Thursday, August 13, 2009

Crist On Picking Martinez's Replacement

Crist on His Senate Pick- Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

Gov. Charlie Crist talks about the selection process to replace Sen. Mel Martinez. Jim Smith is mentioned as leading candidate.

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Friday, August 07, 2009

Will Martinez Finish Term?

The Hill is reporting Sen. Mel Martinez will not serve out his term. This would mean Gov. Charlie Crist would appoint a replacement.

In his letter to supporters, Martinez gave little clue to his reasoning, stating only: “After nearly twelve years of public service in Florida and Washington, it’s time that I return to Florida and my family.”

Crist is expected to appoint a caretaker to hold the seat until next year’s election. The governor raised more than $4.3 million in his first seven weeks as a candidate. He is facing a primary race against former Florida state House Speaker Marco Rubio. Rubio raised only $340,000 in the second quarter of 2009.

It would take brass ball for Crist to appoint himself. I actually think he could get away with it. Crist has lost interest in being Governor long ago and wants to be Senator. The bachlash from the hard right-wing of the Florida GOP would be meaningless. Marco Rubio can't win. Period.

Crist is a shrewd pol. He doesn't want to anger the base or pull a Sarah Palin. Crist will appoint someone who has no chance of ever beating him in an election.

Martinez was forced out as RNC chair and has seen the GOP attack Hispanics. Martinez fumed at his party's attacks on Sonia Sotomayor. Can you blame Martinez for wanting out?

Update: Many Republicans are predicting Martinez will not return after the August recess.

Update The Note reports Crist will not appoint himself to Martinez's seat.

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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

When Mel Met Sonia

This is good news for Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation. Her meeting with Mel Martinez went better than expected.

“I’m going to withhold my ultimate determination about my position on the nominee until after the committee hearing, but I should say I’m very, very impressed with her. Not only her personal qualities, but also her understanding of the role of the judiciary and the role of a judge,” Martinez said.

Martinez is on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Sotomayor will make it easily through committee. What could piss off Martinez is if fellow Republicans cintunue to attack Sotomayor on the "wise Latina" quote. Martinez hasn't been pleased with how the GOP has treated Hispanics and Latinas. Martinez isn't running for re-election. Any feeble attempt Republicans have at filibustering Sotomayor goes out the window if Martinez supports her confirmation.

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Quote of the Day

I will oppose the confirmation of Kathleen Sebelius for HHS Secy. Her ability to do the job will be adversely affected by her extreme views."

Mel Martinez

Martinez and other Republicans are attempting to kill Sebelius' nomination because of her veto of a Kansas late-term abortions bill. The bill would have only allowed a late term abortion if the woman's life was in danger.

RNC chairman Michael Steele has called for President Barack Obama to withdraw Sebelius' nomination. I am not the least bit worried about Steele mounting a serious offensive against Sebelius.

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Bill Nelson Will Vote For Geithner

Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite asked senators Bill Nelson and Mel Martinez to oppose Timothy Geither's nomination. Nelson intends to vote for Geither.

“It’s critical right now that we have a new Treasury Secretary in place. There’s a lot at stake with our economy and we can’t afford for that position to remain open,” said Nelson, in a statement from his office.

“Mr. Geithner has admitted an honest mistake on his taxes and the IRS agreed, choosing not to penalize him. Also, all taxes owed have been paid with interest,” said Nelson.

“I accept the IRS’s decision and President Obama’s judgment on Mr. Geithner’s explanation; and, think it’s important we move ahead with his nomination.”

Martinez has not declared how he will vote. Surprisingly, Martinez said he would support Eric Holder's nomination. The Marc Rich pardon made Holder Barack Obama's most controversial nominee. I don't expect Martinez to be swayed by Brown-Waite. This is a woman that threw her name out as a Senate candidate and generated zero buzz. Having a safe district doesn't make a politician a Beltway power player.

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Ginny Brown-Waite Opposes Geithner

Congresswoman Ginny Brown-Waite urged Bill Nelson and Mel Martinez to vote against the confirmation of Timothy Geithner, as Treasury Secretary. Brown-Waite brings up Geithner's embarrassing $34,000 in back taxes owed.

"I have paid what I owed," Geither told the Senate Finance Committee.

