Showing posts with label 11ieme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 11ieme. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

CDP Theme Day - Loving Life

Cour Damoye

This group created an impromptu party
and enjoyed a makeshift table
with lively conversation.

Today I join photobloggers from around the world
in theme day.  Click here to see their interpretations. 
The theme for February is 

Cour Damoye
75011, Paris

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Champ Libre - Fleuriste

Champ Libre

I would pick up flowers to take
home every day if I passed
by this shop

Champs Libre, Fleuriste
104, avenue Ledru Rolin
75011, Paris

Friday, January 27, 2017

Paris Pâtisserie

Strawberries, raspberries, and cream

What I have concluded about Paris pâtisseries
is that what you see in the windows and
display cases tastes as delicious as
it looks

bon week end

Paris pâtisserie
75011, Paris

Friday, September 9, 2016

Le Bistrot Paul Bert

Le Bistrot Paul Bert

This "foodie" street in Paris' 11ième
has something for everyone.

I plan to have a seat here 
next week!

Le Bistrot Paul Bert
18, rue Paul Bert
75011, Paris

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Oeufs en Chocolat

In preparation of Pâques (Easter)
you will find the windows of
pâtisseries and boulangeries filled
with their specialties of the season.

Au Levain du Marais
28, boulevard Beaumarchais
75011, Paris

Friday, December 11, 2015

Le Perchoir

Le Perchoir

Such a lovely place and quiet view...
taken about an hour before the world changed

A night to remember

Le Perchoir - 13 novembre 2015
14, rue Crespin du Gast
75011, Paris

Thursday, October 8, 2015

le château de ma Mère

le château de ma Mère

This little shop on rue Ledru Rollin
features furniture, toys, clothing and accessories for 

How would you like to take home 
a child-sized café chair?

le château de ma Mère
108, rue Ledru-Rollin
75011, Paris

Saturday, May 16, 2015


With a grand piano,
art, a wall of books in French,
and fabulous views,
even the laundry looked better 
from this 6th floor window

Rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine
75011, Paris

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Le Perchoir - mes amis

Le Perchoir
(the rooftop bar)

There were only three of us that evening, 
plus the family of one of the workers, two or three others.
We enjoyed a sunset and drinks, 
chatted with these two who were pouring the beverages, 
a wonderful evening in this magical place.

When I returned to Le Perchoir a few months ago,
 there were hundreds of people in the space, 
most of whom were twenty-somethings.  
It had lost a bit of the mystique but still worth it for the view.

To see what it looked like last November, click here

Le Perchoir
14, rue Crespin du Gast
75011, Paris

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Église Saint-Joseph-des-Nations et la Basilique du Sacré Coeur de Montmartre

This view from Le Perchoir in the 11ième, 
looking northwest,
shows at least two churches on the horizon:  
Église Saint-Joseph-des-Nations
which is about four blocks away 
and the recognizable Sacré Coeur in the distance.

bon dimanche

a view of churches from Le Perchoir
14, rue Crespin du Gast
75011, Paris


Thursday, October 2, 2014

Bistrot Paul Bert - la terrasse

Bistrot Paul Bert

Only one table was vacant 
but it was well after the serving hours for déjeuner.  

Parisians have a tendency to linger over a meal, 
engaging in conversation.  On a mild, sunny autumn day, 
there is no reason to hurry the afternoon.

When in Rome Paris.....

Bistrot Paul Bert
18, rue Paul Bert
75011, Paris

Friday, September 12, 2014

Passage Sainte-Anne Popincourt - l'Immeuble en reflet

Passage Sainte-Anne Popincourt

We were in a rush to get to Café des Chats, 
but the four of us missed nary a detail along the way.
Often it is a puzzle to remember and document the location!

bon weekend

Passage Sainte-Anne Popincourt
75011, Paris

Participating in James' Weekend Reflections

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Caryatid - la fleuriste


This sculpture on the premier étage appears to be arranging the garland of flowers.  
Her companion on the other side of the balcony is striking a slightly different pose.

