Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Now A Republican Disses Rubio For Skipping Town Halls

Rep. Justin Amash delievers a mean diss to fellow Republican Sen. Marco Rubio for failing to do town hall meetings in Florida. Rubio's office recently said the Senator was in Germany and could not perform town hall meetings. Two amateur videos captured Rubio in Florida.

Sen. Bernie Sanders was extremely hard on Rubio.

“If you need police at the meetings, that’s fine, have police at the meetings, have security at the meetings,” Sanders said. “But don’t use that as an excuse to run away from your constituents after you support repealing the Affordable Care Act, throwing 20 million people off of health insurance, doing away with preexisting conditions. If you are going to do all those things, answer the questions that your constituents have.”

Rubio told Jim Defede that town halls aren't town hall meetings, anymore. Rubio's reasoning is that liberal activists are coming to the meetings. Rubio does nopt see it, but those liberal activists are his constituents.

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Police Brutality in Broward County

Fort Lauderdale police officer Victor Ramirez slapped Bruce Laclair, a 58 years-old homeless man.

What Ramirez said to Laclair during the incident.

"Relax," Ramirez said. "I'm telling you right now what is going to happen -- you're not supposed to go pee here."

The two men go back and forth a few times before Ramirez is seen trying to grab Laclair's arm and slapping him.

"I'm not fucking around with you," Ramirez is heard saying. "Don't fucking touch me. Don't fucking touch me."

Laclair came into the bus terminal to use the restroom. According to eyewitness Gerald Schorder, Laclair never posed a physical threat to officer Ramirez.

"The guy didn't raise his hand to the officer at all," Schorder said. "The officer just knocked him down with his hands. The guy was defenseless."

Ramirez has been relieved of duty pending an internal investigation. Laclair was arrested for trespassing and released yesterday. I highly doubt Laclair will see anymore time on the trespassing charge.

Another incident happened at the Broward courthouse. Officer Christopher Johnson was videotaped dragging Dasyl Jeanette Riosacross the floor of the courthouse.

Attorney Bill Gelin witnessed the incident and expressed outrage to WSVN-TV.

"This is really barbaric, and I'm just extremely disappointed," attorney Bill Gelin, who caught the incident on cellphone camera, told WSVN-TV. "We all work together in the court system, particularly in the criminal justice system, and this just gives everybody a black eye."

Chief Assistant Public Defender Lynn Desanti saw Johnson drag Jeanette. She wants charges pressed against Johnson.

As chief assistant public defender, Rios' case falls under Desanti's department. She said she wants more than an internal affairs investigation. "I think he should be arrested for what he did," she said. "He committed a battery on her, and the same way that people have to go through the criminal system and defend themselves, he needs to defend his actions, and I plan to go forward to the sheriff. This gentleman does not deserve to wear a badge."

The whole incident started because Jeanette didn't want to leave because she didn't get an opportunity to say goodbye to her mother. There are no reports of Jeanette posing a threat to the safety of Johnson or other officers.

Johnson has been ordered to have no contact with inmates. The incident is under investigation.

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Thursday, February 19, 2015

Pussy Riot - I Can't Breathe

Pussy Galore have released have released their first English language song I Can't Breathe. The song is a tribute to Eric Garner. The death of Garner became a huge civil rights and police brutality issue after Garner died during his arrest.

New York City medical examiner ruled Garner's death a homicide.

Eric Garner, 43, died after being placed in a chokehold that caused him to suffer neck and chest compressions during his arrest two weeks ago in the Tompkinsville section of Staten Island, according to findings released by the New York City medical examiner’s office. Garner’s weight, chronic asthma and cardiovascular disease were listed as contributing factors.

A grand jury choose not to indict the officers involved in Garner's arrest.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Pandoras Have Reunited

The reunited Pandoras will be playing their first show since 1990. Kim Shattuck will be taking over on lead vocals and guitar. Pandoras band leader Paula Price died of a brain aneurysm on August 10, 1991.

The reunited Pandoras line-up.

Kim Shattuck lead vocals and guitar

Karen Basset - bass guitar

Melanie Vammen - keyboards

Sheri Kaplan Weinstein - drums

After the demise of the Pandoras, Shattuck and Vammem formed the Muffs. This is an earlier rehearsal of the original version of the Muffs. The rehearsal space was at Dave Naz's place.

