Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Sotomayor Update

The confirmation of Sonia Sotomayor is filibuster proof. 61 Senators support her confirmation. #0 are opposed and 9 are undecided. Republicans up for election are backpeddling from denouncing Sotomayor. Republicans are finally realizing they have Hispanic constituents.

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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lindsey Graham Will Vote For Sotomayor

On the Senate floor, Lindsey Graham announced he will vote for Sonia Sotomayor.

With that day here, Graham said he would follow his own advice. “I understand the path of least resistance for me personally would be to vote no. That is probably true anytime you are in the minority party and you lose an election,” he said. “But I feel compelled to vote yes, and I feel this is the right vote for me and, quite frankly, for the country in this case.”

I am not sure that is the case. Graham took the most heat for his questioning of Sotomayor. Graham would please the hard right faction by voting against Sotomayor's confirmation. South Carolina moderates and growing Hispanic population would feel differently.

Side note: Charlie Crist's opposition to Sonia Sotomayor appears increasingly boneheaded.

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Charlie Crist: the Undecider on Sonia Sotomayor and Gay Adoption

Charlie Crist was asked about his opposition to Sonia Sotomayor and his position on gay adoption. Crist cited the Second Amendment as his reason for his opposition to Sotomayor. Crist ducked the gay adoption question. The video doesn't show Crist's statement. The Governor said on gay adoption: "I'd have to think about it." LGBT blogger Pam Spaulding responded forcefully.

That's kind of you, Charlie, to give up a few firing off of the synapses in your brain regarding the issue for the homos. How about doing it for the children who are languishing without enough loving homes to be placed in because of homophobia.

My prediction is Crist will soon come out (again) against gay adoption. Crist refused to offer an opinion on Sotomayor. He was attacked for his undecisiveness by opponents Marco Rubio and Kendrick Meek. Crist responded to the pressure by announcing his opposition to Sotomayor.

“While I have not had the opportunity to meet personally with Judge Sotomayor—a crucial step in the selection process—I have reviewed and reflected upon her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, and come to the conclusion that I cannot support her appointment to the United States Supreme Court. Judge Sotomayor is worthy of respect for her many accomplishments and her remarkable story of success. However, I have strong concerns that Judge Sotomayor would not strictly and objectively construe the constitution and lacks respect for the fundamental right to keep and bear arms. For these reasons, I cannot support her appointment to the highest court in the land.”

Crist's campaign activity is attending fundraisers. The Governor has made no attempts to meet with constituents. That will change in 2010. Right now Crist is a fundraising machine and a political blank slate. Crist is a political shape shifter. Crist will become a Christian Right candidate one moment and a moderate reformer the next. No one really knows what Crist stands for and that is the problem.

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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Swiftboating Sotomayor

The Committee for Justice released an ad outrageously claiming Sonia Sotomayor aids terrorists. The ad was created by Chris LaCivita, one of the people involved in the Swift Boat Vets for Truth ad campaign against John Kerry.

A female narrator ominously recites bogus claims in the ad.

Remember Barack Obama’s buddy Bill Ayers, the unrepentant terrorist who bombed American buildings in the 70’s? Turns out President Obama’s done it again – picked someone for the Supreme Court – Judge Sonia Sotomayor – who led a group supporting violent Puerto Rican terrorists. Is this radical judge the type of person America needs sitting on our highest court? What was he thinking? What was she thinking? Call your senators. Tell them to stop Sonia Sotomayor. Paid for by the Committee for Justice.

Senator Orrin Hatch has raised $50,000 for CFJ. Hatch is wisely distancing himself from the ad.

The Utah Republican called a spot run by the group Committee for Justice "pretty harsh" and "not the type of ad I would run," in a statement provided by his spokesperson to the Huffington Post.

I could ask if Chris LaCivita has any shame but it would be a rhetorical question.

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Florida Sotomayor Ad

Presente Action put out an ad pressuring Rep. John Mica to condemn Rush Limbaugh's comments against Sonia Sotomayor. It is fascinating how Republicans are terrified of a talk radio host and convicted drug addict. Republican elected officials would rather appear weak than stand up to Limbaugh.

The ad presents the problem facing the GOP. America is not a center right country. The Gallup poll trends from 1991 to 2007 are proof. Republicans can continue running the Southern Strategy and lose ethnic voters. Younger voters are turned off by the anti-gay and racial message the GOP is selling. The other choice is show a spine and stand up to Limbaugh.

Hat tip to Liza Sabater.

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Specter Defends Sotomayor

Sen. Arlen Specter surprised me with his passionate defense of Sonia Sotomayor. Conservatives have unsuccessfully attempted to label Sotomayor a racist. Specter told Republicans they were making "a mountain out of a molehill."

