Showing posts with label autobiography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label autobiography. Show all posts

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Bibliography: Second Half of 2019

A bibliography similar to the previous one. This one covers July-December 2019. Again, it's not necessarily complete and contains only whole books, not articles or primarily reference works. I'm also trying to only include books that are newish - i.e., not on the previous couple lists. (Children's books also generally not included!) I read a lot of RPG and online material and was busy with other things these six months, so a lot fewer entries are showing up this time!


Bates, Matthew, Salvation by Allegiance Alone: Rethinking Faith, Works, and the Gospel of Jesus the King.
Enns, Peter, Inspiration and Incarnation: Evangelicals and the Problem of the Old Testament.
Joslin, Barry, Hebrews, Christ, and the Law: The Theology of the Mosaic Law in Hebrews 7:1-10:18.
Miller, Robert, The Dragon, the Mountain, and the Nations: An Old Testament Myth, Its Origins, and Its Afterlives.
Moser, Paul, ed., Jesus and Philosophy.
Von Rad, Gerhard, Old Testament Theology, Vol 1: The Theology of Israel's Historical Traditions.
Von Rad, Gerhard, Old Testament Theology, Vol 2: The Theology of Israel's Prophetic Traditions.


Laws, Robin, New Tales of the Yellow Sign.
Miles, Julian, Stars of Black: Contemplations Upon the Pale King.
Snyder, Lucy, While the Black Stars Burn.
Tyrer, D.J., The Yellow House.
Tyrer, D.J., and Joseph Bouthiette Jr., eds., A Terrible Thing.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Bibliography: First Half of 2019

A bibliography similar to the previous one. This one covers January-June 2019. Again, it's not necessarily complete and contains only whole books, not articles or primarily reference works. I'm also trying to only include books that are newish - i.e., not on the previous couple lists. (Children's books also generally not included!)


Albertz, Rainer, Family and Household Religion in Ancient Israel and the Levant.
Allen, Spencer, The Splintered Divine: A Study of Ištar, Baal, and Yahweh Divine Names and Divine Multiplicity in the Ancient Near East.
Bell, Catherine, Ritual Theory, Ritual Practice.
Clifford, Richard J., The Cosmic Mountain in Canaan and the Old Testament.
Clifford, Richard J., Creation Accounts in the Ancient Near East and in the Bible.
Collins, C. John, Reading Genesis Well: Navigating History, Poetry, Science, and Truth in Genesis 1-11.
Doak, Brian, The Last of the Rephaim: Conquest and Cataclysm in the Heroic Ages of Ancient Israel.
Forsyth, Neil, The Old Enemy: Satan and the Combat Myth.
Garr, W. Randall, In His Own Image and Likeness: Humanity, Divinity, and Monotheism.
Gooch, Paul W., Partial Knowledge: Philosophical Studies in Paul.
Greer, Jonathan S., John W. Hilber, and John H. Walton, eds., Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament: Cultural, Social, and Historical Contexts.
Hagner, Donald A., How New is the New Testament? First Century Judaism and the Emergence of Christianity.
Healy, Mary, and Robin Parry, eds., The Bible and Epistemology: Biblical Soundings on the Knowledge of God.
Hess, Richard S., and David Toshio Tsumura, eds., I Studied Inscriptions from Before the Flood: Ancient Near Eastern Literary and Linguistic Approaches to Genesis 1-11.
Johnson, Dru, Biblical Knowing: A Scriptural Epistemology of Error.
Johnson, Dru, Epistemology and Biblical Theology: From the Pentateuch to Mark’s Gospel.
Johnson, Dru, Knowledge by Ritual: A Biblical Prolegomenon to Sacramental Theology.
Kennard, Douglas W., Epistemology and Logic in the New Testament: Early Jewish Context and Biblical Theology Mechanisms that Fit Within Some Contemporary Ways of Knowing.
Kreeft, Peter, The Philosophy of Jesus.
Longman, III, Tremper, and John H. Walton, The Lost World of the Flood: Mythology, Theology, and the Deluge Debate.
Longman, III, Tremper, Confronting Old Testament Controversies: Pressing Questions about Evolution, Sexuality, History, and Violence.
Middleton, J. Richard, The Liberating Image: The Imago Dei in Genesis 1.
Miller, Patrick D., The Religion of Ancient Israel.
Morales, L. Michael, The Tabernacle Pre-Figured: Cosmic Mountain Ideology in Genesis and Exodus.
Morales, L. Michael, ed., Cult and Cosmos: Tilting Toward a Temple-Centered Theology.
O'Dowd, Ryan, The Wisdom of Torah: Epistemology in Deuteronomy and the Wisdom Literature.
Scott, Ian W., Paul's Way of Knowing: Story, Experience, and the Spirit.
Seitz, Christopher, The Elder Testament: Canon, Theology, Trinity.
Smith, Mark S., The Priestly Vision of Genesis 1.
Smith, Mark S., The Genesis of Good and Evil: The Fall(out) and Original Sin in the Bible.
Van der Toorn, Karel, Family Religion in Babylonia, Syria and Israel: Continuity and Change in the Forms of Religious Life.
Walton, John H. and J. Harvey Walton, The Lost World of the Torah: Law as Covenant and Wisdom in Ancient Context.
Wright, Archie T., The Origin of Evil Spirits: The Reception of Genesis 6:1-4 in Early Jewish Literature. Revised edition.
Wyatt, N., The Mythic Mind: Essays on Cosmology and Religion in Ugaritic and Old Testament Literature.
Zevit, Ziony, The Religions of Ancient Israel: A Synthesis of Parallactic Approaches.


Kipling, Rudyard, The Jungle Book.
Kipling, Rudyard, The Second Jungle Book.
Rowling, J. K., Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone.
Rowling, J. K., Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Bibliography: Second Half of 2018

A bibliography similar to the previous one. This one covers July-December 2018. Again, it's not necessarily complete and contains only whole books, not articles or primarily reference works. I'm also trying to only include books that are newish - i.e., not on the previous couple lists. (Children's books also generally not included!)


