Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label photography. Show all posts

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Today I made food for a 'bring and share' lunch ...

But if Daisy keeps taking pictures like this, I will soon be out of a job ... or a blog? You can see more of me though ...

This is the girls third session with their birthday camera, and I'm pretty impressed. Of course there are the ones with the thumb over the lens, and the headless people, but photos like this one too, where the subject fills the frame beautifully!

And this is a lovely portrait of 6 year old Matty by her sweet twin :-)

Monday, 26 December 2011

With wings!

I asked the girls to let me take a picture of them on Christmas day, and they promptly cuddled up together!

Then I asked them to turn round and show us the winged-bags that I made for them, and they did this!

Then they quickly flew off!

Thursday, 22 December 2011

looking christmassy!

The tree down from the loft and ready to sparkle!

Ben and Grandma-moon-bun where they can see all the action!
I was pleased to find Ben's hat again in the bag with lasts years wrapping paper!

Our cute nativity set with books ... Daisy can now read most of these this year!

and a very special garland made by my girls in Sunday school from self-hardening clay

I had to give in and use the flash on my camera to share all this with you! Hope your house is looking nice and festive too xxxx

Saturday, 13 August 2011

Hand it to me!

I enjoy photography, and so do many of my friends. Here is one of them, who knows the value of recording our personal stories ... I think we met in 1989 or 90 ... but thats going back a bit, for me!

The other day He surprised me with this picture of my hand, taken when I was a slip of a girl, almost 20 years ago (cough).

I almost didn't recognise this smooth and slightly chubby limb as mine, so long have I been looking down at my hands of late, as a craft worker and Mummy.

These hands have seen a lot of Arts and crafts, lived in different places and nursed four daughters. They currently paint, sew, clean, carry, chop and mix and turn pages, and type - I actually like computers now! Which is handy ...

Saturday, 30 July 2011

That time of year again ...

when I try to get a smile out of three children at once!

you wouldn't believe the things I have to say and do to get these images!

But it's all worth it. Taken in Radipole woods, today xxx

Monday, 21 February 2011

Everyone wants to play!

Should we go shopping? says a fun-loving raggy rat!

Raggy rats and a seemingly abandoned shopping trolly ... i told those chickenpants to park it properly, but did they? no!

My turn, give us a push!

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Catherine L Owen, professional photographer ... !

yesterdays photoshoot with my friend's daughters turned out very successful!

and it was enjoyable, too! grown ups relaxing, drinking coffee ... girls being themselves ...

hilarious at times ...

sometimes, true character shines through ...

oh yes ....

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Zazzled ....

OK ... some might say i have a problem. I keep going back to Zazzle and making cool things with my soft sculpture photography!

One day, perhaps soon, I am going to create a pair of shoes that I MUST be seen in ...

What would you like me to create? a T-Shirt? Mug? Who from? It is addictive, I warn you!

Thursday, 15 October 2009

weymouth, then and now .... for peter !

a friend who lives up north sahred this old photo with me ...

so i took these to bring him bang up to date, i took them before the last weekend of artwey, on a nice sunny day ...

asda has now replaced the football stadium, and look at those ugly council offices!

all taken from the town bridge ... i seem to have pintpointed the spot where the original shot was taken from ...

Friday, 31 July 2009

granny's (MIL's) birthday again ... tomorrow ...

i really love these pictures myself though ... i had two large ones printed for the girls to give to her ...

Thursday, 28 August 2008

Monday, 11 August 2008

a long time ago ...

mother recently posted pics of my sister and i on 'facepack' as she calls it, and i was amused and horrified, at the shoes and the frocks, not to mention someones green cardigan inthe front row!

here are some home made blue frocks, that mother ran up on one of her many machines (she tried out a few models), no wonder she frequently got asked if we were twins!

so just for fun, which one is me?

Monday, 28 April 2008

an early birthday present ...

a large box arrived on saturday, and i have been having a painful time of late so steve said i should open it rather than wait for my birthday ... that it was kind of a joint present, but i would use it more ....

yippeee a new toy ! it is a sony handycam, cant believe it had a HDD 80 x bigger than the pc i got in 1997! and it takes neat but very large (2mg) still images too, and i am attepting the upload of my first as i type, taken from my feet-up postition on the couch !

i spent the day taking quite a bit of footage in the garden, of steve and the girls, anyone that knows me usually finds me behind the camera, on all occiasions !

feeling very sore as baby's due date aproaches, and my last post found me in a pondering mood ...