I am less than impressed with Geithner. The questions about the back taxes are standard. I don't think Brown-Waite is a threat to Geithner's confirmation. Brown-Waite doesn't have a vote. Brown-Waite was against Bill Clinton's Hope, Arkansas home becoming a national landmark. The House vote passed 409-12. Brown-Waite called residents of Guam and Puerto Rico "foreign citizens." Brown-Waite is not taken seriously and with good reason.

Republican Pat Roberts publicly told Geithner he will be confirmed. I personally believe Obama would prefer former Treasury secretaries Robert Rubin or Lawrence Summers. Both have too much baggage for the confirmation process. We are left with a Rubin and Summers protégé. We are screwed, if Geithner isn't up to the task.

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Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Alex Sink Back In the Senate Race

Florida CFO Alex Sink's staff leaked to Politico that Sink would not challenge Mel Martinez for his Senate seat. That changed when Martinez announced he will not seek a second term. The Sink staffers are now trying to take back their leak.

Suddenly, after Sen. Mel Martinez’s announcement that he won’t run for re-election, Alex Sink’s staff is retracting her leaked plans to forgo the Senate race. “I spoke too soon—there’s not going to be an announcement today,” a Sink spokeswoman said.

To leak or not to leak. That is the question. Whether 'tis nobler to speak off-the-record for political fortune. Or suffer the sling and arrows of poor timing.

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Why Mel Martinez Is Out

Senator Mel Martinez announced he will not seek a second term. That is not surprising. Martinez has had trouble funraising because of scrutiny into his campaign contributions. Jack Abramoff set up a meeting between Martinez and Bob "Freedom Fries" Ney. The meeting took place when Martinez was Se. of HUD.

Ney told Martinez that his "number one priority as the newly installed Chairman of the Housing Subcommittee was Native American Indian Tribal housing," according to the plea.

What makes matters worse is Martinez received $250 thousand from an Abramoff funraiser. Ney told the FBI about the meeting.

On repeated occasions in 2002 and 2003, NEY contacted personal in the Executive Branch agencies and offices in an effort to influence decisions of those agencies and offices at the request of Abramoff and his lobbyists, including advancing the interests of Abramoff's Indian Tribal clients to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") in a meeting in or about January 2003, when NEY told the HUB Secretary that NEY's number one priority as the newly installed Chairman of the Housing Subcommittee was Native American Tribal housing.

Ney pleaded guilty taking influence peddling. Abramoff gave Ney expensive meals, vacation trips and even casino gambling chips. Martinez's Bush connection is politically crippling. The Ney and Abramoff are a death blow.

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Monday, December 01, 2008

Alex Sink To Run For Senate

The Hill reports that Florida Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink will soon announce that she is running the the U.S. Senate.

Florida Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink (D) said she will “very soon” make a decision on her political future, which could include a run for Sen. Mel Martinez’s (R-Fla.) seat, according to a local report.

Sink is seen as the premier potential candidate for Martinez’s seat and is currently the only statewide Democratic executive in the state. The St. Petersburg Times reported that she is close to announcing what she will do next.

Republican activists were angry about Martinez's moderate views on immigration reform. Michelle Malkin publicly advocated for Martinez to be recalled as co-chair of the Republican National Committee. Martinez eventually stepped down.

Martinez was George W. Bush's HUD Secretary. The Senator voted with Bush 90 percent in 2006 and 92 percent in 2007. His ties to the President will not serve him well.

Alex Sink proved herself to be a capable fundraiser and backed Barack Obama doing the presidential campaign. Sink will have access to Obama's Florida fundraisers and her friends in the banking industry. Martinez has been surprisingly inactive in his fundraising. Sink has shown herself willing to work with Charlie Crist and former Florida House Speaker Marco Rubio. The Obama reach-across-the-aisle Democrat is currently in vogue with voters. Creative Loafing's Wayne Garcia described Martinez as "paying more attention to partisan matters than the Congress to which he was elected to represent the state."

Good news for Sink an early Public Policy poll. Sink beat Martinez 37 percent to 31 percent. (32 percent were undecided.) A lot could change from now to the election. Most voters haven't thought about the Senate race.

Martinez's major problem is he is a stiff. The man's picture should be next to the dictionary difination of boring. He is the GOP version of Evan Bayh. Marinez won a close race against the weak Betty Castor; mainly because Bush was at the top of the ballot. The Republican Party is hurting and I seriously question how Martinez will get grassroot Republicans to back him. Sink is likable and has the party estblishment behind her. This seat is in play.