Albertz, Rainer, A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period, Volume I: From the Beginnings to the End of the Monarchy.
Albertz, Rainer, A History of Israelite Religion in the Old Testament Period, Volume II: From the Exile to the Maccabees.
Anderson, Jeff S., The Blessing and the Curse: Trajectories in the Theology of the Old Testament.
Balentine, Samuel, Prayer in the Hebrew Bible: The Drama of Divine-Human Dialogue.
Batto, Bernard F., Slaying the Dragon: Mythmaking in the Biblical Tradition.
Block, Daniel, ed., Israel: Ancient Kingdom or Late Invention?
Cowan, Steven, and Terry Wilder, eds., In Defense of the Bible: A Comprehensive Apologetic for the Authority of Scripture.
Cross, Frank Moore, Canaanite Myth and Hebrew Epic: Essays in the History of the Religion of Israel.
Day, John, Yahweh and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan.
Dever, William G., Who Were the Early Israelites and Where Did They Come From?
Dever, William G., Beyond the Texts: An Archaeological Portrait of Ancient Israel and Judah.
Dick, Michael B., ed., Born in Heaven, Made on Earth: The Making of the Cult Image in the Ancient Near East.
Gericke, Jaco, What is a God?: Philosophical Perspectives on Divine Essence in the Hebrew Bible.
Goldsworthy, Graeme, Christ-Centered Biblical Theology: Hermeneutical Foundations and Principles.
Gottwald, Norman K., The Tribes of Yahweh: A Sociology of the Religion of Liberated Israel, 1250-1050 B.C.E.
Hamori, Esther, When Gods Were Men: The Embodied God in Biblical and Near Eastern Literature.
Heiser, Michael, Reversing Hermon: Enoch, the Watchers, and the Forgotten Mission of Jesus Christ.
Heiser, Michael, Angels: What The Bible Really Says About God's Heavenly Host.
Hendel, Ronald, and Jan Joosten, How Old is the Hebrew Bible?: A Linguistic, Textual, and Historical Study.
Kitchen, Kenneth, On the Reliability of the Old Testament.
Kitz, Anne Marie, Cursed are You!: The Phenomenology of Cursing in Cuneiform and Hebrew Texts. 
Mitchell, Christopher Wright, The Meaning of BRK "To Bless" in the Old Testament.
Mullen, Jr., E. Theodore, The Assembly of the Gods: The Divine Council in Canaanite and Early Hebrew Literature.
Patrick, Dale, The Rendering of God in the Old Testament.
Patrick, Dale, The Rhetoric of Revelation in the Hebrew Bible.
Provan, Iain, V. Philips Long, and Tremper Longman III, A Biblical History of Israel, Second Edition.
Segal, Alan F., Two Powers in Heaven: Early Rabbinic Reports about Christianity and Gnosticism.
Smith, Mark S., The Early History of God:Yahweh and the Other Deities in Ancient Israel, Second Edition.
Smith, Mark S., The Origins of Biblical Monotheism: Israel's Polytheistic Background and the Ugaritic Texts.
Smith, Mark S., The Memoirs of God: History, Memory, and the Experience of the Divine.
Smith, Mark S., God in Translation: Deities in Cross-cultural Discourse in the Biblical World.
Smith, Mark S., How Human is God?: Seven Questions about God and Humanity in the Bible.
Smith, Mark S., Where the Gods Are: Spatial Dimensions of Anthropomorphism in the Biblical World.
Sommer, Benjamin, The Bodies of God and the World of Ancient Israel.
Van De Mieroop, Marc, A History of the Ancient Near East ca. 3000-323 BC, Third Edition.
Van De Mieroop, Marc, A History of Ancient Egypt.
Westermann, Claus, Blessing in the Bible and the Life of the Church.
White, Ellen, Yahweh's Council: Its Structure and Membership.
Wood, Alice, Of Wings and Wheels: A Synthetic Study of the Biblical Cherubim.


Lewis, C.S., Out of the Silent Planet.
Lewis, C.S., Perelandra.
Lewis, C.S., That Hideous Strength.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Bibliography: First Half of 2018

A bibliography similar to the previous one. This one covers January-June 2018. Again, it's not necessarily complete and contains only whole books, not articles or primarily reference works. I'm also trying to only include books that are newish - i.e., not on the previous couple lists. (Childrens' books also generally not included!)


Anderson, Gary, Sin: A History.
Balentine, Samuel, The Hidden God: The Hidden Face of God in the Old Testament.
Barr, James, The Semantics of Biblical Language.
Barr, James, Biblical Faith and Natural Theology.
Barr, James, The Garden of Eden and the Hope of Immortality
Barton, John, Reading the Old Testament: Method in Biblical Studies, Revised and Enlarged.
Barton, John, The Nature of Biblical Criticism.
Beale, G. K., and Benjamin L. Gladd, Hidden But Now Revealed: A Biblical Theology of Mystery.
Beilby, James K., and Paul Rhodes Eddy, eds., Understanding Spiritual Warfare: Four Views.
Berlin, Adele, The Dynamics of Biblical Parallelism, Revised and Expanded.
Boyd, Gregory, God at War: The Bible and Spiritual Conflict.
Boyd, Gregory, The Crucifixion of the Warrior God: Interpreting the Old Testament's Violent Portraits of God in Light of the Cross, Volume 1: The Cruciform Hermeneutic
Boyd, Gregory, The Crucifixion of the Warrior God: Interpreting the Old Testament's Violent Portraits of God in Light of the Cross, Volume 2: The Cruciform Thesis.
Brown, William P., ed., Character and Scripture: Moral Formation, Community, and Biblical Interpretation.
Carasik, Michael, Theologies of the Mind in Biblical Israel.
Carson, D.A., Divine Sovereignty and Human Responsibility: Biblical Perspectives in Tension.
Carson, D.A., Exegetical Fallacies, Second Edition.
Childs, Brevard S., Biblical Theology of the Old and New Testaments: Theological Reflection on the Christian Bible.
Crenshaw, James, Defending God: Biblical Responses to the Problem of Evil.
Eichrodt, Walther, Theology of the Old Testament, Volume One.
Eichrodt, Walther, Theology of the Old Testament, Volume Two.
Fishbane, Michael, Biblical Interpretation in Ancient Israel.
Fretheim, Terence, The Suffering of God: An Old Testament Perspective.
Fretheim, Terence, Creation Untamed: The Bible, God, and Natural Disasters.
Gericke, Jaco, The Hebrew Bible and Philosophy of Religion.
Gibson, Arthur, Biblical Semantic Logic: A Preliminary Analysis.
Goldingay, John, Theological Diversity and the Authority of the Old Testament.
Goldingay, John, Key Questions about Christian Faith: Old Testament Answers.
Goldingay, John, Key Questions about Biblical Interpretation: Old Testament Answers.
Goldingay, John, Do We Need the New Testament?: Letting the Old Testament Speak for Itself.
Goldingay, John, Biblical Theology: The God of the Christian Scriptures.
Gunkel, Hermann, The Influence of the Holy Spirit: The Popular View of the Apostolic Age and the Teaching of the Apostle Paul: A Biblical-Theological Study.
Habel, Norman, The Land is Mine: Six Biblical Land Ideologies.
Hazony, Yoram, The Philosophy of Hebrew Scripture.
Heiser, Michael, The Unseen Realm: Recovering the Supernatural Worldview of the Bible.
Hoffmeier, James, and Dennis Magary, eds., Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith? A Critical Appraisal of Modern and Postmodern Approaches to Scripture.
Humphrey, Edith, Scripture and Tradition: What the Bible Really Says.
Johnson, Aubrey, The One and the Many in the Israelite Conception of God.
Kaminsky, Joel, Corporate Responsibility in the Hebrew Bible.
Kaminsky, Joel, Yet I Loved Jacob: Reclaiming the Biblical Concept of Election.
Levenson, Jon D., Creation and the Persistence of Evil: The Jewish Drama of Divine Omnipotence.
Levison, John, Filled with the Spirit.
Lindström, Fredrik, God and the Origin of Evil: A Contextual Analysis of Alleged Monistic Evidence in the Old Testament.
Lohr, Joel, Chosen and Unchosen: Conceptions of Election in the Pentateuch and Jewish-Christian Interpretation.
MacDonald, Neil, Metaphysics and the God of Israel: Systematic Theology of the Old and New Testaments.
Mettinger, Tryggve, The Eden Narrative: A Literary and Religio-Historical Study of Genesis 2-3.
Niditch, Susan, War in the Hebrew Bible: A Study in the Ethics of Violence.
Pelikan, Jaroslav, The Vindication of Tradition.
Plantinga, Jr., Cornelius, Not the Way It's Supposed to Be: A Breviary of Sin.
Ramage, Matthew, Dark Passages of the Bible: Engaging Scripture with Benedict XVI and St. Thomas Aquinas.
Robinson, H. Wheeler, Corporate Personality in Ancient Israel.
Roy, Steven, How Much Does God Foreknow?: A Comprehensive Biblical Study.
Sakenfeld, Katharine Doob, Faithfulness in Action: Loyalty in Biblical Perspective.
Sanders, James A., Torah and Canon. Second Edition.
Seitz, Christopher, The Character of Christian Scripture: The Significance of a Two-Testament Bible.
Silva, Moisés, Biblical Words and Their Meaning: An Introduction to Lexical Semantics, Revised and Expanded Edition.
Smith, Christian, The Bible Made Impossible: Why Biblicism Is Not a Truly Evangelical Reading of Scripture.
Smith-Christopher, Daniel, A Biblical Theology of Exile.
Sparks, Kenton, God's Word in Human Words: An Evangelical Appropriation of Critical Biblical Scholarship.
Sparks, Kenton, Sacred Word, Broken Word: Biblical Authority & the Dark Side of Scripture.
Stark, Thom, The Human Faces of God: What Scripture Reveals When It Gets God Wrong (and Why Inerrancy Tries To Hide It).
Stark, Thom, Is God a Moral Compromiser?: A Critical Review of Paul Copan's "Is God a Moral Monster?" Second Edition.
Thomas, Heath, et al., eds., Holy War in the Bible: Christian Morality and an Old Testament Problem.
Tov, Emanuel, Textual Criticism of the Hebrew Bible, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded.
Walton, John H., Ancient Near Eastern Thought and the Old Testament: Introducing the Conceptual World of the Hebrew Bible, Second Edition.
Wright, G. Ernest, God Who Acts: Biblical Theology as Recital.


