Friday, July 26, 2013
For Daf Yomi folks: Scalded bread
This is one of the many instances in which one can learn the gemara without having any clue what they are actually describing, but I prefer the interesting findings which turn up with a little research. In this case, take a look at this video; the key point starts at 1:03:
There is much more available on-line; with a little searching, you can find recipes as well as academic papers on the scalded flour phenomenon.
[And are those decorated breads at the start of the video examples of סריקי בייתוס...?]
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Overview of Masechet Pesachim
- 2a – 14a Search and Destroy – When, where and how
- 14a – 21a Tumah, terumah and kodashim
- 21a – 26b Chametz on Pesach and other Issurei Hanaah
- 26b – 27b Zeh v'zeh goreim
- 27b – 28a How to destroy chametz
- 28a – 31b Status of chamez during and after Pesach
- 31b – 35a Eating Terumah inappropriately
- 35a – 38b Matzah Qualifications
- 39a – 39b Marror Qualifications
- 39b – 41a, 42a Avoiding creating chametz on Pesach
- 41a – 42a Roasting the Korban Pesach
- 42a – 46a Types of chametz, including various mixtures
- 46a – 48b Baking on Yom Tov and on Pesach, and related issues
- 49a Destroying chametz on the 14th of Nisan
- 49a – 50a Extended aggadata: Am ha'Aretz, Talmid Chacham, Olam haBa
- 50a – 50b Erev Pesach, Erev Shabbos and Erev Yom Tov
- 50b – 53a Following local psak and minhag
- 53a – 53b Roast on Pesach night
- 53b – 54b The flame of Havdalah; Aggadata
- 54b – 55a Melachah on Tishah b'Av; Acting as a Talmid Chacham does
- 55a – 55b Melachah on Erev Pesach
- 55b – 57b The people of Yericho and the Chachamim
- 58a – 59b Timing of the avodah on the 14th of Nisan
- 59b – 63a A Korban Pesach processed with improper intent
- 63a – 64a A Korban Pesach processed while one possesses chametz
- 64a – 65b The procedure for bringing the Korban Pesach in the Beit haMikdash
- 65b – 69b Overriding Shabbat and tumah for the Korban Pesach
- 69b – 71b The korban chagigah brought with the Korban Pesach
- 71b – 73b A Korban Pesach processed improperly [on Shabbat]
- 74a – 75b Roasting the Korban Pesach
- 75b – 76b Halachot of absorption
- 76b – 83a Tumah and Korbanot; Tumah of a Tzibbur and Korban Pesach
- 83a – 84a Burning the remains of the Korban Pesach
- 84a – 85a Bones of the Korban Pesach
- 85a – 86a A Korban Pesach which leaves its space
- 86a – 86b Chaburot eating the Korban Pesach
- 87a – 88a Extended Aggadata
- 88a – 92b Membership on the Korban Pesach
- 92b – 94b Who brings a Pesach Sheni?
- 95a – 95b Laws of Pesach Sheni
- 95b – 96a Bringing the Korban Pesach while tamei
- 96a – 96b Differences between the Egyptian Pesach and Ours
- 96b – 97b Temurah and Lost Korban Pesach
- 97b – 99a Miscellaneous Problems with the Korban Pesach
- 99b – 99b, 107b-108a Eating on Erev Pesach, Erev Shabbos and Erev Yom Tov
- 99b – 107b Laws of Kiddush and Havdalah
- 108a Leaning and the Four Cups
- 108b – 109a Women, the Four Cups, and Simchat Yom Tov
- 109a – 109b Shiurim
- 109b – 114a Zugot, Sheidim, Hazards and more
- 114a The First Cup
- 114a – 116a Karpas, the Kearah, Charoset
- 116a – 116b Maggid
- 116b – 119b Hallel
- 119b – 120b Afikoman, and leftovers of the Korban Pesach
- 121a – 121b Berachah on Korban Pesach, and Pidyon haBen
- Perek 1 / Orach Chaim 443 / Prohibitions involving chametz
- Perakim 2-3 / Orach Chaim 431-439, 444-446 / Mitzvah of destroying chametz
- Perek 4 / Orach Chaim 440-441, 449-450 / Chametz of a non-Jew
- Perakim 4-5 / Orach Chaim 442, 447-448 / Chametz mixtures
- Perek 5 / Orach Chaim 451-452 / Chametz kelim
- Perek 6 / Orach Chaim 453-467, 471 / Eating matzah
- Perakim 7-8 / Orach Chaim 472-486 / Mitzvot of the Seder
- Note: Laws of the Korban Pesach are discussed in Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Korban Pesach
- סדר והלכות קרבן פסח Printed on 57b
- פסקי הלכות פסח שני Printed on 99a
- הלכות פסחים בקצרה Printed at the end of the Rosh
