Showing posts with label Andrew Breitbart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Andrew Breitbart. Show all posts

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Andrew Breitbart and Davy Jones Die

Andrew Breitbart
What a sucky day.  Andrew Breitbart died today at age 43 - a young, energetic, charismatic warrior for conservatism, liberty and economic prosperity.  The news says he died of natural causes, probably a bad heart.  Breitbart's death is a profound loss for the conservative cause.  Why him, why now?

Davy Jones
Strange, David Thomas, also known as Davy Jones, died the day before.  Thomas was the lead singer of the Monkees, a contrived "rock band" that was formed out of cute boys in the 1960's to pretend they were Beatle look-alike musicians on a television show aimed at pubescent girls who needed fantasy boyfriends.  The television shows were terrible, with the "Monkees" doing things like riding bikes and chasing each other around and behaving like the children they were trying to entertain.  Then of course, they would give a band performance and sing some mostly vapid songs.  Of course, they weren't playing the instruments, but they did do the singing, so we'll have to give them that.

I will say this though:  the Monkees recorded a couple of songs that I really liked, and still do:  "Last Train to Clarksville" and "I'm a Believer."

"Davy Jones" was 66 years old, but I will always remember him as the young guy above.

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Melanie Morgan's Troop-A-Thon Raises Thousands for Soldier Care Packages

I am watching, live, the Troop-A-Thon live at this link. Andrew Breitbart is there with the lovely Melanie Morgan. They interviewed Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin.

After the first hour of the Telethon, over $300,000 was raised for the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I captured some pictures from the live broadcast, and they are included in this post.

The lovely Melanie Morgan is the Excecutive Producer of the Telethon.

Sarah Palin speaks live

Screen shows total contributions after only one hour.

Andrew Breitbart reads a snarky comment from a leftwing blog: "At last Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are together with Richard Nixon's corpse." (The broadcast was televised from the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California.)

The broadcast panel interviews Sarah Palin live.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Lying on the Left: the Bogus "N-Word" Episode

Right after Obama got his socialist health bill passed, the Dems sought to divert public attention and outrage away from themselves.  They would put the Right on the defensive with one of their famous smear campaigns, fake news stories and pretended outrage.

Here's how they did it: after the bill was signed, they had the Black Caucus Democrats walk through the Tea Party protestors on Capitol Hill, hoping to draw (and record) some racist comments from the crowd.  None were forthcoming.  As Andrew Breitbart put it:
The first sign that a plan was in place was the ham-fisted, high-camp posturing of the most controversial members of the Democratic caucus walking through the peaceful but animated “Tea Party” demonstrators on Capitol Hill. There is no reason for these elected officials to walk above ground through the media circus amid their ideological foes. The natural route is the tunnels between the House office buildings and the Capitol. By crafting a highly symbolic walk of the Congressional Black Caucus through the majority white crowd, the Democratic Party was looking to provoke a negative reaction. They didn’t get it. So they made it up.
One member of the Black Caucus claimed that the Tea Party had hurled the N Word 15 times.  The truth is that it wasn't hurled even once.  It was all a big fat lie.  Lying, of course, is what the Left does.  They have a real problem dealing with reality.

There were plenty of cameras on the marching BC Democrats that day, and not a single recorded occurrence of the famous "N Word."  Those darned Tea Partiers just wouldn't cooperate in their own destruction.

Andrew Breitbart at first offered $10,000 for proof that black legislators were slurred.  Then the offered payment was increased to $20,000, then to $100,000.  Still no proof of the event was forthcoming.  Breitbart says:
That crowd was a sea of new-media equipment. Not only were tens of thousands people armed with handicams, BlackBerrys and iPods, so also was the mainstream media there, covering every inch of the event. Why did not one mainstream media outlet raise the specter that perhaps a video would exist to prove the events occurred?
Democrats -- they lie like hell while stealing your liberty, your prosperity and your children's future.  Again, to quote Breitbart:
The Democrats need to kill the Tea Party movement. They need to marginalize and demonize those who would stand up to their hardball, toxic and anti-democratic tactics. Their strategy is to bait and incite the Tea Party and to use whatever they can get to silence the awakening giant. 
Read all of Andrew Breitbart's article at Big Journalism, here.