Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family. Show all posts

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Sweet 1-6

Can you believe that Junior turned 16 months old today? My little baby is now a toddler and I have no idea where the time has gone. My little bundle of joy is much bigger than when he was first born but at least I can still hold him in my arms :o)

It's been awhile since I've posted about Junior so I figured I'd give you a fix and you can see just how much he has grown.

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This child is so smart. I have no idea where he gets it from! One day it was raining and he brought his shoes to DH because he wanted to go out. DH told him that it wasn't nice out and 'if' he were to go out, he would have to wear his boots (of course DH didn't think that our little man would understand any of this). The next thing DH sees is Junior standing in front of him with his rain boots in hand! LOL! At this point, he couldn't deny the child ;o)

Junior LOVES bubbles! It's one of the words he can say too :o)

 photo EdwinAndBubbles.jpg

He also loves eating them... We have no idea why he's driven to do this. We have no idea why he won't eat a perfectly good vegetable but then he turns around and eats a handful of rocks, no questions asked. Sigh! LOL! He is one complex little man. But he makes us laugh and it warms our hearts so that's all that matters.

Thank you for all the lovely comments you left about Roses :o) I enjoyed reading every comment. I want to welcome some new Stalkers and I hope you'll continue to come by for a visit. I've made some time to visit some Blogs so you may see me out and about the Blogging world. I can't tell you how much I have missed reading what everyone has been up to :o)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Junior & The Flatulent Monkey

If that didn't get your attention, I don't know what would! LOL!

As promised, here's a recent picture of Junior -

 photo EdwinWithFartingMonkey.jpg

The monkey belongs to his cousin and it's got to be THE MOST hilarious thing I have ever seen! Aside from the fact that it looks like a completely psychotic toy, turn it on and it gets even better. The monkey starts laughing hysterically; then the next thing you know, he's letting out a ripper of a fart :o) Very contagious although Junior was a bit skeptical about the whole thing.

It came from the UK so I'm not sure if it's available in North America or not. I did find an online listing for it here :o) If you want to see him in action, he's on You Tube as well -

Now not to be outdone by that little devilish monkey, I'll leave you with another picture of Junior -

 photo EdwinWithIceCreamCake.jpg

This was taken at my birthday and we had ice cream cake this time. As you can see, he didn't hold back with the mess quite as much ;o)

Friday, April 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Junior!

I know I'm 'very' late again with my updates but it's been a grueling three weeks to say the least and my mind hasn't been in the best of places :o( Aside from that, I wanted to share the most recent news from our home because it was a huge event. Plus, I see there must be quite a few of you checking up to see if I have updated my Blog recently ;o) How I keep holding onto all my Stalkers, I don't know... you see by the title, Junior had an official birthday and turned ONE YEAR OLD on April 10!!!! It was quite the event because he had not one but TWO parties! LOL!

The night of his actual birthday we had both sets of grandparents over and Junior got to open his larger gifts. He got an All Season Wagon and a Radio Flyer Steer & Stroll Trike :o) He had his very own birthday cake and it was so funny to see how reserved he was with it. Most kids would have had it smeared from head to toe but not our little guy; face and fingers were just fine :o)

Then on Saturday, April 13, we had an open house from 2-4pm as I mentioned in my last post. It worked out stupendously! We had 24 people in all and somehow our little house managed to squeeze them all in. Junior had a ball and made sure he mingled with everyone now that he is WALKING! He had another piece of cake and opened his presents for everyone to see (all without any fuss!). We put out peanut butter and jam sandwiches (crusts cut off), Kool-Aid, fruit and veggie trays along with a half of slab of cake (part vanilla, part chocolate). Btw, thank you Christina and Harmien for the books you sent! Junior just LOVES them! A note will be in the mail soon :o)

So here's the final picture of the year for the big man -

 photo OneYearOld.jpg

I keep saying he looks all grown up but he does. He really does.

 photo OneYearOld2.jpg

As of today, Junior has another two teeth. His two (first) lower molars broke through so now we're up to ten teeth in that little mouth of his. He's still a chomping machine. It looks like his two upper eye teeth might be coming in next. Ugh! The drool is just crazy. And the snot! We've realized that when his teeth come in, his sinuses go crazy. What we thought were colds were just teeth coming in.

