May 16, 2014

Pretty in Pink

*** If you have not been receiving my feed it is because I jacked it up royally. So please be a dear and sign up again! If you are new, you can sign up too! I do not discriminate!

I know I promised you a quick turn around for my sneak peek dresser but I guess I lied! Don't trust me I tell you if I say it is gonna be tomorrow, then check back in a year. Bwahahaha, evil laugh. I want my readers on their toes! Okay, so remember (well, you might have gotten to the age when you have developed dementia trying to think back that far…) when I showed you this beauty?
That needed a total rehab on the top
And on the legs of the mirror?
 And then I showed you the pretty hardware and I was thinking pink?

And then I gave you the tiniest inkling of the pink I was thinking? (Dr. Seuss anyone?) 
 Well, here she is finally pinked and pretty and hiding a little twist in her drawers...
Yeah, I couldn't help it. The polka dots said girly to me. Don't you think a little girl would love to open the drawers and see this fun paper? My friend Janet had given me this dresser and said make it usable for someone again. It was her's as a little girl and I guess that influenced me a bit to make it pretty again. 

Hey there! I apparently cleaned up this side of the room in order to make the shot look nice….
but I must have forgotten this for the close up shot. Well, this is usually how that looks anyway….this one will o obviously NOT make the rounds on the Pinterest boards! 

Was it worth the wait?
Do polka dots want to make you throw your panties in the drawers???
These are the burning questions of the day……

*I am happy to say that this dresser sold the very next day I delivered it to the shop. Maybe I should paint everything pink…..

Always being renewed,

Please see the link party page to see where I link arms with those blissfully beautiful bloggers that host every week. So gracious they are along with these other sweet ladies!
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My Repurposed Life My Uncommon Slice of Suburbialollipops

Three Mango Seeds
Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special
Mod Vintage Life

May 6, 2014

I'll have one AM/FM Radio……on the rocks please!

*** If you have not been receiving my feed it is because I jacked it up royally. So please be a dear and sign up again!

I have been messing around with my painting aesthetic lately and I think I may have settled into my groove. Mid-Century Ginchness. I'll let you cats google that for a history lesson in 50's slang.

My guy bought this mid-century radio/record player at the Goodwill for me. He knew I would totally dig it. 

The turntable had a 78 Polka record on it but it was stuck on a 33 rate so it basically sounded like when they said you could play Beatles records backwards and you heard the Devil. OK, not that bad but it was probably about the tempo of a polka at the neighborhood nursing home.
Soooo, it had to go. But now we had a vast sink hole to fill.  I am not a drinker so I am a little baffled that the first thing to pop into my mind was a mini bar. But if the shoe fits. Well gave me fits getting that thing out so I had to keep going with it and thus began my search for shots. It's a seedy world out there.

 But first let's see what the gig is with the new paint job, shall we Daddy O?
I went with colors reminiscent of the era. Brings back many a fond memory of some kitchens doesn't it.

I kept some of the wood showing since I loved vibe it was throwin' off. 

Thank goodness I didn't have to search too hard for my mini bar stash. The Goodwill gave it up yet again and provided me with a cool ice bucket and shot glasses combo.

I cut a piece of craft wood to size and then used a jigsaw to cut out the circle for the ice bucket to fit down inside.  

So in one little package, you get hot plates and cool sauce.
Now it's time for me to pile up some Z's…..

Comment below if you figured out all my slang twang….

Always being renewed,

Please see the link party page to see where I link arms with those blissfully beautiful bloggers that host every week. So gracious they are along with these other sweet ladies!
DIY Show Off
Read more at  Todays Creative Blog vif187 all crafts Homemade Projects ~ Add Yours! {5/1} Home Stories A2Z  
We Would Love For You To Join Us Each Wednesday... southern hospitality

My Repurposed Life My Uncommon Slice of Suburbialollipops

Three Mango Seeds
Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special
Mod Vintage Life


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