Showing posts with label canvas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label canvas. Show all posts

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Home Sweet Home for Susan K Weckesser Creative Team

Excited today because it's my very first post for the Susan K. Weckesser Creative Team! We've been given the theme 'Home' this month, so I created a canvas which would make a great gift for someone moving into a new home. I've got a little process video to share with you and there a lots more details on the Susan K. Weckesser blog today.
I used Susan's patterned papers, stamps, and Colorbox Color Pop inkpads today. You can see lots of her products here.

 Hope you like my first project, see you again soon.

Katy x

Stamps used:

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Frilly and Funkie Challenge

Sharing my make for the latest Frilly & Funkie challenge today - the challenge is Let the Words Do the Talking, so a favourite quote stamp has a place of pride on my piece. I've gone very vintage for this make, using one of my favourite go-to colour palettes - soft, gentle yellows and pinks.

My background is layered with lace and book page then gessoed and stencilled with a leaf frond created with crackle paste. I used Distress Spray Stain spray inks and acrylics to add the colour over the top.

My focal point is a lovely vintage image (I think this is such a pretty photo). She's surrounded by a whole heap of embellies - sprayed flowers (Distress Spray in Scattered Straw and Tattered Rose), paper ephemera, lace sprayed with Scattered Straw ink, pieces of gold netting and metal embellishments. I also made up some stick pins and added micro beads. 

The large flourish is created with a Prima mould and coloured with paint and Treasure Gold. 

To finish I added Stampendous Frantage Tea Stained Mica Flakes here and there on the edges - LOVE this product!

And of course there is the all important quote - it's a PaperArtsy one from a Darcy set - it reads 'I want to be improbable and beautiful, afraid of nothing as if I had wings.' - isn't that just beautiful?

Before I go I must give a nod to my friend Caroline Ward who gave me some very useful constructive criticism - and the piece is better for it. Thanks Caroline!

Hope you like my challenge piece - thank you for visiting :).

Katy x

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Flower Canvas Tut

I've got a video tut for you today using spray inks to create a floral canvas. Have you got half an hour to spare this weekend? Then you can make a canvas just like this. It's a really quick, really easy project but I think the end result is so pretty.

Ad usual my video is brief and to the point. Hopefully all the info you need is there but if you have any questions don't hesitate to leave them below or contact me via Facebook.

Happy spraying!

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Faux Paint Tubes for Rubber Dance

It's my tutorial today over on the Rubber Dance blog. I used metal sheet to create faux paint tubes for this cute mini canvas. For a full step out just follow the link :).

Katy x

Thursday, 24 December 2015


So delighted to have been asked back again to guest design for A Sprinkle of Imagination, this time as part of their 12 Designers of Christmas series - I am in fact last to go but it's well worth a look back through a month of fabby art from lots of talented peeps.

I used stamps from A Sprinkle of Imagination - Stampotique Great Moon and the hare by Crafty Individuals. I also used my own Believe set from Rubber Dance for the sentiment.

I decided to combine the stamps with the opportunity to get more familiar with my DecoArt Media Fluid Acrylics. I've actually used these paints a LOT but not usually in a very 'painterly' way, more for adding colour to mixed media pieces. Here I've attempted a form of painting with them ('proper' painters look away now!!!) to create my evening scene.

1) I used two colours of blue for my background - Phthalo Blue and Cerulean Blue (always makes me think of The X-Files that colour!). Blob the paint randomly onto the gessoed canvas then mix with brush then use your fingers to smooth it out.

2) To create the moon, I added a tiny blob of Titanium White to the canvas and smoothed it into a circle shape working from the centre outwards so the white fades out. I added a touch of Hansa Yellow Light over the top of the white while it was still wet and blended it in with my fingers. The snowflakes are simply spots of Titanium White added randomly with the end of a paintbrush.

4) To create the snow add a thick layer of modelling paste textured using a palette knife. Add some Glamour Dust while the paste is still wet. When dry, lightly add washes of Cobolt Turquoise Hue and Silver Metallic paints, just adding the paint here and there. When dry, mute down with a little Transparent White.

5) You can just see I created a 'halo' effect on the snow - as snow reflects the light back up. This is just a wash of Transluscent White applied close to the top edge of the snow and blended upwards.

6) Finally I also painted my stamped images with paints - Hansa Yellow Light for the moon and Raw Sienna for the bunny. I also added Glamour Dust to the moon here and there to give it more shine!

I loved making my canvas - hope you like my moon gazing hare!

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year!

Katy xxx