"There has been a lot of talk about a 'wise Latina woman' and I think this proceeding has tended to make a mountain out of a molehill," Specter said. "We have had a consistent line of people who are nominees who make references to their own backgrounds. We all have our perspective. Justice O'Connor talked about her life experiences. Justice Alito talked about his family suffering from ethnic slurs. Justice Thomas...talked about putting himself in the shoes of other people. And Justice Scalia talked about being in a racial minority. The expectation would be that a woman would want to say something to assert her competence in a country, which denied the women the right to vote for decades, where the glass ceiling limited people, where there is still disparagement of people on ethnic background. So I can see how someone would take pride in being a Latina woman and assert herself."

In related news: Pat Buchanan offers Republicans horrible advise. The Republican Party toattack Sotomayor because Sarah Palin was not given the respect Buchanan felt she deserved. Buchanan urges the GOP to ignore the Hispanic vote and attempt to attain more white voters.

Had McCain been willing to drape Jeremiah Wright around the neck of Barack Obama, as Lee Atwater draped Willie Horton around the neck of Michael Dukakis, the mainstream media might have howled.

And McCain might be president.

Buchanan ignores the negative attacks McCain used hurt his candidacy.

But the clear perception that the Arizona senator has run a more negative campaign than Obama may hurt the Republican presidential nominee's chances of a comeback as the end of the race draws near.

"In previous elections, both candidates have been viewed as attacking the other unfairly, so the penalty for doing so has tended to cancel out in past years," CNN Polling Director Keating Holland said. "But this year McCain faces that problem all by himself, so any blowback affects only him while Obama seems above the fray."

The Census points to Hispanics being the fastest growing ethnic groups. Hispanic voters shifted toward Democrats in 2006 and 2008. Republicans will continue to have minority status if they continue to bash Hispanics.

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Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sotomayor Questioned on Reproductive Rights

RH Reality Check has a video run down of the Senate Judiciary Committee asking Sonia Sotomayor about legal decisions affecting reproductive rights.

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Monday, July 13, 2009

Sonia Sotomayor's Opening Statement

Hat tip to Ray Seaman for the transcript.

Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I also want to thank Senators Schumer and Gillebrand for that kind introduction.

In recent weeks, I have had the privilege and pleasure of meeting eighty-nine gracious Senators, including all the members of this Committee. I thank you for the time you have spent with me. Our meetings have given me an illuminating tour of the fifty states and invaluable insights into the American people.

There are countless family members, friends, mentors, colleagues, and clerks who have done so much over the years to make this day possible. I am deeply appreciative for their love and support. I want to make one special note of thanks to my mom. I am here today because of her aspirations and sacrifices for both my brother Juan and me. Mom, I love that we are sharing this together. I am very grateful to the President and humbled to be here today as a nominee to the United States Supreme Court.

The progression of my life has been uniquely American. My parents left Puerto Rico during World War II. I grew up in modest circumstances in a Bronx housing project. My father, a factory worker with a third grade education, passed away when I was nine years old.

On her own, my mother raised my brother and me. She taught us that the key to success in America is a good education. And she set the example, studying alongside my brother and me at our kitchen table so that she could become a registered nurse. We worked hard. I poured myself into my studies at Cardinal Spellman High School, earning scholarships to Princeton University and then Yale Law School, while my brother went to medical school. Our achievements are due to the values that we learned as children, and they have continued to guide my life’s endeavors. I try to pass on this legacy by serving as a mentor and friend to my many godchildren and students of all backgrounds.

Over the past three decades, I have seen our judicial system from a number of different perspectives – as a big-city prosecutor, a corporate litigator, a trial judge and an appellate judge. My first job after law school was as an assistant District Attorney in New York. There, I saw children exploited and abused. I felt the suffering of victims’ families torn apart by a loved one’s needless death. And I learned the tough job law enforcement has protecting the public safety. In my next legal job, I focused on commercial, instead of criminal, matters. I litigated issues on behalf of national and international businesses and advised them on matters ranging from contracts to trademarks.

My career as an advocate ended—and my career as a judge began—when I was appointed by President George H.W. Bush to the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York. As a trial judge, I decided over four hundred and fifty cases, and presided over dozens of trials, with perhaps my best known case involving the Major League Baseball strike in 1995.

After six extraordinary years on the district court, I was appointed by President William Jefferson Clinton to the United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit. On that Court, I have enjoyed the benefit of sharing ideas and perspectives with wonderful colleagues as we have worked together to resolve the issues before us. I have now served as an appellate judge for over a decade, deciding a wide range of Constitutional, statutory, and other legal questions.

