Showing posts with label children. Show all posts
Showing posts with label children. Show all posts

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Somebody Loves You Mr. Hatch

I got a phone call today from a complete stranger. Well, not completely a stranger--I've mailed him Christmas cards two years in a row now. You see, he lives in a small town near Tremonton, Utah, which is where some of my husband's family lives. I address our Christmas cards to entire families, so the card said, "The Petersen Family" and since that is indeed this guy's name, he opened it up. He told me that I have a really nice looking family. He said he enjoyed last year's card too, but that he assumed that the card was probably not intended for him. We laughed and I told him that it sounded like we should be good friends by this time--two years of Christmas cards after all. He said he figured he should probably be sending me a card this year too.
The whole incident reminded me of my husband's favorite children's book, "Somebody Loves You, Mr. Hatch" by Eileen Spinelli. It's a really sad story of a man who lives his life doing the same things every day--gets up at the same time, eats the same food every day for lunch and though he sees the same people each day, he never takes the time to smile or inquire after their lives. His world is so small and so depressing.
Then, one day he gets a huge--imagine using both arms--box in the mail. Their is no return address nor is their a sender provided. The card attached simply says, "Someone loves you." This anonymous gift changes Mr. Hatch's life. He suddenly starts looking at the people around him and trying to get to know them and serve them and he finds out that there is happiness all around him if he will just open himself up to it. This is not the end of the book--there's a twist ending--but you really should get the book, a box of tissues and sit down for a read.
It made me think about how this holiday season I have been running around planning huge dinners for the women at church, printing and mailing Christmas cards, cleaning the house to host the huge dinner, shopping for all the people in my life and feeling mostly totally overwhelmed and stressed out. Of course my children bear the brunt of this. Why is it that this happens? Why do we let the stress in our lives manifest itself in negative ways to those closest to us? How do we get so busy doing good things that those good things start to lose their true meaning with what we have to give up to accomplish them?
It's not a total loss though. I did get that dinner all done and yesterday I enjoyed these beautiful children God gave me. We read stories again, we did violin lessons, we talked, we joked. We were the type of family I want us to be every day. I love this holiday season. I hope that I can keep it a time of year where the Spirit of Christ can speak to me because I'm listening.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Her Mom Didn't Teach Her Any Better

I just got back from mailing a package at the post office. While I was there, I had to chuckle. Up front were three male postal employees. The employees weren't funny, (although it is a rare appearance to see all of the available stations filled--just like at Wal-Mart--why don't they just build like five checkouts? That's all that are ever open anyway--I digress) but when the female customer at the far end turned around to finish completing her paperwork, my jaw about hit the floor. do I put this in a tactful way? Let's call them na-na's (because we all know the song, na, na, na, na, na, na, hey, hey, hey--good-bye!) and believe me, these should've been put away.
I mean seriously, I'm not jealous by any means. I have never wanted to be large in that area. I weigh enough as it is without adding to the problem. In fact, I enjoy exercising everyday and everyone I know that has been "blessed" has a harder time exercising. But for heaven's sake, put those things away before someone's eye gets poked out!!!
I'm always saying, "Please stop...Don't touch that...We don't do that..." Well, at least I'm telling my kids there are rights and wrongs. This woman apparently likes the feeling of being an object. Why? I don't know. Yes, it's great to feel pretty, but who wants to get stared at because you have silicone floating around in your body? Don't you have more to offer than that? I can guarantee you that not one of those postal workers felt comfortable talking to her. I didn't even feel comfortable being there and I'm a woman! I was so embarassed for her.