Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Dubious Rubio Heckled by DREAMERS

If anyone thought that Sen. Marco Rubio can help get out the Hispanic vote than they are sadly mistaken. Rubio was heckled by DREAMERS at the Faith and Freedom BBQ in South Carolina.

United We Dream released a great statement.

“If Sen. Rubio wants us deported, we’re here to ask him to tell us to our faces,” she said. “We went to Sen. Rubio’s office in Florida, but his staff hid and closed the doors on us, so we’re here to let him know that Dreamers do not forget, and that we will fight to keep our DACA. The Florida immigrant community must see that Sen. Rubio does not stand for us.”

It is hard for the Rubio to say anything to the DREAMERS faces when they are getting kicked out of the BBQ. That is the point. The same thing happened to a DREAMER during a Paul Ryan book signing.

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Thursday, November 01, 2007

Colbert Campaign Finished

Stephen Colbert's joke South Carolina campaign is stalling before it started. Colbert does not have enough money to pay the $35 thousand fee to get on the Republican ballot. The South Carolina Democratic party rejected application 13-3. They rightfully concluded that Colbert wasn't a serious candidate.

“The general sense of the council was that he wasn’t a serious candidate and that was why he wasn’t selected to be on the ballot,” said Joe Werner, the party’s director. “There was discussion — I wouldn’t call it a heated debate — but there was discussion about it.”

There is no need for a heated debate. Colbert's campaign is a lark.

I find Colbert funny when he is pretending to be a conservative pundit on Comedy Central. Colbert's candiadcy has real world consequences. The winner of the Republican and Democratic South Carolina primaries may go on to win the White House. Colbert could throw a Nader-like monkey wrench into the primay and help a candidate win.

If Colbert really wants to run then start an official campaign in 50 states. I don't think someone should run for public office just to hawk a book. There is a time for humor. The most important presidential election of the 21 century deserves better candidates than it has now. Not a guy that previous claim to fame was the very unfunny Strangers With Candy.

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Monday, October 22, 2007

Breaking News: John McCain Love ABBA

John McCain attempts to woo South Carolinians with his love of ABBA.

"Dare I say ABBA. Everybody says, 'Ehhh, ABBA.' Why is that? ABBA was the largest selling (recording act ever). Nobody likes them but they sold more records than anybody in the history of the world, including the Beatles. But everybody hates them. (But) you're a no-class guy if you like ABBA. Why does everybody go see 'Mamma Mia?' Hypocrisy! Rank hypocrisy! I'm not embarrassed to say I like ABBA, 'Dancing Queen.'"

I have no idea where McCain is going with this? I'm sure there are ABBA fans in South Carolina. I doubt the ABBA vote is going to put McCain over the top. Actually, I can see anything helping McCain win.

I'm anxiously looking forward to McCain professing his love of Go Team. They rule.

For the record: I love ABBA.

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