Sunday, April 24, 2011
I Will Let Others Do the Laughing
Friday, April 08, 2011
Guest Post: Grow a Garden, Eat Healthy, Save Money
So how do we solve these problems. Well, a home vegetable garden is something that I started last year and really enjoyed throughout the summer. Its a slow process, it takes about 2 ½ – 3 months for the first fruits, but a very rewarding one. I guess I'll just give a brief summary of my experience last summer and if anyone has any questions about specifics, they can email me.
After I read Al Gore's “An Inconvenient Truth”, I felt inspired to single handedly save the world. But I'm only in college and couldn't afford a hybrid car, so I thought that a vegetable garden would help. I had a patch of soil 4 feet wide and 30 feet long, so I chose 5 crops and gave them 6 feet a piece: Corn, Butternut Squash, Tomatoes, Peppers, and Strawberries. You can buy seeds at Home Depot, Christmas Tree Shop, or your local guy (Herolds Farm here in Fair Lawn). You may need to add some nutrient rich soil, but I didn't and everything worked out pretty well. I started planting after Passover last year in mid-April, and within about 3 weeks there was already some signs of life.
After that initial joy of the first seedlings, things get kinda boring for the next 6-8 weeks as the plants continue to slowly grow a little every day. The corn was the most fun to watch though; I left for shul in the morning one Shabbos and they must have grown 4 inches by the time I got back a few hours later. But for the most part, if you water a couple times of week, the plants will continue to grow and strengthen as they prepare to bloom.
In late June/early July (depending on when you start), you'll finally be able to enjoy the first fruits. From here on out its really just about watering every other day and harvesting your fruits whenever they are ripe. I usually waited to do this until friday afternoon (when I had some free time) and we had enough tomatoes to last the entire week.
Here is a breakdown of how each plant grew last year. My numbers are a little rusty as I'm doing it from memory.
Corn: Worked great, the stalks grew about 6 feet tall and produced two ears per stalk. We harvested maybe a couple but then I came home one afternoon to find that squirrels had devoured the rest of them. It was fun while it lasted. Hopefully you'll have better luck.
Strawberries: Didn't grow at all. I hear they are very hard to grow from seeds, but you might be able to buy the plants themselves.
Butternut Squash: Grew very well, we got maybe a dozen or so squashes (squashi?) from just one plant. It grows all over the place though so you might want to trellice it on a fence. All squash grow similar (zuchini, yellow squash, acorn, pumpkins...) so I'm assuming that they'll all grow wonderfully in this area.
Peppers: Came in very late and only produced a couple peppers. I have a feeling we didn't do something right so maybe they'll work better this year. There are so many varieties to choose from so plant all different varieties of colors and spiciness.
Tomatoes: This was the best by far. I think we got on average a Quart of the little yellow plum tomatoes every week. I was even able to give quite a bit to some friends. They can get very tall depending on what type you buy, so you may need to stake them, or cage them, or they'll just flop over. Thats not so bad (it happened to me) but it doesn't look so nice and can get kind of messy. This year, I'm going to try and do 3 different types of tomatoes so I'll have much more variety.
Anyways, thats pretty much it from last year. I had a great time doing it, and the harvesting was the most fun of all. Its a great way to get the kids involved as well, and they can definitely help out. For the most part, you can keep your prices very low (I only bought seeds for like 3$ a pack) but if you want to keep things neat, you may need to spend some money on cages/stakes/fertilizer/ or gardening tools if you don't have them already. I was lucky and already had them.
I'll just mention the economic benefits as well, because I know this blog tries to help out in that department. I can't say that it saved my family that much money but we probably got like 30$ or something out of the process. Then again, I had no idea what I was doing last year and was so thankful it actually worked. If you do thing right, I've read that you can grow as much as $2000 worth of produce in a 20 by 20 foot area. That seems like a ton of money from just a garden, but I guess it depends on how big your weekly grocery budget is. I think in reality, if you do things correct, you can probably grow about $500 worth of food, but even if that doesn't happen I guarantee it is one of the most fun and rewarding experiences.
This year, we are going a little crazy and are growing lettuce, carrots, onions, hot peppers, cucumbers, eggplant, 3 types of tomatoes, corn, and maybe more. If anyone is interested I can keep them updated on how it goes, so post some comments!! I don't think this will pay for your school tuition (unless you go to a CUNY school) but it could help.
Again, if you need any specific help or advice on how to grow specific plants feel free to email me at I'm not an expert, but I've done a ton of research so I'd be glad to help.
Best of luck to all.
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Guest Post: 10 Tips for Saving Money, Time, Nerves, and Health on Pesach
by Rosie (Thank you!)
1)Keep a log of what is spent each year and how much of each item was used up. If new items are to be purchased for the following Pesach, such as fry pans, tablecloths, knives, etc, put that on the log and put the log in a place where it is accessible all year. Keep Pesach in mind when buying furniture and baby gear as to how easy the items will be to clean. Throughout the year, buy needed items on sale such as aluminum foil, food storage bags, etc.
2)Pay income taxes prior to Purim rather that wait until Pesach. The government gets your money one month sooner but you avoid the headaches. It is truly sad to see people trying to work on taxes when they could be cooking for Pesach.
3) Have your plumbing lines snaked prior to Pesach and make sure that all toilet tissue is good for plumbing. Do not allow anyone to flush tissues or wipes and find a nice way of telling people to flush once for #1 and twice for #2 to avoid clogging toilets. Emergency plumbing work costs more. Be sure to have plungers handy and apparently dawn dishwashing liquid can help some drain clogs.
4) Old refrigerators that are rarely used, tend to die on Pesach when lots of food is put in at once and the refrigerator must work hard to cool it down. Frequently check to see that the refrigerators are working and that the food is cold.
5) Make all routine auto maintenance and health care visits prior to Purim or after Pesach. The exception will be for children returning from yeshiva, seminary, or college and need to see the dentist. This will save on time spent on oil changes or dental hygiene appointments that can be scheduled for after Pesach.
6)Purchase clothing prior to Purim to avoid running out erev Pesach to buy items that could have been planned long before.
7)Plan only one activity for chol ha moed that costs such as a trip to the zoo and the rest should be kite flying in the park or other free activities such as a public library that has toys and activities. Give the kids a choice of the activity that costs.
8) Expect the unexpected. Don’t let your car run out of gas like we did one erev Pesach. Chicken pox tends to come out on Pesach and one year 5 of our children came down with it the day of bedikas Chometz. Keep on hand fever reducers for epidemics and remember to have either laxatives or prune juice on hand for stomach aches due to change in diet. Pesach cleaning can trigger asthma attacks. Keep a few windows open if a gas stove is kept running on a yomtov.
9) Plan some type of treat for after bedikas chometz such as Passover chocolates. Everyone should be congratulated on a job well done.
10) Make cleaning products from kosher for Passover vinegar or baking soda. Use spray bottles and don’t fill buckets of water if there are babies in the house that toddle or crawl, unless they are sleeping.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
PSA: Shmura Matza Deal, Teaneck and Five Towns
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Resources: Great Pesach List and Past Pesach Money Saving Tips
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Guest Post: How to Shop for Passover on a Budget, Part 3
- Make a master Pesach year-to-year list. Mine is here.
- It's only eight days. You can do without.
- Arm yourself with a solid knowledge of Pesach-related halacha.
- Pesach shopping starts now. Actually, yesterday.
- Go back to basics.
