Showing posts with label media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label media. Show all posts

Saturday Special Treat : l'Odyssee de Cartier

Can this short film be any more French? 2 years of work, six months of post production editing, 4 locations, 3 panthers, a stunning super model, this "Odyssee de Cartier" is truly a gem. A voir... absolument!


Ode to Love

Pure beauty from Le Maitre, Mr. Serge Gainsbourg.


The Drowned by Serge Gainsbourg, 1970

You’re drifting away
On the river of memory
And I’m running along on the bank
Shouting at you to come back
But slowly, you slip away
And in your frantic race
Little by little, I recover over you
Some of the lost ground

From time to time you sink
Into the moving liquid
Or else, brushing past some rambles
You hesitate and wait for me
Hiding your face
Inside your upturned dress
For fear of being disfigured by both shame and regrets

You’re now nothing but a poor wreck
Carrion floating by
But I remain your slave
And jump into the brook
When the memory stops
And the ocean of forgetfulness
Breaking our hearts and heads
Forever makes us one again.

Wednesday Special Treat : L'Envol

Beautiful ad spot by BETC Euro RSCG ad agency, called l'Envol [transl. "Take Off"]... Beautiful music is Mozart Piano Concerto Adagio n23, choreography by Angelin Prejlocaj.
Oh, Paris, here I come!


* Making the sky the best place on earth

Thursday special treat : the Life of a Bauble

Oh, my heart skipped a beat for this short by filmmaker Leigh Johnson who makes us imagine life as... a Christmas ornement... I won't say more. That would spoil the fun. So to speak. To all those baubles out there doing their job, Merry Christmas, and thank you!


Ready? Set, Go!

Ready for the Christmas season? Officially, it starts tomorrow, although my American neighbors have all started displaying their Christmas decor about a week ago... This one is sure going to put you in the Xmas spirit, Muji style! So I am officially wishing you a happy holiday season - and don't miss tomorrow's post for some cool Christmas holiday decor ideas! Xo, Si-

Saturday's Special Treat : Unhate

This is the new spot for the Benetton campaign titled "Unhate" and promoting the new brand's non profit organization. Directed by Laurent Chanez, the film once again positions Benetton as the brand  that crosses universal taboos. Some highly controversial posters relay the campaign [see them all here]. Be warned, this film is not for young audiences, but its message is ageless. Powerful.