Alexander, Lloyd, The Book of Three.
De Balzac, Honoré, Short Stories.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Tales and Sketches.
Ligotti, Thomas, Death Poems.
Miller, Jr., Walter, A Canticle for Leibowitz.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Bibliography: Second Half of 2017

A bibliography similar to the previous one. This one covers July-December 2017. Again, it's not necessarily complete and contains only whole books, not articles or primarily reference works. I'm also trying to only include books that are newish - i.e., not on the previous couple lists. (Childrens' books also generally not included!)


Adeyemi, Femi, The New Covenant Torah in Jeremiah and the Law of Christ in Paul.
Arand, Charles, et al., Perspectives on the Sabbath: 4 Views.
Bahnsen,  Greg, et al., Five Views on Law and Gospel.
Baker, David L., Two Testaments, One Bible: The Theological Relationship Between the Old and New Testaments, Third Edition.
Baker, David L., The Decalogue: Living as the People of God.
Barr, James, The Concept of Biblical Theology: An Old Testament Perspective.
Benin, Stephen, The Footprints of God: Divine Accommodation in Jewish and Christian Thought.
Blaising, Craig, and Darrell Bock, Progressive Dispensationalism.
Burge, Gary, Jesus and the Land: The New Testament Challenge to "Holy Land" Theology.
Carson, D.A., ed., From Sabbath to Lord's Day: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Investigation.
Church, Philip, et al., eds., The Gospel and the Land of Promise: Christian Approaches to the Land of the Bible.
Das, A. Andrew, Paul and the Jews.
Davies, W.D., Paul and Rabbinic Judaism: Some Rabbinic Elements in Pauline Theology.
Davies, W.D.,  The Gospel and the Land: Early Christianity and Jewish Territorial Doctrine.
Dunn, James D.G., Jesus, Paul, and the Law: Studies in Mark and Galatians.
Dunn, James D.G., The New Perspective on Paul.
Dunn, James D.G., ed., Paul and the Mosaic Law.
Feinberg, John, ed., Continuity and Discontinuity: Perspectives on the Relationship Between the Old and New Testaments: Essays in Honor of S. Lewis Johnson, Jr.
Fuller, Daniel, Gospel and Law: Contrast or Continuum? The Hermeneutics of Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology.
Gane, Roy, Old Testament Law for Christians: Original Context and Enduring Application.
Gaston, Lloyd, Paul and the Torah.
Gentry, Peter, and Stephen Wellum, Kingdom Through Covenant: A Biblical-Theological Understanding of the Covenants.
Goldingay, John, Approaches to Old Testament Interpretation.
Gräbe, Petrus, New Covenant, New Community: The Significance of Biblical and Patristic Covenant Theology for Contemporary Understanding.
Green, Bradley, Covenant and Commandment: Works, Obedience and Faithfulness in the Christian Life.
Hamilton, James M., Jr., God's Indwelling Presence: The Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments.
Hamilton, James M., Jr., God's Glory in Salvation Through Judgment: A Biblical Theology.
Heschel, Abraham, The Sabbath.
Hübner, Hans, Law in Paul's Thought: A Contribution to the Development of Pauline Theology.
Ladd, George E., Crucial Questions About the Kingdom of God.
Martin, Oren, Bound for the Promised Land: The Land Promise in God's Redemptive Plan.
Meyer, Jason, The End of the Law: Mosaic Covenant in Pauline Theology.
Pate, C. Marvin, The Reverse of the Curse: Paul, Wisdom, and Law.
Perrin, Nicholas, Jesus the Temple.
Poythress, Vern, The Shadow of Christ in the Law of Moses.
Räisänen, Heikki, Paul and the Law, Second Edition.
Rapa, Robert Keith, The Meaning of "Works of the Law" in Galatians and Romans.
Rosner, Brian, Paul and the Law: Keeping the Commandments of God.
Ryrie, Charles, Dispensationalism, Revised and Expanded.
Sanders, E.P., Paul and Palestinian Judaism: A Comparison of Patterns of Religion.
Sanders, E.P., Paul, the Law, and the Jewish People.
Schnabel, Eckhard, Law and Wisdom from Ben Sira to Paul: A Tradition Historical Enquiry into the Relation of Law, Wisdom, and Ethics.
Schreiner, Thomas, The Law and Its Fulfillment: A Pauline Theology of Law.
Sparks, Kenton, Ethnicity and Identity in Ancient Israel: Prolegomena to the Study of Ethnic Sentiments and Their Expression in the Hebrew Bible.
Sprinkle, Joe, Biblical Law and Its Relevance: A Christian Understanding and Ethical Application for Today of the Mosaic Regulations.
Thielman, Frank, From Plight to Solution: A Jewish Framework for Understanding Paul's View of the Law in Galatians and Romans.
Thielman, Frank, Paul and the Law: A Contextual Approach.
Thielman, Frank, The Law and the New Testament: The Question of Continuity.
Thurén, Lauri, Derhetorizing Paul: A Dynamic Perspective on Pauline Theology and the Law.
Todd, III, James M., Sinai and the Saints: Reading Old Covenant Laws for the New Covenant Community.
Tomson, Peter, Paul and the Jewish Law: Halakha in the Letters of the Apostle to the Gentiles.
Vern, Poythress, The Shadow of Christ in the Law of Moses.
Vlachos, Chris, The Law and the Knowledge of Good and Evil: The Edenic Background of the Catalytic Operation of the Law in Paul.
Vos, Geerhardus, Biblical Theology: Old and New Testaments.
Walker, P.W.L., Jesus and the Holy City: New Testament Perspectives on Jerusalem.
Walton, John H., and Andrew E. Hill, Old Testament Today: A Journey from Ancient Context to Contemporary Relevance, Second Edition.
Walton, John H., and J. Harvey Walton, The Lost World of the Israelite Conquest: Covenant, Retribution, and the Fate of the Canaanites.
Walton, John H., Old Testament Theology for Christians: From Ancient Context to Enduring Belief.
Watson, Francis, Paul, Judaism, and the Gentiles: Beyond the New Perspective.
Wellum, Stephen, and Brent Parker, eds., Progressive Covenantalism: Charting a Course Between Dispensational and Covenantal Theologies.
Winger, Michael, By What Law? The Meaning of Νόμος in the Letters of Paul.