- Invest in long-term items instead of throwing out money on short-term items. Think future.
- Reach out to your friends and community and share/pool resources.
So, now that we've got the principles down, I'm just going to toss out a few assorted tips, coupons and deals that will help you save money on Passover essentials, like matzoh, and incidentals, like tea.
- Keep your eyes peeled for those buy-$50-worth-of-groceries-get-5-lbs.-of-matzoh-free deals that pop up every year at the major supermarket chains. Have in mind that they tend to happen very close to Pesach and you might want to get your shopping done sooner.
- Here's a $2/1 coupon for a 5 lb. package Streit's matzoh. (Please note, even though this coupon is from a ShopRite circular, it is a legitimate manufacturer's coupon and should work in any store. I printed and clipped it and used it at a Denver Safeway without a problem.)
- If you'd like to serve fish on Pesach but don't like the idea of shelling out $7-$8 for each roll of KLP (Kosher la'Pesach) gefilte, here's an fyi for you: Kirkland Atlantic Salmon Frozen fillets and Kirkland Frozen Steelhead Trout, both bearing an OU for year-round use, are also KLP, according to the OU. This is the Costco brand of frozen fish and it is great quality. These are all skinless, boneless, center-cut (no waste), individually wrapped fillets. The trout is slightly cheaper than the salmon, and tastes just as good; I substitute it in recipes calling for salmon all the time. One fillet=2 appetizer-sized portions and there are usually 7 fillets in each bag. Costco fish works really well in this great Pesach recipe, which is a staple in our home.
- Gefilte fish a must for Pesach? Try sending for these A&B gefilte fish coupons, with this caveat: when I requested them a while back, they arrived about three weeks later, but I've gotten numerous reports from readers that they never received them.
- Although this goes against my usual buyer's instincts, I don't buy top-of-the-line appliances and housewares for Pesach; I prefer to save those for year-round use. Remember, Pesach is only eight days. That means that, even factoring in the extra guests you'll have, the wear and tear on your Pesach kitchen stuff will be a fraction of the amount that you put on your non-Passover items. While you don't want to get really cheap, low-quality items, it's perfectly ok to buy 18/0 silverware instead of 18/10, or Pfaltzgraff instead of Lennox, or Farberware instead of Calphalon. As the years progress, your needs will evolve, your tastes will change, you might want to upgrade or maybe you'll just grow tired of what you have, and knowing you haven't spent a fortune on an item that you've barely used will make changing it out a little easier. You might think this is in conflict with my recommendation that you "invest in long-term items instead of throwing out money on short-term items," but it's not. I'm suggesting a balance between building up a cache of housewares that will help you save money for many Pesachs to come, but without investing in top-of-the-line products.
- We're often so focused on the expense of Pesach food, that we forget how much we spend on cleansers for The Big Clean. I recall going through an entire large bottle of Purex in just three days last year, when my washer was going non-stop the week before Pesach. Unless I find a fabulous sale paired with a high value manufacturer's coupon stacked with a store coupon, or a great online deal, I tend to buy most of my cleansers at the dollar store. Yes, the dollar store.
- Here's a little factoid that was news to me this year: many dollar stores, especially the large chains, will accept manufacturer's coupons along with their own store coupons. Family Dollar in Denver accepts manufacturer's coupons, and when you stack them with their store coupons and very low prices on brand names, many of the cleansers I buy there come out to near-free. You can also get brand-name Passover sponges, dishracks, and placemats there for a song. Most of their prices on paper goods rival those of even Costco.
- Many stores raise the prices on Wissotzky Tea (which is the KLP herbal tea standard) to $4 or $5 per box before Pesach. Instead, go to Walmart or Target or any supermarket and pick up one of the KLP versions of Bigelow Tea, a national brand that goes for around $1.50-$2/box and is excellent quality tea. We drink it year-round. If you prefer to buy it online, here's a link to 6 boxes of my personal favorite, Plantation Mint, on Amazon for $12.38 (Subscribe & Save price, with free shipping=$2.06/box). Bigelow's KLP hechsher is from KofK. Each year, I pool together an assortment of Bigelow KLP flavors in a lined basket, which makes for a nice change from the usual Wissotzky tea box.
- What would a Passover seder be for the kiddies without a table littered with frogs? Get 12 dozen of these pretty cute frogs at Oriental Trading for $4.99 plus $6.99 shipping. Oriental Trading has a ton of fun things in bulk for children, so if you get together with a few other families and pool your merchandise order so that it's over $49, you can get free shipping with promo code RT1135200. (You can also get 4% cash back if you click through their Shop at Home link first.)
- Click here and look at page 35 for a list of the CRC's recommended Passover food for pets. Over the years, we've been buying our little beagle Science Diet, which is one of the recommended dog foods again this year. Click here to download some high value coupons for Science Diet pet food. Click here for a $7/1 coupon for Prescription Diet. Click here for a $2/4 cans coupon for Evanger's pet food.
- There are no dog treats that are recommended for Passover (almost all contain some form of chometz), so here's a low cost solution: when you're clearing the table after a meal, pile everyone's leftover soup and gravy into one plastic bowl. Soak 2 pieces of plain matzoh in it overnight. Break up the matzohs and either let them dry out or give them to your dog the way they are. Instant dog treats, for the negligible cost of two sheets of matzoh. Dogs love matzoh!
Please share some of your frugal Pesach suggestions in the comments below.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Moshiach will pay the Credit Card
This Pesach, Matzav treated us to an editorial whinning about how expensive Pesach is (Pesach poundcake is a killer). Two Pesachs prior, the Yated treated us to a letter complaining that Pesach has left families in the red (how do you afford those afikoman gifts and chol hamoed trips?). And each Pesach since I started penning my thoughts on these issues, I (with the help of some fantastic commenters) have put forward a number of money saving tips for consideration because I believe that man cannot serve to masters: Hashem and Mastercard.
This week I received this comment which I'd like to just address head on:
I've read the comments to the "letter writer" on Matzav and the comments here and there is a world of difference in the basic outlook. The comments on Matzav are religious in outlook - tefillah, Moshiach - and also very compassionate. Many commenters say they are in exactly the same situation and they totally understand. The comments on Orthonomics are highly practical and rather disdainful of people who put frum values ahead of balancing the budget. In fact, none of you really seem to understand the religious way of thinking. I have often read on this blog criticism of lack of birth control in the religious community - why do they have so many children? When I have commented that birth control will never be accepted in the frum world, I have read comments like "why not?" The point I'm making is that people who are religiously motivated and people who are motivated by practical concerns will never be able to understand each other. Oh, the reason frum people will not accept birth control is not because of community pressure - it's because first, frum people believe it is a commandment from the Torah to have children, second, they LOVE children, and third, they are willing to live at a very minimal level to sustain a Torah life. Visit Lakewood and see how most families there live. You will see that they truly believe in a Torah life, and while these are not your interpretations of what the Torah requires, they are admirably consistent. They are not motivated solely or even primarily by community pressure. They are motivated by BELIEF.
