
Showing posts with label Siyum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Siyum. Show all posts

Sunday, February 14, 2010

J-Blogosphere News

1) A very warm and heartfelt mazal tov to once and [hopefully] future blogger Einshem on this evening’s beautiful siyum on the entire Shas.

May you continue to go מחיל אל חיל!

Mazal tov also to RCT, the kids (including, of course, YAT), and the entire family.

2) The latest Haveil Havalim is available here and also here.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Mazal tov: Matmid edition

Warning: The following post may exceed the recommended daily allowance for parental bragging. Proceed at your own risk.


The Our Shiputzim management would like to extend an exceedingly warm and heartfelt

מזל טוב

to our very own dear ESG

on his recent siyum on the entire Chamishah Chumshei Torah (the Five Books of the Torah)!

As some of you know, in addition to his long day in school, ESG goes to an intensive and completely voluntary 5-days-a-week afternoon Talmud Torah.

Going to this optional Talmud Torah was (and is) ESG’s own choice and initiative, and BA”H, he has earned a name for himself as quite the matmid (loosely, diligent and dedicated Torah scholar). (Did I not warn you that there would be boasting? :-))

The boys learn Chumash and Mishnah without skipping anything. In the Mishnah class, they finished the entire Seder Zera’im last year* and are currently approaching the end of Seder Mo’ed. Meanwhile, they just finished all Five Books of the Torah in their Chumash class.

Brief sociological digression: When YZG and I were growing up in the States, afterschool Talmud Torahs used to refer to something that public school kids attended – usually in a Conservative temple. But here in Israel, even kids like ESG, who attend excellent dual curriculum Torani schools during the day, may choose to go to an afterschool Talmud Torah in order to get in a few more hours of extra Torah learning.  </digression>

Anyway, this year’s siyum began with a tour of Gush Etzion and ended with a festive meal in Yeshivat Har Etzion in Alon Shvut, together with Rav Lichtenstein.

Each boy got to shake Rav Lichtenstein’s hand before receiving a copy of a sefer called “Iturei Halachah: Ahavat Chessed” and also a personalized certificate:

SiyumMazal tov also to ESG’s very proud parents, grandparents, and siblings.

!חודש טוב ושבת שלום ומבורך


*You can read about last year’s siyum in Rav Neventzal’s house in the Old City here.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Not quite back to blogging

Hello, Our Shiputzim fans!

I have lots to write about, but for now, I’ll have to suffice with two brief blogbits:

1) B”H, the bar mitzvah was wonderful, and we all had a great time. MAG did an incredible job (BA”H) with his laining and also with the siyum he made on Masechet Taanit. (Not that I’m biased or anything…) Also, thank you to everyone who helped in so many different ways.

2) If you’ve been wondering (i.e. you’ve been in metach) about apple green, please check out the napkins in the following picture from the melave malka:


Kol hakavod to Ilana Davita who correctly guessed that the color would resemble a Granny Smith apple. Well done!

I’ll leave you to decide whether or not this color is the green equivalent of Nechama Leibowitz’s “Iyunim B’Sefer Breishit”.

Hopefully, more bar mitzvah posts to come…

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Mazal tov: Siyum Seder Zera’im edition

Helloooo, Our Shiputzim fans!

Yes, I know, I know. It has been a few days since my last post. I actually have a few things to write about – such as our ten year “aliyah-versary”, which we B”H celebrated last week – but TRLEOOB (the real life equivalent of our blog) intruded on my blogging plans. Anyway, B”N, I hope to make up for it this week, but no promises.

We begin today’s entry with a very special mazal tov to our dear ESG on his recent siyum on the entire Seder Zera’im!!!!

As some of you know, in addition to his long day in school, ESG goes to an intensive afternoon Talmud Torah five days a week. There are two shiurim every day: Chumash and Mishnah. The Talmud Torah makes a point of not skipping anything, and - as his teachers in school as well as those of you who’ve had the privilege of hearing ESG talk at a Shabbat meal can attest – B”AH he really knows his stuff.

In any event, the siyum itself was incredibly beautiful. The festivities began with mincha at the Kotel, followed by a tour of the Rova. (ESG had actually been on this same tour before. You walk around the Old City and just “happen” to bump into “Avraham Avinu” and then “Yitzchak Avinu” etc. It’s actually quite cute.)

After the tour, the boys, their parents, and the ra”mim all went to Rav Neventzal’s house for the actual siyum. Rav Neventzal gave them a brachah, and one of the fathers made the Hadran.

Finally, there was a fleishig seudah (bourekas and deli) in the courtyard of a school there in the Rova. Each boy received a copy of “Encylopedia L’Birkot HaNehenin” and a certificate. Here is a [slightly edited due to security considerations] picture of ESG’s certificate:


(You can click on the picture to enlarge it.)

Meanwhile, on the renovations front, the carpenter spent a few hours working on the aronot in AMG’s room this morning. Let’s check out what he has accomplished so far.

We think that this will be the shoe drawers on the bottom:


And here are the drawers themselves:


Here is part of the closet: (The white thing in front is the bathroom cabinet.)


Well, that’s about it for now.

As always, we encourage our readers to leave comments.

Good night from the entire Our Shiputzim staff.