Brontë, Emily, Wuthering Heights.
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, Zanoni.
Twain, Mark, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.
Wells, H.G., War of the Worlds.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Bibliography: First Half of 2017

A bibliography similar to the previous one. This one covers January-June 2017. Again, it's not necessarily complete and contains only whole books, not articles or primarily reference works. I'm also trying to only include books that are newish - i.e., not on the previous couple lists. (Childrens' books also generally not included!)


Morales, L. Michael, Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord?: A Biblical Theology of the Book of Leviticus.
Morrow, William S., An Introduction to Biblical Law.


Anonymous, The String of Pearls.
Beraud, Henri, Lazarus.
Brush, Michael and S. G. Mulholland, eds., Challenger Unbound.
Burroughs, Edgar Rice, Warlord of Mars.
Burroughs, Edgar Rice, Thuvia, Maid of Mars.
Burroughs, Edgar Rice, Chessmen of Mars.
Campbell, J. R., and Charles Prepolec, eds., Professor Challenger: New Worlds, Lost Places.
Davidson, Brett, Anima.
De Balzac, Honore, The Magic Skin.
De la Mare, Walter, On the Edge.
De la Mare, Walter, The Wind Blows Over.
De la Mare, Walter,  A Beginning and Other Stories.
De la Mare, Walter, Broomsticks and Other Tales.
De la Mare, Walter, The Lord Fish.
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, The Poison Belt.
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, The Land of Mist.
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, Professor Challenger stories.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, The Marble Faun.
Hichens, Robert, The Dweller on the Threshold.
Hodgson, William Hope,  The Boats of the Glen Carrig.
Hodgson, William Hope, The Ghost Pirates.
Hodgson, William Hope, The House on the Borderlands.
Hodgson, William Hope, The Casebook of Carnacki the Ghost-Finder.
Hodgson, William Hope, The Night Land.
Kidd, A.F. and Rick Kennett, No. 472 Cheyne Walk: Carnacki, the Untold Stories.
Kipling, Rudyard, Just-So Stories.
Kipling, Rudyard, The Jungle Book.
Kipling, Rudyard, The Second Jungle Book.
London, Jack, The Scarlet Plague.
MacDonald, George, The Princess and Curdie.
Meikle, William, Professor Challenger: The Kew Growths and Other Stories.
Meikle, William, Professor Challenger: The Island of Terror.
Pain, Barry, An Exchange of Souls.
Pain, Barry, The Undying Thing and Others.
Robertson, Andy, ed., William Hope Hodgson's Nightlands, Volume I: Eternal Love.
Robertson, Andy, ed., William Hope Hodgson's Nightlands, Volume II: Nightmares of the Fall.
Robertson, Andy, ed., other Night Land stories.
Shiel, M. P., The House of Sounds and Others.
Tolkien, J. R. R., The Hobbit.
Wells, H.G., The Time Machine.
Wells, H.G., The Island of Doctor Moreau.
Wright, John C., Awake in the Night Land.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Bibliography: Second Half of 2016

A bibliography similar to the previous one. This one covers July-December 2016. Again, it's not necessarily complete and contains only whole books, not articles or primarily reference works. I'm also trying to only include books that are newish - i.e., not on the previous couple lists. (Childrens' books also generally not included!)


Geisler, Norman, Christian Apologetics: Second Edition.
Gignilliat, Mark, A Brief History of Old Testament Criticism: From Benedict Spinoza to Brevard Childs.
Hays, Christopher and Christopher Ansberry, eds., Evangelical Faith and the Challenge of Historical Criticism.
Joshi, S.T., Unutterable Horror: A History of Supernatural Fiction, 1: From Gilgamesh to the End of the Nineteenth Century.
Joshi, S.T., Unutterable Horror: A History of Supernatural Fiction, 2: The Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries.
Lovecraft, H.P., The Annotated Supernatural Horror in Literature.


Anonymous, Njal's Saga.
Anonymous, The Saga of King Hrolf Kraki.
Anonymous, Sir Orfeo.
Barras, Glynn Owen, ed., In the Court of the Yellow King.
Blackwood, Algernon, Incredible Adventures.
Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, The Haunted and the Haunters, or, The House and the Brain.
Burroughs, Edgar Rice, A Princess of Mars.
Burroughs, Edgar Rice, Gods of Mars.
Chambers, Robert, The Yellow Sign and Other Stories: The Complete Weird Tales of Robert W. Chambers.
Chambers, Robert, The King in Yellow.
Chambers, Robert, In Search of the Unknown.
Chambers, Robert, Police!!!
De La Mare, Walter, The Riddle and Other Stories.
De La Mare, Walter, Ding Dong Bell.
De La Mare, Walter, The Connoisseur and Other Stories.
De La Mare, Walter, Uncollected Stories.
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, The Lost World.
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan,  The Maracot Deep.
Erckmann, Emile and Louis Chatrian, The Man-Wolf and Other Tales.
Feval, Paul, The Vampire.
Feval, Paul, Knightshade.
Feval, Paul, Vampire City.
Gautier, Theophile, One of Cleopatra's Nights and Other Fantastic Romances.
Gautier, Theophile, Avatar.
Gautier, Theophile, Jettatura.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, The House of the Seven Gables.
Hogg, James, The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner.
Jewett, Sarah Orne, Lady Ferry and Other Uncanny People.
Jones, Stephen, ed., H. P. Lovecraft's Book of the Supernatural.
Kafka, Franz, The Metamorphosis and Other Stories.
MacDonald, George, The Princess and the Goblin.
Merimee, Prosper, Carmen and Other Stories.
Morris, William, The Water of the Wondrous Isles.
Morrow, W. C., The Monster Maker and Other Stories.
Prata, Nicholas, Angels in Iron.
Price, Robert, ed., The Hastur Cycle.
Pulver, Joseph, Sr., ed., A Season in Carcosa.
Pulver, Joseph, Sr., ed., Cassilda's Song.
Pulver, Joseph, Sr., The King in Yellow Tales, Vol.1.
Quiller-Couch, Sir Arthur, The Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction of Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch.
Robinson, R. L., No Light in August: Tales from Carcosa & the Borderland.
Stoker, Bram, Dracula.
Valentine, Mark, ed., The Werewolf Pack.
Various, The Sagas of Icelanders.
Verne, Jules, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
Worthy, Peter, ed., Rehearsals for Oblivion: Act I.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Bibliography: First Half of 2016

A bibliography similar to the previous one. This one covers January-June 2016. Again, it's not necessarily complete and contains only whole books, not articles or primarily reference works. I'm also trying to only include books that are newish - i.e., not on the previous couple lists. (Childrens' books also generally not included!)


Chesterton, G.K., Orthodoxy.
De Lubac, Henri, The Discovery of God.
Lucian of Samosata, Instructions for Writing History.
Newman, John Henry, An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent.
Orr, James, The Christian View of God and the World.