Basset was fired from the Pandoras after she decided to hire her own manager. Basset later went on to become a member of Rebel Pebbles. Basset showed up to a Pandoras radio appearance on KROQ after she was already terminated from the band. Basset was placed in a separate radio booth from the rest of the band. In 2:55 of the Youtube clip, Pierce asks on-air for girls to audition to replace Basset.

The Rebel Pebbles had a minor hit with the song Dream Lover.

Kaplan Weinstein went on to become the drummer of Hardly Dangerous.

The Pandoras have an amazing history. You could literally write a book about all the stories that have been posted on the Pandoras Facebook fanpage. Some Pandoras trivia.

Musician Don Williams dated Pierce when he was 15 years-old and she was 14 years-old. This is Williams quoting Pierce's break-up letter to Williams.

Mike was a friend of Williams.

The song Close Behind is about anal sex.

Paula Pierce said to the other members of Pandoras that she had the "best ass in L.A." This became a running joke within the Pandoras. Shattuck and Vammen joke about it early in the Muffs rehearsal video.

There was once two rival versions of the Pandoras. The original version of the Pandoras splintered due to several personality conflicts. There are stories about Gwynne Kelly hitting Pierce with a beer bottle.

KIm Shattuck has publicly stated she hates the Pandoras EP "Rock Hard."

Pierce has had sex with several members of the band The Quick. Shattuck told radio host Lee Joesph that the band learned about Pierce's relations with the Quick from the Facebook fanpage.

None of the material the Pandoras recorded for Elektra has been publicly released. The working title of the album was "Come Inside." Some of the material has been illegally released on the bootleg "Psychedelic Sluts."

Some time aafter hearing the song I'm In Love With Paula Pierce, Miss Pierce had sex with Mr. T Experience member Jon Von Zelowitz while on tour.

Shortly after Pierce's encounter with Jon Von, Nardwuar interviewed the Pandoras. The band laughs when Nardwuar asks them if they ever heard of the Mr. T Experience. Go to 7:25 in the Youtube video.

Pierce and Sheri Kaplin Weinstein played on the Ronald Vaughn song Boris Karloff didn't Meet Runaways. You can listen to the song on Vaughn's station.

The Pandoras shared a rehearsal space at Dave Naz's place with L7. The two bands were civil with each other but did not hangout. The Pandoras were never part of the riot grrl movement. L7 was told by Naz to stop clogging the toilet with their tampons.

Steve Peake of makes the argument that the Pandoras were the best L.A. girl rock band of the eighties.

Led by the late Paula Pierce, one of the most ferociously charismatic frontwomen of all time, The Pandoras emerged during the early '80s from the L.A.-based paisley underground movement, inspired by a shared affection for gritty garage punk and a uniquely retro vibe.

Pierce wrote the song Stop Pretending about her ex-boyfriend Jeff Wolf from the band the Furies. I'm told this is Pierce's fuck you to Wolf.

Kim Shattuck took this wonderful photo of Pierce. This is Pierce out of her rock star persona.

You can get the latest news about the Pandoras on their Facebook fanpage.

Correction: I have been informed that Close Behind is about doggy style and not anal sex.

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Monday, February 16, 2015

Ben Carson Crazy Talk on Iraq

Ben Carson is a huckster with no interest in ever becoming President. Carson went on Fox News saying that troops should be sent to Iraq. Carson said no troops should be prosecuted for any war crimes in Iraq.

CARSON: Our military needs to know that they’re not gonna be prosecuted when they come back, because somebody has, said “You did something that was politically incorrect.” There is no such thing as a politically correct war. We need to grow up, we need to mature. If you’re gonna have rules for war, you should just have a rule that says no war. Other than that, we have to win. Our life depends on it.

I would ask if Carson would swear on a Bible if he would not prosecute soldiers that kill their commanding officers or if soldiers raped minors. Carson would shake like a leaf if he was asked that question. I know this when Carson backtracked on domestic abuse when confronted by Bill O'Reilly. Carson actually defended NFL player Ray Rice punching out his wife. Who seriously does that if he wants to be President?

Carson, who earlier this week said people should stop “demonizing” Rice, told O’Reilly that he did not feel he should go unpunished for hitting Palmer, who later married him.

“What I’m saying is, for someone to do something like that who has everything going for them, it means that there’s some real deep psychological issues,” he explained.

