Showing posts with label DT Ina. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DT Ina. Show all posts

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Butterfly aquarell

Hiya everyone,

it's been a while since my last post and I hope everyone is doing well.

Tonight I'll show you an aquarell card I've made which I have combined with the beautiful reprint butterfly.

Stamps: Butterfly: OM2113 C Fjäril + Text: OM971 H herzlichen

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

christmas stockings

Christmas stockings are a great way to share some joy on St. Nicolas's Day. I created these stocking tags using some of my favorite Reprint papers...

... and they are already hanging on our cupboard. Wishing you all a jolly christmastime. 

Weihnachtssocken sind ein schöner Brauch um Freude am Nikolaus-Tag zu teilen. Ich habe diese Strümpfe aus meinem Lieblings Papier von Reprint gewerkelt...

... und sie hängen bereits an unserem Küchenschrank. Ich wünsche euch allen eine fröhliche Weihnachtszeit.

Friday, 27 October 2017

Pastel Christmas

Hallo zusammen,

als ich noch jünger war waren unsere Weihnachtskarten immer in rot, weiß und grün. Mit dem älter werden habe ich immer mehr angefangen mit Farben zu experimentieren und bin mittlerweile sehr offen für die verschiedensten Farbkombinationen. Hast du schon bemerkt, dass Weihnachten bereits in 8 Wochen ist? Höchste Zeit also um endlich mit dem basteln zu beginnen...

Ich habe einige meiner liebsten Reprint Papiere in pastell gewählt und diese mit einem dunklen anthrazit kombiniert.

Der Stempel nennt sich "christmas wishes" und ich finde ihn sehr schön.

Ich hoffe die Karte gefällt dir und hoffe du verrätst uns, welches deine Farbkombinationen zu Weihnachten sind...

Good afternoon everyone,

when I was younger our christmas cards always used to be in red, white and green. Growing older I started to experiment with colors and am really open to new colors combinations these days. Did you notice that christmas is going to be in 8 weeks? About time to start crafting...

I picked some of my favorite Reprint papers in pastel and combined it with a dark anthracite.

The stamp is called "christmas wishes" and I like it a lot.

I hope you like this card and I would love to know which colors your christmas combinations are...

Stamp: Christmas Wishes

Friday, 5 May 2017

Lettering Attack

Good afternoon everyone,

I hope you had a great week and looking as much forward for the weekend to begin as I do. It's suppose to be sunny over here but I honestly wouldn't be sad if it would be rainy as I need a good reason to stay inside...

Lettering is one of the latest trends when it comes to crafting and it needs quite some time to get the skills and nice letters done. That's why I was really excited when I found out that Reprint has great news stamps in beautiful lettering style. Make sure to check out the webshop to see the other ones

"Collect moments not things" is most likely what pops into my mind when the postman rings first thing in the moment, but I really needed to have this stamps. What's you're favorite line or mantra? Which saying would you like to get as a stamp?

Make sure to tag your ideas and inspirations with #reprinthobby so we won't miss them...

Friday, 14 April 2017

Surprise Can

Hello everyone,

today I'm showing you a little box I've made which works just perfect as a last minute easter nest, birthday surprise or little give-away.

I took an emty can, cutted out 2 circles - one in plain white and one of my favorite Reprint designpaper, layered them and added some scrabble letters.

The can fits 100ml - so there is plenty of space for some money, a little surprise or a few kind words for a loved person.

Friday, 17 March 2017

1..2..3..goodies bags

Hello everyone,

First of all I want to thank all and everyone of you who came over and said "Hi" at the Creativa trade fair in Dortmund. It was great seing you!

Today I want to a quick and easy way to create some last minute wrappings for small gifts or give-aways.

1. Get yourself some of the white bread paper bags. They are really cheap and you can basically get them in lots at any supermarket or drug store.

2. Cut stripes of any papers you like. You can even use some of the left overs from your last paper projects.

3. Stamp your favorite round stamps and cut them out. It will save some extra time using a round puncher.

4. If you like, add a scallop or flower punch behind the circle.

5. Fold the top of your bag so it's closed.

6. Clip - or staple - all the items and add them on top of the bag.

DONE ! :-D

Friday, 3 March 2017

20 shades of REPRINT

Hiya everyone,

Today I am going to show you a frame which I have create this afternoon. As the main focus is on the pretty reprint paper, I call this Projekt "20 shades of REPRINT".. hihi..

