would be the same wife, while in the hospital, that he had the fucking nads to ask if it was OK if she didn't mind if he was fucking some rich, younger lady  whom just happened to be the heir to the Budweiser fortune.

Apparently,he asked her if it would be just peachy if he could stay married and bang Calista too.
Gee, I wonder what she REALLY said to that...

I used to drink so much Bud, when I quit, they had to shoot three of those Clydesdales because they couldn't afford to fed the poor things.

Back to Newt.
I am seeing some serious dog whistle bullshit come out of his mouth because he was in South nigger hating Carolina.

See how that works for ya as you have to campaign in places like, anywhere else.

I'll be damned if I am going to give those ignorant fucks another mention.

To recap, Newt was mortified that some propaganda repeater, they used to be called reporters,
had the inexcusable gall to call him out on his hypocrisy and hit the fainting couch about a subject he was, at the time, excoriating a sitting President for doing the same damn thing, at the same damn time.

There are so many other things that Newt Fucking Gingrich can be proven to be piously doing a double standard about that my  fucking head spins to the impossible fact that any reasoning individual with an IQ above my shoe size is even considering to elect this cancerous growth on our electoral process to the highest office in the land and that makes me want to gag.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Romney, Frothy, Neck And Neck In Iowa

Frothy with a huge COME back.

Best news of the day,

And Texas Gov. Rick Perry, running in fifth, said late Tuesday that he would return to Texas to consider whether his campaign would continue.

Fly past Go, do not collect 200 bucks and roll off the runway into the Gulf at high speed.

Frothy Mess comes in second?


I will leave that alone for now.

There is a pair to draw to.

No mention of Crazy Lady.

Dammit, I wanted her to take a ton of votes.

Dammit Newt, Ya Broke it!

I want a new one ,it seems, every damned day lately.

I almost choked when I read this one

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich insisted on Tuesday that that fellow candidate Mitt Romney was a "liar," but could support him over Barack Obama if the former Massachusetts governor became the eventual Republican nominee.

At a Monday campaign event, Gingrich had complained about Romney refusing to speak out against attack ads being aired by a pro-Romney Super PAC.

"Here is my simple tag line: Somebody who will lie to you to get to be president will lie to you when they are president," Gingrich told supporters.

In an interview Tuesday morning, CBS correspondent Norah O'Donnell asked Gingrich if he was calling Romney a "liar."

"Yes," Gingrich replied.

My Bold and his too.
He is a bold, I mean Bald Faced fucking liar.
Newt has stuck his forked tongue out so many times over the years it takes a career lying assed politician with the attention span of a flea and the mentality of a Bull in a China shop to make a statement like that on National television..

What he don't break, he shits on.

Thanks for the inspiration, Squatlo.

The beauty of it all is that he is breaking Ronny Rayguns ultimate rule, Republicans don't attack fellow Republicans.

Excuse me while I have a shot and laugh until my sides hurt.

I haven't looked at any results from the Iowa primary yet but I will stick my little pecker neck out and predict Newtie just went down in flames.


Go have a nice "Santorum Salad" and don't forget to wipe your face, asshole.

Brush your fucking teeth too, everything that comes out of your mouth smells like Bullshit.

Friday, December 09, 2011

100,000 RedNeck Dogs Just Heard A loud Whistle

I cannot fucking believe my local paper put this fucking piece of shit, right wing dog whistle motherfucking editorial in their paper without apologizing before hand.

This is so fucking blatant I want to slap someone in the face, namely some right wing authoress named Kathleen Parker,then the editor, twice.

Parker: Gingrich’s sins forgivable to voters

In the first place, Newt Gingrich is neck and neck with that despicable fucking jerk KKKKarl Rove when it comes to being lying cheating and stealing rotten sonsabitches who should be in jail instead of on television.

Newts escapades are legend.

Way too many to list here.

The fact that this Parker lady is trying to get the rest of us to conveniently forgive and forget all the shit this asshole has pulled in the last thirty years and having it carried by syndication just pisses me the fuck off almost beyond words.

Newt Gingrich is a fucking scumbag of the highest order and wants to be President.

It is to laugh.

Ain't, gonna, happen.

If you thought Cain went down in flames, wait until they turn the microscope on this weasel motherfucker.

Some excerpts from Dame Parker that especially turned my stomach;
Romney may have a more serious problem than is conceivable given the trolley of baggage that Gingrich has to drag around. The largest pieces include: taking huge sums in consulting fees from Freddie Mac; ethics violations from his days as speaker of the House; an extramarital affair with a Hill staffer, his now-wife Callista, while he was trying to impeach Bill Clinton for lying about his extramarital dalliance with an intern. Gingrich’s rise may indicate a populace that considers the nation’s challenges more important than personal foibles. Or, more likely, his surge is an affirmation of the Republican base’s preference for a good ol’ boy from the South rather than an exotic from a vacation reef out in the middle of the ocean.

Get that?

It's my bold because the dog whistle racist undertones just went screaming by like a fucking ambulance siren at full blast.

If you didn't catch that little bit of innuendo, you are a complete fucking moron.

We are not done yet either, the very next sentence,

If exotic got us into this mess, then mightn’t the antidote be a Georgian who knows his way around the Federalist Papers?