Note the title of my post, "Moshiach will pay the creditors." Way back when I was a student trying to wrap my head around the ins and outs of going concerns and bankruptcy chapters, budgeting and leveraging, I discovered these very issues were present right in my own community. I think the first time that it hit me was when I was sitting with a lovely Rebbitzen, small business owner, and friend who had just had a wedding like I'd never seen before, which was shortly followed by a much more intimate bar mitzvah. The wedding was a first wedding for this very large family and one of the largest I've attended to date. There was not a detail missing in the festivities from a formal vort, to the jewelry, to the edible flowers on the salad. I can only make an educated guess about the cost of the wedding, but I'm nearly certain I could put a child through (public) law school or med school including a generous allowance for living costs for the cost of the wedding. Somehow as we were chatting, I found out that they had yet to pay for the wedding. This might have been the first time I realized that people really did borrow against their homes to pay for things they wanted. I would not take out a credit card for another five years, so I was still in the dark that I could actually write myself a check for cash to take the vacation I so deserved.
Once my eyes were opened they were opened wide, I learned a lot quickly. A little later I was privy to a conversation between someone else and her daughter in which some rather large credit card debts were mentioned (they were adding to them because they "needed" new dresses for all the kids for a simcha and I believe the discussion was if they had enough credit for the purchase). I had just been signed to my first real job and couldn't comprehend how anyone could *pay* for such debt, especially given the demographic and career choice, and just blurted out, "how will you pay that off?" The reply: "When Moshiach comes, he will pay [off the credit card]." It would have been funny, except there wasn't a hint of humor. She later explained something to the effect that unless a frum Jew was wealthy, they would juggle debt.
A lot of what I have learned and write about comes from published words, conversations, and observations. But, I've also had my fair share of runs-ins with people who can't pay their bills or simply stiff you. E.g., I took on some work for a family that who does all of the same things my commenter mentioned. Every conversation has has a "religious outlook." Tefillah, bitachon, emunah, mashiach; it is all in the conversation. The problem? The work is done, but you get a message not to cash the check because something else came up. And the next check bounces from here to there and back again and the "practical" person ends up on the phone with a local posek trying to figure out what courses of action would be permissible to now collect the funds.
I don't separate the practical from the religious or frum. To me they are completely intertwined, and I see this in the Torah I've learned and from the Rabbonim I've consulted on "practical" issues. The commenter writes "[I/we are] disdainful of people who put frum values ahead of balancing the budget." To me balancing the budget IS a "frum" value.
Derech Eretz kadma l'Torah is a fundamental concept. I think that being able to pay your bills as agreed upon would fit right under the banner of derech eretz kadma l'Torah. Putting yourself in a position where you are engaging in a life of debt means that eventually something will give. Creditors will not be paid. Food and services that you consumed and made a beracha over will not be paid. Pledges that you made will go unfilled. Lawyers, dentists, and schools will go unpaid. Unfortunately there are businesses (grocery stores no less) with massive receivables on their books. Schools and shuls experience the same phenomena. Years ago I met a wonderful couple visiting from a certain neighborhood known for its piety. The family had a business within the community and when he found out I was an accountant, he wanted to share with me a trick he learned on how to 'clean out' as much as he could from the bank accounts of people who wrote him bad checks. Let's just say I didn't learn this trick in business school. I'm a very simple person. I still like to assume that when someone writes a check that it will cash.
Operating in a constant state of red invites ethical challenges. This is not to say that people who live with great wealth don't fall to the yetzer hara (think Enron), but supporting a lifestyle that is not commensurate with income is an invitation to the yetzer hara. I've seen it with my own two eyes.
To close I want to say one last thing: while many of my commentators feel strongly that families should not have "more children than they can afford," (there are VIN and Matzav commentators who say the same thing!), I have a liking for large families. I think that having a growing, expanding, and alive community is our lifeblood. I think it is well worth while to forgo plenty of extras to have more children. The issue that we have is defining the extras and we have made everything a requirement in the name of frumkeit so that we don't even know what "minimal" is. When camp become minimal and dental work to fix rotting teeth becomes extra, you have a problem. And that problem isn't particularly related to family size, but priorities.
Friday, April 09, 2010
Perfume Shops Vs. Garbage Dumps
And this is exactly why we pass on large organized chol ha'moed trips! That, and the fact that I prefer to spend family time with my own family, not with my neighbor's brother's nephew's Rebbe's mechutanim's grandchildren.
There is a commentary on on sentence in Dayeinu which I have seen in numerous places and which probably came home in a Haggadah produced in school about the value of simply being in an environment of taharah (i.e. the perfume shop) rather than being seeped in an environment of tumah (i.e. the Garbage Dump). At the sedarim, each elementary school child repeated this commentary and the pshat that I believe your average Yeshiva/Bais Yaacov student walks away with is the importance of insularity within the klal and the importance of avoiding the contamination of the outside world. Organized Chol Hamoed trips to the amusement park are attractive if you are concerned about short shorts, bikini tops, and teenagers that can't keep their hands off each other. But I have plenty of concern about the environment within our own klal which keep me passing on such trips, to say nothing of more regular activities.
I wonder if the kids who are learning such commentaries will ever consider the commentary beyond the message of inside=good, outside=bad. But within the inside, there are plenty of messages, subtle and not so subtle, that our kids are picking up and that I believe has resulted in a lot of the mess we see too often see today. I don't spend a lot of time at this point in my life worrying about the outside world. Simply put, my children's access is rather limited, and just like my parents who have turned off a movie right in the middle when an unexpected scene popped up, I'm more than happy to "pull the plug" too. But what about the messages that they are getting that we might not even know about? For example, I read a book in a family member's home that I believe is marketed to the pre-teen girls which was, quite frankly, appalling and age-inappropriate. (In the unnamed book's defense, my husband believes it is perhaps targeted to an older group, which doesn't exactly instill confidence in the reading level of whatever group is targeted, nor would I care for my teenager reading the book either). Nonetheless, just because something is published by a known frum company, doesn't put it in the "Perfume Category" by default.
Back to just downright pushy and rude behavior (I've been on the receiving end of plenty too), many would like to blame the outside world, but I think these issues are mostly internal issues and those of us who are concerned about the underlying issues that lead to "chillul Hashem" should start by taking a look at the Perfume (and the Garbage) in the shop. When we got married, we didn't know too much about the local schools, but there was an assumption that we would probably take one path over another. But along the journey to enrollment, I've seen a lot and had numerous interactions that led to a different path. While there will always be issues with students no matter what the environment, my main concern is how issues are dealt with. E.g., at some point, a student will damage or deface property, but how will staff react? Will staff and administration ensure that those responsible for the damage be responsible for rectifying the situation, or will they take a "boys will be boys" (and there is nothing we can do about it) position? Does the administration treat each subject and each staff member with the authority they need to manage a classroom, or are certain teachers treated with lesser importance? Are students expected to keep the school clean and neat, or there an assumption that this is what the janitor is for? If a student is caught, red handed no less, committing a crime of some degree, does the administration coddle, or make sure restitution is made?
A lot of the behavior that the letter writer notes is behavior I see right in the halls of local schools, in shuls, and in homes. It doesn't surprise me that park workers' instructions are ignored, such behavior is ingrained in too many students as basically have permission to ignore certain teachers, subjects, homework, start times, and deadlines. It doesn't surprise me that trash is left everywhere, too many schools and homes for that matter are treated like a trash dump. I was once at an event in a public school where the kids literally threw their trash on the floor. When the kids were asked to help clean up, some of the mothers took their daughters by the hand and left! Lots of parents talk about just how difficult it is to have guests with younger children for Shabbat because their parents are unwilling to discipline and it always results in a big mess, broken toys, and sometimes even broken bigger ticket items.