Throughout my seventeen years on the bench, I have witnessed the human consequences of my decisions. Those decisions have been made not to serve the interests of any one litigant, but always to serve the larger interest of impartial justice.

In the past month, many Senators have asked me about my judicial philosophy. It is simple: fidelity to the law. The task of a judge is not to make the law – it is to apply the law. And it is clear, I believe, that my record in two courts reflects my rigorous commitment to interpreting the Constitution according to its terms; interpreting statutes according to their terms and Congress’s intent; and hewing faithfully to precedents established by the Supreme Court and my Circuit Court. In each case I have heard, I have applied the law to the facts at hand.

The process of judging is enhanced when the arguments and concerns of the parties to the litigation are understood and acknowledged. That is why I generally structure my opinions by setting out what the law requires and then by explaining why a contrary position, sympathetic or not, is accepted or rejected. That is how I seek to strengthen both the rule of law and faith in the impartiality of our justice system. My personal and professional experiences help me listen and understand, with the law always commanding the result in every case.

Since President Obama announced my nomination in May, I have received letters from people all over this country. Many tell a unique story of hope in spite of struggles. Each letter has deeply touched me. Each reflects a belief in the dream that led my parents to come to New York all those years ago. It is our Constitution that makes that Dream possible, and I now seek the honor of upholding the Constitution as a Justice on the Supreme Court.

I look forward in the next few days to answering your questions, to having the American people learn more about me, and to being part of a process that reflects the greatness of our Constitution and of our nation. Thank you.

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Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Randall Terry Returns

Randall Terry is a long ago disgraced clown for the anti-choice movement. Terry founded Operation Rescue and his infamous for attempting to deliver a dead fetus to former President Bill Clinton.

Terry is hardly a humble servant of the Lord. Investigative reporter John Sugg wrote about Terry actively soliciting donations and used the money to buy a $432,000 home in Jacksonville, Florida. Operation Rescue forced Terry to steeped down. The Florida Elections Commission fined Terry $1,000 for failing to comply to two admissions request.

Two of Terry's adoptive daughters became pregnant out of wedlock. Another adoptive son Jamiel announced he was gay. Terry disowned his son and made the baseless claim Jamiel's Out Magazine piece was ghost written.

For the uninformed, Out magazine specializes in bringing homosexuals "out of the closet." Out is committed to the homosexual agenda – homosexual marriage, special "civil rights" for homosexuals, promoting the fallacy that their sexual activities are normal and even laudable. Their agenda is shameless. My son was offered $5,000 to "write" a story about me and his life with me and my family. However, much of the story was written by Out's editor who put words in my son's mouth to accomplish the magazine's agenda.

Terry's latest madness is attacking the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor. Think Progress reports Terry is going on a 12 city tour. The photoshopped image of Sotomayor is from Terry's flyer.

To refuse to filibuster is to bow in abject obedience to the Angel of Death.

The current minority status of Republicans makes a filibuster close to impossible. That won't stop Terry from going on his media tour.

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Quote of the Day

"I don't know her that well but I think she's had a distinguished record on the bench and she should be entitled to fair hearings... And she was called by somebody a racist once. That's not right. I mean that's not fair. It doesn't help the process. You're out there name-calling. So let them decide who they want to vote for and get on with it."

George H.W. Bush, on the attacks against Supreme Court Sonia Sotomayor.

Bush appinted Sotomayor to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

When Mel Met Sonia

This is good news for Sonia Sotomayor's confirmation. Her meeting with Mel Martinez went better than expected.

“I’m going to withhold my ultimate determination about my position on the nominee until after the committee hearing, but I should say I’m very, very impressed with her. Not only her personal qualities, but also her understanding of the role of the judiciary and the role of a judge,” Martinez said.

Martinez is on the Senate Judiciary Committee. Sotomayor will make it easily through committee. What could piss off Martinez is if fellow Republicans cintunue to attack Sotomayor on the "wise Latina" quote. Martinez hasn't been pleased with how the GOP has treated Hispanics and Latinas. Martinez isn't running for re-election. Any feeble attempt Republicans have at filibustering Sotomayor goes out the window if Martinez supports her confirmation.

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Thursday, June 04, 2009

Sotomayor Questionaire Released

Sonia Sotomayor has completed her questionaire. The Senate Judiciay Committee has put the questionaire online. Hotline On Call note Sotomayor completed her questionaire faster than any recent Supreme Court nominee.