I've already let slip that Junior is now walking ;o) He started when he was eleven and a half months old. It's funny to watch him because he's so proud of himself. This has now led to climbing the stairs and now he's trying to climb the furniture. Sigh! DH and I keep putting things higher and higher but eventually we'll have nowhere else to go. LOL!

Little man has a few words under his belt but he's trying to copy whatever words you're saying. He's also associating words with objects so that's quite neat! It never gets dull watching him learn and grow.

I know I promised you an update about me and I will try my best in the next few days. It's been one of the hardest months for me but I'm trying to crawl out of my hole. I miss you all! Until then...I hope everyone is keeping well :o)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

We're Less Than One Month Away!

Sigh!  I'm late posting a picture of the little man...again.  Unfortunately his monthly birth date landed right after a Chemo treatment and then the poor guy picked up a bug from somewhere :o(  He sounds horrible but at least his spirits are still good.

DH and I 'settled' for this picture -

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Junior looks so grown up!  He looks like a miniature man :o)  I can't believe we're in the final countdown to his one year birthday.  Thank God I'm still here to see it.

Speaking of birthdays...DH and I are planning the big day!  We've decided to have an open house so that people can come without feeling they have to and I don't have to send out invitations and leave someone out by mistake.  Sounds like a good plan right?  LOL!  I'll let you know how it turns out.  It's too bad you all didn't live closer because you could come and celebrate with us!  I think we'll have a decent crowd.  DH and I picked up Junior's present last week and I think he's going to like it...

Junior now has eight teeth and is SO close to walking it's not even funny.  He took his first solo steps the other day but I was in the other room and missed the whole thing :o(  DH keeps saying he's going to trash the house and I think I have to agree with him.  Junior is definitely all boy and loves to play hard.  He roughhouses with Daddy all the time and all you hear is fits of giggles :o)

I've never seen a child his age so involved with books though!  He just LOVES them and wants you to read each one to him again and again and again AND again.  He follows each page and has now gotten into turning the pages by himself.  His favorite is called Baby, BOO! and if he could talk, I'm sure he'd have the whole thing memorized by now.  I know we all do ;o)  LOL!  Let's just hope he continues to love books as he grows older!

Stay tuned - I have an update about myself :o)

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Big 1-0!

My boy hit the two digit mark on Sunday when he turned 10 months old! I can't believe how fast he's growing.

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Couldn't you just kiss those cheeks? Not the greatest picture because it's been cloudy here lately and the light hasn't been very good. I had to tweak the picture a bit. Little man was good though and cooperated for Mommy :o)

This morning, Junior had another tooth pop out so we're at number seven. Eight shouldn't be too far behind. At least I hope not because he's been extra crabby lately but who can blame him. It's like we're living with a rodent though. He chews everything he can get his teeth on! The side of his crib looks like a beaver took to it >:o(

I suspect we'll have a walker on our hands pretty soon. Junior LOVES to be on his feet! At every opportunity, he'll grab hold of your fingers and walk around the house. That little behind of his is so cute. LOL!

Would you believe that he received his first Valentine's Day card???? From a 4-year-old no less! I'm going to be swinging the broom in order to get all the girls off my doorstep. Who could resist that handsome devil though? ;o)


Friday, January 11, 2013

We Begin With The Good :o)

Since I have both good news and bad news to tell you, I thought I had better start out with the good. Seems much better than way; to me anyway :o)

As you may have guessed, it's that time of month again! Yes, Junior is another month older and yesterday he turned NINE months old :o)


LOL! It didn't take much to get a good picture this time. He's really getting used to the camera.