1. Get yourself a frame. It can be an old one you already have or - as Show below - a special frame which give you some extra space behind the glass for 3d art and Pop up effects.

2. Pick your favorite design paper.

3. Choose your favorite puncher or die and cut out one design of each paper you have choosen.

4. Arrange the cute outs in your frame.

Hope you like the result as much as I do.

Friday, 17 February 2017


Hiya everyone,

today I am showing you a simple card which I've created last night. It's made out of kraftpaper and topped with several design papers by Reprint. The image can be found on one of the A4 papers and it's just perfect as a card topper. Make sure to check out the A4 papers as they have all sort of themes such as vacations, brands and many more. I also added the great rose stamp as I wanted the card to look more playful. Let me know what you think...

Friday, 10 February 2017

Twinkle Twinkle little star...

Good afternoon everyone,

it still feel like winter and it's so cold in Germany these days. That is why I have decided to lighten up my craft room.

I am really into stars. So I graben some cardboard, the Black design paper from reprint and some tiny light bulbs to create this glow-in-the-dark star for my shelf. The style really clean to Focus on the background. I hope the photo Shows the pretty look. Let me know what you think..

Friday, 27 January 2017

The beat of your heart...

Hiya everyone,

it's been a long time since my last post here. Life's just been busy and I wasn't really able to make time for crafting. My plan for the rest of 2017 is to just make some daily time for myself, for crafting and for things I enjoy - such as playing with the great items from Reprint.

My 1st project this year is a square card which I've topped with the beautiful Reprint paper. I've picked the pale pink with the hearts and the grey dots. The paper is layered and I just ripped the edges in order to have a smooth overlay. The ripped area is cover with ink and glitter.

In order to add some depth I've used a stencil and some distress ink on the pink paper. I used the distress ink from Ranger called candied apple and shaded lilac. I will make a little workshop for next week in case you haven't used stencils before. It's really easy and you can create a great effect.

The stamp is one of my faves from Reprint - the beat of your heart is the rythm of your soul - so true!

I hope you enjoy my card. Thank you for having a look :-)

Papers: RPP003 Basic Collection Pastel
Stamp: OM770 H The Beat
Colors: Candies Apple and Shaded Lilac by Ranger Tim Holtz
Add-Ons: Glitter

Friday, 30 September 2016


Hallo Ihr Lieben, leider hatte ich in den letzten Wochen so viel um die Ohren, dass ich gar nocht zum basteln gekommen bin. Um so mehr freue ich mich nun, dass ich passenden zu den ersten Herbsttagen nun etwas mehr Zeit habe und möchte euch daher heute unbedingt den hübschen Feder-Stempel von Reprint zeigen. Den Farbverlauf habe ich mit Distress Markern gezaubert und auch der Spruch ist ein Stempel von Reprint und ideal um mal ein kleines "Danke" oder einen Gruß zu senden. Die Karte ist bewusst sehr schlicht gehalten, damit der Fokus auf den Federn liegt. Ich hoffe, das Kärtchen gefällt euch und wünsche euch einen schönen Start ins Wochende.

Good afternoon, I've been so busy during the past days and couldn't make it to create something nice to show here. That's why I'm really pleased that I can show you this card today as I really wanted to show you this pretty feather stamp created by Reprint. by the way - the text is in German and a stamp aswell. The gradient was made with distress markers. I just love these markers! I've kept the card simple so the focus is on the feathers. I hope you like this card and that you'll have a great weekend.

Friday, 15 July 2016

Birthday Banners

Wimpel sind prima. Sie sind so wie Regenbögen oder Glitzer - einfach fröhlich. Darum passen sie auch super zu Geburtstagskarten.Ich habe einige Reststücke von verschiedenen Papieren von Reprint genommen - sie sind einfach zu schön, um die Reste zu entsorgen - und habe Wimpel zurecht geschnitten, welche mit ein wenig glitter tape verschönert wurden. Der Glitzereffekt durch die Perlen und die Glitzersteinchen gibt er Karte twas festliches. Dazu den Schriftzug von Reprint gestempelt und schon hat man eine klasse Geburtstagskarte.