“No doubt about it,” O’Reilly said. “I hope that Mr. Rice gets the treatment he needs — but again, I want to send the message that I do believe this is a plague, this violence against women all over the world.”

“No question,” Carson said, seemingly backtracking. “It’s a big problem.”

Notice Rice back peddling at the end. Carson is going to be a train wreck in the presidential debate. One thing for sure is Ben Carson has no respect for the rule of law.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Pandoras Music Goodies

I have been listening to a lot of Pandoras lately. I thought I would post some stuff.

When You're in Love" (Nothing Else Matters) was performed live in Sierra Madre, CA in 4/88.

An incredible performance of Run Down Love Battery. Power is lost during a portion of the song and it is just vocals and drums. The Pandoras play their way through the song and the power comes back in time for the guitar solo.

Paula Pierce, Kim Shattuck and Sheri Kaplin doing karoake of Walk Like An Egyptian and Paula Abdul's Straight Up. The video is NSFW. Paula and Kim get very touchy feely.

Dark November was the last song Paula Pierce ever recorded. This song may never get an official release. The Pandoras have already broken-up and Pierce recorded this as a solo demo.

Surviving Pandoras members are very active on the band's Facebook group. You can also find the Pandoras on Instagram and Twitter.

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Arsalan Iftikhar's Thank You Letter To Don Lemon

Fox News anchors work heard to be ignorant and offensive. For Don Lemon, it just comes naturally. Lemon unsurprisingly placed his foot in his mouth when he asked Muslim civil rights attorney Arsalan Iftikhar if he supported ISIS.

“Again in August, 16 percent of French citizens support ISIS,” Lemon pressed. “Would you describe those who support ISIS as Islamic extremists? Do you support ISIS?”

The question stunned Iftikhar.

“Wait,” he replied. “Did you just ask me if I support ISIS? I just answered your question. I said that obviously these 16 percent of people support the ideology, but again, I don’t think that would necessarily extrapolate to supporting of killing of innocent people.”

Imagine asking a German civil rights lawyer if he supports the Nazi Party. That gives you an idea of how tasteless Lemon's question was to Iftikhar.

In Islamic Monthly, Iftikhar thanked Lemon in an open letter. Get ready for the snark.

“Now to be completely honest with you,” Iftikhar wrote, “I totally thought that I had misheard him because surely there was no respectable journalist in the world who would ask a Muslim human rights lawyer whether he supports an organization which violates human rights each and every day.”

“But then I remembered that I was dealing with Don Lemon,” he said.

Just reading that made me flinch. Iftikhar delivered a serious burn to Lemon. Unfortunately for Lemon, Iftikhar is just getting warmed up.

Iftikhar wrote, “In less than 24 hours, there were nearly 5,000 media articles written condemning Don Lemon for his asinine question in major publications such as BuzzFeed, Deadspin, The Hollywood Reporter, USA Today and more. Most of these articles called the ISIS question just the latest in a series of major Don Lemon on-air gaffes; including his previous theory about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 perhaps flying into a “black hole” or once asking an alleged Bill Cosby rape victim why she didn’t bite off the comedian’s penis whilst being allegedly raped by him.”

Iftikhar finishes off Lemon with these paragraphs.

“I can honestly say that I have never become more ‘famous’ than after this latest Don Lemon gaffe,” Iftikhar said, before implying that Lemon has perhaps brought enough embarrassment on CNN that he may be following the likes of Ed Henry over to a different news network.

“It is a sincere honor to be added to the litany of famous ‘Malaysian-black-hole-penis-biting’ Don Lemon media gaffes which can be added to his audition tape for his next job at FOX News Channel,” Iftikhar wrote.

“So from the bottom of my heart,” he concluded, “I want to publicly thank Don Lemon for making me famous with his patently offensive racist dumb-ass question.”

Let's recap Lemon's other lowlights.

Lemon was actually stupid enough to ask Mary Schiavo, the former Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Transportation, if Airlines Flight 370 disappeared in a black hole. Lemon finds a way to trivialize a tragic plane disappearance.

Lemon projected blame on alleged Bill Cosby rape victim, Joan Tarshis, for not defending herself. If you wonder why more women don't come forward about being rape than just watch this interview.

Lemon: Can I ask you this, because—and please, I don't mean to be crude, OK?

Tarshis: Yeah.

