Showing posts with label wood trim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wood trim. Show all posts

April 29, 2014

How to finish your baseboard ends for a finished look

First off, I wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU to Vivid Doors for featuring my door to desk project on their blog. What a privilege to be a part of this list of inspiration! Please stop by their website to check out not only the other features but also to check out all of the door options that Vivid Doors offers. Just be prepared to whittle away a few hours!

I have been trying to catch up on some posts that I have neglected to post and I found one the other day I thought ya'll might enjoy!

This one is from when we re-did the kitchen floor and had to re-do our 1/4 round trim. This trim was ancient so when we took it off to pull  up the old floor, I didn't think it was worth keeping.  But how do you finish edges when you had some ornate rim? The 1/4 round trim will not butt up against it without a gap and there is only so  much caulk you can use to fill in before it looks really bad.

What do you do? Give it a return. A return is what is added to make it look like an outside corner.

Imagine if that tiny little piece on the right wasn't there. There would be a giant hole left. Some people choose to cut that end with an upward facing slice. The problem with that is you have to make sure you cut it long enough to cover everything up. Not easy to do and it might not cover up the hole left when you had to chisel out the door jamb to slide  your flooring underneath to give it a professional look.

If you cut your end able to match like where the arrow is pointing and then cut to length it looks more finished.


Always being renewed,

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