Showing posts with label Dyed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dyed. Show all posts

Sunday, August 04, 2013

WIP's Corn 2013

Corn No. 1

Corn No. 2

Corn No. 3

Natural dyed cotton fabrics, timtex, machine stitching, aurifil threads.

Sunday, June 30, 2013

WIP - Greg with Beads

Natural dyed silk fabric machine stitched with aurifil thread.  

And now some detail shots, a combination of vintage glass and plastic beads.

WIP - Greg with some Beads

My beading spot on the sewing table.

Greg will be getting mostly purple, green, and some orange, beads.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

WIP - Bjorkboda 090412


Now with more hand stitching, and still plugging along!  I've missed several deadlines but at this point I don't care anymore, I have a vision for this piece and I want that vision to come to life but not in some half hearted fashion. 

In the mean time I'm contemplating dyeing some threads, for hand stitching, for this piece.  I still have the silk layer and the pieces of scrim that were dyed along with these layers and am thinking of starting a second piece for a new series.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

WIP - Hands

More hand prints.  It is sooooooo unbelievably hot and dry here, normally we have a humidity level around 50% or higher this time of year, which is causing problems with drying times.  Problems as in everything is drying within minutes, sometimes seconds, making it difficult to work the cloth.

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Friday, May 04, 2012

Untitled WIP No. 45

Needs more stitching.  I started this piece this evening, not bad for a day with no stitching or creating blocked out the schedule!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Wool Felted Bag

Bag front.
Back of bag.

Needle felted natural dyed wool fabrics and fibers.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Fabric Stash

Been rummaging through my fabric stash for some bleeding heart colors.

Monday, February 20, 2012

New Harvest Pieces - WIP

Two almost done four more to go!

What to do???

I started picking the flowers off and am now debating removing the corn as well, it's flat and does nothing for me.  An option would be to hand couch some more yarns onto the piece to make it more dimensional... or maybe not.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

WIP - grumble grumble

WIP - starting somewhere, anywhere, am determined that I WILL produce completed works this year!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Corn - A New Series

I am working on a new series of pieces around the subject of corn.  There are seven pieces, so far, in the series and they consist of my natural and compost dyed (eco-dyed/printed) fabrics and machine stitching.  Each piece is approximately 7x7 inches and is machine stitched onto a timtex core.

As many of you, my followers, know I struggle with wanting the prairie of 200 years ago versus the prairie that we have today.  My mother told me once that I was born about 250 years too late, that's how much I love the rugged primitive prairie.  Where I expect to see a bison rounding over a hill instead I'm greeted with a tractor or a combine.  Where I think there should be teepees and other primitive housing I'm greeted with silos and barns instead. 

There is, however, one piece that binds both the past and today together and that bit is Corn!  In doing a survey of the artwork I've produced over the past 15 or so years there is one theme that seems to be repeated and that is the theme of corn.

So with the idea of corn in mind I am setting out to create a series dedicated to that which intrigues and haunts me, corn.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Studio Redux 061411

The excitement and anticipation is starting to set in, I cannot wait to work in my new studio space!  John is retrofiting an old book shelf to fit it's new space, then we will move three bookshelves into the new space and a final bookshelf will be retrofitted for the space.  I wasn't sure as to how I'd fit everything into the space but with the two bookshelves being rehabbed it'll work!  Photos on Thursday.

Until then my madder root dye bath, that I have been ignoring and horribly so had the good graces to turn red yesterday so tomorrow it's off to wet studio and will be dyeing a variety of fabrics.