Our little man is so full of his own personality now and he's such a happy guy. He's not walking yet but his legs continue to get stronger and steadier every day. He's definitely mastered his crawling though because it doesn't take him long to get from room to room, especially if I'm opening the freezer door. Yeah, I don't know why :oS

DH and I are still expanding his food pallet but for some reason, he cannot eat straight banana. Ask Grandma ;o) Junior has one awesome gag reflex. We figure it must be the texture because he'll eat banana if we disguise it. We're still trying to get him used to solid food like Cheerios or his biscuit cookies. But if he's left with them too long, the gag reflex kicks in and then DH and I are forced to be the cleanup crew. Ewwww! Thankfully my gag reflex has gotten better over the years. LOL!

The fact that he gags doesn't interfere with his chewing, that's for sure. DH keeps saying that out of all the pets we've had in the past, none of them chewed as much as Junior does! Skin, clothes, furniture, wood, they're all free game to him. He still only has six teeth but that's enough at this point. I'm almost to the point where I want to give him some rawhide to chew on ;o)

I can happily say that Junior has learned how to clap now. It was a problem for DH because Junior was behind the other children his age in what he could do. Yes, the man is a bit competitive ;o)


Sunday, December 16, 2012

I'm Here!

Hmmmm...I see someone has hacked into my Blogger account ;o) LOL! I've always said that Junior is a smart little boy but I never expected this!

DH and I finally got things straightened around so we could get Junior's monthly photo. He was fantastic this time! I took less than two dozen pictures and voila -


Our boy is now 20 pounds and 27 inches long. He's now wearing clothes that are 12 months :o)

You're probably wondering what Junior's been up to lately. Well, let me tell you...he's crawling. And crawling. And crawling. Plus he's also halfway to walking! I have no idea where he gets his determination from ;o) He's so feisty and once he gets something in his head that he wants to do, look out because he won't stop until he's done it.

Junior has six teeth in :o) Those pearly whites are so cute! He's into eating meat now but we're a little worried that we're behind. We're trying the food for 8 month olds but Junior isn't crazy about them. We were quite surprised that they're so spicy so I'm not sure if that's what is turning him off.

I picked up Junior from the babysitter the other day and found out that him and R had their first fight. LOL! R's mother was telling me there was hair pulling and clawing! I just hope my boy learns to be nice to the ladies and realizes that a lady is always right ;o)

Thanks again for all your wonderful comments :o) Stay tuned for something VERY special later this coming week. Trust me; you aren't going to want to miss it!!!!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hi Everyone!

It's Junior here :o) I've snuck onto Mommy's computer and thought I might leave a quick post to let you know what's been happening around here. I know you have all been waiting for my monthly picture but it hasn't been taken yet. Mommy and Daddy were going to take it on Sunday but I feel asleep and when I woke up, my hair was a mess, I had a crease on my face from the bed sheet and I had crusties from a snotty nose ;o)

Since her last post, Mommy has been doing quite well except that she has been very, very tired. So much so that she had my Grammy and Grampy come over for five days and then my Grandma and Grandpa over for four. You just know that I was spoiled during this time ;o) I have been trying to help and took up the task of washing windows -


It was hard work though -


Mommy says that she's halfway through 'Cycle 2' and the swelling has gone down under her arm. Whatever that means. All I know is that she seems quite happy about it. She also complains that her fingertips and toes are quite sore. I don't think she caught them in the door but that's usually how I hurt mine.

Daddy has been very busy at work so Mommy has her hands full with me. I don't allow her to do much these days because I'm always on the go and like to have her undivided attention. Hey, it's all about me, right? I'm a super crawler and I'm determined I'm going to walk very soon. Mommy thinks it's hard to keep up with me now. Just you wait!

I heard Mommy and Daddy talking about 'Christmas' and apparently we're going to NB for the holidays. I'll get to have my first ferry ride! I'm anxious to see my Grammys and Grampys again and all my cousins. I'm not sure what the big hype is but everyone seems quite excited. I keep seeing this jolly old man in a red suit. I've never seen him before but he looks kind of funny to me.

