Showing posts with label balloons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label balloons. Show all posts

Monday 26 May 2008

Janus Bifrons

El Desdichado

Je suis le ténébreux,- le Veuf, - l'inconsolé,
Le Prince d'Aquitaine à la tour abolie:
Ma seule étoile est morte, et mon luth constellé
Porte le soleil noir de la Mélancolie.


I am the dark one, the widower, the unconsoled,

The prince of Aquitaine whose tower is destroyed:
My only star is dead, and my constellated lute
Bears the black sun of the Melancholy.

Clown in the Moon
My tears are like the quiet drift
Of petals from some magic rose;
And all my grief flows from the rift
Of unremembered skies and snows.

I think, that if I touched the earth,
It would crumble;
It is so sad and beautiful,
So tremulously like a dream.

Dylan Thomas

Friday 4 April 2008


Odilon Redon

L'Oeil, comme un ballon bizarre se dirige vers l'infini

The Eye Like a Strange Balloon Mounts Toward Infinity

It was, if it was, numbers fly as balloons,
you said to me
the other day.
People need to tie everything down,
I replied,
taking my nets and ropes and twines
fastening myself into
the hollow space of your palm.