Abbott, Edwin, Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions.
Anderson, Douglas, ed., Tales Before Narnia: The Roots of Modern Fantasy and Science Fiction.
Anderson, Douglas, ed., Tales Before Tolkien: The Roots of Modern Fantasy.
Anonymous, The Unseen Hand: Supernatural and Weird Fiction by Unknown Authors.
Baldick, Chris, ed., The Oxford Book of Gothic Tales.
Beckford, William, Vathek.
Beckford, William, The Episodes of Vathek.
Bierce, Ambrose, Ghost and Horror Stories of Ambrose Bierce.
Bierce, Ambrose, The Complete Short Stories of Ambrose Bierce.
Blackwood, Algernon, Ancient Sorceries and Other Weird Stories.
Blackwood, Algernon, Best Ghost Stories of Algernon Blackwood.
Blackwood, Algernon, The Empty House and Other Ghost Stories.
Blackwood, Algernon, The Listener and Other Stories.
Blackwood, Algernon, The Lost Valley and Other Stories.
Blackwood, Algernon, Pan's Garden: A Volume of Nature Stories.
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth, The Face in the Glass and Other Gothic Tales.
Broughton, Rhoda, Twilight Stories.
Cavendish, Margaret, The Blazing World.
Collins, Wilkie, The Haunted Hotel & Other Stories.
Cox, Michael and R. A. Gilbert, eds., The Oxford Book of English Ghost Stories.
Cox, Michael and R. A. Gilbert, eds., The Oxford Book of Victorian Ghost Stories.
De Balzac, Honore, Selected Short Stories.
De Bergerac, Cyrano, A Voyage to the Moon.
De Bergerac, Cyrano, A Voyage to the Sun.
De Maupassant, Guy, The Weird Fiction of Guy De Maupassant.
Dickens, Charles, Complete Ghost Stories.
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, Tales of Unease.
Edwards, Amelia B., Collected Supernatural and Weird Fiction.
Freeman, Mary Wilkins, The Wind in the Rose-Bush and Other Stories of the Supernatural.
Gaskell, Elizabeth, Gothic Tales.
Godwin, Francis, The Man in the Moone.
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, Tales and Sketches.
Hoffmann, E.T.A., The Best Tales of Hoffmann.
Irving, Washington, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Other Stories.
Jacobs, W.W., The Monkey's Paw and Other Tales of Mystery and the Macabre.
James, Henry, Ghost Stories of Henry James.
James, M.R., Count Magnus and Other Ghost Stories.
James, M.R., The Haunted Dolls' House and Other Ghost Stories.
Kepler, Johannes, Somnium.
Kipling, Rudyard, Strange Tales.
Lear, David, ed., Micromegas and Other Early Science Fiction Tales.
Lee, Vernon, Hauntings and Other Fantastic Tales.
LeFanu, Joseph Sheridan, Best Ghost Stories.
Lewis, Matthew, The Monk.
London, Jack, Before Adam and Other Stories.
London, Jack, The Iron Heel and Other Stories.
London, Jack, The Star Rover and Other Stories.
Lord Dunsany, Gods of Pegana.
Lord Dunsany, The Gods and Time.
MacDonald, George, Lilith.
Machen, Arthur, The White People and Other Weird Stories.
Machen, Arthur, House of Souls.
Malory, Sir Thomas, Le Morte D'Arthur.
Maturin, Charles Robert, Melmoth the Wanderer.
Morris, William, The Well at the World's End.
Nesbit, Edith, The Power of Darkness: Tales of Terror.
O'Brien, Fitz-James, The Best Weird Fiction and Ghost Stories of Fitz-James O'Brien.
O'Donnell, Elliott, The Screaming Skulls and Other Ghosts.
Onions, Oliver, The Dead of Night: The Ghost Stories of Oliver Onions.
Peattie, Elia Wilkinson, The Shape of Fear and Other Ghostly Tales.
Radcliffe, Emily, The Mysteries of Udolpho.
Riddell, J. H., Night Shivers.
Shelley, Mary, Collected Tales and Stories.
Shelley, Mary, The Last Man.
Swift, Jonathan, Gulliver's Travels.
Verne, Jules, Journey to the Center of the Earth.
Walpole, Horace, The Castle of Otranto.
Wells, H. G., The Red Room and Other Horrors.
Wells, H. G., The Stolen Bacillus and Other Incidents.
Wells, H. G., The Plattner Story and Others.
Wells, H. G., Tales of Space and Time.
Wells, H. G., Twelve Stories and a Dream.
Wells, H. G., The Door in the Wall and Other Stories.
Wells, H. G., Uncollected Stories.
Wraight, Chris,  Parting of the Ways (audio).

The Horus Heresy series:
The Outcast Dead: The Truth Lies Within.
Wolfhunt (audio).
The Sigillite (audio).
Deliverance Lost: Ghosts of Terra.
Corax: Soulforge: Victory is Vengeance.
Ravenlord: Freedom Bought with Blood.

Various short stories. 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Some (Slightly Edited) Facebook Posts about Gay Marriage and Related Topics from Last Year

** In response to the Supreme Court's decision on gay marriage:

Okay, here's my rant-y, overly-long, and potentially incendiary post for the quarter (actually a cleverly disguised apology/call for love and understanding):

Thank you friends for being who you are. I'm proud to say that, given the recent Supreme Court judgment on gay marriage, Facebook pretty clearly shows I have friends on BOTH sides of the issue. This is a good thing (surrounding yourself only with those you agree with is not the best way to go about life). And frankly, you've all been, without any exceptions, extremely respectful and loving in every one of your posts on the subject, even when others may not be. Even the articles you share have been similar. On the one hand, you have been celebratory without being gloating or judging. On the other hand, you have been disappointed without being bitter or judging. Thank you for doing your part in making the internet and life in general a more respectful, friendlier, and generally more decent place for everyone.

In general, I get annoyed by debates over gay marriage or homosexuality in general. Not because I don't have an opinion on some matters (listen to my Cornerstone class on the Old Testament laws where I talk about biblical commands about sex) or that people don't agree with me but rather because of the tone and irrationality of the debate in most cases. Debates generally consist almost entirely in name calling, straw men, false analogies, condemnation for even making an analogy (without even considering the merits of the argument), begging the question, equivocation, ad hominems, genetic fallacies, etc.

On the debate over the legalization of gay marriage I just have a few points to make which, if taken seriously, would have at least as much chance as any in making things a bit more tolerable (though maybe not):

1) Just because someone supports the legalization of gay marriage does not mean they think it is morally permissible. You can think being a Jehovah's Witness is wrong, for instance, all the while thinking that people have a basic right to be a Jehovah's Witness. People can have rights to choose whether or not to do a bad thing.

2) Just because someone is against the legalization of gay marriage does not mean they think it is morally wrong. The majority of the legal and philosophical arguments against legalization do not depend in any way on the moral (or even religious) status of gay marriage. (Nor does anyone claim that gay marriage will harm their own personal marriage - that's a straw man) For instance, one argument is that marriage by definition excludes two persons of the same sex so that saying we should legalize same sex marriage would be akin to saying that we should legalize round squares. Whether the argument works or not, that has nothing to do with morality.

