Showing posts with label update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label update. Show all posts

Monday, February 26, 2024

Apologies and an Update

Hello folks! I apologize for being MIA (that means 'missing in action' if you are unfamiliar with the acronym). It has been a rather tumultuous month.

Due to a prolonged and difficult illness (fondly referred to as the virus from hell), I was unable to post February's challenge. For roughly 18 days, the only time I ventured from my bed was to visit the bathroom; and in the first two weeks, even getting there was a struggle. I credit my husband with my survival because I truly believe I may not be here if not for his incredible care during the worst of my illness. Even now, almost exactly a month from the time I became sick, I am still struggling with my recovery due to lingering symptoms.

That being the case, I have made the decision to cancel March's challenge as well. As difficult as it was for me to make that choice, I need to put my health first.

I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Hopefully, March will provide me with the additional time I need to recover so that we can return in April. However, I make no promises at this time. I will need to see what fate has in store for me.

I hope that you and your families remain healthy and well in which ever corner of this world you live!

All my best,

Monday, January 03, 2022

Path of Positivity will be taking a short break...

HAPPY NEW YEAR folks! I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday season.
I know our regulars were expecting to see a new challenge posted today. Unfortunately, I have been dealing with some tough issues in real life. I briefly touched on this during some of the posts published in December. I have also posted an update on my personal blog as well.
Both my parents were hospitalized after being diagnosed with Covid during the first week of December. My father was released too soon and ended back in the hospital three days later; only this time, in a much worse state. He was diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia and was considered critical when he returned to the hospital. He was pumped full of antibiotics and was on 80% oxygen at the start, slowly weaned down over a two week period. My mom was released after a week in the hospital and thankfully had people coming into the apartment to check on her during her first two weeks. Dad remained on oxygen until they released him on Dec. 19th. Both are extremely weak, exhausted and dealing with the lingering effects of covid (and for my dad, the after effects of having a bad pneumonia as well). Thankfully, for now they continue to have a personal support worker or someone from the Covid Team, checking on them daily throughout the weekdays but it is definitely a challenge for the two of them to look after themselves properly when they are so weak. It has become difficult for them to take care of themselves during normal times, never mind right now. They have been told that it will take MONTHS before they are back to their normal selves.
Worrying about my parents and having to check in on them with daily calls to both the apartment and the hospital depending on where each of them was at the time, left me with time for little else during the first few weeks of December. My stress levels and inability to concentrate greatly affected the quality of my work. Given that at the same time, I was supposed to be getting the team ready for our January challenge, it became necessary to take a little break from taking care of the challenge blogs that I am responsible for in order to maintain my own sanity.

I'm hoping that things will calm down soon and I can come back renewed for our February challenge. If it turns out I need some extra time, I'll be sure to provide an update at that time. I will do my best to publish the winner announcement for our October challenge (no winners for our November one as it was just for fun), sometime over the next couple of weeks.

I hope that we can count on your support and that you'll all come back and join us when we start up again soon! Until that time, wishing you a happy and healthy start to 2022!

Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Summer Break

Hello there folks! In case you missed it, I just published the winner announcement for Challenge #59. It was supposed to be done at the end of June but alas, life once again interfered with those particular plans. If interested, you can scroll down one post to find it.

During that post the last week of June, I was also supposed to mention that we would be going on break for the summer. Thus, apologies to anyone who has been wondering where we've been.

Over the last couple of years, we have made the decision to take both July and August off for the following reasons:
  1. Since it is summer time here in North America, many of our players are out of the house and enjoying the warmer weather;
  2. My hard working Design Team deserves a little bit of time off; and 
  3. It gives me the opportunity to do some catching up with everything I'm always so far behind on by mid year.
Now if you are waiting on the Top Picks and Winner Announcement from our June challenge, we'll be back with those posts in September, taking place during the 2nd and 4th weeks of the month in their regular spots.

I truly hope that you will all continue to support us when we return on September 3rd for our next challenge. We will be continuing with our year long study into colour at that time.

For the time being, I really hope that those of you living in the northern hemisphere are all enjoying your summer and for those of you in the southern hemisphere, I hope that your winter isn't too difficult.

Take care everyone, stay walking on your own Path of Positivity if you can and we'll see you all again real soon.

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Summer Break Extended

Hello there folks! I really hope that those of you living in the northern hemisphere are all enjoying your summer. For those of you in the southern hemisphere, I hope your winter isn't too brutal.

I'm popping in today to let you all know that we have decided to extend our summer break to now also include August. Sadly, I find myself buried deep under a pile of work that the negative side of me fears I may never get out from under. However, the positive side of me keeps pushing that it is only a matter of time and somehow I'll break through! Couple that with the fact that it is still summer time here in North America and that many of our players are out of the house and enjoying the warmer weather, we decided that it would be best to take August off as well.

I truly hope that you will all continue to support us when we get back. We have a special three month long theme planned and I hope that you will all enjoy something a bit different.

Take care everyone, stay walking on your own Path of Positivity if you can and we'll see you all again real soon.