Showing posts with label Mixed Up magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mixed Up magazine. Show all posts

Monday, 14 August 2017

Mixed Up Challenge - Cork

Hello! If you've found your way here from the Mixed Up mag blog - welcome to our first challenge! If you didn't, then check out the challenge here - there's a great prize of a big bundle of chipboard from I Kropka to be won.

The theme is 'Cork', so for my contribution I thought I'd have a go at creating some DIY stamps from wine corks. I may have a few lying around.....

Cork is a bit flaky (like me!), so you can't be too precise with it. It has a tendency to do what it likes, to split and fracture - so go with it. Abstract is the way forward!

I used a lino cutting tool to create these two 'stamps' - on one I gouged out some channels and on the other kind of 'scooped' out little areas by twisting the tool in a circular motion. You can also use a craft knife, which will give you neater results. Two lovely mark making tools - for FREE! Can't be bad!

I used both stamps on my ATC, which is just a bit of scrap from a Gelli print, finished with a Stampotique image and a phrase from one of my printables (coming to the Mixed Up mag website soon).

Can't wait to see what you make for the challenge!
Katy x