Sunday, June 29, 2014

Considering Weave

Considering Weave has begun.
The newest class with Jude Hill.
One of my favorite things about these classes 
is how inspiring Jude and the other classmates are.

I like the part where everything connects, 
where I see the lessons, conversations everywhere I go.

So, after the first post, I went for my lunch walk...
as I headed down the sidewalk ~ I saw the sidewalk as the 'warp'
and the driveways intersecting it as the 'weft'.

You can't really see the driveways here, but you can imagine.

I am almost finished with the latest 'medicine bag'.
Some of you may have seen it over on the forum.

There is only about one inch  to be woven.
This one is for a friend who is moving away.

It has a story begun.

I like the way the colors change in the sunlight.

Anyway, when I first started it, I was considering the ocean.
This friend lives near me, which is near the pacific ocean.
I was thinking of the soft sand and blues from my days spent
commuting past the sea at dusk.

But, as I continued those colors began to represent the desert as well.
This seems fitting as she will soon live in a desert locale. 
Either way, it symbolizes our connection to the land, to one another.
It's a good gift for a friend.

I'll show it to ya'll when I finish it.
Thanks for looking.

Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2014


deanna7trees said...

your weaving is lovely. wonderful choice of colors. it reminds me of the sand in Eilat...desert in Israel. nice to see you posting again.

Saskia said...

great start for class and very good gift for a friend;-)

jenclair said...

Love the weaving! I need to get out my little loom again and play. It is a very comforting activity.

Els said...

Hi Nancy, good to see you again !!!
I see the Jude-bug is getting to you again ;-) Have lots of fun !

(I'm not in this time)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Nancy. the colors and thoughts in this are so sweet and soft. It's interesting that you're weaving from both ends, what is the reason for that? does it keep it straighter at the edges?

Peggy said...

The weaving looks so soft, I just want to crawl in there and get woven up myself. It's beautiful, reminds me to go hold mine. xoxo

Nancy said...

Deanna~ Thank you and what a nice thought...a desert in Israel.

Saskia~ Thanks Sax. I'm almost always weaving on one of these small bags!

Jenclair~ Oh, I'd love to see your little loom :)

Els~ Yes, I noticed you weren't there...I looked for your name!

Cindy~, not for the edges, as mine always hourglass. I was taught a bit different way of having a double thread...weave it through in the middle, then beat half up and half down. This is very hard to explain in writing. Anyway, that way gets more tangled for me, but is a bit quicker.

Peggy~ Yes, the holding feels good. thank you for your kind words.

Marti said...

I've been coming to look at this weave many, many times Nancy. It is a beautiful weaving and the wonder of it is that yes, I can see the sea as well as the desert. The more I look though, the more it is the desert that calls out to me because you have captured the many colors found by looking closely at this landscape. If you had asked me five years ago to describe the desert, I would have said sand and sage. Now after living here for over a year, it is a changing panorama of color and texture and this weaving of yours holds that magic...

jude said...

i love how weave can change a color. i am sure to blabbering about that soon. your story is woven in. more to hold it together.

Anonymous said...

will that last inner inch be hard to weave? I, too love the softness of the colors...

Nancy said...

Marti~ Thank you for this comment. Your words always mean so much to me. It feels more desert to me now too.

Jude~ It's really quite amazing how weave holds.

Dee~ Yes!!! I always miss warp threads there, and it shows...and I don't care for the
But, I hoping that either I can relax and not let it bug me p much or Jude will have some great tips! Time will tell...