Banners are great. They are like rainbows or sparkles - just joyful. That's why they are perfect for birthday cards. I've taken some scraps from differnt reprint papers, as they are just too pretty to throw away and made some banners and spiced them up with some glitter tape. Adding some sparkle with pearls and rhinestones gives the card a festive touch. Combined with this great "happy birthday" stamp from reprint you've got a great birthday card.

Stamp: OM2125C Happy Birthday1
Pearls: R0795
Rhinestones: R1643
Glitter tape: Canna GTS009

Friday, 8 July 2016

Butterfly Wishes

Hallo Ihr Lieben, ich hoffe ihr habt einen schönen Nachmittag bei perfekten Sonnenschein. Die warmen Temperaturen haben mich dazu inspiriert diese niedliche Schmetterling-Karte zu werkeln. Das Motiv ist einer meiner Favoriten aus der aktuellen Kollektion und da der Stempel so hübsch ist lässt er sich wunderbar mit einemHintergrund aus geschichtetem Papier kombinieren.

Hiya, hope you're having a great afternoon enjoying the summer sun. The warm weather inspired me to create this cute butterfly card. The stamp is one of my faves from the latest collestion and as the stamp is so pretty it's perfect to combine with a layered background.

Hier ist der Stempel nochmal als Nahaufnahme zu sehen. Ist er nicht hübsch? Ich habe einen kleinen schwarzen Glitzerstein aus der Reprint Kollektion drauf befestigst um noch etwas extra Glanz auf die Karte zu bringen.

Here's a close up of the butterfly. Isn't it pretty? I've attached a small black rhinstone from the reprint collection to add some extra sparkle.

Der Hauptfokus sollte auf den Schmetterlingen liegen, aber sie sollte auch einen netten Spruch haben. Der text sagt "Herzlichen Glückwunsch" und ist somit neben Geburtstagen auch prima geeignet für eine Verlobung, einen Gewinner eines Wettbewerbs, ...

I wanted the main focus on the butterflies yet a nice saying on the card. The text says "Herzliches Glückwunsch" (German.. "Congratulations") - not only is this perfect for birthdays, but also for engagements, a compatition winner, ...

Stamps: OM970 AA Liten Fjäril + OM971 H  herzlichen

Friday, 3 June 2016

Butterfly tag

I've been really busy lately and didn't have that much time for crafting. That's why I am really pleased that I had some spare time to create this tag today. I really like the butterfly stamp right now. And it really pops colored with the bright distress markers. The dark background is from th basic collection and the splattered one was also created with the distress markers. Adding a touch of sparke, a lace ribbon and a fun quote really made my day. Hope you like this tag aswell...

Stamp: OM970 AA Liten Fjäril


Friday, 20 May 2016

Cat lover

Auf der Creativa habe ich mich total in die niedlichen Katzenbilder von Reprint verguckt und wollte sie heute endlich mal hier zeigen. Darum habe ich euch eine eine kleine Tüte mit dem hübschen Designpapier gewerkelt, versehen mit einem netten Spruch und natürlich darf auch das Glitzer nicht fehlen. Am oberen rand ist silbernes glittertape in zick-zack Form zu sehen.
I totally fell in love with these cute cat pictures at the Creativa this year and want to show them to you today. This is why I've created a litte bag made of pretty design paper, added a nice saying and just had to add something sparkling. At the top is a silver glittertape in a chevron shape.

Paper: Basic Collection, Lilac Stars RBC101
Image: Vinatge Cats K0017
Stamp: OM3016 C Schön dass - Schön, dass es dich gibt!
Ink: Staz-On, jet Black
Glittertape: Glitter Tape Chevron design - Silver
Ribbon: Reprint
Additional: 3D glue drops, crystal (epoxy stickers)

Friday, 29 April 2016

Positive thought

Momentan stehe ich total darauf große Texte auf Karten in den Focus zu setzen. Da ist dieser schöne Spruch von Reprint einfach ideal. 
Der Teil "positive thought" ist durch 3D-pads hervorgehoben und den ombre look habe ich mit distress markers kreiert. 

I am totally into focusing on saying on cards these days. This nice quote from reprint is just perfect! 3D-pads were used for the "positive thought" part and the ombre look was created by using distressed markers instead of a stamping pad.

