Found this on Pixie's Blog and thought I'd play along.....
To make the world a happier place, just give a little kindness and you never know what you might get in return. Smile and the world smiles with you so the saying goes so what have you got to lose?!?!?!
Would you like to take part? All I need is three people (or perhaps more if I'm lucky!) to leave me a comment and I'll get back to you to get your address details and I'll send you a little parcel in the post to make your day go with a smile!
The first three people then send out a little goodness to three others and the happiness spreads around and it goes on from there.
So, who wants to join me in this little happiness spreading? You might think oh I only get one thing and have to send out three, but that's not the point. So come and join me and send something you've made to make someone else's day happier. Go on, give it a go.....will have to restrict to UK due to cost at the moment though, sorry.
UPDATE: Well no one wants to spread some happiness, that's a real shame. I thought it was a good idea, shows how wrong you can be.
Birthday Balloons
23 hours ago