Showing posts with label Skyleigh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skyleigh. Show all posts

Friday, April 22, 2011

A {{cold}} day at the park. . .

If we waited for warm weather, we’d never go outside.  Well, okay.  Not, you know, never, but at least not until June. :)

On a blustery, cold day in March we went to the park. 

And played QUICK.  Before we froze solid.

Nolan Ryan playing catch: 

with Uncle Jared:

Say “cheese” Skyleigh!

How does thing work, anyway?

This just in: Nolan climbs the rock wall all. by. himself.

And is VERY pleased about the situation:

And he’s a bit of a ham. . .


The end.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


It seems that  

I have completely misplaced my voice. 

Oct 048

Feeling pretty crummy. 

Oct 051

Just resting and crocheting a little.

I did manage to make Skyleigh a new hat. 

Oct 050









And took some pictures to show you.


Linking to: 

Show and Tell Green Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap up         party!Get your craft on Thurs.The Girl CreativePunkin Seed Productions

 MakingMake it Yours @ My Backyard Eden

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

swingers and climbers

Have you noticed there are two definite preferences, when it comes to playground play? 

You see.

There are swingers 

and there are climbers. 

                                Skyleigh Claire likes to swing.


DO NOT attempt to remove her from the swing.

Such efforts will be met with MUCH weeping,

wailing and

gnashing of teeth.

(She’s serious about her swinging).July 275

                  Nolan Ryan is a climberJuly 287

        and so is MatthewJuly 276

                                     Lacey Brooke, too!July 283

  Nolan tries pushing…July 284

          But it’s WAY too hard July 286

Which one is your favorite?


Friday, April 30, 2010

the girl loves her salsa

My granddaughter, Skyleigh, had her first taste of my home canned salsa recently.

1March1 206 
First bite: 

1March1 207

I think she likes it…

1March1 210

But whatever you do, please PLEASE do NOT attempt to touch Skyleigh’s salsa bowl. 

Such and infraction will swiftly incur much WEEPING and WAILING and GNASHING of teeth.  K

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Paint your cookies

Or.  Eat your paint.  As the case may be. 

1March1 335
First.  Make your favorite sugar cookies.  I’ve posted my recipe for Grammy’s sugar cookies here.  For Easter this year we made crosses, eggs, tulips and bunnies: 
1March1 314
Now for the “paint”  
  • 1 cup whipping cream
  • 1/2 to 3/4 cup powdered sugar (to taste)
  • food coloring
Pour whipping cream into your mixer bowl.  Add the powdered sugar.  Start with 1/2 cup and then add more if you prefer it sweeter.  Whip until it becomes the consistency of, well, paint ;) 
Pour into small bowls and add your colors.  I used Wilton gel colors: 
1March1 318
Put a clean child’s paintbrush or two in each bowl.  Make sure they have never been used for real paint, though!
Let the painting begin!
Matthew is so, so serious with his painting.  No smiling please.

1March1 329
But he will show you his masterpiece if you ask nicely. 
1March1 323
More seriousness from Lacey. 
1March1 327
And dimples. 
1March1 330
Nolan.Likes.Blue.Paint.  And don’t anyone touch his blue paint, thank you. Except Uncle Matthew.  He can have some.  But no one else.  And that is final. 
1March1 322
Here he considers branching into the yellow. 
1March1 340
But remains true to the blue.  
1March1 331
Skyleigh loves all the colors.
1March1 334
As long as she can eat them! 
1March1 336

Aren’t they lovely?
Picnik collage
Let the paint dry before stacking your cookies.

Posted to: 
Tasty Tuesday
Tempt-My-Tummy Tuesday 
Works-For-Me Wednesday

Friday, January 29, 2010

Snow Bunny

Have you noticed I haven’t been blogging much?  Well, this pink snow bunny is 1/2 of my excuse…

For a very short season my 2 grandbabies are living in the same city.  Right here.  In the same city.  I KNOW.  It’s all so very fun and exciting.  There has been quite a lot some dropping of everything to  spend a few minutes with them while they are here.  And one of those things being dropped is blogging.  But I’m still here and I haven’t forgotten you!

Here are some pictures of lil’ miss  experiencing her first big snow.  You see, she spent her whole life, all 17 months of it in a magical place called North Carolina.  Where it doesn’t really snow.  And clearly there is no need for layers and layers of winter finery.  Which was the way she liked things, thank you. 

Because how do people walk with all this stuff on, anyway?DSC07443


Okay, I’ll try a few steps.  But that is all.  I mean it. DSC07445


This is all way too much work.  I believe I’ll just sit a spell and…..DSC07456 


eat snow.  DSC07464

Monday, August 31, 2009

What I've been making...

Not your granny's "granny." A new, more modern twist on the traditional granny square. I made it for a gift and the recipient picked out the bright colors. They look great together! It's really big, though! Each square is almost 12 inches and it kept me busy for the first half of summer.
Next up, Miss Skyleigh's mom requested a crochet blanket for baby girl's 1st birthday. In chocolate and lavender, no less. That girl has taste.

The search was on for a new and different pattern to use for her blankie. When I saw this daisy square I was in love. Well, as much as you can love a pattern. Because people. It has daisies! You know how I love my flowers... I just had to try it.
Then I got the pattern. Forty years of crocheting did nothing to prepare me and I almost. gave. up. Three (!) strands of yarn that must be kept in front, working in front of work and back, stitch markers everywhere. Profusions of yarn strands, markers, loops and near catastrophe loomed. There ensued much weeping and gnashing of teeth.
The persistence. It pays off in the end. And I LOVE it again!
Another variation of a granny square. What do you think?

The birthday girl liked it too. It was totally worth it:)
This pattern for Daisy Charity Square is available from KrochetKrystal. To get the pattern, you need to join her yahoo group. The pattern will then be accessible and is free, but you must crochet a daisy square and send it to her to be added to one of her charity blankets.
Come on. Be brave and give it a try!


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