3) Similarly, just because someone thinks it's wrong doesn't mean they are against legalization and just because someone thinks it's morally permissible doesn't mean they think the law should recognize it. In other words, issues of legal rights and legal values are separate (though not always necessarily completely distinct from) issues of moral rightness and moral values. Just because it should be legal doesn't mean it's okay. Just because it shouldn't be doesn't mean it isn't. To repeat: these are distinct questions. How we relate the questions to each other will largely depend on the political and legal assumptions we adopt. It's not a matter of being a bigot or not, or being an approver of sin or not - it's about political and legal views, period. In general, Americans tend to confuse legal and moral values and jump to conclusions about one from a conviction about the other. "People should have the right to do X; it's none of your business if they do it, so mind your own business" quickly becomes "So doing X is okay"; and "Doing X is wrong" quickly becomes "We should outlaw X".

4) There's a distinction between what should or shouldn't be legal and what is or isn't constitutional. Someone can think the supreme court ruled correctly while also thinking that gay marriage should be illegal or think that it should be legal while thinking that the court ruled incorrectly. (A distinction that was lost on those who, simply because they thought it should be illegal, criticized Chief Justice Roberts for ruling in favor of "Obamacare")

5) The Bible does not explicitly and directly tell us which political and legal theories to adopt nor does it explicitly and directly speak about gay marriage, hence to say "the Bible says no to gay marriage", etc. is a bit misleading when we're talking about legal rights.

6) On the other hand, to say "The Bible says nothing about gay marriage" is also misleading since it does in fact (in my opinion) say direct things about homosexual acts and morality (note that I say "morality", not "legality"), which are topics obviously closely related to gay marriage.

Bottom line: As someone who has not chosen a specific political/legal reference point, I don't have a particular opinion on whether or not the Supreme Court made the right decision. I don't know - I haven't considered these reference points nor the arguments for and against gay marriage in enough detail to make an informed decision regarding legality. (I really can see both sides of the argument at the moment.) I make decisions based on warrant and right now I simply haven't acquired enough information. Some other people may have done this, but I haven't. I hope that's okay - it wasn't up to me to make the decision anyway. But let's be understanding of those who do not share our own views, whether of the legality or the morality of gay marriage. Let's listen and understand where they're coming from, WHY they hold the views they do, and let's see things from their point of view before we rush to condemn. Let's have empathy with others and drop the name calling, shaming, and judging. We're not enemies, we're family. We're people. Let's treat each other as such.

** In response to Kim Davis refusing to sign marriage licenses:

Not a popular opinion (feel free to disagree) - and I may be wrong about this - but I can't help but think regarding what's going on in Kentucky that recognizing that two people have met government requirements to enter into a government contract, regardless of whether entering into such a contract is sinful or unwise or otherwise inadvisable (and the clerk in question apparently has no problem recognizing other contracts she disagrees with), is in no way an endorsement or moral acceptance of such a contract. I'm a very strong supporter of religious liberty, but I don't think religious liberty has much of anything to do with what's going on here. That's just my initial reaction, though.

** In response to this bit of silliness:

Oy. Sorry, short rant: While I agree that Davis isn't doing the right thing here, I have to object to the way Huffington Post is trying to argue for that position. This is the sort of article you see again and again (not necessarily about this case, but in general), and it's really annoying since it completely ignores how biblical hermeneutics (the interpretation and application of the Bible) even works. The majority of these jobs are not "banned by the Bible". For one thing, most of the out-of-context quotes don't even match the job description given. Not eating pork, for instance, doesn't have much to do with selling other people pork (though if the former is wrong, one could argue the latter would be as well, but that doesn't follow automatically). For another, even if they did, it still wouldn't be relevant since lists like this ignore the fact that there are biblical and theological reasons why Christians follow some laws strictly and literally today and others not so much. Articles like this try to make it seem arbitrary, silly, and a case of picking and choosing. While many Christians might not be aware of the exact reasons WHY some laws are followed more strictly than others, that does not mean that there are no good reasons. This is precisely one of the many reasons why I did the Old Testament laws class I did, so people would understand biblically how to interpret these laws and how they are supposed to be applied today. Other than the psychic advisor or maybe the gossip columnist (which is kind of a scummy job to do anyway), I don't see how any of these would be a violation of biblical principles.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Bibliography: Second Half of 2015

A bibliography similar to the previous one. This one covers July-December 2015. Again, it's not necessarily complete and contains only whole books, not articles or primarily reference works. I'm also trying to only include books that are newish - i.e., not on the previous couple lists. (Childrens' books also not included!) Starred books are ones I consider particularly outstanding, interesting, important, or otherwise likable.


Bruce, F.F., The Defense of the Gospel in the New Testament.
*Dulles, Avery Cardinal, A History of Apologetics.
Edgar, William and K. Scott Oliphint, eds., Christian Apologetics Past and Present: A Primary Source Reader, Volume 1, to 1500.
Edgar, William and K. Scott Oliphint, eds., Christian Apologetics Past and Present: A Primary Source Reader, Volume 2, from 1500.
Enns, Peter, Ecclesiastes.
Fox, Michael, A Time to Tear Down and a Time to Build Up: A Rereading of Ecclesiastes.
Marcel, Pierre, The Christian Philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd: I. The Transcendental Critique of Theoretical Thought.
*Pascal, Blaise, The Mind on Fire: An Anthology of the Writings of Blaise Pascal.
*Walton, John (with a contribution from N.T. Wright), The Lost World of Adam and Eve: Genesis 2-3 and the Human Origins Debate.


McNeill, Graham, Nightbringer.

The Horus Heresy series:
The Imperial Truth.
Cybernetica: Mars Must be Purged. 
Nemesis: War within the Shadows.
The First Heretic: Fall to Chaos.
Aurelian: The Eye Stares Back.
Prospero Burns: The Wolves Unleashed.
Age of Darkness.
Various short stories. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Bibliography: First Half of 2015

A bibliography similar to the previous one. This one covers January-June 2015. Again, it's not necessarily complete and contains only whole books, not articles or primarily reference works. I'm also trying to only include books that are newish - i.e., not on the previous couple lists. (Childrens' books also not included!) Starred books are ones I consider particularly outstanding, interesting, important, or otherwise likable.

Bergman, Murray, and Rea, eds., Divine Evil?: The Moral Character of the God of Abraham.
Copan, Paul, and Matthew Flanagan, Did God Really Command Genocide?: Coming to Terms with the Justice of God.
*Copan, Paul, Is God a Moral Monster?: Making Sense of the Old Testament God.
*Douglas, Mary, Leviticus as Literature.
Feder, Yitzhak, Blood Expiation in Hittite and Biblical Ritual: Origins, Context and Meaning.
Gundry, Stanley, and Charles Halton, eds., Genesis: History, Fiction, or Neither?: Three Views on the Bible's Earliest Chapters.
*Wright, Christopher, Old Testament Ethics for the People of God.
Wright, David, The Disposal of Impurity: Elimination Rites in the Bible and in Hittite and Mesopotamian Literature.

The Horus Heresy series:
Fallen Angels
A Thousand Sons

A Song of Ice and Fire:  

A Feast for Crows
A Dance with Dragons  

Friday, January 2, 2015

Bibliography: Second Half of 2014

A bibliography similar to the previous one. This one covers July-December 2014. Again, it's not necessarily complete and contains only whole books, not articles or primarily reference works. I'm also trying to only include books that are newish - i.e., not on the previous couple lists. (Childrens' books also not included!) Starred books are ones I consider particularly outstanding, interesting, important, or otherwise likable.

