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iislam islam foi allah place you vie

The virtue of calling on God !

Publié le 22/01/2025 à 15:20 par pourlavieeternelle Tags : islam foi allah place you
The virtue of calling on God !



The call to God is one of the best deeds and the noblest worship, and it has been praised in the Qur'an and the Sunnah, among which:

  1. The call to God is the way of success and victory in this world and in the hereafter, as Allah says: {And may there be among you a community that calls for good, which commands the proper and forbids the reprehensible. And these are the winners} (Al-Imran: 104).


  1. The word of the preacher is the best and most beloved of God, as Allah said when praising the word of the preacher: {And who says a better word than he who calls to Allah, does good works and says: "I am of the number of the Muslims." } (Fussilat: 33) There is no better word than his, for he guides people and directs them to the adoration of their Lord, Creator and Master of the Worlds and the exit from the darkness of association with the light of faith.
  2. The call to faith is an obedience to the command of God, as He said: {Call upon the way of your Lord with wisdom and good exhortation and discuss with them in the best manner} (An-Nahl: 125). It is therefore imperative for the preacher to call upon Islam wisely, to put things in their place, knowing the called, what suits them and what they need in terms of beautiful and influential exhortations, and to dialogue with them from the best, the sweetest and closest way to guide them.
  5. This is the function of all messengers, and at their head our messenger Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. God sent him as a witness to the people, a herald of heaven and reward for believers, and a warning of fire and punishment for unfaithful and sinners, calling to God and spreading light throughout all mankind, peace and blessings upon him, as Allah said: {O Prophet, We have sent you as a witness, herald and warning, and as a calling to Allah, with His permission, and as a shining lamp, and announce to the believers that they will have a great favor from Allah} (Al-Ahzab: 45-47).


  1. The invitation is a door of good that never closes. He who answers your call and finds guidance by your hand, you will have the same reward as him for his prayer, worship and teaching to people. What a great blessing from God for the preacher! Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: "He who calls to the right path shall have the same reward as those who follow him, without this diminishing in any way their rewards" (Muslim 2674).
  4. The reward of God’s preacher is better than all the goods of the world. The reward of the preacher is with God, and he does not take it from people. C'est pourquoi elle est immense, car le généreux ne donne à ceux qu'il aime que ce qui est immense, comme Allah a dit : {فَإِنْ تَوَلَّيْتُمْ فَمَا سَأَلْتُكُمْ مِنْ أَجْرٍ إِنْ أَجْرِيَ إِلَّا عَلَى اللَّهِ وَأُمِرْتُ أَنْ أَكُونَ مِنَ الْمُسْلِمِين} (Younous : 72). And the Prophet, peace be upon him, said: "If Allah guides a man through you, it is better for you than having red camels" (Bukhari 2847, Muslim 2406).


Author: Reguieg Mokhtar Translated from French to English.