Showing posts with label video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video. Show all posts

Saturday 15 June 2013

my floating films

this is just to let you know that i set up a new blog for my videos. my previous host, the Exposure Room site, was shut down and my films aren't available any longer, the older links on the Bridge don't work now. i have decided to upload them again (gradually!) to the new site, so if you are interested, please check there from time to time.  

my video blog

Thursday 9 February 2012

winter trilogy 2

this is a video project that i started one winter, two years ago, and which has grown ever since. i have now finished the second part, called The Waiting, which is concerned with adulthood, while the first part, First Snow, depicted childhood - as you can see, the trilogy aims at a poetical investigation into the three ages with their different stories, told using winter as a common metaphor. and from the point of view of one woman. in the second part, the girl in love with the snow queen (that you might or might not remember from the first part) has now turned into a young woman in love with long winters and waiting. this is her world.

i should warn you that this part is a little longer, about 15 minutes - don't feel bad if you don't have the patience or the time for it, there are more pressing things to do on a bleak winter day than look at even more snow! :-)

View on ExposureRoom (for HD, recommended)

for those of you who prefer and can watch it on youtube, here


Wednesday 13 July 2011

the frying pan

(you can change to 720p and watch in HD, if you like - which i recommend anyway. i didn't take it with me so i can't upload it now to my main Exposure Room site, this you tube version will have to do. i somehow was in the mood to post it tonight)


Thursday 2 June 2011

last petals (2)

View on ExposureRoom for HD

Note: This is the second in a series of intimate videos in which i intend to express my personal aesthetic views, while questioning myself and how i see the world. You can watch the first of the series, seeing, here ( i posted it a while ago).


Friday 29 April 2011

Friday 11 March 2011


It depends only on the weakness of our organs that we do not see ourselves in a Fairy-world.
All Fabulous Tales are merely dreams of that home world, which is everywhere and nowhere.



Sunday 28 November 2010

Thursday 17 June 2010

Wednesday 30 December 2009

Wednesday 4 November 2009

experimenting: first attempt at video

View on ExposureRoom

i have played with my new Nikon D90 and now you get to suffer the consequences :-)

if you'd like to watch in high-definition, please follow the link to Exposure Room. unfortunately there are some technical problems with this upload that i haven't been able to solve, but if i don't post it today i will never decide to post it at all :-)

i and some of my friends get to see fractured lines during a couple of sequences while it appears that others have no problem whatsoever. i still haven't any explanation or solution for this, so i would like to hear what you see (except my shaky and blurred shooting, of course :-)

oh, and if you happen to be in the unlucky category (my pessimism says that this will most probably be the case) but you are also in the "stubborn"-one and still want to take a proper look at it, you can download the original from the Exposure Room site, that works perfectly.