Follis, Bryan, Truth With Love: The Apologetics of Francis Schaeffer.
Kuyper, Abraham, Principles of Sacred Theology.
Oliphint, K. Scott, Covenantal Apologetics: Principles and Practice in Defense of the Faith.
Schaeffer, Francis, The God Who Is There.
Schaeffer, Francis, Escape from Reason.
Schaeffer, Francis, He Is There and He Is Not Silent.
Schaeffer, Francis, How Should We Then Live?: The Rise and Decline of Western Thought and Culture.
Schaeffer, Francis, A Christian Manifesto.
Warfield, B.B., Biblical and Theological Studies.

The Horus Heresy series:  
Horus Rising 
False Gods 
Galaxy in Flames 
The Flight of the Eisenstein 
Descent of Angels 
Battle for the Abyss
Tales of Heresy

A Song of Ice and Fire:  
A Clash of Kings 
A Storm of Swords 

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Bibliography: First Half of 2014

A bibliography similar to the previous one. This one covers January-June 2014. Again, it's not necessarily complete and contains only whole books, not articles or primarily reference works. I'm also trying to only include books that are newish - i.e., not on the previous couple lists. (Childrens' books also not included!) Starred books are ones I consider particularly outstanding, interesting, important, or otherwise likable.
Bahnsen, Greg, Always Ready: Directions for Defending the Faith.
Bahnsen, Greg, Presuppositional Apologetics: Stated and Defended.
Bockmuehl, Markus, The Epistle to the Philippians. BNTC.
Clark, Gordon H., Religion, Reason and Revelation.
Clark, Gordon H., Three Types of Religious Philosophy.
Clark, Gordon H., An Introduction to Christian Philosophy.
*Fee, Gordon, Paul's Letter to the Philippians. NICNT.
*Frame, John, The Doctrine of the Knowledge of God.
Frame, John, Apologetics to the Glory of God: An Introduction.
*Frame, John, Cornelius Van Til: An Analysis of His Thought.
Gundry, S., M. Barrett, and A. Caneday, eds., Four Views on the Historical Adam.
*O'Brien, Peter T., The Epistle to the Philippians: A Commentary on the Greek Text. NIGTC.
Oliphint, K. Scott, Reasons for Faith: Philosophy in the Service of Theology.
Oliphint, K. Scott and Lane G. Tipton, eds., Revelation and Reason: New Essays in Reformed Apologetics.
Osborne, Ronald, Death Before the Fall: Biblical Literalism and the Problem of Animal Suffering.
Thielman, Frank, Philippians. NIVAC.
Thompson, Alan, The Acts of the Risen Lord: Luke's Account of God's Unfolding Plan.
Van Til, Cornelius, Christian Theistic Ethics.
Van Til, Cornelius, The Defense of the Faith, Fourth Edition.
Van Til, Cornelius, An Introduction to Systematic Theology: Prolegomena and the Doctrines of Revelation, Scripture, and God, Second Edition.
Van Til, Cornelius, Christian Apologetics, Second Edition.
Wright, N.T., Paul for Everyone: The Prison Letters.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Bibliography 2nd Half 2013

A bibliography similar to the previous one. This one covers July-December 2013. Again, it's not necessarily complete and contains only whole books, not articles or primarily reference works. I'm also trying to only include books that are new - i.e., not on the previous lists. (Childrens' books also not included!) Starred books are ones I consider particularly outstanding, interesting, important, or otherwise likable.
*Bahnsen, Greg, Van Til's Apologetic: Readings and Analysis.
*Beale, G.K., The Temple and the Church's Mission: A Biblical Theology of the Dwelling Place of God.
Brettler, Marc Zvi, The Creation of History in Ancient Israel.
Brueggemann, Walter, The Land: Place as Gift, Promise, and Challenge in Biblical Faith, Second Edition.
*Charles, J. Daryl, ed., Reading Genesis 1-2: An Evangelical Conversation.
Collins, C. John, Genesis 1-4: A Linguistic, Literary, and Theological Commentary.
Collins, John J., Daniel.  Hermeneia.
Dozeman, Thomas, and Konrad Schmid, eds., A Farewell to the Yahwist?: The Composition of the Pentateuch in Recent European Interpretation.
Feder, Yitzhaq, Blood Expiation in Hittite and Biblical Ritual: Origins, Context, and Meaning.
Frankel, David, The Land of Canaan and the Destiny of Israel: Theologies of Territory in the Hebrew Bible.
*Fretheim, Terence, God and the World in the Old Testament: A Relational Theology of Creation.
Goldingay, John, Daniel. WBC.
Hobbs, T.R., 2 Kings. WBC.
House, Paul, 1, 2 Kings. NAC.
Lennox, John C., Seven Days that Divide the World: The Beginning According to Genesis and Science.
McCarter, P. Kyle, II Samuel. AB.
Millard, A.R., J.K. Hoffmeier, and D.W. Baker, eds., Faith, Tradition, and History: Old Testament Historiography in Its Near Eastern Context.
The New Interpreter's Bible, Volume VII.
Nicholson, Ernest, The Pentateuch in the Twentieth Century: The Legacy of Julius Wellhausen.
Perdue, Leo G., Joseph Blenkinsopp, John J. Collins, and Carol Meyers, Families in Ancient Israel.
Polzin, Robert, David and the Deuteronomist: A Literary Study of the Deuteronomic History, Part Three: 2 Samuel.
Poythress, Vern Sheridan, Logic: A God-Centered Approach to the Foundation of Western Thought.
*Simkins, Ronald A., Creator and Creation: Nature in the Worldview of Ancient Israel.
Trible, Phyllis, God and the Rhetoric of Sexuality.
Trible, Phyllis, Texts of Terror: Literary-Feminist Readings of Biblical Narratives.
Van Seters, John, In Search of History: Historiography in the Ancient World and the Origins of Biblical History.
Von Rad, Gerhard, The Problem of the Hexateuch and Other Essays.
Von Rad, Gerhard, Holy War in Ancient Israel.
*Walsh, Jerome, 1 Kings. Berit Olam.
Walton, John, Genesis 1 as Ancient Cosmology.
Weinfeld, Moshe, Social Justice in Ancient Israel and in the Ancient Near East.
Wellhausen, Julius, Prolegomena to the History of Israel.
*Wilson, Robert, Genealogy and History in the Biblical World.
*Wright, Christopher J.H., God's People in God's Land: Family, Land, and Property in the Old Testament.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Bibliography 1st Half 2013

A bibliography similar to the previous one. This one covers January-June 2013. Again, it's not necessarily complete and contains only whole books, not articles or primarily reference works. I'm also trying to only include books that are new - i.e., not on the previous lists. (Childrens' books also not included!) Starred books are ones I consider particularly outstanding, interesting, important, or otherwise likable.

