I put Middle Earth Journal in hiatus in May of 2008 and moved to Newshoggers.
I temporarily reopened Middle Earth Journal when Newshoggers shut it's doors but I was invited to Participate at The Moderate Voice so Middle Earth Journal is once again in hiatus.

Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogging. Show all posts

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day

 I have not contributed much much original content recently because I have been busy getting ready to move and recovering from a broken collar bone.
I suddenly realized today that this was the first Mother's Day since mom passed away in January.  The first picture was take 65 years ago on my second birthday.  Every few years my birthday happen on Mother's Day.
I will be moving on Tuesday and hope to have the time to contribute some original content once again.

Friday, April 05, 2013

Hootsbuddy's New Place

My friend at Newshoggers and here, John Ballard, has a new blog - Hootsbuddy's New Place.  Check it out!  John does some great stuff on healthcare among other things.

Monday, March 11, 2013

New Blog

My old blogging partner at Newshoggers, Steve Hynd, has started a new group blog:
 Not The Singularity

Not The Singularity is a group blog, a partnership between authors who will seek to bring you the best commentary they can about range of subjects – literature, music, politics, foreign affairs, art, technology news and more. We promise we won’t dumb things down, but we also promise not to write in such densely academic pseudo-prose that you cripple your thinky-thing trying to understand what we’re driving at. We’ll be informative, stay classy and more than a little snarky, and we won’t pull our punches. Our politics will lean leftward, because “from each according to their means, to each according to their needs” seems to us to be the logical next step from “for the good of the greatest number”. We promise we’ll have fun writing so you have fun reading. There, that’s the mission statement.
So why “Not The Singularity”? Well, for one thing we couldn’t resist the geeky pun – it is a group blog, there’s more than one of us! For a second, we’re a bit skeptical about this whole “singularity” business in any case. The idea is that technological innovation transforms the human race, but fans of the notion never seem to deal with the fact that huge chunks of humanity don’t have drinkable water, never mind somewhere to plug their smartphone in to recharge. As William Gibson says, “the future is already here but it is unevenly distributed”. In other words, the singularity is a notion from rich elites and for rich elites, a have-and-have-not society which would further polarize humanity into a relatively few technology-rich Eloi and a vast underclass of Morlocks. That’s not nice, and it isn’t progressive thinking. As progressives we’d like to help find solutions to the world’s problems that help all of humanity first and foremost, rather than pursue an elitist fantasy, a “Rapture Of The Nerds”. If we can do that while fuelling our own geeky interest in gaming or politics, so much the better.
Give them a look!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Light Posting

Mom on her 85th Birthday
As some of you may know I am the caregiver for my 90 year old mother.  Well the congestive heart failure and bad heart valve have caught up with her and she is failing quickly.  I was unable to take care of her myself so my sister has come up from Houston to help out.  She must be watched constantly.  As a result I won't be posting much during this period when I probably should be posting a lot.

With the possible exception of the last year she has had a good life and for that I am thankful.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Going International

Good news, MEJ has a new member - BJ Bjornson.  He is a fellow blogger from the late Newshoggers and he makes us international - he is Canadian.  Welcome aboard BJ.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Although there hasn't been a new post here for over four months I see MEJ has gone over quarter of a million hits. We still average over 50 hits a day.

Don't forget the pamphleteers are still busy.

Ron at Newshoggers

Jazz at The Moderate Voice

Chuck at Chuck For....

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Middle Earth Journal

Middle Earth Journal is now inactive although the pamphleteers aren't. Jazz can be found at The Moderate Voice , Ron can be found at Newshoggers and The Moderate Voice. Chuck can be found at Chuck For... .

Monday, March 31, 2008

The Hog's on the move

Cernig and the rest of the crew at Newshoggers are moving to a new location. Update your bookmarks and blogrolls.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

New Project

I have a new project. In addition to my all picture site, Just Pictures, I have started a new site dedicated to preservation and restoration of old photos and documents, Preserving The Past. I will be showing some images from the past with a little history when available. In addition I will be sharing digital restoration tricks I have learned and developed.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Fair and Balanced

There are few web sites that are "fair and balanced" but Joe Gandelman's The Moderate Voice comes as close as any. Well the problem with being fair and balanced and widely read is you get hacked. Now I have tried to keep MEJ free to me and free to you. Since I don't get that much traffic, aka not worth the effort, I can still do that. Joe can't for all the right reasons so it would be nice if you could send a penny or two his way. Details here:
Fundraiser: Help The Moderate Voice Stabilize And Grow

Monday, January 07, 2008

They have learned something from Pat Robertson

Now we all know how hypocritical tele-evangelists like Pat Robertson have become very rich by picking the pockets of little old ladies in the Appalachians while telling them they needed the money to fight the devil. It would appear that the wingnuts at RedState have picked up on this trick. They are asking for $25,000 to fight the liberals because apparently all the programmers are liberals.
When we started RedState in May of 2004, we used a website program called Scoop — the same program a lot of similar sites on the left used. But, as the number of visitors to our site grew, Scoop kept crashing on us.

If we’d been a liberal website, we would have been able to fix the problem quickly and relatively cheaply. The online left loves Scoop. Unfortunately, there weren’t really any conservative Scoop developers out there to help us. We kept crashing and were out of money. We had to close down or take drastic action.

