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Showing posts with the label grace

The Architect

I don’t recall any other year feeling so intimate with our Lord regarding my one word as in 2015.  God’s GRACE laced my ordinary days and each night, before falling asleep I would recall grace, so apparent, in the events of the day! Memories also surfaced of grace in my past and I knew I had to write about them.  I felt compelled to share the grace that blanketed my personal life.  Thank you for reading my stories over this past year.  Your comments support and encourage me. I received my new word, “Creator,” and felt perplexed as every year wondering what my one word would unveil.   What does God want me to learn about His name, Creator?   I wonder if I should join my girlfriend, Peggy, more often when she leads nature hikes in the mountains of Sedona.  Does God want me to appreciate and to praise Him for the beauty of His creation all year? I think it’s more than that.  A Scripture verse springs up in my min...

Summer Touches of Grace

Summer may be behind us now, but the memories are fresh and the lessons they taught me rest deep within my soul. Do grown daughters with busy lives of their own crave mother-daughter time?  I am so glad mine do!  Summer afforded me several one-on-one occasions with each of them. I forgot what a pretty city Tucson is although my oldest daughter didn’t enjoy the heat as much as me.  The resort’s pool made up for any discomfort! My youngest daughter is a power prayer warrior.  We strolled along the Coronado Beach at sunset praying for our family and friends.  I cherish times like these, just her and me….and God.  I am lavishly fulfilled when I think of the summer days with the daughter of my heart.  Thank you, friends, for your concern for Angie.  She made it through her surgery but complications sent her back to the hospital weeks later.    Chronic pain restricts this compassionate, ...