The letter writes notes " a park show was cut short because the people in the audience were speaking very loudly, and walking around incessantly." Spend 5-10 minutes within some of our schools, camps, or extracurriculars and I guarantee you that you will find students who feel free to just up and leave. Walking around incessantly, that too is being ingrained in their muscles! I can't find the link, but there is a blogger who had children in public schools and then enrolled them in a day school and found the just up and leaving in the middle of class to be a most shocking difference. I couldn't agree with her more just how shocking this is, and nearly everyone I know who attended a regular public school also finds this to be an issue. But, when I've had the chance to speak with administrators and teachers about the up and leaving issues, as well as open truancy, it is as if I live on a different planet.
And maybe I do! On my planet, I take standing in line and waiting your turn patiently, treating people and property (!) with respect, and sitting on your rear in class for respectable stretch of time to be absolutely imperative. I know I'm out of step.
And on a final note, perhaps what Great Adventures need is my parents to monitor! I remember a trip to a well known park when I was right around middle school age in which a few unsupervised teenagers cut in our line. My parents told them in no uncertain terms that they were to step to the back of the line immediately, and (today this might be surprising), but they did so pretty quickly. Today, kids as young as 3 know how to say "you can't make me." I said a lot of snarky things growing up, but that wasn't one of them, nor was "you can't tell me what to do, your not my Mommy" because, uh, whatever another adult or teacher could dole out would be nothing in comparison to what might happen at home, so it was best to avoid finding out. Naturally, I was as embarrassed as could by some of the more memorable moments with my parents (how uncool they were), but as an adult I really respect parents, adults, and teachers who know that they are in charge. I wish I could be stronger, but today, asking a kid who knocked right into you (7 months pregnant, mind you) right in front of his mother because he was running around wild right under her nose, just garners you a nasty look from the mother that says, "how dare you?" So there is a real uphill battle. My father used to tell me that when he was a kid, other parents felt free to take a hand to the rear of their son's friend and then walk him back to his home where his father could take care of the rest (this really happened to my father on an occasion or two, but likely not three). Today, we parents (and teachers) live in fear of even saying anything, much less doing what I am told is completely improper (disciplining your own kid in a public place). Until that changes, look forward to a repeat letter come Sukkot.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Where Does That Item Get Budgeted?
In my opinion, just because you are spending the money during the Pesach season, doesn't make the cost a Pesach cost. A few examples, in the weeks before I Pesach I will drop large amounts of money on grape juice. We use Kedem Grape Juice year round. I can get the grape juice at over 50% retail cost right now, so I will buy for many months to come. My March or April grocery budget might be a bit large, but I will buy enough to help us make it through a minimum of 6 months. The Pesach cost is only a sliver of the cost. Another cost people site is the cost of cleaning your rugs. Now most people get their rugs cleaned from time to time, but there are people who like to clean their rugs annually (like my non-Jewish neighbor who seemed to perform this task, well, right about now!). A vacuum should suffice for getting the chometz off your rugs, but if you so choose to clean the rugs prior to Pesach, I don't think it is fair to blame Pesach for the cost of the rug cleaning. You could have your rugs cleaned prior to Rosh Hashana, which is, in fact my plan because we have some more pressing yard work. Hair cuts are another example that people site. I will be paying for a haircut this coming week, but it isn't a Pesach cost. Had I cut my hair two months ago, I wouldn't bother. But if I plan to make it through the omer without a large headache, I need to get a trim. Detailing the car is another example. Some people like their car upholstery fresh, but this too could be done earlier and a simple vacuum job would suffice pre-Pesach.
So long as a family has ample reserves to cover a month of inflated costs, I see no reason not to send a closet full of clothing to the cleaners, hire a rug cleaning service and someone to detail the car, and take the whole family to the salon/barber shop. Going into Pesach there is a certain momentum. But, just because you are spending the money between Purim and Pesach doesn't make it a Pesach cost.
As for distribution of costs, the family that joins their parents/children/siblings for Seder should be saving a good deal of groceries, whereas the hosts will often end up spending a good deal more. I do think it is perfectly reasonable for families that find hosting to be an expenditure that is too much to bite off to ask their family members to join them to share in some of the expense, be it bringing their own wine and matzah or putting their name on a chore chart so that extra cleaning help need not be hired.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Guest Post: Food Processors and Pesach Cooking and Recipes
A food processor uses electricity, requires washing and takes up storage space. Each family has to decide whether it's worth the expense. But you may find that it pays for itself via savings on prepared products.
This post contains three parts: Choosing a Food Processor, Pesach Cooking Tips (that will serve you year-round), and Passover Recipes and Food Processor Tips from my websites.
Choosing a Food Processor:
What size should I buy? For salads and kugels, a large bowl is less important because you can process the food in batches and transfer to a larger bowl for mixing. But you will need a full-size machine for cakes, or if you have a growing family. Buy as good quality as you can afford, but keep in mind that a very strong motor is most important for kneading dough. A larger size does not mean a stronger motor, just more storage capacity.
Features: The best food processors place the bowl directly on top of the motor. Motors found on the side are connected by a rubber belt that can break from time to time.
A good food processor needs only three settings: Off, On and Pulse. You control the fineness by turning the machine off and on at intervals. A quality machine will be dishwasher safe.
See more buying tips here: Food Processor Basics
Pesach Food Processor Tips:
Horseradish: Easy! Peel, cut in chunks, and process with the S-shaped steel knife. Don't add vinegar or your blade could corrode. Add cooked beets after the seder to make gefilte fish sauce. You'll be tempted to throw out your grater but I keep it on hand in case of emergency.My son pointed out that a knife also works.
Haroseth: Place nuts in bowl and chop coarsely with a steel knife. Add the rest of the ingredients and process until you get the texture you like.
Nuts, fresh herbs including parsley, and garlic: Start with a dry bowl and process as much as you need for that day's cooking. Nuts, including with shells, should always be stored in the freezer.
Store herbs and garlic in olive oil to last longer.
Onions: Peel and cut in quarters, then chop with the steel knife.
Salads: All food processors have a grating attachment. To use it, you push vegetables through the feed tube. Keep a cardboard cutout of the feed tube opening in your purse to buy the right size produce. But you can use the steel knife for most recipes calling for grated vegetables.
Meat, Fish, and Matzah Meal: Save money by chopping it yourself in the processor.
Matzah Balls/Knaidlach. You can get by with a spoon and bowl, but you can also process it if your recipe doesn't call for separating eggs. Matzah ball mixes have lots of additives and don't save you much work.
Potatoes: Grate raw potatoes with the grating attachment or steel knife, but don't make mashed potatoes in the processor. Sometimes I use it for potato salad. I chop everything but the potatoes and store in the fridge. Then I add the chopped, cooked potatoes and dressing closer to serving time.
Cleaning: Rinse the processor with plain water after processing vegetables and raw eggs. Make sure to get all the surfaces by tilting it; no need to fill the bowl with water. At the end of the day or for greasy items, use hot water and detergent, or the dishwasher.