I guess I had better get off the computer before Mommy catches me. I know she'll be back as soon as she can. She keeps talking about how much she misses her Blogging friends :o)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Surprise...I'm On Time :o)

Considering what things have been like since my last post, it's a miracle I'm even here! I know I have complained about time flying by but I REALLY have no idea where it went since I posted on October 22.

So to bring you up to speed on Junior, here he is in all his glory at seven months old -


I guess he takes after his mother when he gets in front of a camera because he just freezes right up ;o) LOL! This was our best shot of this photo shoot.

Yesterday, Junior's top right front tooth came through! YAY! The left is very close behind. Very soon we'll have four pearly whites :o)

His crawling is still in the beginning stages but he will 'crawl' for certain things, including my Crocs. ???? It probably won't be much longer.

DH and I have continued to introduce new foods to Junior. We have found that he loves peas, green beans, peaches and pears. He LOVES sucking on his pieces of apple :o) I was getting a bit worried about his eating but I think he's starting to open up to new things. He definitely makes it known when it's 'cereal time'!

I've been taking Junior to a weekly playgroup that is just down the street from us. He enjoys watching the other children play. They range from his age to about 3 years old. And he's already been kissed by a girl!!!! GASP! My little boy! AND...she's an older woman too ;o) LOL!

Since I wasn't in human form for Halloween (literally!), I'm posting a bonus picture of Junior for you ;o)


Gee, I wonder why his first costume was a pumpkin...

I'll be back shortly to update you on what's happening with me. Thanks for sticking around :o)

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Oups, I Did It Again...

I don't even have to tell you what I did wrong because I know you are all waiting to see the latest picture of the little man ;o) LOL! Here he is -


Can you believe he is SIX MONTHS old???? Again, where does the time go? No, really...where did it go?

Junior has come such a long way, even since last month. His bottom teeth are showing up really well :o) We tried desperately to get him to smile and show them off but that wasn't happening. He is sporting his dimples though.

We've seen so many changes in Junior lately. He can sit by himself without assistance. Of course he still has a few falls with a good thunk to the head but what are a few bumps and lumps? LOL! He is also up on all fours and rocking back and forth, getting ready to crawl. {shudder} His legs are SO strong! I wouldn't be surprised if walking wasn't far behind crawling. Junior was supposed to go for his shots last Wednesday but his appointment got cancelled. He's scheduled to go today so we'll get him weighed in. DH thinks he's running around 18 pounds based on our scales here at home.

We also found a babysitter for Junior! This gives me two days a week where I can schedule other things, like doctor's appointments, and I know he's being well looked after (DH is back to work). The woman who is looking after him has a five year old boy and a seven month old girl (R). Her girl is EXACTLY one month older than Junior. They get along like a house on fire and have quite the conversations. When I pick him up at the end of the day, he chats to me on the way home. I'm not sure what he's saying but it sounds like he does enjoy his play dates. From what I'm told, he likes showing off for R ;o)

I know I keep apologizing for being away from my Blog but I feel quite bad for not keeping in touch :o( It's not that I don't want to. Unfortunately my little hiccup has turned into something a bit more but I will update you in the next few days.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I'm Late, I'm Late!

I'm late for a very important date :o) As I'm sure you already know, Junior turned five months old just over a week ago. Here is a picture of our little man -


I have to say that this has to be one of my favorite pictures of him so far. Look at that devilish grin and just guess what's going on in that little head of his ;o)

Sigh...I've missed all of you. But there is one thing that I'm lacking of lately. Time. I would love more time. Too bad you couldn't squeeze time like a lemon. LOL!

The past few weeks have been filled with all kinds of firsts for Junior :o) He's starting to sit up on his own, without support. We've seen the beginning of what we believe is crawling, although Junior needs to quickly realize that plowing his immobile front end with his hind legs does not really count as a true crawl. LOL!

