The Luntz focus group of undecided voters were Nevadans, most of who voted for Obama in 2008. After the second presidential debate, most of the former Obama voters say they are now switching to Romney. An interview of these voters shows high praise for Romney's performance in the second debate.
Some of the comments from the focus group (referring to Romney):
"Forceful, compassionate, presidential," one participant said.
"Confident and realistic," said another.
"Presidential," another told Luntz.
"Enthusiastic," another reacted.
"Our next president," one man said.
"Dynamo, winner," said one more.
Even after Obama's much improved performance, the undecided voters were not impressed with him.
Read it all and view the video here.
Liz Cheney’s Warning To The GOP
51 minutes ago
"The Luntz focus group of undecided voters ..."
Yuk yuk.
The Luntz focus group ...
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ....
And Murdoch Media/Fox Networks says .... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...
And STOGIE is voting for OMitt because has created many thousands of jobs and has put more people
to work IN CHINA and INDIA. STOGIE is voting for Romney because
(1) OMitt promises he'll restore business confidence, (2) he'll lower energy prices
and (3) he will restore the economy to full vigor. These things will in
turn create millions of jobs.
Omitt has a long history of making lots of money for HIMSELF by putting YOU and ME out of work. And you’re voting for him because you think he suddenly decided to make you rich, too?
Thanks for the laugh. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...
Needed to win = 270.
Ema Nymton
"Omitt has a long history of making lots of money for HIMSELF by putting YOU and ME out of work."
Ema, this statement is nonsensical. You don't understand even the most basic economics. That's why you are a left-wing Democrat. I will allow your comment to illustrate the ignorance of leftism.
" -- making money by putting people out of work --"
OMitt's Bain Capital's business model -
Buy company "X," using other people's money (leverage company X's physical/financial assets). Earn fees from external bankers/investors.
Increase debt ratio by borrowing against value of Company X. Earn fees from external bankers/investors.
Sell off Company X's physical assets to be moved to CHINA. Earn fees from external bankers/investors.
Declare Company X bankruptcy (share holders get nothing), close workers' retirement programs, and fire workers. Earn fees from external bankers/investors. At no time your investment money is at risk of loss.
And you’re voting for OMitt because you think he suddenly decided to make you rich, too? Get real. OMitt is not in this election for your benefit.
And you are not voting for OMitt. During the Fox Network/RepublicanT Party primaries you could not stand OMitt. You are an "Any Body But Obama" person (for reasons we all know ...).
Ema Nymton
Nice fantasy, Ema, who wrote it for you? The truth is, Mitt Romney has created thousands of jobs right here in America. Ask Staples and a long list of other companies. Since I am a CPA, I understand business and economics where as you are a communist who understands nothing. All your copied and pasted arguments are not to discover the truth, but to reinforce your leftwing, communist worldview, your preconceived notions. No, I never said nor do I believe that Mitt's election will "make me rich too," but he will restore the economy to its full vigor, whereas Obama will continue to destroy it. By the way, moving jobs out of America into third world countries has been a long-term goal of Obama, who wants to "redistribute the wealth globally" as well as locally, and who believes in the "de-development" of the United States. Your hero is everything you pretend to hate.
" Since I am a CPA, I understand business and economics where as you are a communist who understands nothing."
So I'll take it that your calling me a 'communist' mean you acknowledge my point of OMitt making money by putting people out of work - is correct and you have no response.
As a CPA maybe you can understand about OMitt's cooking the books and gaming the system to lie, cheat, and steal. How does hiding your money in tax-shelters in off-shore international bank accounts improve the lives of people of USA?
Please explain the mechanics.
Ema Nymton
Ema, you have a long list of accusations which aren't true. I cannot have a response to your out-and-out falsehoods, except to repeat that they are not true. Mitt did not make money by putting people out of work. He made a ton of money putting people into jobs as Bain Capital financed ailing companies and provided the management expertise to make them profitable again. Not all companies could be saved and were liquidated; however, Bain Capital saved about 90% of the companies that it took over, as well as the jobs that go with them.
It is illegal to hide money in off shore bank accounts and I am quite sure Romney has never done that. All such accounts must be reported to the IRS. What tax shelters are you referring to? You haven't named a single one.
The money and investments belong to Romney, and not to the people of the United States. He can do with them as he pleases, and it isn't any business of yours. Allowing people to keep their own money and property and invest it as they see fit helps all Americans by providing economic freedom. When the government appropriates private wealth to give to welfare parasites like you, the wealthy stop producing that wealth, and the jobs that go with them. That's when they start moving operations to places like Singapore or the Cayman Islands, where they can keep more of what is already theirs in the first place. If jobs are moving offshore, it is because of people like you, who feel they have a moral right to steal, using the government as their fence. High taxes and exorbitant union demands are what move jobs offshore; leftism is what does that. If you want to know who is responsible, look in the mirror.
A lot of the lies you are repeating originally came from Stephanie Cutter, Obama's deputy campaign manager. Her lies about Bain and Romney have been substantially refuted by Glenn Kessler at the Washington Post, a liberal newspaper. So don't bother me with your leftist propaganda; research it yourself if you are genuinely interested in learning anything, which of course, you are not.
By the way, Obama has his pension funds invested in the same places and accounts as Romney: some of it in China and some of it in the Cayman Islands, among other places. Are you going to denounce him as an evil capitalist too?
I think that I agree with the focus groups but I'm not completely sure. Frankly, I just hope that these next four years are good ones, or at least better than the last four. I don't feel that it's entirely anybody's fault. But I do feel that we can make a difference these so that we have more confidence in our future. Hopefully we have learned what we need to for the past few years.
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