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Affichage des articles dont le libellé est Oxfam. Afficher tous les articles

mardi 22 avril 2014

Les Juifs ont construit Israël sans recevoir des tonnes d'argent d'ONG et de l'UE...

Elder of Ziyon pose LA BONNE QUESTION: comment se fait-il que les Juifs ont pu construit un État viable et prospère sans recevoir des tonnes d'argent de l'Union européenne et d'ONG? C'est évidemment à comparer avec les Palestiniens, ces chouchous de l'Europe et des ONG européennes... Alors que tant d'Européens vivent dans la misère l'argent continue d'affluer dans les caisses et les poches palestiniennes. "Comment se fait-il qu'un groupe de Juifs est parvenu a créer un État sans l'aide de magnifiques institutions comme le Comité de coordination de l'information [qui assure ... la coordination entre 3 ou 4 programmes disparates financés par l'UE pour aider les Arabes palestiniens élever du bétail - l'UE consacre des millions d'euros à ce type d'initiatives]? Au cours des premières 20 années d'existence d'Israël, malgré une connaissance limitée des techniques agricoles et d'élevage, les Juifs ont réussi à mettre sur pied un État efficace et relativement moderne basé sur l'agriculture tout en étant en guerre avec chacun des Etats voisins, avec peu ou pas de soutien d'ONG et de gouvernements étrangers."

How did Jews build a state without tons of money from the EU and NGOs? Here is an entire article from official PA news agency Wafa:
A public information coordination committee to oversee a group of sub projects funded by the European Union in support of the livestock subsector was recently formed, under which the communication efforts between the institutions implementing projects in the Livestock-based Livelihoods (LbL) programme, said a press release on Thursday.

The full LBL project, worth approximately EUR 11 million, was launched in 2013 in order to support the development of the Palestinian the livestock subsector. This committee will workin parallel with the project coordination framework and Project Steering Committee,which includes the Ministry of Agriculture and the Union of Agricultural Work Committees (UAWC) and CARE and Oxfam Italia in addition to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the European Union (EU).

The three sub-projects constituting the LbL programme are ; (i) ‘Moving herders from aid dependence to self-sustaining growth through livestock husbandry development and market expansion (SULALAH)’, implemented by UAWC and the consortium (ii)‘Strengthening Livestock Holders’ Livelihoods in Area C (Rawasi)’ implemented by CARE International and the consortium; and (iii) ‘Support Livestock-based Livelihood Programme of Vulnerable Populations in the oPt, the Institutional Level Component’ (LbL-i) implemented by FAO. In addition to, (IV) 'Regional Bedouin Governance (RBG) implemented by Oxfam IT, which is also made possible by the generous support of the EU.

samedi 15 mars 2014

L'antisémitisme et l'antisionisme en Europe ne devraient étonner personne (Alan Dershowitz)

En 1801, Charles-Joseph, Prince de Ligne, révolté par la façon dont les Juifs étaient traités en Europe, lançait cet appel: "Une colère de 1800 ans me paraît avoir duré longtemps assez". Hélas la situation n'a pas changé et Alan Dershowitz rappelle que cette haine dure maintenant depuis 2000 ans: "the sordid history of Western Europe’s treatment of the Jews".  En effet une histoire vraiment sordide.

Alan Dershowitz @ NewsMax: Europe's Alarming Push to Isolate Israel (extraits).  Note: Alan Dershowitz est Démocrate (donc de gauche) et soutient le Président Barak Obama.  Dans l'article il met en cause le rôle de certains Juifs dans la propagation de la détestation d'Israël.  Comme l'a récemment dit l'historien Simon Epstein, l'antisémitisme va se maintenir et continuer de prospérer en Europe.  C'est dommage, car quelques personnes comme Dershowitz et Epstein pourraient changer les choses car rien, absolument rien, ne prédestine l'Europe à ne pas respecter les Juifs et Israël.