Lemon: Because I know some of you—and you said this last night, that he—you lied to him and said, "I have an infection, and if you rape me, or if you do—if you have intercourse with me, then you will probably get it and give it to your wife."

Tarshis: Right.

Lemon: And you said he made you perform oral sex.

Tarshis: Right.

Lemon: You—you know, there are ways not to perform oral sex if you didn't want to do it.

Tarshis: Oh. Um, I was kind of stoned at the time, and quite honestly, that didn't even enter my mind. Now I wish it would have.

Lemon: Right. Meaning the using of the teeth, right?

Tarshis: Yes, that's what I'm thinking you're ...

Lemon: As a weapon.

Tarshis: Yeah, I didn't even think of it.

Lemon didn't have to ask that.

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Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday Cat Blogging

Meet Gatsby the Bengal cat. Gatsby can be more than a handful since he has wild blood in him.

Update: I posted the wrong Bengal cat video. This is the video of Gatsby.

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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Jon Stewert On the Fox News Coverage of Ferguson

This is one of the best commentaries Jon Stewart has delivered on The Daily Show. Fox News has a history of factually inaccurate racist attacks. New Orleans has a mostly black population. Bill O'Reilly accused the victims of Katrina to be drug addicts.

Many, many, many of the poor in New Orleans are in that condition. They weren't going to leave no matter what you did. They were drug-addicted. They weren't going to get turned off from their source. They were thugs, whatever.

O'Reilly came back from vacation to attack Al Sharpton and justify the shooting of Michael Brown. To show how bad of a journalist O'Reilly is, he reported that Brown broke police officer Darren Wilson had a broken eye socket.

CNN debunked the story that Wilson's eye socket was broken.

Now, CNN’s Don Lemon has reported that Wilson did not, in fact, have a broken eye socket, but was treated at the hospital for swelling around his face and eyes. Lemon has not revealed the source of the information, citing instead “a source close to the investigation,” which, frankly, is just as shady as the opposing rumors.

“The source says it is not true, at all, he did not have a torn eye socket,” Lemon said. “Unequivocally.”

The story of Wilson having a broken eye socket was first planted in the blogosphere by Jim Hoft. Hoft is known as "The Dumbest Man on the Internet." Hoft has a history of either running with false or factually inaccurate stories. The fact that O'Reilly would report Hoft's claim says much.

Hoft ran an X-Ray that people believed was of Wilson's eye. Charles Johnson found it to be a stock jpeg you can find on Google.

And there’s more evidence that Hoft is trying to pull a fast one again; here is the original image posted at the AAPOS site, showing a CT scan of a blowout fracture (on the left), compared to the image posted at Gateway Pundit by Hoft (on the right):

Notice the difference? In the version posted by Jim Hoft, the text at bottom right that says “UNIV OF IOWA” has been crudely erased. Caught you, Jim.

This gives you an idea of the level of fact-checking done by Bill O'Reilly.

How you can tell O'Reilly is spieling racist garbage is when he compares the Michael Brown investigation to the OJ Simpson trial verdict. OJ Simpson was accused of murdering two people. Michael Brown was shot dead by Darren Wilson. The two things have nothing in common. O'Reilly uses OJ Simpson to demonize Brown. What O'Reilly will not mention is that Michael Brown had no criminal record.

Bill O'Reilly is a horrible person.

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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Dubious Rubio Heckled by DREAMERS

If anyone thought that Sen. Marco Rubio can help get out the Hispanic vote than they are sadly mistaken. Rubio was heckled by DREAMERS at the Faith and Freedom BBQ in South Carolina.

United We Dream released a great statement.

“If Sen. Rubio wants us deported, we’re here to ask him to tell us to our faces,” she said. “We went to Sen. Rubio’s office in Florida, but his staff hid and closed the doors on us, so we’re here to let him know that Dreamers do not forget, and that we will fight to keep our DACA. The Florida immigrant community must see that Sen. Rubio does not stand for us.”

It is hard for the Rubio to say anything to the DREAMERS faces when they are getting kicked out of the BBQ. That is the point. The same thing happened to a DREAMER during a Paul Ryan book signing.

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Monday, July 28, 2014

Deloris Telescope At the Hideaway Cafe

The legendary Tampa band Deloris Telescope got back together in 2013 and played a show at the Hideaway Cafe. Kacy Ross blows the lyrics to 6UL-DV8. (Say the song title and you will get the joke.) Kacy then goes on a rather long rant about stripping down to his underwear.