- הא לך הסדר בקצרה Printed in the Mordechai after the fourth perek
- סדר של פסח Printed in the Mordechai to Pesachim 114a
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Daf Yomi: Introduction to Chullin
Key mitzvot / laws
| Chumash | Mishneh Torah | Shulchan Aruch |
Shechitah | Devarim 12:13-21 | Hilchot Shechitah 1-4 | Yoreh Deah 1-13, 17-27 |
Tereifot | Shemot 22:30 Vayyikra 17:15, 22:8 | Hilchot Shechitah 3, 5-11 | Yoreh Deah 29-60 |
Kosher creatures | Vayyikra 11; Devarim 14 | Hilchot Maachalot Asurot 1-3 | Yoreh Deah 79-86 |
Oto v'et Bno [an animal and its young] | Vayyikra 22:28 | Hilchot Shechitah 12 | Yoreh Deah 16 |
Kisui haDam [covering the blood] | Vayyikra 17:13 Devarim 12:16, 12:24, 12:27, 15:23 | Hilchot Shechitah 14 | Yoreh Deah 28 |
Gid haNasheh [sciatic neurovascular bundle] | Bereishit 32:33 | Hilchot Maachalot Asurot 8 | Yoreh Deah 65 |
Chelev [Forbidden Fat] | Vayyikra 3:17, 7:23-25 | Hilchot Maachalot Asurot 7 | Yoreh Deah 64 |
Meat and Milk | Shemot 23:19, 34:26 Devarim 14:21 | Hilchot Maachalot Asurot 9 | Yoreh Deah 87-97 |
Eating Blood | Vayyikra 3:17, 7:26-27; 17:10-14, 19:26 Devarim 12:16, 12:23-25 | Hilchot Maachalot Asurot 6-7 | Yoreh Deah 66-78 |
Zroa, Lichayayim, Keivah [chullin gifts for kohanim] | Devarim 18:3 | Hilchot Bikurim 9 | Yoreh Deah 61 |
Reishit haGez [shearings for kohanim] | Devarim 18:4 | Hilchot Bikurim 10 | Yoreh Deah 333 |
Shiluach haKen [sending away mother bird] | Devarim 22:6-7 | Hilchot Shechitah 13 | Yoreh Deah 292 |
The two vessels to be cut in shechitah (the simanim)
Kaneh = Trachea Veshet = Esophagus
The five principle disqualifications of the shechitah act
Hagramah (Veering); Ikur (Pulling); Chaladah (Burrowing); Derasah (Pressing); Shehiyah (Pausing)
The digestive tract of a bird (
Digestive Tract (in order) | ||
Crop | Zefek | זפק |
Gizzard | Kurkivan | קורקבן |
The digestive tract of a ruminant (
Digestive Tract (in order) | ||
Esophagus | Veshet | וושט |
Rumen | Keres haPnimi | כרס הפנימי |
Reticulum | Beit haKosot | בית הכוסות |
Omasum | Hemses | המסס |
Abomasum | Keivah | קיבה |
Small intestine | Mei'ayim | מעיים |
Masechet Chullin, Chapter by Chapter
1: HaKol Shochtin
Shocheit; Knife; The act of shechitah; Thought during shechitah; Safek & Chazakah; Melikah; Tumat Kelim
2: HaShocheit
The site of shechitah; The act of shechitah; Shechitah of a dying animal; Thought during shechitah
3: Elu Treifot
Treifot; How psak works; Creation; Signs of kosher birds; Signs of kosher eggs; Signs of kosher locusts; Signs of kosher fish; Crawling creatures
4: Beheimah haMekashah
Defining birth; Defining a fetus; Ben Pekuah; Treifot; Shilya
5: Oto v'et Bno
Oto v'et Bno; Koy; Separate korbanot for separate sins
6: Kisui haDam
Kisui haDam; Mitzvot that override Shabbat and Yom Tov; Status of improper shechitah; Humility
7: Gid haNasheh
Gid haNasheh; Exaggeration; Yaakov and the angel; Yosef's dreams; The world's tzaddikim; Noachide laws; Chelev; Deception; Ever min haChai; Issur chal al issur; Basar shenitalem min ha'ayin; Nichush; Bitul; Kulya
8: Kol haBasar
Meat and poultry and milk; Hand-washing; Absorption of taste; Bitul; Udders; Blood; Heart; Liver; Salting; Pickling; Issurei hanaah; Stomach
9: Ha'Or vehaRotev
Meat and tumat ochlin; Types of tumah for animal parts
10: HaZroa vehaLechayyayim
Matnot kehunah from animals; Giving the matnot aniyyim
11: Reishit haGez
Reishit haGez; Partnership in mitzvah obligations; Matnot kehunah from tereifot
12: Shiluach haKen
Shiluach haKen; "Tzippor" in Torah; The reward for mitzvot
Helpful websites and sefarim (note: I am not endorsing the contents of any shiur/sefer)
- טמוני חול: Chullin Illuminated (English) – R' Yaakov Dovid Lach
- שיחת חולין (Hebrew) – R' Amitai Ben David
- Powerpoint of poultry and animal digestive systems -
- Photos of chicken carcasses and organs -
Audio daf shiurim on Chullin (note: I have not actually listened to these shiurim)
- Kollel Iyun haDaf
- Ohr Somayach
- Dafcast
- Daf Yomi downloads
- E-Daf