Showing posts with label me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label me. Show all posts


Wishing you a fab' weekend my dear! Mine will be both on a winter and spring preparation mode... Winter mode by eating comfy food {after a good run} and reading a good book, "springish" if weather allows by doing some outdoor work to prepare the yard for spring... Ah, I long so much for spring... See you back here on Monday! Xo, Si-

Photo Ric Wallis

I need your help!

I just discovered that the FrenchByDesign blog was nominated on the Apartment Therapy best home design blogs at the Homies 2012, and I need your help. If you could take a few minutes of your day to vote for this blog, that would mean the world to me! Simply click here and then click on the "vote" button by the FrenchByDesign blog name. Voting ends March 2nd, by end of day, so time is running out... Please vote! Merci, my dear! Xo, Si-

Access the vote page


Oh, spring where are you? Whenever it gets a bit warmer or the sun shows up, I feel so "renewed" and reinvigorated, only to get back into a forced hibernating mode a couple of days later when temperatures drop again. Is it just me or do you too feel physically exhausted by these sudden temperatures swings we've been experiencing this winter? Oh, spring, please, please, show up soon.

Have a fab' weekend my dear! See you back here on Monday! Xo, Si-


Paris pics

I know, I am late on posting my Paris trip pics, but this French flu bug hit me hard and I am barely recovering from it. So here is a selection of my Parisian moments... The highlights of my trip were a tour of Paris monuments and shop-hopping with my friend Claire in her shinny cherry red Vespa [priceless], a sunny Sunday five-hour-walk with my mom in the French capitale [keyword : sneakers], spending some good time with my dear friend Anne Marie who came to visit from Aix en Provence, Maison et Objets and discovering a couple of awesome shops [I will tell you more about it soon], meeting with two awesome ladies and fellow bloggers, Anna, whom I already knew from a previous trip, and Lau, who is just as fresh and spontaneous as her lovely blog. And of course, meeting with Paris, my all time secret lover...

Rue Vieille du Temple, where I was staying at

Hotel du louvre and Laduree, known for their delicious macarons

A typical Haussmann facade

French cop "Police Nationale" on roller blades

Artsy graffiti on the wall of a school
"At the new year, I will give away my old dreams"

At home with Muriel

As you know, I just got back from my trip to Paris. I brought back lots of pics and new crushes, but unfortunately, I also brought back with me a nasty little flu bug that kept me in bed almost all weekend :-(
So while I recover from my French cold, here is a lovely Parisian interior I discovered through Marion Alberge, a French stylist I truly admire....

Muriel lives in Porte de St Ouen, Paris. She remodeled an old apartment into a light filled open space loft. Walls have been painted white, oak floors sanded, color accents added throughout the flat. What a lovely and welcoming interior!

{Photos Cyrille Robin - Styled by Marion Alberge and Muriel Cibot}

weekend in Paris!

Wishing you a fabulous weekend my dear! Mine shouldn't be too bad, I am in Paris! More pictures of my whereabouts here! Xo, Si-

Photo Jean Berton

Au revoir!

Today is departure day! I am beyond excited, no need to say. And because I can not take you with me [*sigh*], I will try to keep in touch through the FrenchByDesign Facebook page with freshly taken pictures that I upload whenever I get an internet signal. But I also prepared in advance a few blog posts for you - all around the theme of Paris and traveling - so be sure to check back here regularly while I am gone. As you know, I have a thing for old pics, so be prepared for some cool shots of Paris I gathered for you. That way, you'll somehow be traveling with me.
I will miss you, truly. But I'll back soon with lots of pictures to share with you and fully charged with creative interior design ideas. I promise. Bises - one on each cheek, the French way ;-) - , Si-

Photo Allan Grant, 1950

Wednesday Special Treat : L'Envol

Beautiful ad spot by BETC Euro RSCG ad agency, called l'Envol [transl. "Take Off"]... Beautiful music is Mozart Piano Concerto Adagio n23, choreography by Angelin Prejlocaj.
Oh, Paris, here I come!


* Making the sky the best place on earth

Hello new week!

Hello there and happy Monday! No need to say that I am super excited about this week because I am packing for Paris. At the same time, the travel bug hit me so I am super busy finishing my long list of to-dos before departure. I won't complain though. Being super busy because Paris is awaiting for me is not such a b****, is it? Wishing you a happy and productive Monday! Xo, Si-


I ♥ weekend!

Oh, the cold is back! We got so spoiled so far this winter with a very clement weather that it's hard to get used to winter temperatures, and I shouldn't complain, it's only in the mid 40s [4℃]... This weekend, not too much action on my end. Loungewear, hot tea and enjoying family time with my girls and my man before my Paris trip. Wishing you a beautiful weekend. Stay warm! Xo, Si-


Paris, j'arrive!

In less than a week, I will be in Paris! I can hardly contain my excitement... I will be busy with work, but I won't lie, I will have fun too! Unfortunately, I am not sure I will be internet connected at all times, so I don't plan on posting much while I am there [I will update my Facebook page with freshly taken pictures whenever I find a decent internet signal] but don't expect regular postings. Rest assured I will catch up with you when I'm back [I'll tell you all about my Maison & Objets 2012 exhibition discoveries and product crushes!]. Oh, Paris, I am coming, and I can hardly wait to see you! Xo, Si


Hello Monday!

Hello Monday, hello new week of work! Hope you all had a great weekend and are ready for the first week of the new year. I am all pumped up, my creative batteries are fully charged and the blog is back to its regular posting pace. Hello Monday!


Oh, hello and happy new year!

I am still enjoying some time off with my loved ones but wanted to stop by to say hello and more importantly to wish you a happy new year 2012. I have a good feeling about this coming year. I really do. Hope 2012 brings you everything you want and more. See you next year my dear dear reader!
Xo, Si-

Sources : left pic via - right pic via

Blog break

Hello you! I'll be taking some days off to spend some family time and recharge my creative batteries. So sit back, relax and enjoy browsing through the archives of the blog. I may stop by to say hello here, on the Facebook page or on Twitter. If I miss you, then I will see you in 2012! Thank you for this wonderful year together. You've made this blog so special and a really special place for me. Merci and see you back soon! Xo, Si-


Oh la la, j'aime...

Yes, you were expecting a desk picture, as most Mondays. But not this Monday. Because this week, school is off and the holiday vibe hit the house [insert "falalala" background melody]. As we're getting ready to build gingerbread houses and prepare sablés de Noel with the girls, I am loving this all concrete kitchen - special crush on the wine totems on the back wall. I could cook like a pro in there. Seriously.



Bonjour! Hope your weekend was relaxing and productive if you Christmas-gift shopped. We had some good family time decorating the house for the Holidays and baking our first batch of Christmas cookies. Time to get back to work now, so I wish you a good Monday and a fab' working week. Xo, Si-


I ♡ The Pigeon Light

Oh my, I'd been eyeing the Pigeon Light designed by Ed Carpenter for a while and Maya's room, my youngest daughter, has a sticker as a headboard, and for some time now, I've been searching for the right accessory that could finish the look... Tadaa! Here comes the Pigeon light [ordered online through a fab' UK shop called Theo, but be warned, Theo's selection is quite yummy and highly tempting]. That was the missing accessory. Maya loves it, and I love it so much, it actually crossed my mind to steal the lamp from the poor kid...

Images FrenchByDesign©