On the weekend we started him on rice cereal. He's doing really well and takes the spoon with no problems. And we have...teeth! TWO of them! His first one (bottom left) broke through on September 7 and the other one just yesterday. I can't wait to see that toothy smile :o)

Junior has been using his Jolly Jumper and LOVES it. It's hilarious to watch him jump and spin around, all the while laughing and screeching. He's our evening entertainment ;o)

You might not believe this but I 'have' been stitching! Nia will be very pleased with me because I'm catching up on our Halloween Rules SAL. Hopefully I can post some pictures soon.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Where Does The Time Go?

I'm a few days late in posting this. DH and I have no idea where the time has gone but our little man turned four months old this past Friday!


With things being so hectic around here, he never got his photo shoot until Sunday morning. Junior’s wardrobe is narrowing down as our little boy is growing into a big boy ;o) One of my Stalkers will surely recognize the shoes... I’ll apologize now for the ‘do’. That was DH’s contribution. LOL!

On Friday as well, DH took Junior to the doctor for his second set of vaccines. Apparently he was an angel in the waiting room but had a complete meltdown as soon as he was laid down on the table to be undressed. Because of this, he never even noticed the needles. LOL! He weighed in at 14 pounds 12 ounces and is 25 1/4 inches long.

We were pleased to witness Junior roll over this past month and he is working on his laugh. He loves playing and his curiosity is really coming out. He’s also been teething and anything and everything goes into his mouth. DH and I just hope the teeth present themselves soon!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Another Month

Guess who turned three months old today? Yes, that would be our little Junior :o)


Doesn't he look handsome? He wasn't really into his photo shoot today but I did manage to get one good picture. We'd rather have him smiling but you take what you can get in these situations.

Time is going by so fast! I can't believe the changes in such a short period of time. Junior is more interested in the world around him now and gets easily distracted. He LOVES ceiling fans! No toys here. Just buy the boy a fan and he's happy :o) LOL! He's also found his tongue and is constantly trying to put his fists into his mouth. We can't bribe him with soothers anymore but he does love his doggy snugglies.

Junior got weighed yesterday and he came in at 13 lbs. 3 oz. I measured him and he's about 25 inches long. I can hold him and feed him but he feels so big in my arms now. Even though I have a little more interaction with Junior, I still can't get enough of him :o)

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Bouncing Back

Boun-cy, boun-cy, boun-cy!

Hi everyone! It's been a week since my surgery and I'm feeling pretty good :o) I got home on Saturday afternoon and since then, each day gets a bit easier. I have a nice vertical five inch scar below my belly button. I just figure it adds to all the ones I already have.

The surgery went well and my doctor was excellent. Those are the only two good things about this experience... Thankfully my hospital stay was short because I don't think I would have lasted much longer. I originally had a private room but was quickly moved to a three person ward :o( Not happy considering we pay full coverage.

My cell mates included a nun (very nice lady) and the most ignorant, demanding person I have ever met. She was so rude to the doctors and nurses. I would have been much happier if she was the one that had taken my private room! I'm sure the nun would have agreed with me too ;o)

We're still waiting to hear the pathology report but we were told it would probably be after the holiday. Unfortunately we already know that the tumor was malignant :o( So until then, we wait to see which path I will be taking next.

I think the most difficult thing is that I am limited in what I can do with Junior :o( I hope that soon I can at least hold him but I know it will be at least 6-8 weeks before I can pick him up. It's so hard watching others interacting with him this way but I am very grateful that we've had all this help.

Again, I want to thank everyone who has left a comment or emailed me. I'm very lucky to have as many wonderful friends as I do :o)

Monday, June 18, 2012

The Time Has Come...

I have some big news to share with everyone. On Wednesday, June 20, I am going in for my hysterectomy. Thankfully I got an appointment in less than three weeks so hopefully all this waiting will be over quicker than we expected. In a way I don't want it to happen so fast because I'm afraid what the outcome will be but on the other hand, I want it done and over with so that I can just get on with my life.

