Friday, December 22, 2017

24 Days of Christmas at Quilt Inspiration - Day 22

Welcome to the 24 days of Christmas ! Each day this month, up through Christmas Eve, we'll feature a work of fiber art that reflects the joy and beauty of the season ! Let's continue with Day 22.

Note: Please check out our eBay shop, where we are Top-Rated Sellers, for great bargains on quilt patterns, fabric, and vintage jewelry! For free quilt patterns, please visit us on Twitter!

Christmas Eve in Montana by Penni Klick

Nature always inspires us!  This quilt, with its peaceful winter scene, reminds us to be grateful for natural beauty.  Penni Klick was inspired by Mike Jackson's photo titled Fiery Sky Along the Gros Ventre, which can be viewed online in his Teton Sunsets gallery.  The mountains were created with gathered fabric, and tulle was used to depict wispy clouds.The large evergreen tree was created with chenille, producing a wonderful tactile effect. 

Image credits:  Photos were taken by Quilt Inspiration at the 2017 Arizona Quilters Guild show.


  1. Oh my goodness! This is just beautiful!

  2. Hello,
    Thank you for showing and sharing all those beautyful quilts!
    I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
    All the warmest and best wishes for you from here in Germany.
    Hugs, Doris :o)

  3. How clever to use chenille for the tree! It really looks like pine boughs :)


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