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Showing posts with label Show all posts

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight

So yesterday's book club meeting to discuss The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith was a success. Lots of great conversation and interesting opinions. But what I want to share with you now is...the CAKE.

I had originally planned to make a themed dessert--a red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. I made some slight alterations though, settling on a devil's food cake with a vanilla buttercream frosting, adorned with chocolate-covered strawberries and raspberries. Oh, and it was shaped like a heart.


Thanks for giving me even more motivation,! =)

Monday, March 19, 2012

Reading is Delicious

Books and food.

Two of my favorite things in the world.

So, imagine my delight when I learned about the blog, where "classic literature is re-imagined as dinner" ( newsletter). When taking a peek around the site, I found a number of great posts like the very timely Hunger Games Cherry Pistachio Baked Alaska and Jane Eyre Cardamom Seed Buns.

Cara, the blogger over at Yummy Books, takes readers step-by-step through preparation of whatever delicious treat is at hand and weaves in interesting and compelling tidbits about the book that inspired the dish. She even shares some relevant quotes.

I definitely recommend checking it out--and Cara, if you're reading, I'd love to see you continue to post more frequently! Your blog is fab. =)

I myself try to do things like this (with much more simplicity) for my book club meetings, attempting to make snacks that fit with what we are reading. I have been a bit of a slacker the past several meetings in that arena but this coming weekend am excited to be baking a "The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight Red Velvet Cake." Hopefully it will turn out as well as I'm imagining...