My surgeon is supposed to be excellent from what I've read and heard. She performed my neighbours' hysterectomy and my neighbour raved about her. That makes me feel good but I'm still very nervous about the whole thing. Since my breast cancer, I've avoided hospitals whenever necessary. Let's just say that my anxiety is a tad high right now. But...I keep telling myself that I gave birth to an 8 lb 10 oz baby, so this should be a breeze...right?

Last week I got some good news (on my birthday no less) :o) I had a blood test done awhile back that can indicate whether you have ovarian cancer or not. Unfortunately it's not 100% accurate but at least it gives us some idea. Anyway, the levels came back low so that's good. Again, that doesn't rule out ovarian cancer completely but it's A LOT better than if the levels came back high. Fingers crossed!

Tomorrow will be spent getting organized for my trip. I'll be in Halifax while DH travels back and forth. The poor man will be torn between me and Junior. Junior will be home with both sets of parents looking after him so I feel very good about that. Still, it will be hard to leave him :o( They tell me I'll be in the hospital from 3-5 days but I suspect I'll be in there for the full five.

Anyway, I want to thank everyone for their wonderful comments full of friendship and support. I can't even begin to tell you how much they mean to me. I have tried to email everyone that has left a comment but I haven't been able to finish yet and there were some people that didn't have an email address. My belief is, you took the time to leave a comment, so the least I can do is reply back :o)

So I will be away from the computer for at least a week, maybe longer. When I get the chance, I will update you again as to where we are. Until then, hugs to you my friends :o)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Little Man

He turned two months old today! It's so hard to believe.


Tomorrow he goes for his first set of shots. Should be an interesting appointment. I just hope it won't be too hard on Junior :o( Over a week ago he weighed in at 11 lbs 5 oz and was 24 inches long. I suspect when he's checked tomorrow, he'll be well over 12 lbs and he may have stretched a few more inches :o)

Saturday, June 09, 2012

The Itsy Bitsy Spider

Ever since he was born, I've been singing this song to Junior whenever I put him down to sleep. He seems to like it. One night I really paid attention to the words and realized that "I'm" that spider! I keep getting beat down but eventually I get back up and try again. At least that's what it feels like lately...

I know I have kept you all in suspense as to what has been happening here lately but I was waiting to get more information before I gave you an update. By no means is this a simple case of cancer I'm afraid. It seems that I continue to be 'special'. I hate being special.

On May 30 I had the CAT Scan and the next day got the results. It seems there is a mass (5 cm) on one of my ovaries and it's presenting itself like cancer. Because of the cancer in the bone, they can't say if this is ovarian cancer or cancer that has metastasized from my breast cancer (2000). The bottom line...I will be having a complete hysterectomy to remove the tumor and the rest of my girlie goodies. Only after they have tested the tumor will they be able to tell us more. Right now it looks like there is a three week wait for the surgery. Sigh!

So here is where we stand right now...on June 7 we met with the Medical Oncologist in Halifax. The best case scenario is that the cancer in the bone has metastasized from the original breast cancer and that the tumor on the ovary is benign. I would require Tamoxifen again, plus a drug to strengthen the bone. That would be it.

The second best scenario is that the cancer in the bone has metastasized from the original breast cancer and that the tumor on the ovary is cancerous. I would require Tamoxifen again, plus the drug to strengthen the bone but also chemotherapy.

After that meeting I felt pretty good and quite positive. I love my doctor and feel that he will do whatever it takes to give me peace of mind. It was explained to us though that this is something that will never go away. We almost have to treat it like a chronic disease. I'll probably be monitored for the rest of my life but if that's what it takes so I can be here to see Junior grow up, then I'll take it!

If it were only that straight forward... The next day we met with the Gynecologist Oncologist regarding the mass on my ovary. As I said, it will have to come out and until then, we have no idea what we're dealing with. She couldn't even give me scenarios because there were so many. I guess the worst case would be that this is ovarian cancer. At what stage I'm at, they don't know. I haven't had any symptoms. They do know the tumor was not there on my November ultrasound.