Bartlett, John, ed., Archaeology & Biblical Interpretation
*Best, Ernest, The First and Second Epistles to the Thessalonians. BNTC.
Block, Daniel, Judges, Ruth. NAC.
Brueggemann, Walter, Deuteronomy. Abingdon.
Brueggemann, Walter, Divine Presence and Violence: Contextualizing the Book of Joshua
Brueggemann, Walter, First and Second Samuel. Interpretation.
Butler, Trent, Joshua. WBC.
Craigie, Peter C., The Problem of War in the Old Testament
*Dalrymple, Rob, Eschatology: Why it Matters
Davids, Peter, The Epistle of James: A Commentary on the Greek Text. NIGTC.
Douglas, Mary, In the Wilderness: The Doctrine of Defilement in the Book of Numbers
Earl, Douglas, The Joshua Delusion?: Rethinking Genocide in the Bible (with a Response by Christopher J.H. Wright)
*Johnson, Luke Timothy, The Letter of James. AB.
Levine, Baruch, Numbers, 2 vols. AB.
Malherbe, Abraham, The Letters to the Thessalonians. AB.
Mazar, Ahimai, Archaeology of the Land of the Bible: 10,000-586 B.C.E.
McCarter, P. Kyle, I Samuel. AB.
*McKnight, Scott, The Letter of James. NICNT.
Milgrom, Jacob, Numbers. JPS.
*Moreland, J.P., Christianity and the Nature of Science: A Philosophical Investigation
Moo, Douglas, The Letter of James. PNTC. 
New Interpreter's Bible, Volume II (Numbers-1&2 Samuel)
Noth, Martin, The Deuteronomistic History
Polzin, Robert, Moses and the Deuteronomist: A Literary Study of the Deuteronomistic History, Part One: Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges.
Polzin, Robert, Samuel and the Deuteronomist: A Literary Study of the Deuteronomic History, Part Two: 1 Samuel
Stern, Ephraim, Archaeology of the Land of the Bible, Volume II: The Assyrian, Babylonian, and Persian Periods (732-332 B.C.E.)
Tigay, Jeffrey, Deuteronomy. JPS.
*Wenham, Gordon, Leviticus. NICOT.
Wanamaker, Charles, The Epistles to the Thessalonians: A Commentary on the Greek Text. NIGTC.
*Wright, Christopher J.H., The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible's Grand Narrative
*Wright, Christopher J.H., Deuteronomy. NIBC.
*Wright, Christopher J.H., Old Testament Ethics for the People of God
Younger, K. Lawson, Ancient Conquest Accounts: A Study in Ancient Near Eastern and Biblical History Writing

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Bibliography 2nd Half 2012

A bibliography similar to the first one, the second, and the third. This one covers July-December 2012. Again, it's not necessarily complete and contains only whole books, not articles or primarily reference works. I'm also trying to only include books that are new - i.e., not on the previous lists. (Childrens' books also not included!) Starred books are ones I consider particularly outstanding, interesting, or otherwise likable.

Blenkinsopp, John, Ezra-Nehemiah.  OTL.
*Childs, Brevard S., The Book of Exodus: A Critical, Theological Commentary. OTL.
*Collins, John J., Did Adam and Eve Really Exist?: Who They Were and Why You Should Care
*Douglas, Mary, Purity and Danger: An Analysis of Concept of Pollution and Taboo
*Douglas, Mary, Leviticus as Literature
Durham, John, Exodus.  WBC.
*Enns, Peter, Exodus.  NIVAC.
*Enns, Peter, The Evolution of Adam: What the Bible Does and Doesn't Say About Human Origins 
*Fretheim, Terence, Exodus. Interpretation.
Goldingay, John, Genesis For Everyone: Genesis 17-50 
*Houtman, Cornelius, Exodus, 4 volumes.  HCOT.
Laughlin, John, Archaeology and the Bible
*Milgrom, Jacob, Leviticus. CC.
Miller, J. Maxwell, and John H. Hayes, A History of Ancient Israel and Judah
New Interpreter's Bible, Volume III (1&2 Kings-Judith)
Sailhamer, John, The Pentateuch as Narrative
Sarna, Nahum, Exodus. JPS.
*Wenham, Gordon Genesis 16-50. WBC. 
Westermann, Claus, Genesis 12-36. CC.
Westermann, Claus, Genesis 37-50. CC.
Williamson, H.G.M., Ezra-Nehemiah.  WBC.
*Whybray, R. N., The Making of the Pentateuch: A Methodological Study
Wright, David P., The Disposal of Impurity: Elimination Rites in the Bible and in Hittite and Mesopotamian Literature 

Friday, July 6, 2012

Bibliography 1st Half 2012

A bibliography similar to the first one and the second. This one covers January-June 2012. Again, it's not necessarily complete and contains only whole books, not articles or primarily reference works. I'm also trying to only include books that are new - i.e., not on the previous lists. Starred books are ones I consider particularly outstanding, interesting, or otherwise likable.

Ashton, John. Studying John: Approaches to the Fourth Gospel. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994
*Barrett, C. K. The Gospel according to St. John: An Introduction with Commentary and Notes on the Greek Text. Second Edition. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1978
*Barrett, C. K. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, Volume II: Introduction and Commentary on Acts XV-XXVIII.  ICC. New York: T&T Clark, 1998
Bammel, E., and C. F. D. Moule (eds.), Jesus and the Politics of His Day.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1984
*Bieringer, R., D. Pollefeyt, and F. Vandecasteele-Vanneuville (eds.) Anti-Judaism and the Fourth Gospel: Papers of the Leuven Colloquium, 2000. Assen: Royal Van Gorcum, 2001
*Blenkinsopp, Joseph, Creation, Un-Creation, Re-Creation: A Discursive Commentary on Genesis 1-11 T&T Clark, 2011.
Bloesch, Donald  Jesus Christ: Savior and Lord (Downer’s Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1997)
Bock, Darrell. Luke, Volume 2: 9:51-24:53. BECNT. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1996
*Brown, Raymond E. The Gospel according to John I-XII: Introduction, Translation, and Notes. AB. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1966
*Brown, Raymond E. The Gospel according to John XXIII-XXI. AB. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1970
Brown, Raymond E. The Gospel and Epistles of John
*Brown, Raymond E. An Introduction to the Gospel of John
Bruce, F. F. The Book of Acts, Revised Edition. NICNT. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1988
Brueggemann, Walter Genesis. Interpretation.
Culpepper, R. Alan. Anatomy of the Fourth Gospel: A Study in Literary Design. Philadelphia: Fortress, 1983
Fitzmyer, Joseph. The Acts of the Apostles: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary. AB. New York: Doubleday, 1998
Goldingay, John Genesis For Everyone: Genesis 1-16  
*Gottwald, Norman The Hebrew Bible: A Socio-Literary Introduction
*Green, Joel. The Gospel of Luke. NICNT. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1997
*Green, J. B. and M. D. Baker. Recovering the Scandal of the Cross. 2nd edition. InterVarsity Press, 2000
Grenz, Stanley  Theology for the Community of God (Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1994)
*Grillmeier, Aloys Christ in Christian Tradition, Volume One: From the Apostolic Age to Chalcedon (451) 
Hakola, Raimo. Identity Matters: John, the Jews and Jewishness. NovTSup. Leiden: Brill, 2005
Jobes and Silva, Invitation to the Septuagint
Johnson, Luke Timothy. The Gospel of Luke. SP. Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1991
Johnson, Luke Timothy. The Acts of the Apostles. SP. Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press, 1992
Kärkäinen, Veli-Matti Pneumatology: The Holy Spirit in International, Ecumenical, and Historical Perspectives. Baker Academic, 2002.
Kärkäinen, Veli-Matti Christology: A Global Introduction: An Ecumenical, International, and Contextual Perspective (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2003)
Kärkäinen, Veli-Matti One with God: Salvation as Deification and Justification. Liturgical Press, 2004
*Keener, Craig S. The Gospel of John: A Commentary, 2 vols. Peabody, Massachusetts: Hendrickson, 2003
*Kierspel, Lars. The Jews and the World in the Fourth Gospel: Parallelism, Function, and Context.  WUNT.  Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2006
Kurz, William S. Reading Luke-Acts: Dynamics of Biblical Narrative. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster/John Knox, 1993
Lewis, C. S. Various Chronicles of Narnia books.
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