Conservative pundits have accused Sotomayor of being not qualified and an affirmative action candidate. Sotomayor's list of awards should put that criticism to rest.

2009 Mujeres Destacadas Award
Presented by El Diario La Prensa
May 17, 2009 2009

New York State Women of Excellence Award
Presented by Gov. David A. Paterson
March 24, 2009

Urban Health Plan Wall of Fame Inducted,
September 21, 2007

Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws
Northeastern University School of Law
May 25, 2007

Outstanding Professional Leadership Award
Presented by Latino Law Students Association
Columbia Law School
October 2006

Public Service Award
Presented by Latino Law Students Association Yale Law School
April 2006

John Carro Award for Judicial Excellence
Presented by Association of Judges of Hispanic Heritage, Inc.
October 30, 2005

Latina of the Year Judiciary Award
Presented by Hispanic National Bar Association
October 2005

Judicial Intern Program Award
Presented by Puerto Rican Bar Association
March 16, 2005

Myles A. Paige Award
Presented by the Judicial Friends Foundation
December 2003

Degree of Doctor of Laws Honoris Causa
Pace Law School
May 18, 2003

Most Influential Latin American in the Law Award
Presented by Latin American Law Students Association
Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
April 2002

Degree of Juris Doctor Honoris Causa
Brooklyn Law School
June 7, 2001

Degree of Doctor of Laws Honoris Causa
Princeton University
June 5, 2001

Arabella Babb Mansfield Award
Presented by National Association of Women Lawyers
July 8, 2000

The Charles W. Froessel Award
Presented by The New York Law School Law Review
April 7, 2000

Women’s History Month Celebration Honor
Presented by Gender Bias Committee
12th Judicial District
Unified Court System of the State of New York
March 9, 2000

Distinguished Lawyers Award
Presented by Lawyers College of Puerto Rico
September 11, 1999

Award for Life-Long Commitment, Dedication & Perseverance to Ensure
Fairness and Equality in the Legal Profession
Presented by Hispanic Bar Association of New Jersey
August 19, 1999

Degree of Doctor of Laws Honoris Causa
Lehman College of The City University of New York
June 2, 1999

Lance Liebman Nice Guys/Gals Do Not Necessarily Finish Last Award
Presented by Center for Public Interest Law
Columbia Law School
April 20, 1999

Gertrude E. Rush Award
Presented by National Bar Association
April 17, 1999 50 Outstanding Latinas of the Year Award Presented by el diario/LA PRENSA March 17, 1999

Key to the City
Presented by the City of Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
January 22, 1999

Women in Leadership Award
Presented by The Cervantes Society
October 28, 1998

Achievement Award
Connecticut Hispanic Bar Association
October 24, 1998

Certificate of Appreciation
Presented by Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center
September 15, 1998

Tribute to the Puerto Rican Woman Award
Presented by the National Puerto Rican Day Parade
May 7, 1998

Graciela Olivarez Award
Presented by the Hispanic Law Students Association
Notre Dame Law School
February 26, 1998

Certificate of Appreciation
Presented by Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Metropolitan Correctional Facility
October 3, 1997

Distinguished Woman in the Field of Jurisprudence Award
Presented by the Secretary of State of Puerto Rico
July 4, 1996

Award in Recognition of Outstanding Achievement
Presented by Latino American Law Students Association
Hofstra Law School
March 15, 1996

Award for Outstanding and Dedicated Service to the People of New York County Presented by the Hogan-Morgenthau Association
January 17, 1995

Lifetime Achievement Award
Presented by National Puerto Rican Coalition, Inc.
October 20, 1994

Certificate of Excellence
Presented by National Conference of Puerto Rican Women
New York City Chapter
March 24, 1994

Excellence With A Heart Medal
Presented by Cardinal Spellman High School

Lifetime Achievement Award
Presented by the Latino Law Student Division of the Hispanic National Bar Association
September 25, 1993

Award for Commitment to the Preservation of Civil and Constitutional Rights for
All Americans
Presented by Hispanic National Bar Association
September 24, 1993

Human Rights Award for Service to Humanity
Presented by the Paralegal Studies Program of
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York
June 17, 1993

Claude E. Hawley Medal for Scholarship and Service
Presented by John Jay College of Criminal Justice
May 27, 1993

Outstanding Hispanic Women Achievers Award
Presented by the State of New York Governor’s Office for Hispanic Affairs
March 22, 1993

Emilio Nunez Award for Judicial Service
Presented by Puerto Rican Bar Association
Citation of Merit
Presented by the Bronx Borough President
December 12, 1992

Conservative talk radio listeners will still believe Rush Limbaugh knows more about the law than Sotomayor.