Update: Politico reports Sink will not run against Martinez.

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Sunday, November 09, 2008

Why the Hispanic Vote Matters

Mel Martinez on Meet the Press.

Hispanics are going to be a more and more vibrant part of the electorate and our party better figure out a way to talk to them," Martinez said, asked about why Hispanics had flocked to Democrats last Tuesday. He cited some GOP'ers anti-immigration rhetoric as a turnoff for many Hispanic voters.

The GOP can't call themselves a big tent and pander to racists. It one or another. The Southern Strategy is dying. Obama changed race in American politics.

I disagree with Martinez on McCain.

He noted that "Sen. McCain did not deserve what he got, he valiently fought for immigration reform, but the (anti-immigration voices in our party, if they continue we're going to be relegated to minority status."

McCain publicly disown his own immigration reform bill. Hispanics are the largest growing voting group. It was a act of political stupidity and McCain was justly punished.

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Monday, June 23, 2008

Joe Klein Knows Best

Joe Klein had a friend in the Republican Party feed him John McCain's top three picks for Vice-President. Klein didn't get a second source. Personally, I think this is bullshit. Who would have Tom Ridge has their number one choice. Jeb Bush comes in at number two and Mel Martinez is McCain's third choice.

Ridge makes the most sense. The former Homeland Security director is a former Governor of Pennsylvania. The state will be a major battleground for the general election. Obama has the advantage because of current Governor Ed Rendell's political network that helped Hillary win the state.

Jeb would kill McCain's chances of becoming president. 2008 is not the year for a Bush to run for the White House.

Mel Martinez was soundly rejected by conservatives on immigration. Right-wing activists disapproved of Martinez's appointment as RNC co-chair. Martinez has low approval ratings in Florida. The Latino vote is going Obama's way thanks to the GOP's demagoguing immigration.

Someone is feeding Klein shit. Joe Lieberman is the hot name for VP. Lieberman has been McCain's most high-profile surrogate. Joementum will expect something in return.

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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dick Cheney vs Reality

Historians will have fun collecting all the false statements made by Dick Cheney. The Vice-President's latest missive is that China is drilling off the coast of Florida.

Even Vice President Dick Cheney got into the mix Wednesday, telling an enthusiastic audience at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that as ``George Will pointed out in his column the other day, oil is being drilled right now 60 miles off the coast of Florida. We're not doing it. The Chinese are in cooperation with the Cuban government.

''Even the communists have figured out that a good answer to high prices is more supply,'' he added. ``Yet Congress has said no to drilling in [the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge], no to drilling off the East Coast, no to drilling off the West Coast, no to drilling off Florida.''

China has no permits to drill off the coast of Cuba or Florida. The only drilling rights China has in on the Western part of inland Cuba. Mel Martinez debunked the Chinese drilling story on the Senate floor.

“There is no drilling taking place offshore in Cuba by the Chinese or, according to my sources, by any other country,” Marinez said Wednesday in a speech on the Senate floor.

“Reports to the contrary are simply false. They are akin to urban legends,” Martinez said.

“Any talk of using some fabricated Cuba-China connection as an argument to change U.S. policy has no merit,” Martinez said.

Mel, you served in the Bush administration. Fabricated connections between countries is Cheney's forte.

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Tuesday, October 02, 2007

No Senator Left Behind

Hilary O. Shelton, director of the NAACP Washington Bureau, came to Naples, Florida to deliver report cards to Congressional members and the state legislature. They were graded on how they voted on civil rights issues. One pupil failed miserably.

“Senator Martinez, we’re sending you to a tutorial session,” Shelton said.

Martinez received the worst grade of any member of Congress, a “… big, red, glow in the dark F,” Shelton said.

In related news: after repeated denials, Martinez is being booted resign as co-chair of the RNC.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Dan Gelber vs. Mel Martinez

Florida House Minority Leader Dan Gelber took Mel Martinez to task for calling SCHIP "socialized medicine."

"...As Chairman of the Republican National Committee, I recognize your role and responsibility to defend and endorse President Bush’s legislative agenda, including his opposition to the reauthorization of the State Children’s Health Insurance Plan. However, the rhetoric of “entitlements” and “socialized medicine” seems designed to fire up the President’s political base rather than honestly helping your colleagues figure out how to fix a system that has left more than nine million American children without health care. Ironically, your position hurts Florida more than nearly any other state as only Texas has a higher percentage of uninsured children than we do. .."

