Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Greatest Bad Line In Movie History

This line is priceless. John Barrowman told Jonathan Ross that the line was meant as a joke. Barrowman was shocked that the director kept the line in the movie. I'm glad the director did.

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Monday, April 09, 2012

TOP BUM: Top Gun Volleyball Squad

Someone had the brilliant idea to recut Top Gun as a gay volleyball movie. I wrote a Bad Movie classic post about Top Gun and mentioned the over-the-top homoerotic volleyball scene. Tony Scott expressed shock when screenwriter Roger Avary informed him about how him and Quentin Tarantino used to tell people the movie was about Iceman trying to get Maverick to come out of the closet.

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Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bad Movie Classic: Top Gun

Quentin Tarantino classic spiel in the movie Sleep With Me about Top Gun being about a man's struggle with his homosexuality. The truth is Top Gun is unintentionally homoerotic. What other movie has a mind-numblingly long and pointless sequence of characters playing volleyball. The only character that keeps his shirt on is the married Goose. The rest of the characters are shirtless and have enough body oil on them to solve the energy crisis. The song in the background is Kenny Loggins' Playing With the Boys. You can't make this stuff up.

Let's not forget Maverick's and Iceman's very close face to face locker room encounters.

I never get why Top Gun was a huge box office hit. I thought Maverick was an asshole. I remember being in pain during the You Lost That Loving Feeling scene.

What a crap movie. Just think. If this movie wasn't a box office hit, the Church of Scientology would be out of business.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bad Movie Classic: MegaForce

My God. This is one of the worst movies ever made. MegaForce was a bad Mad Max ripoff that looked like crap back in the early 80s. Unlike wine, MegaForce hasn't aged well. That doesn't mean it isn't hysterical. The flying motorcycle scene is hysterical

In the movie, MegaForce was the name of an elite military unit. Being elite meant wearing gold spandex and having bottle rockets as weapons. Notice how fierce MegaForce as they take out balloons.

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bad Movie Classic: Red Dawn

Red Dawn is a classic bad movie. Directer John Milius' intended to make a conservative action movie. The intended result of Milius' efforts was a bascic cable comedy classic. Many people have watched Red Dawn and laughed at the over-the-top scenes. Powers Boothe alone makes Red Dawn worth watching. Boothe delivers every line with mock dead pan seriousness. One gets the feeling a great actor like Boothe knows he is in a shitty movie. Boothe's lines are hysterical.

The video has a scene of (literally) the worst version of America the Beautiful ever recorded. Milius' intended the audience to be moved by the prisoners show of patriotism. I couldn't help but laugh when the Russians executed them.

The next part of the clip is Patrick Swayze doing some seriously hammy acting. "Don't cry!" Swayze's character screams at the top of his lungs. All this does is make the other characters cry even more. It is not clear whether they are crying from seeing loved ones murdered or having to endure the horrendous rendition of America the Beautiful.

Update: I found Powers Boothe big campfire speech on human cannibalism. It's after the ambush in the video.

Convoy Ambush With Andy by movieclips

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