My little buddy sure loves balls. Especially if they're red. He holds on to what he has decided is his red ball very tightly and protectively, like his sisters did their favorite blanket or doll. He's kept a soccer ball in his arms while in the stroller as we navigate from our far away parked car to the field without it once accidentally being dropped. We also have quite a few little balls around our house that he tries to gather up. I think his record is 5 balls clung to his chest.
We always try to remember to bring the extra red soccer ball for Jared to play with at the games. Then he is in heaven if no one kicks it away. He loves to through his ball and push it with his hand while he crawls behind. I'm sure once he can walk it will turn into kicking. It is so fun to see him lift the ball above his head and contort his face as he chucks the ball as hard as he can.Sometimes he lifts it a little too high and it ends up behind him.
Julene loves to kick her ball back and forth with a friend while she is at the other soccer games. Most of the time the little stranger is eager to play in her game, and she makes a new friend. But a few times she has tried this tactic with older boys that are not too pleased by the attentions of a little girl and don't want her to play with them. She quickly rebounds and usually finds someone or me that will oblige. She much prefers this to her regular soccer games that she says are too hot and make her tired. It is true quite a few of her games have been really hot, and there have been times when both coaches have looked around for their missing players only to find them all getting a drink. They seem to have quite a few unofficial drink time outs.
Jared also loves cars! I know I shouldn't be surprised, but I thought we had such a collection of toys that maybe his preferences wouldn't be so stereotypical. But of his inclination for cars and balls is quite evident. The children have taught him to say "Dwo, dwo, dwo, go!" (One, Two, Three, go!) right before he gives the car a push. Randy has also mistaken him for Julene, when he came into his office pushing a car and making vroooom noises. We didn't realize his vocal abilities.
The children have been enjoying school and all the fun that it offers. My seasonal allergies seem to be quite worse this year, and I seem to have a sinus headache most of the time. It is good that the older ones are gone so they have activities to stimulate their growing minds. Julene has kept busy with puzzles, play-dough, coloring, games, educational computer games (and fun ones too), as well as virtual free reign over all the toys in the house. She is also very insistent to have her own homework to do when everyone else does theirs.