Here are a few recipes and tips from my websites:
Passover Recipes:
Gefilte Fish Balls
Homemade Mayonnaise
Passover Egg Noodles
Potato Kugel or Latkes (includes detailed FP instructions)
Summer Beet Borscht
How to Make Patties from Anything and Everything
Carrot-Apple Salad
Winter Kohlrabi (or Cabbage) Salad
Red Snapper with Lemon and Dill
Chicken with Black Olives and Tomatoes
More Tips and Techniques from CookingManager.Com:
Five Basic Recipes for the Food Processor
Use Your Food Processor Efficiently
Food Processor Basics
The Bar Mitzvah Cooking Session
Preparing for a Holiday Cooking Session
Cooking Spreadsheet
Note: I hope you will visit my websites. CookingManager.Com is meant for a general audience so please save comments with Hebrew terms and halachic questions for A Mother in Israel. Those of you on Facebook are invited to join the Cooking Manager Fan Page.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Echad Chacham. . . . Echad Helpless Loser
Now when it comes to shmura matzah, a lot of us sort of close our eyes and pay the price. Yes, it does seem ludicrous to pay 4-5 times the price of ground beef on water and flour. But we only use shmura matza for the seder, so I can't get too worked up about much about this expense. I figure that once a year we buy a lulav and etrog and once a year we buy some shmura matzah for the sedarim. Maybe a bit extravagant in price, but I'm sure that if we weren't shomrei mitzvot, we'd find a different extravagance. I do understand that those who use shmura matzah for Pesach really do get hit with quite the bill, but that too is a choice. Those who use machine matzah really have little to complain about. We didn't even have to purchase our obscure Israeli brand machine matzah this year. It came free with a $25 purchase. I asked the store manager if I could split the cases of Kedem grape juice I was buying into multiple purchases and use multiple purchases and he said to go right ahead. So, 5 cases of Kedem Concord grape juice later, I have all the matzah I ever want to see again. I don't think I'm even going to bother buying matzah meal this year. I think I might treat myself to a small food processor and make my own, since the 5 pound packages of matzah can almost always be had for limited cost.
"I find it highly irresponsible for people in positions of influence to put out a message that we are doomed by virtue of adherence to Torah, when in fact we are largely doomed by our own dysfunction and foolishness. Part of that dysfunction is that we spend money like poor people."
But the Matzah Rant isn't addressing the cost of shmurah matzah. The matzah rant is about sponge cake and junk for the kids. The author writes: "Is there any good reason that a box of a handful of chocolate leaves costs the kosher consumer over 7 dollars? Is there a good reason why a bottle of kosher l’Pesach ketchup cost over a dollar more than it does during the year? Why do I have to pay close to ten dollars for a box of sorry tasting kosher l’Pesach sponge cake?Why do we continue to allow food companies to fleece us - yes, fleece us - every year Pesach time?"
The answer is of course the food companies will "fleece" you only if you allow them to do so. If you don't want to pay these prices, head to the nearest large grocery chain and exercise your right to make your own kosher l'Pesach desserts. Later the author will blame it on the kids (just say no! comes to mind) as to why all these products are needed. Feh!
I'm starting to think that chazal should have included the 5th son in the Haggadah. The 5th son is the helpless loser who complains about the cost of ketchup! He too needs his teeth set on edge! Don't be mad at me, the author labelled himself: "As I said, the overpricing is utterly outrageous. We walk around these stores like helpless losers, paying these crazy prices each year before Pesach."
And a note to Matzav and the author who writes: "It is about time that someone - an askan, a baal chessed, anyone - came along and did something about it, producing quality kosher l’Pesach products for normal prices." Once again: empowerment! You can be your own askan/baal chessed and buy more of what is reasonably priced and pass up $10 boxes stuff for which there is more packaging than food.
Here are posts from previous years for those who refuse to be "helpless losers."
Making a Pesach Budget (10 tips)
More Peach Frugality Tips based off a note from a reader and good tips from my readers. Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do consult the OU or your local Vaads Pesach Guide. If you want to convenience of going to only one store, then remember you are paying for the convenience and that comes with a price tag. But if you want to make the most of your dollar, you can get Danon yogurts in your regular grocery store (coupons are in the Sunday circulars). You can get raw nuts at Trader Joes, etc, etc, etc.
And remember, the Yom Tov is becoming a Free Man able to serve Hashem and observe the mitzvot, so don't trade in one type of slavery for another type of slavery because you overindulge. Avadim hayinu l'Mastercard b'America
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Purim Frugality
The day of Purim is when I start thinking about summer and next Purim. All of those packages are art projects in the making. Crafts aren't my strength, but Purim usually leaves us with enough stuff to make some craft projects. I nab the clean plates, tissue paper, and whatever other items look like they could be reused for an art project.
We are always grateful to our friends who bring us mishloach manot in a snack box. My kids each have their own box in the pantry for keeping the snacks they pick up here and there. Boxes get worn out, so Purim has become the time that we replace our boxes where feasible. Any plastic containers and baskets I keep for organizing my own kitchen and pantry.
Purim bags and containers are placed in a box for upcoming Purims. While I tend to package our mishloach manot in a somewhat uniform way, the bags and boxes I'm able to salvage are wonderful for the children to make some packages for their own friends.
We split up fresh baked goods for lunches and snacks. Unwanted candies are great for the candy dish at work, but it has been a while since I have worked in a regular office. When I taught Sunday school, I used to bring treats for the kids. Since we sell chametz, I try to save the majority of the packaged snacks and juice boxes for our summer outings. Any kosher l'pesach items are rinsed and put away with our Pesach things to make their reappearance later. My kids like to pour their own grape juice, so if we receive mini grape juice containers, I put them away for the kids to make their own kiddush. They can be refilled easily.
Speaking of summer, this summer I'd like to try and make our Purim packaging in way in advance. The first half of the year is the most busy for me work wise and every year I find myself rushing to get the baking done. The kids are always excited to color the packages, but they don't have the attention span to sit down and get the job done. So, I'm considering getting a start in the summer and having the kids to a little bit by bit. Upper West Side Mom has a neat packaging project up. I don't drink coffee, but I think we can find something usable and get a head start this summer.
If you have any great Purim tips, please share. And a Happy Purim to all my great readers. We all know what chag is coming next, even if we are still in denial. Guest posts on Orthonomic Pesach subjects are always welcome.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Hat Tip: aml
I finally took the time out to review Dave Ramsey's book the Total Money Makeover, which I highly endorsed because of its straightforward approach to money management and the ethic behind it. Sure, I had a few quibbles, but in the larger scheme of things, they aren't particularly important.
A number of months ago, I was informed that the CPA who writes for Baltimore's Where What When also wrote a review of the book. At the end he writes that a frum family that is not careful about budgeting "the average frum family can lose a million dollars and more over a lifetime and have absolutely nothing to show for it." I believe that he is very active in the Baltimore community which makes this statement very eye opening. He too liked the book (although he seemed to like the Tightwad Gazette more-different strokes for different folks. I could not finish that book), and recommends it, but he throws a swipe writing:
Ramsey and [Suzy] Orman are preaching to families to stop the cable TV, SUV loans, daily meals at restaurants, and the $4 Starbucks latte habit. That is simple advice to give. If they had to handle frum finances, they wouldn't have it so easy. Frum people have larger families, often with only one wage earner. The expenses are much higher than in the secular world. I wonder if these gurus can imagine making Pesach? Explain to Suzy Orman that some kids need to go to sleep-away camp for the "ruach," because if they stay home they will be influenced by the "outside world." Huh?
It has been said that the more something is said, the more it is believed. The more we talk about just how expensive it is to be frum, the more we believe that we really have no choices and the more permission we give ourselves to just keep spending. After all, there is nothing that we can do, right?
