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Showing posts with label Kitten. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kitten. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tails of Ziggy Tuesday - Episode 2

Happy Tuesday Friends,

This was a mischievous week for Mr. Ziggy.

He started off by stealing my shower carpet.  Typically he takes a little nap on the carpet outside the shower while we are in it, don't know why he likes to cuddle up right there but he does.
But he found his crazy side one day last week and decided that the carpet was his Nemesis and did a 'pounce slide' attack, taking the carpet to the other side of the bathroom.

I think he may have won that war!

Then I took a quick trip to costco between volunteer slots at Pumpkins school, with no time to unload the bags of non-parishables, I just sat the bag down and ran back out the door.  When Pumpkin and I returned home about an hour later, we found the bag toppled over and a little patch of fur on the floor.

see the little puff of fur?  I can only guess that one of the boxes caught the end of his fluffy tail 'feathers'.  Doesn't he look like he is trying to give me an excuse..."But I was only trying to help..."

And finally over the weekend, as I am putting away the holiday decorations, Mr. Ziggy is no where to be found.  We are calling him but he does not respond.  Then as Pumpkin walks past the wreath pile on the floor - POP GOES THE ZIGGY!  He intentionally scared her.  I couldn't help but laugh and wish I had gotten in on film.

Have a wonderful Tuesday Friends and find your sunshine today!


Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Tails of Ziggy Tuesday - Episode 1

Hello Friends,

Pumpkin Spice would like to introduce a new series.

Tails of Ziggy, stories and thought about our fur family member.

This is Mr. Ziggy.

I am sure you are wondering why a 'paper crafting' blog would start a series about a cat. I don't have a logical answer, I just feel this little fellow is one of the most entertaining critters i have ever had the pleasure to have as a family member.

The backstory: From as far back as I can remember I had a cat in my life. When I met my hubs I had to find a great new home for my buddy of 10 years. See he is extremely allergic to animals and his allergy symptoms turn into respiratory issues. No fun and simply put - SCARY. We went 10 years fur baby free... then sweet little Pumpkin asked for a kitten. Well, Pumpkin has her daddy in the palm of her hand so it was just a matter of time. He was able to push out the inevitable 3 years, then it was time for Mom (me) to start doing some research. 

Ziggy is a Siberian, also know as a Norwegian Forest Cat, and many people believe that the Siberian is hypoallergenic. We were thrilled!!! Did the fur test, meet the mama cat for an hour, not allergic reaction. SOLD!!!

We meet Mr. Ziggy at 8 weeks and were smitten... he gravitated toward us right away.

Four weeks later, Ziggy came home to us.

He crawled right into Pumpkins lap the first day home with us.  She was so excited.

So onto some of the goofy stories.

Shortly after Mr. Zigler, Ziggy for short, adopted us - he felt that I was in need of his assistance.

Yep, he sits on my desk, crawls in front of the monitor, drinks out of the desk fountain, and if I am not paying enough attention - walks across my keyboard and perches on my shoulder and rubs his wet nose all over my check until I stop what I am doing and give him my undivided attention.


Even when I move my work to the table, he finds a way to 'assist'.

Me trying to work one handed. 

It is a great possibility that he will get to be 20 pounds or more... so I need to start working out my arms to carry him around.

He is a great supervisor.  To the left he is supervising the contractors outside.

Who knew!!! Cats are typically so independent and go take naps in quiet places away from people... not this one.

Plus he SNORES and talks back!!!

Hope you enjoyed the first Tails of Ziggy episode.

Do you have a fun story about your fur family member? I would love to hear it.

Post your story in comments or link to your story on your blog.

No blog? I would love to read your story in an email.

Opps...Pictures Should show now.