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Greatest Bad Line In Movie History

This line is priceless. John Barrowman told Jonathan Ross that the line was meant as a joke. Barrowman was shocked that the director kept the line in the movie. I'm glad the director did.

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Bowzer Endorses Gwen Graham

Jon "Bowzer" Bauman of Sha Na Na endorses Democratic congressional candidate. This is a rather surprising endorsement.

Bauman has been active in Democratic politics. He has campaigned for John Kerry and President Barack Obama.

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Monday, June 23, 2014

Ed Klein Gets Debunked by Al Franken & Joe Conason

Ed Klein is pushing his new book "Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. the Obamas." People on the left and the right pointed out the factual inaccuracies in Klein's 2005 book "The Truth About Hillary." Conservative columnist John Podhoretz wrote a brutal review.

ON page 202 of his new tome – just out yesterday – Ed Klein writes, “Greed seemed to be the only explanation for the outlandish book deal.” Klein is referring to the $8 million advance Hillary Clinton received for her autobiography.

These are curious words to be publishing in 2005, when Klein and the world know that her book “Living History” was a phenomenal success and has earned its author more than the $8 million in royalty payments advanced to her.

Curious and revealing. Because if any book in recent memory reads as though it has been written out of greed – a greedy hunger to separate millions of conservative book buyers from their hard-earned 25 bucks – it is Ed Klein’s “The Truth About Hillary.”

This is one of the most sordid volumes I’ve ever waded through. Thirty pages into it, I wanted to take a shower. Sixty pages into it, I wanted to be decontaminated. And 200 pages into it, I wanted someone to drive stakes through my eyes so I wouldn’t have to suffer through another word.


Below is an interview with Klein on The Al Franken Show from 2005. Franken and Joe Conason pressed Klein about his sources and his misrepresentation of quotes. Klein wasn't able to back up the claims he made in his book. The Klein interview is a demonstration of why fact-challenged conservative only go on Fox News and conservative talk radio.


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Monday, June 16, 2014

Robert De Niro Talks About His Gay Artist Father

This is very sad. Robert De Niro's father, was a painter. He separated from De Niro's mother when he was 2 years-old. Rober De Niro Sr. could not find happiness in his lifetime because of the stigma against homosexuality during his lifetime. The younger De Niro reads from his father's journal. The journal entries show the elder De Niro to be very lonely and feeling as though he will never find love. From a journal entry by De Niro Sr.

Being a painter is an affection like being a homosexual. One had to have the strength to continue working without the thought of recognition even before or after death, just as one had to have the strength to accept life alone without the thought of a romantic attachment.

The documentary Remembering the Artist: Robert De Niro, Sr. will air on HBO. De Niro explained to Out why he made this documentary about his father.

Q: I think people may be curious because, in a way, you are coming out for your father. He may not have been hiding his lifestyle or who he was, but it’s not something that is common knowledge. I felt I had to. I felt obligated. It was my responsibility to make a documentary about him. I was always planning on doing it, but never did. Then Jane Rosenthal, my partner at Tribeca [Enterprises], said, “We should start doing that now.” It was not intended to be on HBO. It was just something I wanted to do.

De Niro: I had footage from a guy who used to follow my father around in the ’70s. We started with that. I bought it from him and gave the footage to Thelma Schoonmaker, who was Marty Scorsese’s editor. I asked her what she could do with it, and she assembled it and put it together — it was falling apart. Then we started the documentary [with director Perri Peltz], really working, using pieces that would make sense. My original idea was to do it for the kids, about my father — whatever it would be. I didn’t know how long it would be. The thing with HBO is, I felt they would be objective about certain things. I said, “Let’s see what we come up with.”

Conservatives say they do not discriminate against gays. If you tell gay people that God does not approve of them or that they do not have the right to marry than how do you expect gay people to feel. De Niro Sr. lived through a time when anti-gay public service announcements were made.

Update: Katie Couric interviews De Niro about his father.

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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Ted Yoho Misses the Jim Crow Era

Via Right Wing Watch: Rep. Ted Yoho wants to bring back the the voting restriction of only property owners being allowed to vote.

“I’ve had some radical ideas about voting and it’s probably not a good time to tell them, but you used to have to be a property owner to vote,” he said to applause.