"Why are so many of the grandchildren of Nazis and Nazi collaborators who brought us the Holocaust once again declaring war on the Jews?  Why have we seen such an increase in anti-Semitism and irrationally virulent anti-Zionism in western Europe?

To answer these questions, a myth must first be exposed. That myth is the one perpetrated by the French, the Dutch, the Norwegians, the Swiss, the Belgians, the Austrians, and many other western Europeans: namely that the Holocaust was solely the work of German Nazis aided perhaps by some Polish, Ukrainian, Latvian, Lithuanian, and Estonian collaborators.  False.

La Shoah fait aussi rire les arrière-petits-enfants:
"C'est quelle marque le four? J'ai besoin d'un avec 
les même dimensions chez moi." 
The Holocaust was perpetrated by Europeans — by Nazi sympathizers and collaborators among the French, Dutch, Norwegians, Swiss, Belgians, Austrians and other Europeans, both Western and Eastern.  If the French government had not deported to the death camps more Jews than their German occupiers asked for; if so many Dutch and Belgian citizens and government officials had not cooperated in the roundup of Jews; if so many Norwegians had not supported Quisling; if Swiss government officials and bankers had not exploited Jews; if Austria had not been more Nazi than the Nazis, the Holocaust would not have had so many Jewish victims.

In light of the widespread European complicity in the destruction of European Jewry, the pervasive anti-Semitism and irrationally hateful anti-Zionism that has recently surfaced throughout western Europe toward Israel should surprise no one.

dimanche 16 février 2014

Peter Hitchens: la Cisjordanie a besoin de Scarlett Johansson et non des dogmes d'Oxfam

Le Daily Mail a publié une opinion pleine de bon sens de Peter Hitchens, l'un des plus grands éditorialistes britanniques.  Hitchens évoque sa rencontre avec un Arabe israélien qui regrette le temps où le monde ne se mêlait pas d'imposer la paix aux deux peuples qui vivaient dans une relative harmonie: "le bon vieux temps avant qu'on ne nous impose 'la Paix'".  Quand les Arabes se rendaient en Israël pour y travailler et faire vivre leur famille en toute dignité plutôt que de dépendre de l'aide internationale.  Et que les Israéliens profitaient de la vie nocturne du bord de mer à Gaza qui n'était pas encore sous la férule des islamistes du Hamas. C'est pour ça que Peter Hitchens donne raison à Scarlett Johansson contre Oxfam qui l'a condamnée pour avoir fait de la publicité pour l'usine SodaStream qui appartient à des Israéliens et où Palestiniens et Israéliens travaillent en parfaite harmonie.  N'en déplaise aux ONG comme Oxfam.


One of my favourite people in the Middle East is a witty and wry Arab citizen of Israel (yes, they do exist and very interesting they are too). On my last visit to Jerusalem, he drove me up to Ramallah through the wearisome security barriers that now divide Israeli territory from the West Bank.
And he sighed: ‘Oh, for the good old days before we had “Peace” .’ What he meant was that, until the world began seeking to solve the Israeli-Arab question, the two peoples lived reasonably happily together.

Arabs worked in Israel, crossing freely backwards and forwards and supporting their families instead of relying on political handouts.  Incredibly, Israelis used to go to Gaza (now behind an impassable barrier) for its beach-front nightlife (now suppressed with Islamic ferocity).

Actually, some of this sensible human pragmatism has recently begun to return. Israeli settlers help Arabs decode the Hebrew labels in a cut-price supermarket on the road to Nablus. Tamallah’s town centre, once gruesomely adorned with the dangling corpses of alleged collaborators, is now a pleasant spot for an evening out. It has a shopping mall with a cinema multiplex, just as Israeli towns do.  This is why I side with Scarlett Johansson, left, and against Oxfam, which has condemned her for promoting an Israeli-owned factory in the West Bank.