I have no doubt that Dave Ramsey could figure out how to make Pesach. And I think "huh?" is exactly the response that we need to turn around some of the crazy spending on big ticket items. Alternatives can be found when you question the premises.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Time to get back to my bread and butter blogging. I hope all my readers had a great yom tov and that no one has entered the realm of slavery/subjection a la Avadim hayeinu L'Mastercard B'America.
Hat Tip: Numerous readers from Baltimore and beyond. Thank you loyal readers. I will allow you to self-identify at your own discretion.
Numerous readers from Baltimore and beyond have kindly emailed me regarding the Baltimore Communal Initiative. In late March, the Rabbinical Council of Baltimore sponsored a community wide event: “Responding to the Economic Crisis: An Evening of Tefillah, Chizuk, and Practical Initiatives.” The event featured various speakers in which an initiative known as "The Pledge" was presented along with other information about job programs (JobLink), Baltimore tzedakah organizations, the roll out of the Baltimore's own Mesila (an Israeli organization that provides financial counseling, awareness, and education, which is now expanding to chutz l'aretz), Day School education in Baltimore, etc.
The main point of the night was that the majority of tzedakah funds must stay within the community. "The Pledge" is a public listing of all community members who have committed to keeping 51% of their tzedakah funds local (Note: Rav Schachter mentioned 75% of tzedakah dollars should remain local in his shiur). Of the amount that must be given locally, 26% is to be designated in care of local day schools/yeshivot. All media files from the event are available online, see the Pledge and FAQs regarding The Pledge. (Another Note: I believe Rav Schachter mentioned that previous commitments to tzedakah need not be honored when your own community is in a emergency situation. Unfortunately, I cannot find my notation regarding this point).
I believe that the Baltimore Rabbonim are hoping that a public commitment will both help potential donors be able to turn away institutions from outside of the community with greater ease, as well as create a positive peer pressure to keep giving local. Apparently there is a sense of urgency regarding funding, especially for schools, as is the case throughout the nation. E.g., Rabbi Frand in his talk relates that there is a principal in another community sitting on $180,000 of currently worthless checks.
I'd like to hear from more attendees regarding their views regarding both the substance and presentation of the event. One reader wrote to me that while there was nothing earth shattering in either the video or the speech, that the basics (keeping money in the community and networking within the community to help those seeking work) were fine.
However, my reader felt the comments regarding tuition and personal finance missed the boat:
- The reader pointed out that a comment on the video telling telling parents to teach their kids to be careful with money, so they will understand the value of $1, $10, $100, and eventually $10,000. My reader writes notes that "its not the little things, but the big things." The reader refers to the ingrained lifestyle choices that are considered normal writing: . . . . but will you get rid of that maid? Will you buy a smaller house? Buy a used car? Stop going to summer camp, pre-Pesach camp, between summer camp and school camp, etc?" The reader noted that no specifics regarding personal finance were addressed beyond being careful. The reader's comment really resonates with me, as I have a bit of (professional) experience in the realm of personal finance. Issues of "lifestyle" simply can't be glossed over. I know very few people who say, "I'm broke because I have made poor choices." But I know a lot of people who are broke and believe they are quite careful, even frugal. Might sound harsh, and I apologize if I am in a bad mood after a recent conversation with a client regarding cash issues, but that is my own observation. Take it or leave it.
- My reader noted that on the school front, it is what I am about to start calling "same old, same old." The schools are are basically just looking for more ways to find money---more donations, government funds. They aren't yet ready to deal with issues of sustainability and (like above) tangible "lifestyle" changes of their own. If you listen to the Aisfa video available at the website (school section starts at just past 20 minutes) you will likely note, as the reader did, that no changes are being proposed. The basic gist is a need for more funding.
I'm encouraged by the increased attention on tuition, although it would have been nice if there was more foresight, rather than trying to tackle the issues when the schools are at the "financial breaking point." Personally, I don't like to tackle an issue when there is an emergency on hand. Like my reader who kindly sent comments, I don't believe the full pictures regarding the tuition and other economics crisis vis a vis the Orthodox community is more fully understood yet by leadership. (Obviously I'm not quite convinced that the funds are sitting in wait).
Hat Tip: A Mother In Israel
One person does seem to pinpoint one or two crucial issues (highlighted) of this financial crisis, and that is the executive editor of the Baltimore Jewish Times, Phil Jacobs. In response to the community gathering he writes the following:
I don't have much to say about Mr. Jacob's own suggestions. Many of the suggestions have been made before (but are a long way from implementation), and in the case of a "tax" of meshulachim, Baltimore already has a program for taxing meshulachim. Some of the suggestions really push towards some sort of half day public, half day Talmud Torah option, which isn't going to get too far at this juncture. I think volunteer labor is key to lessening costs in the schools, and forgoing a pricey year in Israel may just be commonsense for those lacking the resources, but the "YeshivaCorps" suggestion doesn't hold much appeal for me personally. Perhaps others feel differently. I think the delay of entrance into the workforce (amongst Orthodox young men in particular) is one of the root causes of our current doomed economic model. I see no reason to delay my own children's entrance into the workforce while painting Yeshiva walls, answering phones, or coaching a sports team alongside some sort of ad hoc learning program.So here we are. It’s 2009 and we’re still working a model of education and fund-raising that connects back 25 years ago, at least. We remember the days when schools would “pay off” loans by borrowing from other sources. Jewish Community Services executive director Barbara Gradet told the BALTIMORE JEWISH TIMES that her agency is handling some 1,000 unemployed Jews. Ahavas Yisroel is going to disperse a record-setting $370,000 in financial aid just for Passover alone. CHAI is preparing itself for a workshop on avoiding foreclosure. The Orthodox community is mobilizing itself to train its constituents in job-hunting skills and family financial management. [A lot of suggestions interspersed with "Again, we don’t have money. There is no money." Which is followed by a reminder]:
The punch line –– there is no money.
There is no money coming.
I will wrap this up now before this post becomes even more lengthy. Welcome to what will probably be an extended stretch of bread and butter Orthonomic blogging. I've got materials coming out my ears with thanks to my fantastic readers.
Shabbat Shalom!
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
For only $30 dollars a month you can help feed a child in a far away 3rd world country. Anyone want to guess what a well known tzedakah is asking to feed a family for Pesach alone? Take $30 and start multiplying. . . . . . . . . .
Obscene is the word my husband blurted out after I showed him an advertisement that was running in a publication for a well known tzedakah for aniyei Eretz Yisrael. This advertisement detailed the costs needed to be covered for aniyei Eretz Yisrael as follows:
Seder night for a smaller family = $214
Seder night for a larger family = $404
Entire Yom Tov for a smaller family (including clothing) = $1449
Entire Yom Tov for a larger family (including clothing) = $3088
My husband and I were simply astounded by these (high) figures and how an organization could ask for far more for one night or one week than the donor you are trying to attract is planning to spend, possibly for 6 months on their own needs? (The advertisement ran in a community that is not known for high incomes).
I only hope that the numbers are inflated. Personally I see no good purpose in inflating numbers. Inflating numbers doesn't underscore need, it makes the donor question the need, especially when your middle income donor in America, who is likely cutting back to make their own ends meet, isn't planning on spending so much for their own needs.