So we wait. As it stands, we won't have any answers for at least five weeks. I've resigned myself that this is going to be a lengthy process but I refuse to let it eat up my life. I have a special little boy that I want to watch grow up and my focus will be on him and DH. This cancer is NOT going to take away something I have waited decades for. I finally have a purpose in life and I'm happy!

I want to thank everyone who has left a comment or sent me an email. All I can say is WOW! Your kindness and friendship are truly appreciated. I only wish I could tell you how much. I miss you all! I'm going to try and get back into the groove of things because I have so much to share and show you :o)

Monday, May 28, 2012

Another Curve Ball

I know I have been MIA lately. I've received many emails wondering where I am and I apologize that I have not responded to anyone. You'd expect me to be living the good life; happy with my little man and relishing my new role as a mother. I certainly am but I've also been hiding another secret, this being an unhappy one. Now that I have confirmation, I want to update you all as to what is going on.

Do you remember back in my last months of pregnancy when I was complaining about my chest hurting and everyone came to the same conclusion that it must be muscular in nature? Well, that pain continued when we brought Junior home from the hospital. The first round of drugs that my doctor put me on did not work. When it got so bad that I could not even hold Junior, I went back to see him again. This time he put me on a narcotic and ordered some tests to eliminate alternate possibilities that would explain the pain.

While looking for one thing, they found something else...something that never even crossed our minds. During one of the scans, they found a 5 cm hole in my sternum (bone). The bone scan lit up a tiny corner of the hole, indicating that it could be cancer. Last week I went to Halifax and had a biopsy done. It was is cancer :o(

Now we don't have all the particulars and there is only so much information I can give at this time. From what I understand, this could be metastatic bone cancer, resulting from my breast cancer in 2000. Who would have thought that would come back to haunt me? As of today, I'm waiting for a CAT Scan and then we'll meet with an Oncologist in Halifax in about 2-3 weeks. As I have said before, the waiting is always the hardest part, especially when you don't know what you're dealing with and you have so many questions swirling around in your head.

To say that we're scared is an understatement. This was supposed to be a happy time in our lives. I finally found my purpose in life and now I'm terrified that it will be taken away from me. Every day I look at Junior and wonder if he'll have a mother as he grows up. I know I may be jumping the gun but I have to be open to that possibility. As soon as I know more, I'll post another update.

I want to thank everyone for their emails. I'm not sure when I'll get to answering any of them but I hope you will understand. I do want to let Christina, Marion, Valerie (France) and Jane know that I have received your packages and I will be in touch! I can't thank you enough :o) Mouse, nothing has arrived as of today :o(

I miss you all very much but this is a very emotional time here at the Pumpkin Patch and the most important thing is that I be with my family. I may have quite a busy road ahead of me so if I don't email you back, please know I will try but I cannot guarantee it. You had been so wonderful during my pregnancy and I can't tell you how much I appreciated it :o) All those words of support kept my spirits up. You guys are THE BEST!

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Look Who's...

Four weeks old!!!!


It's hard to believe. Now I know what people mean when they say that the time goes by fast. Yesterday, Junior weighed in at 9 pounds, 7 ounces! My boy is growing.

We had a slight wardrobe malfunction this morning. I had a cute little outfit all set out for Junior to wear but quickly realized that he looked like he was sporting a potato sack! Not the look we were going for ;o) 

Monday, April 30, 2012

Please Welcome...


Junior Pumpkin Patch
April 10, 2012 at 9:41pm
8 pounds, 10 ounces

Sorry but I will not be posting Junior's real name on my Blog. For those of you who want to know his real name and who are not on my email notification list, please leave a message in your comment and I'll get back to you as soon as I can :o)

Thank you for being patient with me! I've received many wonderful emails that I just haven't had the time to respond to. I never knew I could be so engrossed in something else other than cross stitch ;o) LOL! Hopefully as we find our new rhythm, I'll get to steal a few minutes and post about our new adventure.