Saturday, August 18, 2012



by I.C. Springman
Illustrated by Brian Lies
Published by Houghton Mifflin Books for Children, March 6, 2012
*Copyright infringement not intended*

A book that demonstrates the question, "When is enough, enough?"  

A wonderful springboard to further conversations regarding 
consumption of material products, living simple, sharing and more!

Do you remember this book from a post I did way back in March?  I stumbled across this book in the local bookstore and fell in love.  I love that feeling when you just happen to land on something really great.  This book speaks to something that I often reflect on (as I know many of you do too) and the artwork is amazingThere are so many fine details, one could look forever picking out familiar objects.  Children love these kinds of pictures, sort of the 'I Spy' ideaI can't think of a nicer way to spend time than curled up with a child and a good book!  Enjoy!

Link for book (also in 'March' link):

Link for video (in case it doesn't work here for you):


I ran across this article this morning.  Perfect timing :)


Velma Bolyard said...

this book looks like one i might acquire. or not, maybe borrow from the library!

Nancy said...

Velma~ Ha! My thoughts exactly! But if I was in a preschool classroom right now, I'm sure I'd rationalize my way into a purchase!!

sewing susan said...

What a beautiful book, Nancy. So simple and incredibly rich and thought provoking all at the same time. Thanks

The article also has such resonance for me. I am in my August deep clean before school. I missed last year so I am going at it with a vengeance. Going through shelves that haven't seen the light of day for years.

I feel like the bird collecting fabric. Since people know I love to sew they give me their unwanted fabric. Being the nice person I am I've taken it. But no more. So I have been clearing out like the mice. It feels great!

Thanks for all the images and metaphors running through my mind!

jenclair said...

I'm a Magpie! I need to learn about enough....

Nancy said...

Susan~ I'm glad you enjoyed the book. Yes, I have spent much time cleaning out fabrics and magazines!

Jenclair~ It's a tricky lesson :)

handstories said...

that was a nice break in my day, after sorting through 100's of kids books for donations & trade! less will be more room for this group!
back to the piles.....

Nancy said...

Cindy~ Ah, yes...the more of BOOKS!!!!!

Peggy said...

Nancy, so nice, this will be a great gift for one of my little people and since it's new, they won't already have it -- thanks! ...and I now know that I do indeed live in a magpie's nest. Just as I thought. xo

Nancy said...

Peggy~ It's always great to have a new choice!

yvette said...


Nancy said...

Yvette~ You ares so welcome! I'm glad you stopped by :)