Showing posts with label Get Well. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Get Well. Show all posts

Friday, February 5, 2010

Lotsa Love

As many of you know, I had my last two wisdom teeth extracted recently...two weeks to be exact...and it ain't been pretty! For 10 days I was in {almost} constant pain with a few exceptions. I made 4 trips to the dentist, retakes on X-rays, more prodding and poking...and nothing showed up! My dentist referred me to an oral surgeon which prodded and poked some more. He even took X-rays and nothing showed up. So he decided to do "exploratory" surgery on Tuesday of this week. Low and behold he found a root that was left behind...which never showed up on any of my X-rays. Whew! So here we are 2 weeks later {which I have been off of work for} feeling like I'm on the mend. I had one really hard day after the surgery and then one great day where I felt so good! Today, I hurt a little but I think it's because I am now eating real food again, and have aggravated the area in my mouth. But I am most hopeful!
Well, the day after surgery, on the day I had much pain, several things happened that made me feel better despite the pain... The gorgeous flowers {pictured above} arrived from the faculty/staff from my school. Aren't they beautiful?!? Then friend, Kathy, who is also on my third grade team shows up at my door with a gift restaurant card, a gift from our Literacy Leader, and cards from all of my students. Boy, I really needed that! The cards were full of precious drawings of me {dressed in pink, of course!}, Maggie, the classroom, and student self portraits. The sweet cards were full of "get well" wishes. Their notes said how much they miss me, that they love me, and they were "being nice to the sub" to quote one of my sweet girls! LOL They are such a wonderful class * I miss them like crazy * and I knew they would "be nice to the sub". They are so funny.
Isn't this sweet?!?
If you can see in the corners, the word pink was written and then highlighted with pink crayon.

Wow! Jewelry always makes a girl feel better! Thanks Sherrie!

So then, the day gets better...
And you'll have to read the next post to find out why....*snicker*giggle*giggle*


Monday, January 12, 2009

Please be with my Mom as she is in the hospital once again.  
We pray for your precious healing hand to touch her, and make her well.
Please be with her doctors that they will have the knowledge 
on how to treat her so she can regain her strength and feel well again.

In the precious name of Jesus, 


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