She is right. Helping to promote and sustain the normal things of life – work, homes, ordinary pleasure, mutual interdependence – is the road to peace. Oxfam’s dogmatic utopian desires lead to murder and terror. Oxfam was not founded to preach politics, but to relieve hunger. It should go back to doing that, and I for one won’t give it another penny until it does.

lundi 10 février 2014

Oxfam et les "chambres à gaz" israéliennes

Oxfam et les archétypes
antisémites, dans cette affiche
le thème du Juif et du sang
C'est un épisode peu connu de la propagande anti-israélienne de l'ONG européenne Oxfam que rapporte le site Harry's Place. Brian W. Walker, ancien directeur général d'Oxfam, écrivit en 1977 une lettre à une ministre britannique dans laquelle il portait de nombreuses accusations contre Israël, notamment: "La politique suivie par Israël [envers les Palestiniens] n'est en aucun sens differente de celle de l'utilisation des chambres à gaz par les nazis - car vivre dans des conditions de mort pour un "vivant", à bien des égards, est pire que la mort elle-même."   Il est instructif de lire la lettre en entier ICI. James Vaughan souligne que, lorsqu'Oxfam compare les politiques menées par Israël en Cisjordanie aux méthodes d'extermination industrielle utilisées par les nazis pendant l'Holocauste et que l'ONG introduit cette comparaison dans le cadre d'une tentative pour influencer un ministre britannique, Oxfam va bien au-delà de tout ce qui pourrait être qualifié de critique responsable. L'ONG propose également de tromper les autorités israéliennes...  Belle mentalité!

James Vaughan @ Harry's Place (From the archives: Oxfam and the Israeli “gas chambers”)

Oxfam has recently been embroiled in the Israel-Palestinian conflict; the result of a minor political storm surrounding Scarlett Johansson’s involvement with the Israeli-owned company, [...]

A less well-known episode, but one that reveals much about the evolution of Oxfam’s attitudes towards Israel, occurred in October 1977. Oxfam’s then director-general Brian W. Walker had just returned from a visit to Jordan and Israel. His observations in the West Bank prompted him to write to Judith Hart, the Minister for Overseas Development in James Callaghan’s Labour Government. His letter contained a number of remarkable suggestions, not least of which was that Oxfam would be happy to assist a British minister to “travel incognito” into Israeli occupied territory via Jordan.

By far the most disturbing aspect of Walker’s letter, however, was the allegation that Israeli policies in relation to West Bank water resources amounted to a crime against the Palestinian people that could be compared to the Holocaust.  “The policy being followed by Israel,” Walker declared, “is in no real sense different from the use of the gas chambers by the Nazis – for a ‘living’ death is, in many respects, worse than death itself.”

samedi 1 février 2014

Nous avons besoin de 1000 SodaStreams en Cisjordanie

Un ouvrier palestinien de Jérusalem Est attend à l'arrêt de bus en parlant dans son portable et il dit: "J'aime travailler ici. Les relations entre les personnes sont bonnes, que dois-je ajouter d'autre?”

“It’s only segregated at the top level, between the Israeli and the Palestinian governments”, says an Arab cook from East Jerusalem working at the SodaStream canteen.  “The politicians, they make all kinds of a mess between Jews and Arabs. But the people here, the Palestinians and Israelis, they are working together, they talk to each other, there’s no problem. But at the political level, there are many issues.”

Arabs and Jews together and
all against the boycott
'We need 1,000 SodaStreams around here' @ The Telegraph.  Extraits:

The plant employs roughly 500 Palestinians from the Occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem, as well as 450 Arab Israelis and 350 Jewish Israelis. It makes gadgets for creating home-made fizzy drinks. [...]

“We have no problems working here”, said one Palestinian employee, as others nodded in agreement. “The relations with the others are good, the pay is fine. But the way home is sometimes very long”.