Martinez should pay attention to what is going on in his neighborhood. 5,805 children in Broward County rely on Kidcare. Part of it's funding comes from SCHIP. Florida's Kidcare program has a 700,000 waiting list. The state does not have enough money to provide healthcare for poor children. To deny children healthcare is cruel. Martinez voted no on SCHIP. That says much about where his priorities are.

Update: Gus Bilirakis voted no on SCHIP.

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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Quote of the Day

Jim Webb sponsored a bill that would guarantee U.S. service personal more time at home. The bill received 54 votes, but failed to break the filibuster. Mel Martinez had the audacity to say it would be demeaning if soldiers spend more time stateside.

Mel Martinez

The reenlistment rates of those who have served in the theater are larger than those of any other. And, in fact, it is a testament to their courage, to their valor, and their sense of duty to their country. I think we would demean their service if we were to say to them that there had to be a parity between the time in service out of the country and the time at home.

Does Martinez think members of the military prefer a 120 degree heat and being shot at? There is a reason these soldiers are happy when they see their families and have their feet on American soil. They want to get the fuck out of Iraq and be with their loved ones. It's one thing to be a Bush crony. It's quite another thing to be a stupid quote machine.

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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Quote of the Day

"I was hoping that there would be good participation in the Univision forum. It's a very busy primary calendar, and their schedules are such that this forum didn't fit in. Now is this a rejection of Hispanic voters? Of course not. And I hope it's not seen that way."

Mel Martinez, on Republican presidential candidates turning down the opportunity to debate on the hispanic television network Univision.

Hispanics are going to see this as a diss. This is calculated by the candidates. The Republican Party is not a big tent. Making immigration a wedge issue has been a huge tactical error on the Republican Party's part. Hispanics swung towards Democratic candidates in 2006. John Hostettler's campaign appearance with the racist Minutemen killed his campaign.

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

"There are neighborhoods in Baghdad where you and I could walk through those neighborhoods today."

John McCain

McCain has an interesting concept of how safe Baghdad is. He was fortunate enough not to fly the unfriendly skies with Senator Mel Martinez.

A military plane bearing three Republican senators -- including Sen. Mel Martinez of Florida -- dodged three shots Thursday as it left Baghdad, according to an interview of Martinez released by his office.

No one was hurt in the attack, which occurred five minutes after the plane took off from the Iraqi capitol, Martinez said. He added military personnel believe the three shots were RPGs, or rocket-propelled grenades.

A near death experience isn't going to stop Martinez from being a Bush loyalist. Martinez said, "incredibly significant progress has been made on the military front." Is he talking about the U.S. military or Iraqi insurgents?

Republican Senators Richard Shelby and James Inhofe were also aboard.

There was no direct identification of the forces on the ground, but Shelby said there was no doubt in his mind they were enemy insurgents.

"The place we were flying over is pretty dangerous with dangerous people. I know it wasn't our people," he said.


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Monday, August 27, 2007

Alberto Gonzales Resigns

It is no coincidence that Alberto Gonzales resigned shortly after Karl Rove. Both were facing immense political pressure from the House and Senate Judiciary committees' investigations into the U.S. Atorney scandal. Both face the choice of staying in office and contradicting the testimony of others or seeking immunity. The choice isn't that difficult.

"Al Gonzales is a man of integrity, decency and principle," said President Bush.

The seal of approval from Bush was Gonzales's kiss of death. It was only a matter of time before the Attorney General was forced out.

“I do have confidence in Attorney General Al Gonzales,” Mr. Bush said of his old friend from Texas.

Bush's seal of approval did little to help Michael Brown, Tom Delay or Dennis Hastert. The President's loyalties and political instincts are so misplaced it's as if he is trying to intentionally screw up.

Fired U.S. Attorney David Iglesias had this advise on the qualifications for the next Attorney General.

"Get an attorney general who's respected by the courts and by Capitol Hill and somebody who has experience as a federal prosecutor.... You need someone who understands that the attorney general has to say no to the president sometimes."

One can only hope.

USA Today has an Alberto Gonzales timeline.

Update: Here are comments from Florida congressional members.