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Quote of the Day

"I’m telling you she appears to be a racist. She said things that are racist in any other context. That’s exactly how we would portray it and there’s no one who would get on the Supreme Court saying a thing like that except for a Hispanic woman and you’re going to say it doesn’t matter!"

Tom Tancredo, on Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor.

It is amazing how racists are accusing the racism against Sotomayor.

Tancredo has a history of hostility towards the Hispanic community. The Hispanic television network Univision held a presidential debate. Unsurprisingly, Tancredo boycotted the event. This was a candidate whom needed the exposure. Tancredo sent out this press release.

Tancredo released this statement: “It is the law that to become a naturalized citizen of this country you must have knowledge and understanding of English, including a basic ability to read, write, and speak the language,” Tancredo said. “So what may I ask are our presidential candidates doing participating in a Spanish speaking debate? Pandering comes to mind...America has been a melting pot of people from all over the world but it can not survive as a nation if our immigrants do not assimilate. A common language is essential to that goal. Bilingualism is a great asset for any individual but it has perilous consequences for a nation. As such, a Spanish debate has no place in a presidential campaign.”

The Spanish language poses "perilous consequences" for the United States? What a crock of shit. That might explain why he called Miami a third world country.

"Look at what has happened to Miami. It has become a Third World country. You just pick it up and take it and move it someplace. You would never know you're in the United States of America. You would certainly say you're in a Third World country," Tancredo said.

The anti-immigration the Minutemen has white supremists in their ranks. Minutemen leader Chris Simcox and Tancredo are longtime political allies. Listen to Tancredo on Minutemen radio. (It is a hate fest.)

Ask yourself if Tancredo has earned the right to call anyone a racist?

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Sotomayor In Action

This is video of Sonia Sotomayor questioning a Bush Justice Department lawyer about when is it legal to torture. The attorney told the Second Curcuit Court bench under the interests national security and foreign policy torture is acceptable. The attorney later backed off that stance from grilling by Sotomayor. The defense of torture argument quickly falls apart in a legal setting.

The case the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit was hearing was Arar v. Ashcroft. Maher Arar was captured by the C.I.A. and sent to Syria to be tortured into a confession. The C.I.A. and Syrians eventually realized they had the wrong Maher Arar and released him.

Arar has duel Canadian and Syrian citizenship. The Canadian government has asked the United States to clear Arar's name. President Obama's brand of change is to continue to keep Arar on the terrorist watchlist. To quote Pete Townsend, "Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss."

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

When Racists Play the Race Card

"Here you have a racist — you might want to soften that, and you might want to say a reverse racist."

Rush Limbaugh, on Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor.

"She's frightening. And she's racist. If I had said that as a white man, I would be hung out to dry."

Dennis Baxley, Christian Coalition of Florida executive director.

The quote Sotomayor made that has worked up Limbaugh's and Baxley's mock outrage is this.

Activists also targeted this quote from 2001: "I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."

Sotomayor was talking about how legal decisions effect the lives of people and her experiences as a Hispanic woman growing up in poverty gives her a different perspective. Perhaps not the best choice of words. However, Obama wanted a Justice with empathy. Sotomayor fits the bill.

It really is hysterical Limbaugh and Baxley are positioning themselves as racial equality advocates. These clowns have a history of making racist remarks.

Baxley was a member of the Florida legislature. Baxley fought to keep the racist tune The Swanee River the official Florida state song.

The lyrics

Way down upon de Swanee Ribber,
Far, far away,
Dere's wha my heart is turning ebber,
Dere's wha de old folks stay.
All up and down de whole creation
Sadly I roam,
Still longing for de old plantation,
And for de old folks at home.

All de world am sad and dreary,
Eb-rywhere I roam;
Oh, darkeys, *how my heart grows weary,
Far from de old folks at home!

Baxley's reasoning for supporting the song is to celebrate Florida's history of slavory.

"I am really bucking the tide on this whole thing of expunging Southern history from Florida. Our roots are Deep South. The state song is about slaves working. They built Florida's economy," Baxley told The Gainesville Sun.

Baxley said part of his reasoning for supporting the song is he feels discriminated against. The cries of white conservative victimization.

"I don't pretend that the past was all beautiful and wonderful. I'm sure it was painful for some people, but we're in a multicultural area and everyone's culture is celebrated but mine." compiled racist statements from Limbaugh. I literally could spend hours compiling racist Limbaugh remarks. This quote should make people understand why Limbaugh should be laughed out of the room every time the radio host accuses someone of racism.

1. I mean, let’s face it, we didn’t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back; I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.

Rush Limbaugh

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