Apparently, "exotic" is the new nigger to these people.

They have no sense of shame and try to find a new way to call people who aren't pasty fucking white like that scary looking Calista Gingrich some form of nigger.

Sand nigger, Buck nigger, nigger fucking nigger, these people are stuck in the past, pining to own a couple.
It is beyond disgusting and my local editor high fived some other pasty white asshole and let this shit get printed in my local paper.

Then, the wench goes on to praise old Newtie for being a pious bastard who's most important thing he has ever done was to switch to Catholicism so he can sin without a care in the wold because all he has to do is go to confession, say a few fucking Hail Mary's and he is suddenly pristine again.

Just one more reason he is a contemptible piece of fucking shit.

I will tell you this now, there is no way on earth, other than the Supreme Court assfucking us again, that this man is EVER going to be the President.

Go read the rest of this fucking womans contemptible opinion piece.

After you get done seething at the blatant assholery, you will realize that fact and turn around, pull your britches down and tell her to kiss your ass like I did.

I am still seething that I actually saw this in my local paper but they regularly have that asshole Sowell, and other known Right wing shit disturbers on their editorial page.

I do get to snicker at the dumb fucking bastards though, they spent 13 million dollars having a new building built and had to sell it and move back to their old bunker after two years.

Fuck you, assholes.

Karma is a bitch and so is this idiot Kathleen Parker.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

What Gordon Said

If ya been around here for any length of time, you will know that I have several internet buddies.

Several as in many.

There are some damn decent folks out there who pay attention to the shit we get fed on a regular basis.

The joint I go to first every Day when I can is my buds at Alternate Brain.

They are all over the latest news and I agree with their assessment of said news, especially the news of a political nature.

I do believe my pal Gord just knocked one out of the park and into a windshield.

Good on ya bud.

I would love to see Nancy Pelosi yank up her skirt, show everyone her balls and throw that dirty motherfucker Newt Gingrich under a convoy of busses.

I ain't overly enamored of Pelosi but seeing her drop a depth charge in the middle of Newt's lying ass would give me a serious chubby.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Fuck You Newt Gingrich

My thoughts exactly.

Shamelessly stolen from a guy I really like, who swiped it from another guy I really like and half assed aspire to be.

This needs to get around a bit because it's fucking true, Newt Gingrich is a fucking asshole and if I ever get the chance, I will tell him that to both of his faces.



If you like Newt Gingrich, you are so stupid I can't believe you can remember to breathe.

Monday, November 07, 2011

Sunday, September 04, 2011


So,Congress is coming back in session.

I was reading the dead tree version of the local rag they call a newspaper around here and see that Congress has a whopping 12% approval rating.

First of all, I think that is a bit optimistic of a figure.

Second, just who are these 12%?

They most certainly haven't been paying attention.
12% of Americans actually approve of what Congress has done since the last election.

These people are willfully, Ignorant, Stupid, Mother, Fuckers.

The only other explanation would be that there is a fuckload more lobbyists in this country than I could ever imagine.

Even Stupie McFuckwit never got much under 28% and just astounded me even at that.

No, twelve percent tells me someone has their thumb on the scale because the current crop of dumb as rusty hammers doesn't even deserve that much.

There should be an automatic recall kill switch new election kind of thingy if their approval rate dips below Stupies all time low.

Approaching just one tenth of the population being happy should tell those dumb cocksuckers something ain't right in La La land.

Even now, they are gearing up and trying to raise money for an election that is still ONE YEAR AWAY!

This never ending vote stumping seriously affects what business they should be taking care of.
Renaming post offices doesn't do a fucking thing for this country except for some fucking painter somewhere who gets a quick name change job on the front of a fucking post office.

I don't even know why I bother to vote anymore.

Fucking bastards could give a rats ass what I think and do what their owners want without fail.
Just remember when 90% of us told them in no uncertain terms not to bail out those crooked fuckers on Wall Street?
That even beats 12% and they said Fuck You, we're doing it anyway.

Nope, unless you are a multi millionaire or a Mega Corporation, you do not exist.

They are actually afraid of the average constituent, especially when they are gathered in large quantities.
I see now some cock bite asshole representatives are trying to charge a fee if you want to talk to them face to face.
I have two words for that nonsense;

Fuck, That.

We pay your fucking salary, you arrogant fucking jack ass.
You work for us, arrogant fucking jack ass.

If I want to talk to you about something I find to be important enough to expend my energy and express my concerns to you about, you make the fucking time and effort to make your sorry fucking ass available to me, your employer.

If you have the gall to try and charge me for that, I am on the phone to the ethics committee, the same day, capiche?

That shit needs to stop yesterday.

So, as I sit here, I am still decidedly puzzled as to just who this 12% is and if they actually exist or is it a figment of someones imagination?

I seriously doubt that if I went outside and randomly asked people who were walking by whether or not they approve of the job Congress has been doing that I would find a single aye.

More than likely I figure I would encounter expressions of outrage and disgust, universally.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Current Debt Ceiling Negotiations Explained In Under Forty Five Seconds

Notice the Main Stream Media doing their part off to the right.

It's all fucking Kabuki at this point.

Mitch "The Chin" McConnell and his brilliant cave in plan today proves this point without question.

They aren't the least bit serious, yet.