Stamp: OM958 G One Positive
Paper: REPRINT - RPP006 Summer in sweden Collection 6x6, Brown Music RBC043
Markers: Distress Markers - peacock feather & mermaid lagoon
Glitter: Distress Glitter - mowed lawn (TDG39259)
Rhinestones: R1649

Friday, 15 April 2016

kiss from a rose

Hallo Ihr Lieben,

meine absolute Lieblingsfarbe ist blau, jedoch komme ich seitdem ich auf der Creativa das neue REPRINT Papier in rosa und schwarz entdeckt habe nicht von disem Zusammenspiel los - einfach eine traumhafte Kombination!

Hello everyone,

my all time favorite color ist blue. But when I first saw the new REPRINT paper in black and rose at the Creativa, I instantly fell in love and just can't get enough of it - it's such a pretty combination!

Paper: Black Lyrics RBC088
Stamp: OM3005 F Ros pa stjälk
Ink: Staz-On, jet Black

Friday, 8 April 2016

pillow box

Hallo Ihr Lieben,

ich bin immer noch total begeistert von den neuen Stempeln. Einer meiner absoluten Favoriten ist diese wunderschöne Rose. Sie sind einfach so vielseitig einsetzbar und wirken dabei immer total edel - egal ob Geburtstag, Muttertag oder als kleines Dankeschön - einfach perfekt!

Heute habe ich mein neuen Lieblingsmotive mit den wunderschönen REPRINT Papieren in den Farbtönen schwarz und rosa kombiniert.

Hello everyone,

I am still in love with the new stamps. One of my favorite ones is this beautiful rose. You can use her for basically every occasion and it looks so sophisticated - no matter if it's a birthday card, mother's day or a little thank you note - just perfect!

Today I've combined my new favorite stamp with the wondervoll REPRINT paper in black and rose.

Entstanden ist dabei diese schicke pillowbox. Die Schleife ist ebenfalls aus dem Papier und wurde im Anschluss noch mit ein paar Glitzersteinen veredelt.

I've created this fancy pillowbox. The ribbon is also made of the paper and I've added some rhinestones to complete the look.

Habt ihr auch schon Schleifen aus Papier gewerkeln? Zeig uns deine Bilder und verlinkt sie mit #reprinthobby mit dem neuen REPRINT instagram Profil.
Have you created paper ribbons before? Show us your pictures and link them with #reprinthobby to the new REPRINT istagram profile.

Paper: Black Lyrics RBC088
Stamp: OM3005 F Ros pa stjälk
Ink: Staz-On, jet Black

Friday, 25 March 2016

Thank you

Hallo Ihr Lieben,

ich möchte die Zeit nutzen um mich kurz bei all den Menschen zu bedanken die REPRINT auf der Creativa in Dortmund besucht haben. Es war eine tolle Messe und einfach klasse so viele neue Leute zu treffen und die neusten Produkte zu zeigen. Ich hoffe, wir sehen uns schon bald wieder - vielleicht in Hamburg oder Frankfurt.

Ab sofort findest du REPRINT auch auf instagram - mit eigenem Profil und vielen Eindrücken zur Messe, den neuen Stempeln und Papieren, Insirationen und ganz viel mehr. Einfach #reprinthobby eingeben und stöbern...

Hello everyone,

I want to take the time to thank each and everyone of you who came over to visit REPRINT at the Creativa in Dortmund, Germany. It was a great show and I really enjoyed meeting new people and showing the latest products. Everyone was just so nice and I really hope to see you around soon - maybe in Hamburg or Frankfurt.

In case you haven't been to instagram lately - make sure to chech the REPRINT profile as well as impressions from the show, new stamps and papers, inspirations and much more by searching #reprinthobby

Friday, 11 March 2016

Chocolate basket

It's just this time of the year when everyone seems to have the flu or at least a cold. My friend is stuck in bed since last week and it was about time to cheer her up with some chocolate. I crafted this little paper basket with a wooden print design paper and added loads of chocolate, cookies and candy. She's a real girly girl and just loves everything pink. So I added some glitter tape to a piece of paper, stamped one of my fave stamps "the beat of yout heart is the thythm of your soul" on the glitter tape and attached it to the basket. Voila - a very sweet little give away. I think this would also be neat for Easter and I am actualy thinking of crafting some more.

Stamp: OM770H The beat of your heart