Well, we didn’t close down. We ditched Scoop and moved to the best alternative at the time, a program called Drupal. But, in accomplishing the switch, budget constraints forced us to sacrifice some popular site features in order to alleviate the strain on our overused servers.

Needless to say, we always regarded those “downgrades” as temporary, and we hoped to restore the eliminated features – and to add new and even better ones – as soon as we could afford to.

Unfortunately, we still can’t afford to. But we’re convinced that America can afford even less to have us operating at anything less than our absolute peak potential during the coming presidential election season.
There is a little problem with this alleged cash crunch as Jane Hamsher explains:
RedState is now owned by Eagle Publishing, the parent company of Human Events, Regnery, Evans-Novak Political Report, the Conservative Book Club and other conservative publishing enterprises.

According to Hoovers, Eagle Publishing had $8.3 million in sales in 2006.

When the sale was announced, Robert Bluey at Human Events wrote:
The site’s managing editor, Erick-Woods Erickson, said the new arrangement would provide RedState with the resources it needs to continue playing a leading role in the conservative movement.
Hey, it worked for Pat Robertson and it would seem that the RedState audience isn't much smarter than Pat's.

Hat Tip to Atrios

Pledge Week

Perhaps I was wrong it's not the Pat Robertson model RedState has adopted but the PBS model.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Positive Reinforcement

This is interesting:
Readership of major liberal blogs declined in 2007 while conservative blog readership increased
It seems to be true but there is an obvious explanation. Right wingers need more positive reinforcement - hence the success of Limbaugh et.al. and the not so successful left radio. Things have not been going the wingers way since 2006, another reason they would need more preaching to the choir.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Best blog posts - 2007

Jon Swift let everyone on his "eclectic blogroll" send him what they considered their best posts of 2007 and he compiled them here. Go check them out - the right, left and middle are represented. Read them all, as Jon says:
You may not agree with what someone has written, but contrary to popular belief, there hasn't been a single documented case of anyone's head exploding from reading a post he or she disagrees with.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

A Very Merry White Christmas From Baker City

Here's wishing the best of holidays to the MEJ crew from Chuck and the Chuck for... site. I'd especially like to thank Ron for providing another venue for me and his readers for taking time with my stuff. A special thanks to you who come over my spot.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Out of the office

I will be busy the next three days so my posting will be light and probably in the evening.

Well I'm back but I can't find anything I really want to write about.

Monday, September 24, 2007


There have not been a lot of posts the last few days and I apologize. It was my mothers 85th birthday and my sister and brother came to town to help us celebrate. Between house guests and road trips I have had little time. The last of the house guests will depart in the morning and life should return to normal. I just received my review copy of Pepe Escobar's book Red Zone Blues, a snapshot of Baghdad during the surge. It's short and I hope to have a review in the next couple of days.

The picture of Mom was taken in front of Sahalie Falls on the McKenzie River on Saturday.

Monday, September 10, 2007

A Reminder - The PNW Portal

Want to know what the great Pacific NW blogers are saying? Head over to the Pacific Northwest Portal. I visit several time a day. You can find out what's going on in Oregon, Washington and Idaho as well as Alaska and Montana. Check it out.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Construction Zone

I am getting tired of spending 20 minutes a day deleting comment and trackback spam from Haloscan. Since Blogger has a decent comment system with verification I have decided to get rid of Haloscan. There will be no trackback but with Technorati effortless trackback it has become irrelevant anyway. Since I really have no idea what Haloscan did to my template I will be using the "nuclear option" - I will be reloading the original template. This means I will lose all of the other tweaks and modifications I have done over the last nine months so there will be several hours of rebuilding to be done. Since hardly anyone will be reading Blogs this weekend this seems like a good time to do it. As a result things may look strange for awhile.

Well nearly done and it was fairly painless.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Times de-Select?

Will I have Tom Friedman to kick around again? According to the New York Post Times Select is about to become a thing of the past.
The New York Times is poised to stop charging readers for online access to its Op-Ed columnists and other content, The Post has learned.

After much internal debate, Times executives - including publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. - made the decision to end the subscription-only TimesSelect service but have yet to make an official announcement, according to a source briefed on the matter.


While other online publications were abandoning subscriptions, the Times took the opposite approach in 2005 and began charging for access to well-known writers, including Maureen Dowd, Frank Rich and Thomas L. Friedman.

The decision, which also walled off access to archives and other content, was controversial almost from the start, with some of the paper's own columnists complaining that it limited their Web readership.
Bootleg copies of Paul Krugman and Frank Rich were usually available on the Web but it was rare for anyone to bother with Dowd, Friedman or Brooks. I imagine they were the ones that were complaining.

I think Ed Morrissey gets it right here:
TimesSelect belongs to a bygone era of gatekeeping that had become obsolete even before Pinch pinched off readership of his star columnists. It practically served as a monument to the Times' sclerotic management. Hiding these columnists behind the Firewall of Sanity may have served a noble purpose in elevating the debate, but irrelevance became the chief consequence of the service. Without access to the opinion columns, no one cared any longer what the Times' writers had to say.
I predicted at the time that TS would simply remove the Times columnists out of the discussion - make them irrelevant. Since that time I suspect the internet has made most pundits irrelevant so it may not really matter that much. It will be nice to be able to make fun of Tom Friedman and David Brooks again however.