The notation "including clothing" was made in the form of an edit (light blue), in handwriting with a ^, instead typewriting. This too is disturbing. I have been reading numerous reports that the food situation in Eretz Yisrael is desperate. And when the situation regarding food is desperate, it seems to me that the concentration should simply be on feeding people. Yet that does not appear to be the case. In this report, a major philanthropist, is told by well known Rabbonim about the terrible and rampant poverty (bochurim in yeshiva are being fed only bread and water for breakfast and supper and those who have families with food-which from other articles seems to be few- are being asked to go home for Shabbat). One would think that given the situation regarding food, a major donor would be asked to either donate food and/or start some sort of program that could help the situation in the long term via job training and placement. But instead the recommended initiative was to donate suits to bochurim, of which 10,000 were donated.
While I do believe that we need to concentrate on our needs at home (a point emphasized by both Rabbi Schachter and the Rabbonim in Baltimore at another event I have yet to report on--thanks readers for all the info you have sent me!), the poverty in Eretz Yisarel is of great concern to me because the way it is being dealt (and I have another post about wedding takanot in the Belz and Yeshiva communities in Eretz Yisrael) underscores some very troubling issues vis a vis priorities in spending.
Signing off for now. (Hope this post wasn't too harsh).
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Maybe My Readers Have Some Solutions
In the previous post, a reader posting under the name "Pesach Stinks" writes of a scenario that I believe is rather common:
What do you do when your dear spouse insists on every chumra in thebook for Pesach? Only chalav yisrael cheese/milk since regular OU-Pisn't good enough on Pesach. Other food must be KAJ or CRC as a second choice. I almost die when we HAVE to buy brand X for $2.99 whennational brand Y with an OU-P is on sale for $1.49. Or the fact that we must buy Glicks Dishwashing soap for $1.69 instead of a brnad new bottle of Joy on sale for $.99 plus a coupon.HELP!!! I've been fighting this battle for fifteen years. Pesach is areally bad time for shalom bayis!
Another reader thought this question was worthy of a follow up wrote:
What if one person in the family is concerned about the budget but the other has gotten talked into keeping expensive chumras? (We resolved this when the other spouse finally got more realistic about expenses, otherwise would still be in that exact situation.)
Since I believe that Pesach can make shalom bayit issues rear their heads, I thought I'd put the question out to my own readers to share their own experiences and (hopefully successful) resolutions.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Ask Orthonomics: Reader Seeks More tips on Lowering Pesach Costs
A reader wrote me looking for tips on lowering Pesach costs. I made one such post on money saving tips back in 2006. In 2007 I added some additional tips, less related to actual food.
I think the reader is doing great. But, there are always ways to cut back even more where needed. So please add your best tips. The readers are eager!
Dear SL,
I know that you are extremely busy preparing for Pesach. But if you have a chance to blog on how you keep down the cost of Passover, I would love to hear it. During the rest of the year, my food bills are extremely reasonable. I use all the frugal tricks that I can, and it seems to work. My family of five (plus nursing baby) eats well on about $125 a week. But then Pesach comes, and everything seems to fall apart. Without legumes, rice, and pasta as an option, I can’t seem to keep the cost at a reasonable level. Even not buying crazy items like frozen Passover pizza or Passover pasta, my food bill is ridiculous. Am I missing some trick?
1. My mother-in-law buys us shemurah matza. That is not part of the budget. I buy 10 pounds of regular machine matza at $1.00 a pound. (Five pound box=$5.00) and two boxes of whole wheat matza for $3.00 each.
2. I bought a case of good, not-too-expensive kosher wine at the local liquor store. It was $6.00 a bottle. I figure we have at least six bottles left at the end of Pesach.
3. I bought NO red meat for Pesach. [Ground beef can actually be fairly frugal. Small fried meat patties on Pesach are part of the fare here and I find that ground beef stretches well in a meat pie or in small patties. It stretches well because it is filled with matza meal and (yes) more eggs].
4. I bought whole cut up chickens on sale at $1.99 a pound and fish on sale at $4.99 a pound. I spent $20 on chicken and about $55 on fish. [Good prices. A number of regular grocery stores also put Empire Turkey on sale for less than $2 a pound. Only problem is that you have to eat turkey day in and day out].
5. I bought cheese on sale at the local grocery store. I needed a lot for all the matza pizza, matza lasagna, and vegetable frittatas that I plan to make. Cream cheese, yogurts, orange juice, milk, and butter were also on sale so I bought that as well. [This is probably one area that is inflating the budget. Unless you keep chalav yisrael, you probably buy OUD yogurts year round. We like yogurt, but it definitely adds up in the budget even when you are only paying 50 cents or less a yogurt. Kosher L'Pesach yogurt is at least double the price. But, there aren't too many great replacements aside from making your own yogurt, and I have yet to get that right!]
6. Eggs were on sale at $0.89 a dozen so I bought four dozen.
7. I know that I will spend about $150.00 on produce: lettuce, spinach, potatoes (!), sweet potatoes, apples, melons for fruit salad, cucumbers, onions, garlic, peppers, berries, mushrooms, carrots, tomatoes, etc. [If you have a produce stand near you, try stopping in and seeing if they have less expensive produce. I regularly visit one produce store that marks down the older produce. I never know what I'm going to get and it isn't great for serving raw, but for roasting or sauteeing, it works, so long as I'm planning to use it up quickly. You can pretty much roast, steam, or sautee anything. And Pesach is a fairly quick holiday, so if you shop before you cook and once during chol hamoed, you might find a bit of extra savings].
8. I bought milk and orange juice on sale. Coke products were a loss leader at the grocery store so I bought 10 bottles of kosher-for-Passover soda. (I buy soda all year so that is not the problem.)
9. I shopped with my OU list so that I could buy regular olive oil, coffee, and sugar.
10. I still ended up spending $75 dollars on special kosher for Passover items that I couldn’t figure out how to do without: ketchup, tomato sauce, spices, soup mixes, matza ball mix (okay, this one I could make with plain matza meal), matza meal, chocolate, cake mixes, syrup for the matza brei, and apple sauce (okay, I guess I should make this.) [We all spend extra money on Pesach simply because we need to buy unopened products that we normally buy a little at a time throughout the year. You can feel your wallet shrinking when you have to buy a lot all at once. In addition, we end up paying a premium for some products like tomato sauce. If you really feel the need to cut back on this part of the expenses, the best recommendation I have at this moment is to think about how you can adjust your menus in order to cut back on some of the KLP items. Unfortunately, that is easier said than done because we all have things we like to eat and that our kids are willing to eat. I wouldn't kick yourself over the cost of applesauce. I'mnot sure making your own would be less expensive, although homemade applesauce is always incredible].
What do other people do to keep the cost down? Also, how do other people manage to incorporate flavor into their cooking without all of the available spices, oils, and condiments. [I too would love to here more from others about getting more flavor into the Pesach menu. I try to make salads with lemon juice and vegetables with garlic, but I miss the things I can't get/use].
Friday, March 27, 2009
The latest from New Jersey's Jewish Standard:
"I write to mobilize support for a Community Temporary Emergency Tuition Relief Fund. This emergency fund would exist only until such time that schools and the broader community are able to adequately create and support a structure that pushes us towards the quality and excellence we all desire, while also protecting a distressed and threatened Jewish middle class."
While institutions from shuls to social services to schools are wondering if they are going to be able to make their next mortgage payment or provide adequate food for a growing number of needy families come Pesach, I have no clue where such Emergency Funds that are in addition to current needs are going to come from. But don't get me wrong, I really wish I could believe.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
New Jersey's JStandard is beating the tuition horse, just like I've been beating it for the past 3 years. This author (We Have Been Living Beyond Our Means) thinks there is possibly hundred of millions out there to endow Jewish Education with, if we could just stop funding everything else and stop living beyond our means.