The building was constructed in 1909 by Adolphe Cherioux 
and the two caryatids by sculptor E. Chenevière.
Many of the buildings will have a date and some additional information.  
You just have to look for that detail.

39, rue Saint-Sabin
75011 Paris

Tuesday, May 27, 2014



When you rent an apartment on the 5th floor (6th from the street level), 
count on getting your exercise  unless there is a petite elevator.  
Assuredly, you only forget an item once on your way out 
as it is a breathless return to the apartment!

This eighteenth century apartment was definitely worth the climb
 and made it possible to eat baguettes and macarons with reckless abandon.

Rue du Faubourg Saint Antoine
75011, Paris

Monday, April 21, 2014

Marché Bastille

Marché Bastille

Seen here on a market day (Thursdays and Sundays), you can buy almost anything from produce, seafood, bread, flowers, cheese, and other food items to household goods.  However, on Saturdays, this sprawling area is transformed into a street market of "art and creation," an opportunity to explore, to buy, and to talk with the artists.

The street art and fine craft markets around the world allow a visitor (tourist?) to take home a sketch or a post-card sized painting for a reasonable amount.  My collection ranges from Punta Arenas to Prague and many places in between.  Each petit quelque chose provides a more permanent memory of a city/country than a souvenir stand could ever offer. 

Marché Bastille
Marché de la Création Paris-Bastille
Boulevard Richard Lenoir
75011, Paris

Friday, April 18, 2014

des oeufs de chocolat

Chocolate Eggs!

When it comes to sweets 
and my péché mignon* in the world of indulgences 
(seen here in the form of chocolate eggs), 
it is important to decide if the calorie splurge is worth it.

These eggs are totally in the "worth it" category!

bon weekend

Au Levain du Marais
28, Boulevard  Beaumarchais
(at corner of Rue du Pasteur Wagner)
75011, Paris

*guilty pleasure

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Champ Libre Fleuriste

Champ Libre 

No matter where you are in Paris, you can certainly find nearby:

a Métro station,
an eyeglass store,
and a fleuriste

How about:
a garden,
a boulangerie,
a church?

Champ Libre Fleuriste
104, avenue Ledru Rollin
75011, Paris

Friday, January 24, 2014

L'Écailler du Bistrot

L'Écailler du Bistrot
If you are fond of seafood you will love this restaurant devoted to shrimp, fish, prawns, lobster, and most importantly (to me) oysters!  We were there for a midday meal of oysters and to sample their featured fish of the day.  I was not disappointed and as I type about the salty sea flavor of these delightful mollusks, my mouth is watering.  At home I might have been mixing a coctail sauce, but here they needed not a single seasoning or spice. 
The next trip to this bistrot, I will just have an assortment of oysters...
with a side of baguette.
L'Écailler du Bistrot
22, rue Paul Bert
75011, Paris

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Livraison de fleurs

Flower delivery

On this quiet street in the 11ième 
the colorful arrangement was headed briskly to its destination.  

I was tempted to follow this young woman 
in the red coat and the curly red locks.  
She is a student I think 
and was not dressed as a delivery person.  
So many questions...

Rue St. Sabin
75011, Paris

Monday, January 6, 2014

Le Perchoir - a rooftop bar

(the perch)

This stunning rooftop bar is 7 flights up with a view from each corner.  It is found on an unlikely industrial office street with no sign or indication of what could be found inside.  Feeling certain that I had the correct address, it still made me a bit uneasy that I had led Peter (Peter's Paris) and Virginia (Paris Through My Lens) on a wild goose-chase.  We walked through large (open) industrial doors into an open space and found an open winding staircase.  

When we reached the top of the building (by the elevator) we found a delightful 360° view of Paris.  Looking at the bar, it made me think of a Moorish tent in the middle of the desert.  We enjoyed beverages and took many photos before leaving this oasis in the 11ième arrondissement.  

Do not miss this and get there early as the rooftop is limited to 110 persons.  There is a wonderful restaurant on the floor below for which you will need reservations.

Le Perchoir
14, rue Crespin du Gast
75011, Paris