Showing posts with label Paris shopping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paris shopping. Show all posts

Monday, March 13, 2017

diptyque - parfumerie


This is a charming shop on boulevard Saint-Germain
specializing in perfumes and also scents for
the home.  Even if you already have a favorite there
are scents which are not available elsewhere.

Plan a visit to the original diptype store.
This small shop is big on friendly customer service and
I have always been well-received on my visits.

34, boulevard Saint-Germain
75005, Paris

Monday, March 14, 2016

Fleurs de Paris

The flowers are abundant in Paris
and so are the flower shops

(Happy Pi Day

rue de Belleville
75019, Paris

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Le Magasin Bucherer de Paris

Bucherer is known as the palace 
of luxury watches and its position
on this prominent corner near Opéra Garnier
supports its regal position in Paris.

12, boulevard des Capucines
75009, Paris

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

La Grande Épicerie de Paris

La Grande Épicerie de Paris

If you are a "foodie" you simply must
make a trip to the Grande Épicerie de Paris,
a part of Le Bon Marché.

Wines, spices, foods from around the world, 
produce, carry-out, pastries, a restaurant, kitchen supplies,
and just about anything else you can think of relative to food.

Did I mention that there is a whole aisle
dedicated to butter!

La Grande Épicerie de Paris
38, rue de Sèvres
75007, Paris

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Le Bon Marché

Le Bon Marché

Even in late November the Parisians were 
busy holiday shopping.

(So were the tourists)

Le Bon Marché
24, rue de Sèvres
75007, Paris

Thursday, December 10, 2015

La Tour Eiffel

La Tour Eiffel

Seen in a shop window on avenue de l'Opéra...

A crystal Eiffel Tower would be a great
conversation piece but I could not 
figure out how to get it home!

miniature Tour Eiffel
avenue de l'Opéra
75002, Paris

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Rue du Bac

Rue du Bac

While his maman was shopping in the store
this petit enfant was captivated by the 
display of Eiffel Towers.

I was wondering how to get this
item into an overhead bin
for the trip home...

rue du Bac
75007, Paris

Thursday, October 8, 2015

le château de ma Mère

le château de ma Mère

This little shop on rue Ledru Rollin
features furniture, toys, clothing and accessories for 

How would you like to take home 
a child-sized café chair?

le château de ma Mère
108, rue Ledru-Rollin
75011, Paris

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Paris style

A simple black and white display
but with the style and panache
only to be found in Paris...

Would you believe that this 
covered an entire two-story
wall in...


54, boulevard Haussmann
75009, Paris

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Une Poupée

This shop window was filled with dolls 
and other toys for children.

This doll with carefree red hair
looks particularly lovable

l'ourson en bois
83, rue Charenton
75012 Paris

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

un peu de shopping...

Ah, yes, just a quick stop
for a little bit of shopping...

(Must be a French girl)

rue Brémontier
75017, Paris

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Merci - la cantine

The lower floor of Merci in the Marais
has a charming restaurant called La Cantine.
It is one of three at Merci

You feel as if you are in a country courtyard, 
far from the busy boulevard Beaumarchais

La Cantine at Merci
111, boulevard Beaumarchais
75003, Paris

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Eric Kayser

Eric Kayser

There are so many amazing pastries in Paris, 
but this boulangerie/pâtisserie is a favorite.

For many years my daughter and I stayed just around the corner 
and could smell the baguette ovens
from our beds in the early morning hours.  
Eric Kayser's orignal store is here on rue Monge, 
and if you are nearby you should definitely 
have a "baguette Monge."

The lemon tarts are pretty tasty, too

Eric Kayser
8, rue Monge
75005, Paris

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Des Oeufs de Pâques

Paper maché Easter eggs,
in three sizes, with as many as 30 "palets" inside.

I had one as a child,
an old one from my grandmother,
filled with candy and straw grass


rue Montorgueil
75002, Paris

Friday, February 20, 2015

Hermès - la vitrine


The two windows of  Hermès'
rue de Sèvres shop was filled with an array
of crystal glasses with a backdrop of translucent silk.

The jewel-toned colors of the silk 
blown into action by an oscillating fan
created a colorful motion in the mirrored reflection.

bon week-end

17, rue de Sèvres
75006, Paris

Friday, January 30, 2015

Cassiopée & Co - Antiquités-Brocante

Cassiopée & Co

If you are looking for a little treasure to remind you of a special trip,
do not forget the brocantes

Buy a single silver spoon to use every day...
and people will wonder why you have a dreamy look
 as you stir your coffee or tea

bon weekend

Cassiopée & Co
Village Saint Paul\
23-25, rue Saint Paul
75004, Paris

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Le weekend - shopping

Weekend shopping

On any given morning 
you will find people headed to their neighborhood market 
or to the street markets.  

You will notice that everyone knows one another 
and that there is a relaxed social atmosphere.
Wish I was headed there this morning...

29, rue de Turbigo
75002, Paris

Friday, January 16, 2015

Chaussures d'or

Gold shoes (petite)

Can you imagine how thrilled 
a little girl would be 
to wear these petite gold shoes, 
to twirl in her full skirt 
as she watches the little gold puppy-dogs dance?

Look here to see reflections from around the world
James' Weekend Reflections

Arcade of Palais Royal
75001, Paris

Monday, January 5, 2015

des gants et des mitaines

des gants et des mitaines
(gloves and fingerless gloves)

This window is as tempting as the fine Paris pâtisseries...
delicious array of colors

The prices are not that much more than some of the elaborate pastries, 
and these will last much longer without any of the calories!

Paris window 
Rue Saint Honoré
75001, Paris

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Printemps - un grande table de fête!


What a grand party that was!

Macarons, cristal, Champagne, et des chaussures!

64, boulevard Haussmann
75009, Paris