My understanding is that many in the Northern New Jersey region have lost their high paying jobs , already had tapped many "funding sources" such as home equity lines of credit, and are now facing an increase in what is an already brutal state tax. I'd add that money spent on yearly vacations and trips to Israel, smachot, and other luxuries won't have a techiyat hametim.
The author proposes "universally accessible Jewish education," funded primarily through an endowment and capped tuition. He estimates that Bergen County alone needs $2 billion. Anyone storing $2 billion, or even $1 billion under a mattress?
Pipe Dream or Doable? You tell me. I'm beyond skeptical.
Meanwhile, another author puts forward an argument as to why the day school/yeshiva is so important and why is cannot be replaced by a hybrid system, such as a charter school system. He is of the opinion that those who support the current system need to make their case heard. What he does not propose is anyway to keep the current system afloat, except that we need to "soldier through" with all our resolve, even if things get rougher.
Back to folding laundry for me. And if anyone needs a GREAT laugh during their day, check out Mom in Israel on Pesach cleaning. I'm still laughing.
Friday, March 13, 2009
I believe it was none other than Rav Moshe Feinsten who warned a generation not to say "It is hard to be a Jew" saying such sentiments killed a generation. It might seem ironic that a blog dedicated to examining the economics behind the Orthodox Jew is hear to say that we need to be careful not to fall into the same trap and say, "It is too expensive to be a Jew."
Rabbi Shmuley Boteach recently made such a statement in his most recent column opining that being a frum Jew is both too expensive and too lonely (also see comments at VIN). Too lonely refers to his comments on the so called shidduch crisis and too expensive refers to the following named culprits:
- Day school/Yeshiva Education, "the killer"
- Cost of Kosher Food, including restaurants
- Cost of Jewish Festivals
- Cost of Jewish Ritual Article
- Cost of Smachot
- Cost of Housing in Jewish neighborhoods
- Cost of Shul Membership
He proposes the following solutions vis a vis the financial issues:
- School voucher should be the #2 political issue for the Klal, after political support for Israel.
- Marketing Kosher as mainstream to take advantage of economies of scale.
- Communal norms for smachot to bring down the level of competitiveness.
- Moratorium on capital projects
I'll ignore tuition during this post, although I do believe tuition is the single issue that we as a community need to take by the horns (and, no vouchers are not going to materialize in our hour of need. . . . which is NOW). We've beaten this horse, and will continue to beat this horse to death on this blog. In the meantime. . .Rabbi Boteach, please get a hold of yourself and repeat after me: I have choices and I can choose to make living an Torah observant life significantly less expensive by
exercising free choice and free thought. A little free thought would go a long way in alleviating some of the shidduch issues too.
Let's look at Kosher food. If you base your diet around the proteins, kosher can easily cost a fortune. But, if you base your diet around grains, legumes, and produce, adding the proteins as enhancements, it will not cost that much more more than a non-kosher diet. And, I'm not going to claim that seeing uncertified cheese on sale at around half the price, e.g., doesn't get me a little hot on the collar. It does. But, as kosher consumers we can make choices. We can choose to eat different foods. We can choose to make more by scratch. We can learn to be a smarter shopper. We don't have to go out for pizza regularly. (Note to some of the Yated letter writers: the cost of pizza is where it is because people are willing to pay the price being charged. . . . . can someone please incorporate a basic microeconomics course into the high school curriculum in our Yeshivot and Bais Yaakov classes?) And, dare I say this a month before Pesach, but perhaps not every strictness is appropriate for everyone? I do know of a family that experienced a lay off and well paying employment was replaced with low paying work. They did speak with their Rabbi and ended up dropping many a strictness. It was hard for them, but getting their food budget where it needed to be allowed them to stay afloat.
Like Rabbi Boteach, I do believe that our communal organizations can help to promote kashrut as the rule rather than the exception. Truth be told, a great deal of progress has been made in the past 15 years. Today we have so many national products with certification (E.g., remember when Oreos were treif gamur?) Store brand products increasingly boast certification. Long gone are the days when Hunt's tomato sauce was the only choice. More work could be done in this area. It would be nice to see more vegan restaurants and bakeries go under the certification of the main city Va'adim. It would be incredible if a major brand of cheese (one that hits the weekly circular) would 'go kosher.' And perhaps we need to express our desires more strongly to local va'adim and national kashrut organizations. But, in the meantime, we need to remember that we hold the purse string and we can make choices.
Let's talk about the holidays. This family spend over $250 on a Purim seudah for 12 people (7 adults and 5 kids), **not** including wine or liquor. One poster thought $25 per person seemed about right. Another agreed. Perhaps we just don't eat that much. But my guess is that their seudah doesn't quite look like our seudah which cost significantly less. Festive meals can be brought down in price. It can be done. Perhaps the next kosher cookbook that goes out on the market should be titled Frugal and Kosher Cooking! In fact, let's start writing the cookbook right here. Send me your inexpensive Shabbat menus and I will feature them right here on Orthonomics (at gmail dot come). I know many of my readers are interested in what is cooking in your frugal and kosher kitchen.
On the note: Pesach is Coming. If you are putting Pesach on a tight budget, consider yourself invited as the next guest poster (also see here and here). Don't join the group of post-Pesach slaves: Avadim hayinu l'Mastercard b'America.. You can make a budget Pesach, but you will have to skip the non-gebrochts pasta that tastes more like paste than pasta.
Smachot could easily be brought within reason considering much of the excess. We've beaten the chatunah to death already. So, I'll turn my attention to the brit milah. A popular caterer is advertising a bris special package that runs over $1,200 (mohel not included!). A brit milah seudah simply shouldn't cost that much. And, it doesn't have to. If you don't want to fork over that much money, order your own bagels, send your parents/in-laws/friends/neighbors to the grocery store to pick up some items for a simple seudah. One of the nicest brit milahs that I've ever been to was organized for a family that was flat broke. The coordinator asked families in the community to contribute one item to the seudah. Quite frankly, this seudah was the best brit milah seudah I've ever been to (I guess I'm not too keen on the regular tuna and egg salad fare). What if community catered brit milahs became a norm and the kashrut barriers could be overcome? What would happen if a family where to slice some bagels and set out store bought cream cheese and some cut up fruit, vegetables, and dips on the side. Before crying out that smachot are unaffordable, perhaps we can look for alternatives. Rabbi Boteach wants the Rabbis to take the bull by the horn. I don't know when I'm going to make my next simcha, but I don't plan to spend money I have no business spending. No Rabbi need to involve themselves. The laws of physics and the laws of economics apply in our household. Scarcity of resources is the main principal of the study of economics. I'm not embarrassed that such a truism reigns true in our household. There are alternatives beyond liquidating savings or turning to a HELoc. Simchas need not be spelled $imcha.
As for the price of ritual objects and shul membership, I look at this as the price to join the club. Perhaps if we weren't Orthodox Jews we would look to join a social club or pursue a pricey hobby. But being part of a Torah observant community is a top priority, and as a top priority we can't expect it to be free. But while we choose to make ourselves a part of the Orthodox community, we can still choose to live more than 3 blocks away from the shul.
Rabbi Boteach, I agree that we need to get the cost of living a Torah observant life under control. Let's not forget that we aren't helpless. Now, off to bake my own challah. Savings: at least $150 annually. Probably more.