Saturday, January 30, 2021

Gifts - Part 2

Still considering gifts of all kinds. This was on my mind in my last post, but I was quite excited to share the book and the gift of inspiration, which led to my self-haircut. 

Today, I have some gifts of nature, but just a a few, from our short walk.

The gift of blooms in the winter sun

The gift of snow on distant mountains

The gift of bright new grass at the base of a tree


I'm grateful to be a "noticer" - a gift in itself, so I love appreciate nature in my neighborhood.

I did spring for two copies of the book:
The boy, the mole, the fox and the Horse   

Both for birthdays, one for a dear 25 year old and the other for a dear 37 year old & her two total gems of hers. Both have shared history with me. Both have shared some tough times with me, the older gal is in hard times now. I've mentioned her here before, lit a candle for her. Both true gifts to me and perhaps I to them as well. Sometimes one has to balance the cost and the need or reward. This time friendship won. It always does. It is the best gift of all.

 I feel a new word coming on.


May you discover many gifts, which are free or affordable and always from the heart.


Photos by NAE @pomegranatetrail ©2021



Liz A said...

the tree roots caught and held my eyes ... and yes, I noticed bright bright green grass on our walk yesterday, greener than just the day before

Nancy said...

Liz~ That bright green looks so spring like, even in January.

buysse maria said...


Nancy said...

Maria~ (((hugs)))

Deb G said...

I like that wish....

Nancy said...

Deb~ May it be true for you my friend. xo