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Showing posts with the label vineyard

Days of Vines and Prayers

I moved to the Verde Valley in Arizona over twenty years ago and I got it in my head right away that I wanted a prayer garden. We chose the spot, planted bushes, filled containers with flowers, laid the patio stones and even found a comfortable outdoor chair.  It took me several tries to communicate to the husband the picture in my mind of how it should look right behind my chair.  We agreed that the trellis arch in my vision would be a lattice effect supporting a grape vine.  It turned out better than my imagination!  My prayer garden thrives not only because I meet my creator there, but I have harvested white and purple grapes every August for over 15 years! A local TV channel featured Arizona vineyards recently.  The documentary points out that the Verde Valley in Arizona has the widest temperature range between early morning lows and late day high temperatures of almost a 41 to 44 degree difference which allow the grapes to t...