One outside contractor who regularly visited the plant added: “It’s rare to see a company like this. Everyone sits together, works together. If you ask me, there should be a thousand SodaStreams in this area.” [...]

jeudi 3 octobre 2013

Les Européens continuent à financer des ONG anti-israéliennes

“The conference is made possible thanks to the generous support of: Misereor [Catholic; German Catholic Bishops Organization for Development Cooperation], Christian Aid [Multidenominational Christian; sponsored by multiple churches in the UK and Ireland], HEKS-EPER [Protestant; their name officially translates as “aid organization for the Protestant churches of Switzerland”], CCFD [Catholic; a grouping of 29 French Catholic organizations and churches], Finn Church Aid [Finlande], Broederlijk Delen [Belgique, Catholic NGO “that specializes in development cooperation”], AFSC [USA], Rosa Luxemburg Foundation [German foundation “officially recognized as a nationwide affiliated trust of the Party of Democratic Socialism”], Mennonite Central Committee [USA], Trocaire [Catholic; official overseas development agency of the Catholic church of Ireland], St. Het Solidariteitsfonds [Pays-Bas], Oxfam GB and private donors.”

Les associations juives européennes sont trop faibles pour protester. Ces ONG sont majoritairement chrétiennes.  Il faut noter que, contrairement aux gouvernements européens, le gouvernement américain ne finance pas ce genre de propagande. Les chrétiens américains défendent Israël, les chrétiens européens non.  Et ils s'en vantent.  Voir également: France: l'ONG Action Contre la Faim fait de la propagande anti-israélienne.


  • On September 29-30, 2013, Zochrot, an Israeli NGO that promotes the Palestinian narrative of “Nakba” and “return,” has scheduled a conference in Tel Aviv titled “From Truth to Redress: Realizing the Return of Palestinian Refugees.”
  • Zochrot seeks to “raise public awareness of the Palestinian Nakba…The memory and responsibility that the Jewish public should take on the Palestinian Nakba are basic conditions to peace between people, but it is not enough. Along with it, the rights of the refugees to return must be accepted.” Thisagenda is equivalent to calling for the elimination of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people.
  • Also accuses Israel of “ethnic cleansing,” using the rhetoric of the 2001 Durban Conference demonization strategy.
  • According to the conference program, “The conference is made possible thanks to the generous support of: Misereor, Christian Aid, HEKS-EPER, CCFD, Finn Church Aid, Broederlijk Delen, AFSC, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Mennonite Central Committee, Trocaire, St. Het Solidariteitsfonds, Oxfam GB and private donors.”

jeudi 12 septembre 2013

Oxfam répand de fausses accusations contre Israël

Un haut responsable de l'ONG européenne OXFAM, Ben Phillips, connu pour ses positions férocement anti-israéliennes, a fait circuler de fausses accusations contre Israël. Harry's Place rapporte qu'Electronic Intifada qui avait relayé l'information a publié un démenti, mais qu'entre-temps l'information avait été reprise par ds blogs anti-israéliens. (Ci-contre un poster "Israel decides to poison the water in Gaza" inspiré par l'accusation d'OXFAM.  L'auteur ajoute une bonne louche d'antisémitisme.)  On aurait aimé que les ONG européennes s'intéressent en priorité à la situation déplorable (misère, brimades, persécution) que vivent les Roms...  Mais non.  Attaquer Israël est leur principal but, bien plus juteux en termes d'image, de financement etc.  

Harry's Place: Recently the Electronic Intifada posted an article describing how:
Israel has blocked the international development organization Oxfam from bringing vital equipment into the Gaza Strip to help make drinking water safe.
The main source for this story is Ben Phillips, Oxfam’s Campaigns and Policy Director.  He is quoted asserting, on Twitter, that:
“The blockade on Gaza prevented Oxfam’s public health programme bringing in a chlorometer to help get right chlorine levels to clean water,”
and claiming that Oxfam:
“made an application [to Israel] to import” the equipment, but “[A]fter 8 months without agreement we had to use less effective processes instead.”
I shouldn’t think many readers are fans of Electronic Intifada, but, to be fair, this seemed to be a fairly low key piece of reporting which also noted the role played by Egypt in the difficulties facing the people of Gaza.  However the story was not all it seemed – for it turns out that it wasn’t Israel’s fault after all.  Here is the full text of Electronic Intifada’s own correction: