In reading polls, predictions and pundits, I still do not have a clear idea of how the Presidential election will turn out. Logic would seem to support the election of Mitt Romney over the failed and terrible presidency of Barack Obama. However, voters aren't always logical. Obama was elected in 2008 based on sheer fantasy about his capabilities. Mark Levin warned what the election of Obama would mean. I also predicted what an Obama presidency would bring, and most of my predictions, the most important ones, were correct. Four more years of Obama will be much like the last four, with the same disastrous results. What you see is what you get.
In 2008 I had an epiphany, a sudden realization that McCain would lose to Obama. It was a feeling of certitude and I did not doubt its accuracy. Unfortunately, my intuition hasn't revealed the 2012 outcome. It is still a big question mark in my mind.
In any case, I will be glad when it's over. Then we will know if the polls were indeed accurate, the predictions true or false. Reality will replace wishful thinking and we will finally know what we are dealing with. I am tired of the anxiety, tired of scrutinizing every new poll and event and editorial and commentary, in a vain attempt to perceive a clear trend, to guess the outcome.
I really don't understand Democrats. Do they really believe their soundbite ideology? Do they even care that their policies impoverish Americans and erode our security? Do they like soaring gas prices, high joblessness, and class warfare? It seems to me that they have an irrational loyalty to their party, above all practical concerns for their own self-interests and the well being of their families. I really don't get it.
All we can do is go to the polls and vote, and hope for the best.
Liz Cheney’s Warning To The GOP
55 minutes ago
I'm not sure I can make it another week - let alone another 4 years if that puke is reelected. Democrats? Here's what they care about: free birth control. Seriously!
My "friend" in Minnesota, who is a devoted Obama fan, has suddenly stopped answering my friendly little emails (never any politics.) So be it.
Have you seen this recent essay by Richard Cohen. Note his "logic" in continuing to support Obama.
You know, America is more divided than I've ever before seen. Families divided along political lines, lifelong friends ending friendships over the matter of Obama, etc. People are at each other's throats! People are on edge in general. It's like a mass insanity out of a sci-fi novel: some alien has taken over and driving people nuts.
My intuition says that we're going to see a Romney landslide. God, I hope that my intuition is correct!
Damn. See this:
Well that's depressing.
I understand. I no longer associate with my idiot sister. She's an Obama supporter and an airhead liberal. I recently unfriended a long-time friend on Facebook after he attacked Romeny and Ryan. I have it up to here with liberal stupidity and can no longer abide it.
Adrienne, I feel the same way. I can't take another minute of this Marxist phony, empty suit fraud in the White House.
" I also predicted what an Obama presidency would bring, and most of my predictions, the most important ones, were correct."
How about listing the 10 predictions you made and when? And then tell US how they are correct?
So far you have not been close on much.
Ema Nymton
I know, Romney will win. Republican enthusiasm to throw O'bama out is at +16 over the Dems enthusiasm to protect him. This will be an undertow election they literally do not see it coming. It's going to be fun see you at the polls. Don't forget get out and vote like your life depends on it, cause it does!
Here you go I got a link for you.
I've been spot on about everything, Ema. Read the links provided. If I weren't often so correct in my observations about the failure of liberalism, you wouldn't bother being my biggest troll.
Catseye, yes, the fate of the nation and the nature of America is at stake. I will vote for sure, I never miss it! Thanks for commenting.
" I also predicted what an Obama presidency would bring, and most of my predictions, the most important ones, were correct."
OK. Ten are too many.
How about giving 5 predictions you made and when? And then tell US how they are correct?
5 are too many?
Then 3?
How about giving 2 specific predictions of gloom and doom you made which came true and the links to them?
Ema Nymton
I have already given the link above in the article. I'm not going to repeat it here. One was that the price of gas would increase, and it has, dramatically; one was that he would ruin the economy, and he has; and another was that he would not protect us from terrorists, and he hasn't. Ask the four dead in Benghazi. Oh by the way, you are banned. I am sick of dealing with you.
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