Showing posts with label Compost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Compost. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Compost Dyeing and Other Fermentation Dyeing eBook!!!

If you purchased a copy of my eBook "Compost Dyeing and Other Fermentation Dyeing Techniques" last year through Kindle and it is corrupted please let me know and I will send you a replacement copy!

This eBook is Currently ON SALE
for $3.99

Monday, September 10, 2012

It's here, it's here!

It's in sorry need of some changes but I have to say that WOW there's nothing like seeing your book in print!  I so love seeing the ISBN on the back cover, it's so real all of a sudden!

Friday, May 04, 2012

Untitled WIP No. 45

Needs more stitching.  I started this piece this evening, not bad for a day with no stitching or creating blocked out the schedule!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

WIP - Hot Flash

Hot Flash in progress.
Silk Crinkle Crepe, wool batting, cotton backing.
Natural Dyes, Compost dyed.
Machine stitched so far.

Added additional stitching to the surface this afternoon after much encouraging from Brenda to take the plunge and use some bold colors in it, and I am think fuschia and firey bronze gold.  It's definately starting to pop now, but, there's aways a but isn't there, I have tons more stitching to do and the silk crinkle crepe is a major pain to machine stitch.

I missed the deadline for the QAQ/Schweinfurth I thought it was a post mark deadline but alas it's a recieved by date.  One of these years I'll get the application actually sent off.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

WIP - Corn No. 1

7x7 ish inches.
Silk Organza, Dupioni, Cocoons, Cotton, Natural and Compost Dyed.

Still have lots of hand stitching before this piece is finished, and then on to finish the final seven pieces.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Yes this is the same piece of cloth I've been photographing the the past several years now, it's still sitting outside on the indigo vat waiting for something... what I don't know yet.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Corn - A New Series

I am working on a new series of pieces around the subject of corn.  There are seven pieces, so far, in the series and they consist of my natural and compost dyed (eco-dyed/printed) fabrics and machine stitching.  Each piece is approximately 7x7 inches and is machine stitched onto a timtex core.

As many of you, my followers, know I struggle with wanting the prairie of 200 years ago versus the prairie that we have today.  My mother told me once that I was born about 250 years too late, that's how much I love the rugged primitive prairie.  Where I expect to see a bison rounding over a hill instead I'm greeted with a tractor or a combine.  Where I think there should be teepees and other primitive housing I'm greeted with silos and barns instead. 

There is, however, one piece that binds both the past and today together and that bit is Corn!  In doing a survey of the artwork I've produced over the past 15 or so years there is one theme that seems to be repeated and that is the theme of corn.

So with the idea of corn in mind I am setting out to create a series dedicated to that which intrigues and haunts me, corn.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Final Leg

The final leg towards my solo show, finishing up four pieces in the Prairie Series.

Prairie No.'s 9-12
Natural Dyes Cotton and Silk Fabrics.
Machine Stitched

I cut each of these panels off of their canvas stretched frames and cut them down to size, which varies, as I was unhappy with them.  With the addition of more stitching, and in some cases more silk fabric overlays, and then binding off the edges with zig zag stitching, they will then be re-mounted to 18x24 inch stretched canvas.  More pics later.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Streaming Live from My Studio

I created a Ustream channel and will be streaming live from my studio starting next week. I'll be working on various natural dye, rust dyeing, composting, pigment painting, etc. in addition to a lot of collage mix media. I won't be able to particiapte in the chat unfortunately, my monitor and key board are across the room from me but will have a fix for that and soon.

You can find me at and search for kbaxterpackwood

Saturday, May 22, 2010

New Series WIP

WIP Canyonlands - panoramic stitched series.
Compost dyed silk fabric

Now I need to dye some fibers to accompany these new pieces.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Prairie No. 11

Prairie No. 11 - 2010
Natural Dyed, Compost Dyed, and Rust Dyed Cotton Fabric.
Machine Stitched. Mounted to canvas on stretcher bars.
16x24 inches

Monday, September 21, 2009

A few more brooches

Prairie bits and pieces

Been busy getting ready for this weekends show, this is just one of the brooches I've been making for this weekends show. Check out the Octagon Center for the Arts Fall Festival in Ames, IA this weekend!

Compost dyed cotton fabric
Machine stitched and embroidered
1.5 x 2.25 inches

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Prairie Potholes Harvest No. 23

I don't believe I've posted this one in the past, found it in a pile of work tonight while looking for a piece of indigo dyed rusted fabric, the fabric is still MIA.