Mel Martinez: "Alberto Gonzales is an honorable man whose life history speaks volumes about what’s best about America. ... Alberto Gonzales has conducted himself always with honesty, dedication and integrity. He is my friend and he is a good man. He and his family have my thanks for their sacrifice for serving during difficult times, and my best wishes for the future."

Bill Nelson: “We have an urgent need to restore credibility at the Justice Department. My hope is President Bush’s new pick will take politics out of enforcing the law.”

Adam Putnam: “The Department of Justice now has the opportunity to benefit from fresh leadership. What the American people need right now is an effective, independent Attorney General who will be undistracted in his or her efforts to enforce our laws, secure our borders, and vigorously prosecute the war against militant Islamist jihadists.

Martinez is a Bush loyalist to the end.

Update: Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Ron Klein offer their opinions on Gonzo's resignation.

Wasserman Schultz

"We need an Attorney General who will act as a lawyer for the American people rather than a lawyer for President Bush- that is why he has a White House Counsel," said Wasserman Schultz, a member of the House Judiciary Committee. "Attorney General Gonzales was the antithesis of the blindfolded Lady of Justice; rather than providing a blind, balanced justice, he tipped the scales to the right. The President must now appoint an Attorney General who will serve as the nation's chief law enforcement officer and as defender of our constitution independent of political influence."


"The Attorney General is one of the most critical positions in our government as he or she is tasked with overseeing the enforcement of our laws, and the prosecution of suspected criminals and terrorists. Thus, it's essential that the Attorney General is a person that maintains our sense of justice and keeps Americans safe," Klein said. "Unfortunately, the retention of Alberto Gonzales is another example of President Bush favoring loyalty over competence and integrity. Strong, honest, independent leadership must be restored to the Office of Attorney General or else the American people's faith in our justice system will continue to be comprised. I strongly urge President Bush to appoint a person that meets these high thresholds of character and integrity when searching for a replacement to Mr. Gonzales."

Update: Litbrit has a post on Gonzo. She is surprised by Gonzales's resignation. I'm not. Both Rove and Gonzales know that a grand jury investigation(s) will go beyond Bush's term. The prospects of another Republican president is not guaranteed. They can't rely on a pardon. They need legal council and will likely point blame at Bush and Cheney. The President and Vice-President will hide behind executive privilege and run out the clock.

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Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mel Martinez Hearts Iraq War

Let us all remember that Mel Martinez voted to continue the Iraq war.

''The danger to our nation as a result of Iran's very, very aggressive tendencies, as well as al-Qaida's continued presence in Iraq, makes it essential that this mission not be terminated prematurely and certainly not until a time as we have had the generals on the ground give us their assessment of this latest strategy,'' Martinez said during a floor speech prior to the vote.

That has been the regurgatated talking point from Martinez's allies in the White House. The problem is that al-Qaida didn't have a presence in Iraq until after the invasion. THe National Intelligence Estimate states that al-Qaida has aqquired a safe haven in Pakistan. What this proves is that President Bush knows shit about reading people.

"When (Musharraf) looks me in the eye and says...there won't be a Taliban and won't be al-Qaeda, I believe him."

The short answer is that Martinez's justifications for contining the Iraq war are bogus. If he was serious about keeping America safer from al-Qaida then he would be more critical of the administration. He won't because he owes his Senate seat and RNC chairmanship to the Bushies.

Martinez is a horrible hack and Florida Republicans know it. Tom Gallagher is being pitched as a possible opponent.

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Mel Martinez's $300,000 Problem

The Orlando Sentinel reports Senator Mel Martinez accepted over $300,000 in contributions from donors who were already the 2004 election cycle limit. The Federal Election Commission did an audit and found most these donations were improperly filed. What supporters were trying to do was stuff the Martinez campaign coffers. Martintiez is using his classic standby excuse of blaming the mistake on a staffer. This case being the bookkeepers.

Martinez's treasurer during the 2004 election, Charles Puckett, could not be reached for comment.

Nancy Watkins, his current treasurer, attributed many of the violations to a new staff that could not handle the volume of donations.

The audit also said Martinez did not properly disclose proceeds from fundraising efforts with other politicians and did not keep complete records on the identity of many contributors. Campaigns are required to disclose a contributor's occupation or employers. Martinez did not report these facts about 46 percent of the time, according to a FEC test sample.

This is a good time to mention that in 2004 he receieved $250,000 from a Jack Abramoff fundraiser.

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