In 1790, only white male property owners were allowed to vote. So if you are a woman or a minority you are shit out of luck if Ted Yoho ever becomes President. Judging by the fact that Yoho is speaking to a nearly empty church, I doubt we have to worry about Yoho becoming President anytime soon.

I wonder if the tax cut loving Yoho would support Florida bringing back the poll tax. USF political science Darryl Paulson outlines the laws made by whites in the 19th century to deny blacks the right to vote.

By 1876, Reconstruction was over, and Florida politicians would adopt many provisions to eliminate black voting. The Sunshine State would "legally" eliminate black votes without violating the 19th Amendment. Between laws passed by the Legislature and the adoption of the 1885 Constitution, almost every black vote was eliminated.

Florida, like every one of the former Confederate states, adopted a white primary, grandfather clause, poll tax, literacy test, long residency requirements and other obstacles to black voters. It was a virtual fail-safe system. If one barrier failed, there would always be another to stop them from voting.

Yoho's voting policies are about discrimination. Yoho is a self-professed birther.

In audio recorded by an audience member and posted on YouTube, Yoho can be heard telling the crowd that the issue of President Obama’s birth certificate was a “distraction” from topics like the national debt, he said he was hopeful that a birther investigation could bring down the whole government: “They said if it is true, it’s illegal, he shouldn’t be there and we can get rid of everything he’s done, and I said I agree with that.”

Still doubt Yoho holds racist views? Yoho told a black constituent that he isn't sure if the Civil Rights Act is constitutional.

FLOURNOY: Do you think that any part of the Civil Rights Act of 1965 [sic], do you think any part of that is constitutional? And then if you’d discuss why. [...]

YOHO: This country grew through a lot of growing pain. We’re going through it again. As we grow as a country and prosper, we’re going to go through it again in the future. That’s why I’m so thankful for the Constitution because it allows us to do that. Is it constitutional, the Civil Rights Act? I wish I could answer that 100 percent. I know a lot of things that were passed are not constitutional, but I know it’s the law of the land.

Keep this in mind when Yoho asks why black voters aren't Republicans.

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Thursday, March 20, 2014

Rep. John Lewis Gets Happy

It is not everyday you see Congressman and civil rights icon John Lewis dance to Pharrell's Happy. Buzzfeed posted Rep Lewis getting "happy" feet to "his jam."

Part 1

Part 2

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Monday, March 10, 2014

Jawbreaker - Equalized

This is a classic Jawbreaker performance from 1992. Blake Schwarzenbach's was shot. So he brought fans from the audience to sing. I wish I knew the name of the instrumental before Equalized. It is fantastic.

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Thursday, March 06, 2014

Paul Ryan's Brown Bag Story at CPAC

Rep. Paul Ryan spoke at CPAC and made this bizarre statement.

He then told an anecdote he said was relayed to him by Eloise Anderson, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's (R) Department of Children and Families secretary.

"She once met a young boy from a very poor family, and every day at school, he would get a free lunch from a government program," Ryan said.

"He told Eloise he didn’t want a free lunch. He wanted his own lunch, one in a brown-paper bag just like the other kids," he continued. "He wanted one, he said, because he knew a kid with a brown-paper bag had someone who cared for him. This is what the left does not understand."

I previously wrote before about a 60 Minutes piece on homeless children in Florida suffering with hunger. These children need a free lunch. Ryan offers these children no solutions.

The Wire reports Ryan's story may not have happened. Ryan's story is very similar to a scene in author Laura Schroff's book An Invisible Thread." Here is the excerpt.

This reminds me of when Ryan showed up to a soup kitchen unannounced and washed already clean dishes for a photo-op.

I agree with Cenk Uygur in the second video. Ryan is a fraud.

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Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Liz Wahl Quits Russia Today On-Air

Russia Today anchor Liz Wahl quit Russia Today on-air.

"And that is why, personally, I cannot be part of a network funded by the Russian government that whitewashes the actions of Putin," Wahl said, referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Wahl told Anderson Cooper that staffers at Russia Today were forced to whitewash the coverage of the international crisis in the Ukraine.

"RT is not about the truth; it's about promoting a Putinist agenda," Wahl told CNN. "And I can tell you firsthand, it's about bashing America."

Russia Today is funded by the Russian government. Wahl is an American journalist. She was formerly employed in the RT Washington bureau.

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