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Le Pardon selon l'islam

The forgiveness of sins !

Publié le 01/06/2019 à 17:18 par pourlavieeternelle Tags : islam foi pardon Allah
The forgiveness of sins !

The forgiveness of sins !

The Great Forgiveness !

Publié le 22/10/2018 à 12:16 par pourlavieeternelle Tags : islam comportements pardon Allah


The Great Forgiveness!
The Great Forgiveness!
If we want God to forgive us, we as humans, who sin disproportionately night and day, we need to know how to seize this opportunity and a great favour that the Lord has reserved for us and yet grants us in spite of everything, so that we may be able to love one another continuously. The Lord tells us, « He who does not forgive, will not be forgiven. In addition, in a verse of the Quran, God teaches us «May they forgive and absolve. Don't you love that God forgives you! Moreover, God is Oft Forgiving and Merciful! ( Quran 24/22) Therefore, forgiveness is the basis of everything in this life. We cannot love without forgiveness, and we cannot live without love.
The world has aged, the end is near! The lights are red, blinking, don't you think? Do you not think that it is already time for us to come to grips with ourselves, to be lucid, to reflect, to come back to reason, to take the right path, the only way that must save us, the way of Allah (Exalted be He), the way of the godly, the way of the chosen ones of Allah, that of the eternal Paradise?

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In one of the verses of the holy Qur' an, Allah (Exalted be He) tells us, «Unquestionably, [for] the allies of Allah there will be no fear concerning them, nor will they grieve,62/Those who believed and were fearing Allah,63/For them are good tidings in the worldly life and in the Hereafter. No change is there in the words of Allah. That is what is the great attainment.64 (Surat Yunus/Jonah 62:64).
In the face of this great tragedy, which pitted Algeria against France for years and which, among other Arab and Muslim countries in particular, caused tides of blood to flow and caused hundreds of thousands of deaths on both sides, and for which the responsibility for this massive loss of human life lies today directly with our generation and the generation before us, and not with our children, who are totally innocent in the presence of our lord and the people.
It is only when we assume this painful past, and acknowledge all our mistakes and our great murderous madness, that it is perhaps only after, when our generation will probably disappear so that the norm will probably be trivialized between our two countries, and that this Mediterranean sea which has made us dream so much, makes us realize today that we are decidedly made for each other, that we are made to live together, and that we are made to live together, and that we have been living together for a long time.
However, the great and true friendship between people's demands from all of us that we abandon this slang, this hypocrisy and that we finally tell each other everything we have in our hearts.
Once this moral and effective peace has been restored forever, we will be able to withdraw from the scene with serenity and stillness in our hearts, and hand over the torch to our descendants, so that they can put things back in order and inherit at the same time the new Mediterranean, a Mediterranean that their ancestors so dearly desired to have.
However, this time, with the faith of our Lord in the heart and spirit, our children will come if God wills to their destination, and with the help of God in this Mediterranean, they will make a Paradise on this earth.
Historically and throughout the history of humankind, wars between peoples have never solved conflicts; on the contrary, they have only led to disaster, tragedy, and misfortune.
This historic project, which we have so longed for and yet the madness of humanity has completely destroyed and reduced to nothing, could be realized. In my humble opinion, it is no longer necessary today to look back and remember the past. This painful past that will only stir the knife in the wounds not yet healed, on the contrary today it is time to definitively turn this dark page and look forward from now on only. Our Lord of infinite mercy always recommends forgiveness and reconciliation. The forgiveness that liberates us and brings our hearts together erases all our sins and brings us closer to divine mercy.
Today it is inevitable that the only salvation for these peoples, some of whom are unfortunately still in bloody conflict, is peace, dialogue and reconciliation.
For once, let us forget the temptations of this morbid and yet so ephemeral world for which we kill each other and tear each other ruthlessly. Let us forget this transitory world and think instead of the other, the ultimate to the eternal. Tell me sincerely where are today the great troublemakers, those great actors of death, those brave warriors of the "darkness" who once powered the engines of great conflicts, who decided the fate of others, the fate of the weak and the unhappy, those who were both judges and the law, those foolish people who blew on fire and stirred up the embers, where are they now?.. !? God only knows!
A hadith reported by anas ("May Allah be pleased") teaches us that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and salvation on Him) said: «This community is a community to which God's Mercy has already been granted. Therefore, the torment that should suffer on Judgment Day will in fact be alleviated. On that day, an associate will be offered free of charge to the Fire, in the place of each Muslim, and then it will be declared: «This one is sacrificed for you, O Muslim! So you wouldn't be among the occupiers of the Fire." (An authentic el-Jameh hadith: 2257.).
We have no right to let our children relive the past we have lived through. This past now belongs to history, and history is made to be studied in schools. History belongs to the past, to our past, and the future belongs to children, to our children. Let us not deprive them of this great opportunity, who knows? Perhaps one day, they will make us forget our pains of yesteryear and allow us to leave... peace in our souls!
Today, the duty that calls us all is, in my opinion, even more serious than all the conflicts in the world put together. This duty is spiritual, a duty that comes out of this unhealthy world, this materialistic world, an ungrateful, selfish world in which everyone thinks only of himself, a world in which we only think of enjoying the material pleasures of this life.
Our Prophet (peace and salvation on Him) could possess all the jewels of this world, yet he preferred to sleep on a simple mat on the ground. Why? Why? Because our Prophet knew the true value of this life, which is in fact only a trial for us and a field of ploughing, whose fruits will be harvested in the ultimate life. Many people attach themselves to the ephemeral goods of this morbid world and forget the fundamental priorities that God has revealed to us. How can we worship and satisfy our Lord if our hearts are shared and let themselves be taken by the ephemeral desires of this world!
The true believer, the righteous, the one who genuinely fears God must not pass up any opportunity to invoke and worship God, to beg him and ask forgiveness every day. Let us not forget that the Lord at the Last Judgement will judge us on all our sins, however small they may be, no matter how small, as small as the size of an atom...! So let us always try to ask his forgiveness and beg his immense Mercy, which is so close to each one of us, as close as we think.
May God forgive us all and fill us with His great Mercy, Amine.

The Great Forgiveness!

Author: Mokhtar Reguieg
Translated from French by habib attifa Boukar